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@Miniman my edit rampages are completely non-discriminatory as to subject matter.
(but also i felt the sexuality tag very important to have because of just how hard it is a subject for people to talk about, so helping them find where it's already been talked about is critical)
That reminds me, I haven't cleaned the rouge off the site's face in a while.
@Miniman I think it was better before you fixed it.
@Adam Not received. Spent in ways that further your prestige. I.e. buying a bastard sword didn't gain you XP. But paying ten times the list price for a bastard sword that also had filigree and inscriptions and a scabbard that villagers would see and recognize from miles away, that was worth 9 swords' cost in XP.
@BESW Yeah, but in a conversation about editing there's something perverse about not fixing a mistake.
@doppelgreener I didn't actually realize there was a tag for it, but now that you mention it, it seems pretty useful
@Miniman Do consider the possibility that there are rogues wearing rouge
@BESW did he say rogue before?
ah nope
so close though
@ACuriousMind Oh, I'm careful to leave any legit instances intact. There's just a lot more mistaken instances than legit ones.
hey there @ACuriousMind
@Shalvenay heyhey
how're things going?
procrastinating, I guess
I spent an inordinate amount of time looking into mapmaking with GIMP today :P
yeah -- my problem with mapmaking is mostly that I don't get the idea of mapmaking as an artistic exercise
I'm used to dealing with the results of much more...hardcore cartography and GIS work
which leads me to questions like "how the heck do you unproject random generated terrain onto a geoid?" that seem to be neither fish nor fowl
A nice looking map really furthers the immersion in my impression
the folks who want to mess with terrain gen and stuff are all thinking fantasy/artistic mapping, while the GIS folks are used to having data sources like DEMs that are already fit to the geoid
@ACuriousMind My wife got me How to Draw Fantasy Art and RPG Maps for Christmas. It's nice when someone loves you enough to give you things even if they'll take you away from them.
The mountains did come out weird, though. Alas, first try, I don't think I'm gonna use that one
@nitsua60 Or perhaps because? ;)
@ACuriousMind my thing is that a map that looks nice but is wrong is a waste of time IMO -- the nice thing about GIS systems is they can help you deal with issues of integrating multiple scales, etal
@Shalvenay Oh, the map isn't meant to be accurate. It's meant to convey a rough image and feeling of where the game is taking place
@ACuriousMind Whoa. Kinda looks like a Dave McKean-style composite of photo and (digital) painting.
@ACuriousMind I mean, it doesn't have "Heare Be Dragyns" written anywhere on it, so what's even the point?
@Shalvenay Wrong is a very... loaded term. No map conveys everything, so all maps necessarily have priorities in representation. A map designed to represent things in different priority order than you like isn't wrong, though.
@Karelzarath Yeah, there's always that... =\
@nitsua60 yeah..."misleading" is more what I'm going for, and "misleading as a navigational tool" at that
@Shalvenay You gotta remember, with anything set in medieval-ish settings, "misleading as a navigational tool" is pretty much required for a map.
@Miniman I suppose 5 sentences was a lot to ask.
Gonna go sing to the kids. That'll cheer me up =)
@nitsua60 It's almost entirely random noise directed into specific areas. I kinda like the style, just the mountains became more like plateaus which wasn't the intention
@nitsua60 Bananaphone!
@Shalvenay I'm not having my players navigate anywhere, usually. I just didn't feel like working on my thesis and thought about making artsy maps for my RPG groups instead, don't ask my why that specifically was my diversion of choice :D
@Miniman Cellular, modular, interactiv-audular!
@nitsua60 I'm reminded of how some world maps get relative sizes horribly wrong, but relative angles perfectly correct
Ah, they're conformal ;)
that's the one
seems my recall for geometric terms is a bit lacking
Not sure you should be recalling that term unless you're a mathematician or a physicist
does amateur count?
@JoelHarmon as an amateur map-maker (1% XP), no...
hey there @daze413
@Shalvenay yooo
how're things going?
@daze413 given that my 1% xp was rounded up...
just hit 10k! I can see dead posts now. You?
@JoelHarmon of course >_< my experience with maps is making pretty lines and then connecting them to form an island
@daze413 Congratulations!
