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@ACuriousMind Spending an "excessive" amount on non-gear purchases, be they consumables, property, etc., is just as bad as spending nothing, though. It's more about what's purchased than anything.
@Zachiel Hmm... do you talk with your group about how underpowered you feel?
@Zachiel Do you WANT to be competitive in combat? How much is that worth to you, compared to wanting to hoard money?
In my experience buying a variety of lower cost pieces of gear is more beneficial than buying 1 super expensive piece.
@Yuuki Yes, and they say "spend some money, for Tiamat's sake!" Some players also added: "You're making it hard for DMs to balance encounters because you would die to very weak things."
@Zachiel Well, then there's the problem. 3.5 leans heavily on magical items.
The solution to your problem is right there.
@Yuuki switch to 5e? (/sarcasm) ;)
@Yuuki but, @Zachiel was told to play a character they knew very well and to stick to it
@GreySage I also think it is more beneficial, but the economy system favors whoever buys the most powered up version of an item. Other people say that the loss is insignifican at my level but I still feel (irrationally) that any loss >0 is bad. While the loss in not facing stronger enemies, being unquantifiable, is hard for me to compare.
so on one hand they're being told one thing, but on the other hand being told to contradict that one thing
From the point of view of your groupmates, you're being pointed at the solution to your problems but you aren't accepting their answer. I feel like this issue of "you're not RPing your character" is an XY problem.
@Adam That's a thing we consider doingm, every now and then :) But I'd like to learn to master 3.5e. While also learning to roleplay a character that's not a sad guy who could be better but he doesn't want to.
howdy folks
It's their poorly formed reasoning to get you to buy magical items and whatnot to get your character up to par so you don't get completely destroyed in comparable-level encounters and then talk about how you're underpowered for these encounters.
@Yuuki This sounds a bit like a "my guy" problem. @Zachiel, it sounds like, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you are refusing to buy things and keep up with the others, to the detriment of your enjoyment of the game. Character consistency isn't worth feeling bad about the game
@Yuuki And yes, I know that that is a problem. I'd like to answer their call but... I'm just terrified at buying all the wrong things.
@Adam yes but it's not because of my character's consistency, it's because it's what I do with every character I have.
Well, at least we're getting closer and closer to the core of the problem.
@Zachiel If you have many DMs I don't know how well this would go, but maybe get a trial run of some items?
@Zachiel so... why are you terrified of buying the wrong things?
@Zachiel You could work with them. Ask for their input. Make it a group thing. Make it an RP thing where they both help you in real life, and their characters can help you in game to get over the hump so to speak
Like, buy some gear, try it for a session or 2, and if it doesn't work out, get a refund and spend it on something else
@DForck42 because I'd have to sell them at a loss, and wait more for the ones I really need.
@DForck42 I'd say it's classic choice paralysis.
@Skyler howdy
@Zachiel You could try talking to the DM(s) and asking for an exception to this rule, while you try to learn the system
Have you told them that you have trouble picking items?
hey ACM, good to see you here
And that you're worried about wasting your gold?
anybody wanna brainstorm a tad about a murder mystery in an auction house
@Yuuki My roommate in college had that problem too. It was incredibly frustrating, both for him, and the rest of us. We ultimately decided to push him to make any decision, and praise him just for making the choice at all. And if something negative came of it, treat it as a "now you know" opportunity
@Skyler The goat did it in the coat check room with the auction gavel.
@Yuuki haha
This came up in LoL more than our D&D game, but the principle was the same for both.
@GreySage In a shared game like that that'd be making favourites. I'm OK with this not happening (I've been a DM in that sort of game myself, in the past. Generating envies because of those sort of things is easy). In the end, I think I just need to find someone who knows the game inside out and tells me what to buy. Not very satisfying if I think that I'd like to be self-sufficient but it's a start...
This is my encounter that sets up a meeting with a powerful NPC for the party. A shape-shifted dragon who will invite them on a quest after this.
