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Q: Should those two questions about uncanny dodge be merged?

ThyzerAt first the questioner asked Can you use Uncanny Dodge against extra damage effects?, the first answer does not answer the question to the questioners full satisfaction, so he asked for a specific case (which he should have included in the question, but is passively included by asking for "extra...

@SmokeDetector Oh, wow... mod-flagging as SPAM --> nuclear annihilation =)
@SmokeDetector lolwut @ the spam, too
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay heyoooo! Raided until late 11 PM last night, that run was a bit dry, so I'm a bit salty atm
@daze413 ah. I'm doing pretty well here.
@Shalvenay You got the system you wanted for the hobgoblin game?
@daze413 still taking ideas for that :)
Only systems I know are DnD5e, and small free-to-play ones: Great Ork Gods and Roll For Shoes
Not sure if there's been more spam recently, or have been hanging around chat more often recently...
2 hours later…
Hm, suddenly got a random idea of incorporating roll for shoes' character building mechanic to determine ability scores in DnD 5e, playing out as sort of an origin story
> When I was 12 or 13 and got into playing role playing games I needed to make a character for medieval fantasy Europe setting and this is the magician I came up with. I still draw him sometimes though Sjazna is probably the only person alive who still remembers anything about him or anyone else from that game.

This year that was half my life ago!
> (source)
WTF is with the formatting on that link? :/
Link text inside non-link parentheses, in a quote block.
@BESW no, I mean when you click it sigh
Oh. Tumblr.
that formatting looks like it came out of a tumble dryer's lint trap :P
8 hours later…
I just backed Clink. \o/ Looks like a pretty cool concept.
Haven't heard of it. Do you have a (c)link?
Can't see the sidebar from phone.
Gotcha :)
BESW summarised it for me as game designed around one-shots in a Western setting where scarred and dysfunctional individuals group together for a job, but their past and present traumas fracture the group and cause it to eventually fall apart.
So it's a game that isn't exploring good endings, it's exploring how the opposite could happen
it's a narrative flow I haven't seen before except in Fiasco (which is meant to be funny, IIRC) so I'm very interested in helping them produce it & in using it, and we're considering whether we could adapt it to something like a zombie survival story.
Clink characters have things they always succeed at, but which often wind up reminding them of past traumas or causing new ones. They also have situations in which they can be relied on to always respond in the same (not good) way.
The whole group has a Creed like "The innocent must be protected" or "We must keep a low profile until we reach Haven." Each drifter has triggers ("Whenever I am lied to..." "Whenever we need to find something...") and reactions ("...I will believe it if I can." "...I claim to know where it is, and then lead the group to
the nearest bar.").
You gain coins when you hit a trigger or follow the creed. You can spend coins to have a flashback about something which helps your current situation.
You flip coins to resolve tense or dangerous actions--you never fail at what you're doing, but it can go wrong anyway and might give you a physical, emotional, or social scar.
When your scars outnumber your flashbacks, you fail your creed. You might still work with the group but your heart isn't in it anymore. When the whole group has more scars than flashbacks combined, the game is over as the group dissolves and everyone goes their separate ways.
Thanks for the info. They have a draft linked on the Kickstarter page, was reading that.
Sounds interesting. I'm thinking about incorporating some ideas into dnd. Especially the Creed.
Also, the game can theoretically end with 1 flip. As you start with 0 flashbacks, if you gain a scar, its over for the whole group.
It is also possible that everyone has lost the Creed, but the group didn't, as you can gain flashbacks without a Creed.
that is some good stuff to spot
2 hours later…
Q: Why is there no differentiation between the different close reasons in terms of required votes and especially when displaying the close-voters?

ThyzerI agreed with SevenSidedDie's Argument, that the question What does thieves' cant sound like? is off-topic because it asks for the sound of an existing language/slang and thus belongs to another SE and I voted to close it (as off-topic). But I clearly disagreed with the reason that it is opinio...

how're you all today?
I'm getting an headache, @Forrestfire
sorry to hear
Apart from theat and from allergy killing my eyes, fine!
(also hi, been a while)
It's always a pleasure to see you around ;)
In good news, the headache is only caused by me trying to wrap said head around the plot for the upcoming D&D adventure.
(Most probably the eye strain is also partially caused by reading through pages upon pages of setting material)
sorry to hear
It's the fine line between "I should start creating adventures myself..." and "wow, this adventure is so cool, I really need to have my players experience it!"
I'm also really tempted to just google a site that can create and modify flowcharts on the run and start diagramming the intertwining plots.
hey there @Forrestfire and @Zachiel
@Forrestfire The hardest part will be understanding where the plots intertwine: there's running away from a misguided allied cult that protects a plot-related library, discovering and fighting an alliance of several evil cult cells, accessing some statal archives, finding whose of two families is trying to frame the others (and we'll call those "Montecchi" and "Capuleti" because the lovers will ask for the PC's help, murder investigation, high society parties (and one of the PCs is Kratos from God of War...) and I'm not sure I've listed them all.
Oh, yes, I was missing the gypsies from Ravenloft and the street performers from the carnival, and the temple of knowledge...
...and here I thought I was performing poorly while juggling 5 drow NPCs warring each other.
hey there @nitsua60
Howdy @Shalvenay
hey there @NautArch, how're things going?
Not too bad. Beautiful day here.
same here :)
Kids are swimming, gonna grill some salmon later. Life is good.
hey there @Tashio
How things?
alright here, as for you?
Pretty decent
2 hours later…
@Shalvenay HIya
@nitsua60 what's up?
@Shalvenay Starting to unwind from vacation--you?
@nitsua60 trying to figure out if it's possible to get a steam/air vent valve body with a millivolt coil on top :P
@Shalvenay You mean, "is one commercially available?"
@nitsua60 yeah, pretty much
1 hour later…
@nitsua60 Welcome home Nitsua60 :)

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