@Miniman I'm one. ONE. answer downvote to getting it revoked though haha
I'll steer clear of reviews, and just browse the dead section
@ACuriousMind Eureka! I recall this term from computer graphics a long while ago.
@daze413 Once you've witnessed the foundation of corpses our site is built on and bathed in the full horror of our spam, you may well beg for that downvote.
@JoelHarmon Ah, that makes sense as well :)
what is the purpose of keeping all the dead posts recorded like that?
@Miniman I shall weather what madness the grave shall send, no amount of troll posts can dim my light.
seems like there will just be too many to sift through at some point
if there aren't already
@trogdor Storage is cheap. You want to keep them around for some time period because deletions might be in error, and there's no incentive to get rid of them entirely after that
@trogdor Well, for example, it lets us say stuff like "That question has had 10 answers deleted from it already. We should probably protect it."
both fair points I suppose
but a poorly worded answer, and a click to the review queue may very well douse this fire :/
Also, having records of how many deleted posts a particular user has is useful sometimes
@trogdor Plus, it means 10k users have an extra source of entertainment when we're bored!
@daze413 There ya go--I found a few good answers of yours I hadn't yet upvoted. You should be a little safer now =)
@trogdor spam bot training
are dupes and closed = deleted? Why does the one linked by @nitsua60 above look like it was deleted?
@daze413 The user deleted it themselves.
@nitsua60 lol
@daze413 Questions that are both heavily downvoted and closed do get automatically deleted after long enough, though.
Closed not-positively voted questions without positively scored answers get deleted by an automatic process called the roomba
@daze413 I even have one answer I deleted because there was a better one
Oh? so the history is shown as the latest activity is at the top
it should be in that pile somewhere too
@trogdor I even have one answer I deleted to get a badge because there was a better one. Yep, definitely because there was a better one.
@daze413 We're generally happy to have dupes around: they act as signposts to good answers.
Exact roomba criteria are here
@Miniman is there a badge for deleting one of your own answers? I did not even realize that
@trogdor There's two - one for deleting a bad answer, and one for deleting a good one.
wait,... a badge for deleting a good answer?
ooooh is that the one for deleting your own answer when it has like, 3 upvotes or something?
@trogdor disciplined, yes
@trogdor Yep, Disicplined.
fair enough
Damn, that's a hard word to spell
There are valid reasons for it - if an answer becomes out of date, or you realise that it's wrong, etc.
Or if you really want a badge.
@ACuriousMind I got bumped in the ear several times :P
@trogdor Sorry about that :/
@ACuriousMind nah, I like that sound
@trogdor I need a way to automatically disable the sound when I'm not at my computer. I've had a coworker ask me why my computer was making fart noises during lunchtime.
I use headphones
so I do not have that issue
@trogdor I also use headphones. But when I go for a walk at lunchtime, the headphones come with me.
@Miniman you could also just like, mute the computer when you walk away from it, similar issue of being able to forget about it though
@Miniman fair enough
no one here is going to take these #%&#$&y headphones though
and if they do I will laugh at them
There's also the in-chat "set audio notification level" button.
@trogdor Lol, not here either. I just like to listen to music while walking.
I've tried explaining the origin of the sound to my flatmates, they all kinda got stuck on the "I answer other people's questions on the internet" issue :P
@BESW oh yeah, I keep forgetting XD
I don't use it much
@trogdor Yeah, I've managed to get into the habit of locking my computer every time I walk away. (Because at my last workplace if you left your computer unlocked someone would send an official "Drinks on me!" email from it.) But muting is one I tend to forget.
@ACuriousMind you would think more people knew what an internet forum was huh?
@trogdor They know the general idea, but are somehow baffled at the concept of actual human beings using them...
@trogdor There's a difference between "I talk about stuff with people" and "I answer people's questions", though.
@ACuriousMind Regular quote from my flatmate: "have you fixed enough internet today?"
@Miniman no one here does that,...
@trogdor no no, to the regular netizen, anything other than videos of cats is taboo
@ACuriousMind fair enough yeah
@nitsua60 Heh.
Also, "I answer people's questions" has inevitably led to "Questions about what? Why would anyone be asking you questions?"
Gets even worse when I try to explain that I'm a moderator :P
@Miniman to be fair, I want to try to get into the habit of doing that myself, regardless of whether I need to now or not
the up side is, everyone here knows I don't drink anyway
@trogdor It's a good habit to have, just in case it ever matters.