@Zachiel so... let's put this in perspective to real life. you need a car to get to work, but want to wait for the perfect car to come around. so you walk everywhere, but you're always late because you don't have a car, at the detriment of your friends and coworkers.
now, if you instead had bought a cheap car to get you from place to place and sell it later, in the long run you AND your friends would be happier, even with the chance of losing money from selling the cheap car when you get the better car. essentially, by refusing to buy a cheap car, you're switching the cost from a monetary value to time, effort, and happiness
So I want to do soemthing like the perfect murder, but because i want to give this dragon true vision 50-100ft he witnesses what happens and tries to set up clues to point to who really did it
@Yuuki Tried that. They tried flat out changing my build XD
@Zachiel As in your character stats outside of equipment?
He cant quite say what happened since it would reveal his identity as a dragon
@Zachiel Now it kind of sounds like the other players are just jerks.
@DForck42 So you know what happened? It happened that dad forced me to go and buy a car. Like with everything in my life (and the start of my rant.) - but thanks for being supportive.
@Zachiel Okay, here's one question that will solve all of your problems: "Do you have enough gold to buy a Deck of Many Things?"
@Zachiel lol, glad i hit the nail on the head
@Adam They just don't think a melee cleric can work. And they're probably right, in a game with that power, being a fighter or a barbarian with magic items is better suited to the role, while in my pencil and paper campaign the barbarian had no chances against the cleric
@Yuuki lol
Eh, I've played melee clerics in 3.5e. I probably didn't get to the level you did, but around the point I stopped, I was doing a lot better in melee than the group fighter/barbarian.
@Skyler Why does the dragon need the players to figure it out to begin with? Can't he just act on his knowledge on his own?
@ACuriousMind He can act with his own knowledge but that can draw suspicion towards him
@Zachiel I mean, one way or another, it'll solve your problems.
@Zachiel So the first step is to actively push yourself to be the driving cause. You can't always have a figure there to give you a push. Keep your head high. don't wallow in the knowledge of your flaws, but actively fight against them. If you don't like that behavior, you can change it. Just takes small changes. Small changes over a suitable time span yield great results.
How did he know what happened?
Also, keep this in mind: you can always roll up another character.
@Skyler I guess I'm a bit confused how setting up the clues for others to find them is better than just coming out and claiming to have found the clues on his own
If you die in D&D, you don't die in real life.
That is, why does the dragon need the players as investigators and can't just act as an investigator himself
@ACuriousMind I wanted the circumstances of the investigation to be rather amazing themselves.
Alternately, don't have the dragon involved with the murder mystery at all. Have him be an outside observer and the adventurers solving the mystery serves as some sort of audition.
Solving the perfect murder should be impossible, and doing that draws attention
The type which a magical being may not want
I mean, it seems like the key problem here is that you want your PCs to solve a perfect murder and have that dovetail into a plot hook with your NPC. That doesn't mean that your NPC needs to be involved with the PCs solving said murder.
@Yuuki Melee clerics are pretty awesome. You need a few rounds to buff up, but you can give yourself tons of bonuses to hit, damage, AC, and stuff like haste and DR
@GreySage Then take Leadership and get a bard cohort.
You might get fewer iterative attacks, but they should be more effective and you don't die
@Karelzarath leadership...
@Yuuki hmm, then they are just approached by some random stranger for a quest
@Skyler That's a time-honored RPG tradition! :P
"Hey! Hey, kid. You wanna quest?"
@ACuriousMind yea...but I'd like to do something a bit more nuanced
I'd like two days with this character as well
@Skyler Thing is - are you gonna have the PCs draw that attention instead? It must be pretty uncomfortable attention if a dragon is afraid of it
Your hook is not only saddling them with the dragon's quest, but also with that unwanted attention
@ACuriousMind exactly, making it far more organic for people in the town to later approach them with random quests
@Yuuki that woould cost me 10% of my current XP, but more than that, this character has a story now, and friends, and I don't think I want to lose them again. And start from wealth by level again.
Hmm... here's a thought. How about this NPC tries to confide in the PCs? Although then it becomes less of a whodunnit than a "how do we prove that".
@Zachiel I meant that you should try to make choices with more abandon. If your character dies, then (s)he dies. You can always roll up another character. Even if your character dies, if you had fun playing it, then it's worth the death imo.
@Yuuki Depending on the scenario that becomes totally doable, but is there a large execution difference at that point?
