@Miniman my edit rampages are completely non-discriminatory as to subject matter.
(but also i felt the sexuality tag very important to have because of just how hard it is a subject for people to talk about, so helping them find where it's already been talked about is critical)
@Adam Not received. Spent in ways that further your prestige. I.e. buying a bastard sword didn't gain you XP. But paying ten times the list price for a bastard sword that also had filigree and inscriptions and a scabbard that villagers would see and recognize from miles away, that was worth 9 swords' cost in XP.
the folks who want to mess with terrain gen and stuff are all thinking fantasy/artistic mapping, while the GIS folks are used to having data sources like DEMs that are already fit to the geoid
@ACuriousMind My wife got me How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps for Christmas. It's nice when someone loves you enough to give you things even if they'll take you away from them.
@ACuriousMind my thing is that a map that looks nice but is wrong is a waste of time IMO -- the nice thing about GIS systems is they can help you deal with issues of integrating multiple scales, etal
@Shalvenay Wrong is a very... loaded term. No map conveys everything, so all maps necessarily have priorities in representation. A map designed to represent things in different priority order than you like isn't wrong, though.
@nitsua60 It's almost entirely random noise directed into specific areas. I kinda like the style, just the mountains became more like plateaus which wasn't the intention
@Shalvenay I'm not having my players navigate anywhere, usually. I just didn't feel like working on my thesis and thought about making artsy maps for my RPG groups instead, don't ask my why that specifically was my diversion of choice :D
@daze413 Once you've witnessed the foundation of corpses our site is built on and bathed in the full horror of our spam, you may well beg for that downvote.
@trogdor Storage is cheap. You want to keep them around for some time period because deletions might be in error, and there's no incentive to get rid of them entirely after that
@trogdor I need a way to automatically disable the sound when I'm not at my computer. I've had a coworker ask me why my computer was making fart noises during lunchtime.
I've tried explaining the origin of the sound to my flatmates, they all kinda got stuck on the "I answer other people's questions on the internet" issue :P
@trogdor Yeah, I've managed to get into the habit of locking my computer every time I walk away. (Because at my last workplace if you left your computer unlocked someone would send an official "Drinks on me!" email from it.) But muting is one I tend to forget.
@trogdor There could be non-alcoholic drinks on you, no? (Unless you mean to suggest you have no fluid intake, in which case you've just revealed you're an AI ;) )
Ok, it's sounding less fun than it actually was. No-one was forced to pay for anything - mostly the boss paid for stuff, and it was a small team where people's preferences were known and everyone was included in things.
@Miniman Aside from being a silly name that reinforces the idea the only drinks worth drinking are alcoholic, every non-alcoholic beverage recipe I've come across seems to think it needs to have as much sugar as a soda to compensate for its perceived inadequacies.
@trogdor The sort of thing I make for us, if served in a fancy glass with a garnish, would be a "mocktail." Except that when I put any sugar into it, I put as much sugar into a whole pitcher as most recipes put into a glass.
@BESW In fairness, most alcoholic beverage recipes also pour on the sugar. As for the name, I try not to let the silliness of a name prevent me from using the term that will convey meaning effectively.
@BESW ah, see, I just figured you were experimenting. also I think you use more varied and natural ingredients than most of those stereotyped drinks do
@trogdor I mean, I drink ginger ale by itself most of the time. But when social occasions cause me to drink alcohol, my default option is to add something else to it.
The full version is, mix ginger salabat powder (and brown sugar to taste) with hot red zinger tea then chill and add cranberry juice and calamansi juice. Add seltzer water just before serving.
@Miniman I just,.. laid it down early with my family and freinds that I just wasn't interested in it, and the up side for everyone is that I can always be a DD
@ACuriousMind Yanno what's weird? There's no name for ginger ale + whiskey, which is one of the most common. Rum = dark & stormy, vodka = moscow mule, but whiskey doesn't seem to have one.
I don't want to ever have to acquire the taste for alcohol honestly, doesn't seem worth it to me even if I ever revised my stance from "basically never drink" to "very rarely in small amounts"
@trogdor Lol, after hearing about root beer all my life (it's not an Australian thing, so just from American media) I finally tried it a few years ago.
@Miniman too much of the commercially available stuff I've had is very sugary. If you can make your own or find a small producer, it's typically much more flavorful.
(Admittedly I had a childhood overdose of wintergreen which leaves me sour on it in any context, but root beer is a completely unacceptable place to encounter it.)
Nuts & Grains is expensive, but they've got some organic/health products that even the SDA store doesn't carry. And they've got a decent lunch counter too.
and at Payless I am usually only there to get something last minute because no one in my family seems capable of planning all ingredients actually being in the house for something they want to make XD
A lot of Guamanian stores are owned and named by people who, even if English is their first language, are part of cultures where store names work differently.
So we have Super Happy Mart and What's Up? Convenience Store.