@Miniman I fully agree
@ACuriousMind (particularly when I was actively gunning for Copy Editor)
I just get lazy about it
@trogdor Oh, this was a semi-official policy to encourage people to get into the habit of locking their computers.
@Miniman [face/palm]
@BESW We did mocktails, lunches, ice cream cakes (on one memorable occasion).
@trogdor There could be non-alcoholic drinks on you, no? (Unless you mean to suggest you have no fluid intake, in which case you've just revealed you're an AI ;) )
welp, I would not pay for anyone's anything if they messed with my email or something like that
they should count themselves lucky I am not removing their favorite body parts if they do something like that :P
@ACuriousMind oh god! they are on to me! Beep Boop!
"Mocktails." [sigh]
Ok, it's sounding less fun than it actually was. No-one was forced to pay for anything - mostly the boss paid for stuff, and it was a small team where people's preferences were known and everyone was included in things.
@Miniman fair enough then
@BESW lol
@Miniman Aside from being a silly name that reinforces the idea the only drinks worth drinking are alcoholic, every non-alcoholic beverage recipe I've come across seems to think it needs to have as much sugar as a soda to compensate for its perceived inadequacies.
@BESW oh, that is actually pretty bad then
@nitsua60 I have more rep.... I... can... downvote!
@trogdor No worries, it happens to the best of us
in The h Bar, Feb 4 '16 at 18:42, by Bernard Meurer
@ACuriousMind is an AI
I've been unveiled long ago :P
@BESW I have never felt the slightest need or want to try anything like that, so I don't realize any of those things
@ACuriousMind beep boop friend, beep boop
@trogdor The sort of thing I make for us, if served in a fancy glass with a garnish, would be a "mocktail." Except that when I put any sugar into it, I put as much sugar into a whole pitcher as most recipes put into a glass.
@BESW In fairness, most alcoholic beverage recipes also pour on the sugar. As for the name, I try not to let the silliness of a name prevent me from using the term that will convey meaning effectively.
Fair enough.
@daze413 Let the Sorting begin!
@BESW ah, see, I just figured you were experimenting. also I think you use more varied and natural ingredients than most of those stereotyped drinks do
True on all counts.
@Miniman how else would you be able to talk about squeegees and waffles?
@trogdor I resemble that remark. Ginger ale + [something else] is perfectly varied.
@JoelHarmon Or facial tissues or temporary adhesive notes?
also, the ever interesting Wankel Rotary Engines?
@Miniman look, I wasn't trying to stir things up, I like Ginger ale as much as the next guy
@Miniman The simplified version of my staple drink is ginger beer + cranberry juice.
maybe not with something else, generally, though
depends entirely on the something else
@Miniman Too many syllables. Make that Gin + [something else].
@trogdor I mean, I drink ginger ale by itself most of the time. But when social occasions cause me to drink alcohol, my default option is to add something else to it.
Although one of the worst late-night ideas I've ever drunk was the gum - a mixture of gin and rum.
The full version is, mix ginger salabat powder (and brown sugar to taste) with hot red zinger tea then chill and add cranberry juice and calamansi juice. Add seltzer water just before serving.
@ACuriousMind I actually haven't tried gin. What's the cocktail name for gin + ginger ale?
@Miniman that is fair yeah, I imagine if I did drink alcoholic stuff that I might do a thing such as that as well
@Miniman gin buck, I think, but it's kinda rare
For a sweeter, more complex taste without the sugar, use raspberry zinger or a cranberry/pomegranate blend.
@trogdor I'm not much of a drinker. I just find it convenient to have the option :)
For a heavier drink, use black tea.
@JoelHarmon or a photocopier? (Well worth the 7-minute watch. As long as you're somewhere lolfigsling won't disturb the peace.)
@Miniman I just,.. laid it down early with my family and freinds that I just wasn't interested in it, and the up side for everyone is that I can always be a DD
@ACuriousMind Yanno what's weird? There's no name for ginger ale + whiskey, which is one of the most common. Rum = dark & stormy, vodka = moscow mule, but whiskey doesn't seem to have one.
(insert puns about DD for designated driver here)
@Miniman You shouldn't be mixing whisky in the first place!