@Skyler Okay then (though I expected something more ominous than "people wanting us to do stuff for them")
It kind of feels like it just makes the mystery solving a tad dryer
It's definitely more of a puzzle with complete information than a proper mystery.
@ACuriousMind Depends on the attention I guess =P
The people who orchestrated things will definitely take interest in them but I haven't quite thought that far ahead.
And I'd probably be a better melee cleric if I bought items that let me spend a costy charge to get one more attack, or that ring that lets me auto-pass saves by spending costy charges. Everything I'd need to be on par with others might be a costy consumable.
I think my next step towards enjoying the game will be getting come more non-epic items as soon as this war ends and I can leave the front without some weak NPCs dying because of my absence :p
We shuffle DMs
@Zachiel sounds like a good plan
@Skyler Alright! Just something I'd keep in mind, but I'm a stickler for involving PCs in plots and schemings beyond their control and watch them obviously tear through them ;)
@Zachiel warcaster and green flame blade and polearm master maybe?
Mainly creating the scenario is where Im having trouble
Then I should also find a solution for the "I built I character that needs others to get things done, but instead of taking it as a reason for playing together, some people think it's just my character being needy", but that's easier. I just need more Knowledge (Arcana) ranks :p
@Skyler Yeah, before the players can find out whodunnit, the GM must find out whodunnit!
@Skyler Warcaster is an option I was trying to avoid, I'm pretty feat-starved. The other two I'm not familiar with. It's possibly something not implemented in my game.
And why and where and whom, obviously
Though you seemed to have figured out the where as the auction house already
I want to make this a magical item auction house, with an anti-magic barrier (the barriers effect on the dragons is that he cant transform back into a dragon or something like that or a legendary resistance or something). People in the town with magic items (like the party) are invited to an elite retreat or something like that.
The dragon is there to retrieve a dragon slayer for obvious and non-obvious reasons
(depending on your perspective)
okay, the barrier is there to prevent solving the mystery by divination, I guess?
And is going to use that as a hook, plus being absolutely physically amazing and in peak condition, as a way to entice a level 9 party into something as reckless as running a heist in an adult dragons lair while he serves "as the distraction".
@ACuriousMind yea
@Zachiel I do have to say it sounds a bit to me as if the problem here is not solely you but also the other players' attitude, but that's of course difficult to judge from hearsay
But the rest of the scenario for murder mystery day I'm unsure about
@Skyler So...you still need to know who died and who killed them, for a start
Like...two bidders, each interested in the same item to add to their collection, one very rich, the other with a personal interest in the item, the latter kills the former since they know they can't win the auction
@ACuriousMind A good example, though it sounds hard to set up and immediately draws interest to the conspirator.
Two rich people, one with non-obvious reason to purchase the item (maybe the item has a hidden compartment with something in it).
@Skyler The personal interest need not be publicly known
@ACuriousMind It can be a wealthy elite, an auction official, or somebody you might want to kill in a way that people would be willing to hire a party and use magic to investigate the cause of death
@ACuriousMind true
Alternately, taking this from a crime procedural I've watched, the target/reason doesn't have anything to do with the items being auctioned.
@Skyler Have a bunch of kids/relatives of the deceased there who each want to blame another kid for the murder in order to get a larger share of the heirlooms, and so hire investigators
Would also give you opportunity to have the PCs "race" against other investigators (which makes the PCs being the only ones to solve this perfect crime all the more impressive when they outshine them)
So in this procedural, the prime suspect has a personal interest in the item that the victim outbid him on. But the prime suspect turns out to be a red herring because the actual killer killed the victim either for access or as part of a distraction to get at a different item that wasn't up for auction.
Hey guys, @Ryan is interested in RPGs and particularly in the .
@Yuuki Originally was leaning towards something like that, though I'd want to make it a potential mystery point that can be put off to a few later weekends.
@ACuriousMind I like that idea
but i like a hybrid
heirs want to blame each other, but none of them did it
@Skyler Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too
There was yet another one where the victim was killed because they were a connoisseur and would be able to identify that the item being sold to them was in fact a counterfeit.
Anybody around with League experience? @Miniman, @nitsua60?
@Johndallman There is a white dwarf houri here
@Yuuki hmm, i like that. Maybe the chief auctioneer, with all the heirs wanting to take over the family business and suspicous of each other
@KorvinStarmast If the ping doesn't autocomplete, they won't get the notification.
pull off the ultimate scam in the process
@BESW ah, too bad.
@BESW Depends which Leage?
3 mins ago, by BESW
Hey guys, @Ryan is interested in RPGs and particularly in the .
Ah, sorry, I haven't played in Adventurer's League.
I just saw that you two have been very active in the site tag.
heya. Not terribly interested was more just chatting about it. Its what the local game store opens as a way to introduce players. I'm wondering if I'll enjoy it since it seems a bit well ... beginnerish
or revenge a la carte
My understanding is that League has constraints mostly so it's easier to keep it standardised across so many different implementations.
So the auction house has a reputation that precedes it for never letting a forgery through
@Ryan what's your experience with rpg's?
He decides to kill the head, destroy its legacy by setting the heirs against each other, and then ruin its reputation, all in one fell swoop
@Skyler How does that work within an anti-magic field, though?
@ACuriousMind and anti-anti-magic field
Of course, how silly of me to ask :)
@ACuriousMind Could you elaborate what you mean. Magical forgeries are undone, and then meticulous investigation is done to determine validity.
@ACuriousMind ;-)
I guess ignoring this setting, how would a DnD world normally go about catching forgeries
Interesting. I was thinking about a recently dead noble who had a priceless <something> collection. Upon his death, he willed that the whole collection be sold off and the proceeds would be split among his heirs (and maybe charity). However, one of the heirs had been secretly replacing each item in the collection with a counterfeit.
@Skyler If they auction magic items, the main concern is whether the item does what it claims to be doing, right? How can you tell that when presumably neither the item nor divinations work under the field
(I don't actually know D&D, so I'm just assuming how that field works here)
When the noble dies and the collection is to be auctioned off, the heir fears that his forgeries will be discovered and kills the head auctioneer (perhaps the one person who is skilled enough to discover his forgery).
@ACuriousMind its more a safety measure, so a person cant grab a magic item then use its powers to strong arm and just take the item
@Yuuki Also a nice idea
they investigate through more traditional means
Being...an Identify spell?
@Yuuki ooh, intereesting
A magical item's worth can also come from its provenance, not just its magical abilities.
@DForck42 years and years of MTG. Lots of World of Warcraft. Skyrim. Countless other video game RPGs. Fair amount of Arcane Legions tabletop miniature game.
A horn of bull's strength that was carried by some famous war hero may have more value than a horn of bull's strength with the exact same effect but made recently.
@ACuriousMind Well, while true that they are sometimes unequipped to deal with my ideas, I don't think any of them adverses me on purpose. Sure, they're having fun together and they hardly understand why I can't just be like them. (I hardly understand it as well.)
@Yuuki good point
High society auctions rarely sell items simply due to utilitarian purposes.
@DForck42 and once made characters for a D&D like game in outer space but then it turned out the DM was cheating on one of the players with another player and we never met again :\ that was my closest to ever playing a full pen and pencil based RPG.
@Zachiel I wasn't suggesting they're malicious! Just that maybe you don't..."play together well". That can happen
@Ryan I had to read that several times to gather that the DM wasn't cheating in the "fudging the dice" sense :)
@Yuuki VERY GOOD IDEA. Thats this auction houses niche and why they invite adventurers with magic items in the first place
@Ryan ahh. I'd say, give it a shot. pen and paper is a completely different world
To try and eye out potential talent, maybe pick up a trinket or two of theirs to hold onto for when they become even more famous
@Skyler Although you could provide a tip-off to the adventurers that the items are forgeries along the lines of "wait, this item is supposed to be a necklace of +3 <something something>, but we've discovered that it's actually a necklace of +1 <something something>!"
@ACuriousMind well, there's a lot of people in there, obviously I can't play together well with everyone. And of course the staff of the game arose from self-selection (If the head figure likes how you play, you will probably be called to be in the staff). I like a lot how those people play and how they portray their characters, but they're all proactive people without my problems. And no, I wouldn't want a staff full of people with my problems, either XD
hey @Zachiel so this is where all of the Graphic Design SE lurkers are from lol
Or a flaming burst sword that actually turns out to be a flaming sword.
Or something small like that to provide a clue if your PCs are stumped.