@trogdor I did something similar, actually. Just, in later years, I softened my stance and tried it, and found ways to make it enjoyable.
@Miniman I admitadly have like, sipped a very small amount of sake and stuff like that, literally extremely small amounts,... the burn is real though
@ACuriousMind Yeah, my dad was pretty horrified about that too. It tastes good, though.
Alas, I've never tried whisky + ginger ale, I don't see ginger ale that often at all
@ACuriousMind gasp
I mean, you can buy it at stores, but it's been ages I've actually seen anyone drinking it. It's not that popular in Germany, I guess
I wish there were more ginger ales around here that didn't use high fructose corn syrup.
@ACuriousMind Ginger ale/ginger beer is my favourite drink, both alcoholic and non-, so that's pretty horrifying to me.
I don't want to ever have to acquire the taste for alcohol honestly, doesn't seem worth it to me even if I ever revised my stance from "basically never drink" to "very rarely in small amounts"
@BESW It's worth making your own, if that's something that interests you.
@Miniman If I had the time and energy...
As it is, I'll content myself with making fizzy salabat.
@trogdor Hey, I'm not saying you should.
@Miniman didn't say you were saying that, I just wanted to point it out
Same here, I don't think I've ever tasted ginger ale
@Miniman My mother likes it, I never got beyond finding its taste "weird" :P
@trogdor (Although if you do, definitely don't start with wine :P )
@daze413 ever?
@trogdor ever.
@Miniman fair enough lol
@nitsua60 I was expecting the turbo-encabulator
@daze413 passes out
@Miniman it's definitely tied for me for favorite soda, with root beer as the other one
@Miniman idk, it's not available in this country? for 26 years I've been looking for it! (In Azkaban!)
Now, root beer is something I've never tasted
@trogdor Lol, after hearing about root beer all my life (it's not an Australian thing, so just from American media) I finally tried it a few years ago.
@ACuriousMind that one isn't as odd, I think
@ACuriousMind It tastes a lot like cough medicine with added sugar.
I am one of the only people I personally know who actually even likes root beer all that much
@Miniman That...doesn't sound to bad
@trogdor [wave]
I'm the weird kid who likes cough medicine :P
@BESW I didn't say only, I count you and Ben
It's no ginger beer, but root beer is an acceptable replacement.
@ACuriousMind It wasn't bad, but it wasn't something I'd go back for.
@ACuriousMind omg twinsies!
and that is about it unless my brother liked it more than I remember
@trogdor I'm curious, what about sarsparilla?
@daze413 \o/
@Miniman uh, not sure we even have that?
@trogdor Ah, right.
@Miniman too much of the commercially available stuff I've had is very sugary. If you can make your own or find a small producer, it's typically much more flavorful.
@Miniman heard of it, also not tasted it ever.
I'm not sure I've ever seen sasparilla out here. Maybe Nuts & Grains has some?
@JoelHarmon That guy is amazing. I've now discovered the Rockwell follow-on:
@trogdor @daze413 It's...difficult to describe. Aniseed-flavoured soda is the closest I can do.
@nitsua60 yep.
@Miniman I don't think I have even ever seen it as an option in the Mainland States anywhere I have been
@Miniman Sounds like ouzo without the alcohol :P
but even if it was relatively common there, we don't get quite everything shipped here that is available in the rest of the country
@ACuriousMind I haven't tried ouzo.
@JoelHarmon I suspect it's unlikely, but I'll keep an eye out.
@Miniman admittedly, I have only ever found those in the USA
@nitsua60 @JoelHarmon my father, I think, has actually shown this in class sometimes XD
@Miniman oh, I like Anise. Maybe not the star anise kind, but the anise-anise go well with bread :D
but incidentally, I'd advise you to try any local-only food and beverages when you travel, rather than the more widely available things
@Miniman Sambucca or raki might do as well
@Miniman Wikipedia says Australia sapsarilla tastes different.
@BESW Yeah, I was just looking at that. It also said sarsparilla is a type of root beer, so that's sort of interesting.
But the wiki article is in dire need of a tune-up.
Oh, and root beer that uses wintergreen is dead to me.
@BESW I've never tried anything with wintergreen. Actually, this is about the third time I've even encountered the word.
It's... kinda like if peppermint were angry at you.
@BESW not sure I have ever had that
It's often used in toothpaste and mouthwash.
@BESW oh, that sounds either like something I would inexplicably like, or that I would understandably hate
@BESW oooh,... I think I might actually like it then
I like those toothpastes
at least I think the ones I am thinking of must have it
@BESW That sounds good, at least.
Yeah, on its own it's not bad. But in root beer it just goes all wonky.
@Miniman it burns a bit, so I can totally see why some people wouldn't like it
@BESW fair enough, that could change things
(Admittedly I had a childhood overdose of wintergreen which leaves me sour on it in any context, but root beer is a completely unacceptable place to encounter it.)
but it could also make it better, I have no idea because I have never had a root beer like that
I can definitely see how the carbonation might make it a deal breaker
Even after looking it up, I'm not sure I know what wintergreen even is
@trogdor Nuts & Grains usually has some root beer with wintergreen in it.
@BESW I will check there then, where is the place?
You know, the health food store behind the Oka PayLess.
ah, just over there?
Yeah, same set of storefronts as the coffee shop where we went to the Friends With Instruments performance.
I went to high school with the owner's daughter.
@BESW mk, I think I never noticed the place because I don't go over there too often
@BESW The Owner's Daughter would be a good name for Angry Peppermint's debut album.
Nuts & Grains is expensive, but they've got some organic/health products that even the SDA store doesn't carry. And they've got a decent lunch counter too.
@BESW I should try that out then
probably only once for now, but still
@nitsua60 With guest performances by Fizzy Salabat.
expensive isn't the keyword I want to spam at any time, especially not right now
healthy is, but expensive is certainly not
Various PayLesses, Happy Mart, and the SDA lunch counter, also sometimes have wintergreen root beers, but it's much less consistent.
yeah, I don't typically go to Happy Mart, or the SDA place
The SDA lunch counter used to have raspberry ginger ale, which was awesome. Now they have cherry.
Happy Mart's organic/health stuff is often surprisingly cheap.
and at Payless I am usually only there to get something last minute because no one in my family seems capable of planning all ingredients actually being in the house for something they want to make XD
@BESW dign ding ding! we have a winner XD
I should drag myself over there sometime
We get the canned Loma Linda "meats" at Happy Mart because it's notably cheaper than the SDA store.
Is "Happy Mart" an actual place?
It sounds like something out of a fairy tale to me :)
people name stores things like that here
I imagine it also happens in the Mainland States, but I am not 100% sure
"here" being?
and it could also be that it still happens there, but that they don't have as concentrated amounts of themthere
@ACuriousMind We live on Guam.
@ACuriousMind oh, Guam
it's an island territory of the U.S
because the mucky mucks don't want to call it a colony :P
Technically it's New Happy Mart.
I see
...or is it Super Happy Mart now? Can't remember.
Make it the Hyper Happy Mart, I guess
super duper double dutch happy all the time mart
Hey, baby shoes need to be repaired, too
A lot of Guamanian stores are owned and named by people who, even if English is their first language, are part of cultures where store names work differently.
So we have Super Happy Mart and What's Up? Convenience Store.
store names here are sort of what I always thought all store names would be like
at least until I saw a few in the States
You might think that Medler'z Automotive is also a culture thing, but no, it's owned by the Medler family.
@trogdor I got kinda creeped out by the Piggly Wiggly and the Food Lion when I went to college.
@BESW lol
Food Lion doesn't sound all that creepy
@BESW I'm not sure why exactly, but "Super Happy Mart" just makes me smile
@ACuriousMind Naming success!
@trogdor Part of it is just naming food stores after animals, I guess?
fair enough
But also the Food Lion is basically a Piggly Wiggly putting on airs.
@ACuriousMind I dunno, it sounds to me like something straight out of a futuristic dystopia story.
@Miniman Ahahaha, I guess you could spin it as a kind of Orwellian naming
@Miniman you will be happy, or else!
@BESW Washington bing cherries,... those don't actually sound like something I want
the twist is, it's because I don't like cherries too much
...they have tortilla chips for free?
there is fine print on that sign
TORTILLA CHIPS (buy one get one) FREE
that is how they getcha
Knew it was too good to be true :P
That's... very possibly the Food Lion I'd bike to from the dorm.
@BESW they would look pretty similar wouldn't they?
places like that often do make all the locations off of the same design

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