But now in terms of actual crime that occurs
What are some particularly tough to crack crime scenarios you guys have seen before
Poison is an all-time favourite, no?
Summoned creature to assassinate someone
@ACuriousMind Delivery method?
@Skyler In the drink, and it was a busy party on the evening so everyone had access
@Skyler Tonight on D&D, someone is dead but you don't know who. The twist? It's your social life!
@ACuriousMind good but now how can we transform that into a "how can you prove it was this person who spiked the drink"
@Skyler Wait, is the dragon still placing "fake" clues or are we trying actual clues?
@Skyler You said the dragon had true-seeing right? Maybe magical darkness obscured the event?
@GreySage ...so it was a party in a darkroom?
@GreySage truesight can work through walls depending on your GM (cough cough mine) interpretation
@ACuriousMind I was thinking someone cast it just before the poisoning, but whatever
Maybe they were doing one of these fancy "eat in the dark because your taste is not distracted by your eyesight" thingies
@Skyler I mean, a simpler issue would just be someone in an illusion poisoned the drink, so even if there were witnesses, the culprit couldn't be identified (except by dragon-boy)
originally i was leaning towards the grounds being within an anti-magic field in the first place though
so people cant grab magic items and strong arm into saying "its my item now"
@Skyler Yes, but is the party held in the same place as the auction?
(and so PCs cant divination)
uh, dont most auction houses also have a banquet hall of sorts
Instead of one big AMF over the whole place, you could just have AMFs over the locations where items are being stored. And some sort of protection from scrying in place to "protect customer confidentiality".
@Skyler No auction I've ever been to has had a banquet hall, but I suppose I don't go to high society auctions.
More importantly, you can make anything you want, so you can have an AMF over the auction room itself and the storage room, but not the banquet hall.
I also remember a procedural involving an auction being done via livestreaming (i.e. the items weren't actually at the location). However, as part of the investigation, they found out that one of the items was actually being auctioned on premises in a specially-designed set.
@GreySage True. But whats to stop the party from using magic and divination in their investigation then
@Skyler Can't divination spells be warded against?
@Yuuki Im a tad weak on divination magic as a whole
Well, you're the DM. You could always rule that the auction house has invested a lot of money in strong wards against divination magic for purposes of client confidentiality.
@Yuuki yea, any idea what spells in general give a hard time for mysteries
As you can see, outside of divination, I'm drawing a blank.
@Yuuki What divination spells are so bad?
@Ryan I'm around now if you've got AL questions. I've run Encounters and Expeditions (back when they were a thing) and played a few seasons. I also coordinate a site. But all in 5e--no 4e experience.
@GreySage Well, divination spells in general are meant to give you information, which makes them particularly annoying for designing a mystery.
> "Who was the murderer?"
> "Thor says it was Jim."
@Yuuki Plot twist: There are three identical siblings all called "Jim".
@doppelgreener thanks for the edit: no need to go looking for more mines than necessary in this particular field.
@Yuuki I get that, but I'm trying to think of why the PCs can't simply LEAVE the AMF/Auction hall and do all of that
@ACuriousMind On the bright side, you have officially identified the worst parents in the Material Plane.
@GreySage Depending on how the wards work, it's possible that you can prevent any divination magic from entering the auction house.
So divination magic cast outside of the auction house can't divine information inside the auction house. And also wards would prevent divination magic from being cast inside the auction house.
@Yuuki I really don't think divination is an issue in this case
The vast majority of divination magic deals with what is happening NOW, clairvoyance, scrying, etc
The few things that could tell you what happened THEN tend to deal with contacting Gods
Which you can simply respond to with "Thor is busy, ask again later"
@GreySage And most of the rest is cryptic yes/no answers.
Discern lies could be useful, but its not infallible. Same with speak with dead
I would have to look through the spell list, which I don't have time for, but you might not have to deal with this issue at all
@Yuuki Worst sense of humor, maybe, but I'm sure I can find worse parents ;)
@ACuriousMind George Foreman comes to mind.
Forge Georeman?
@Karelzarath Had to look up who that is, but yeah, pretty close :D
@Karelzarath I read this as CuriousGeorgeForeman
@ACuriousMind "Regrettably, solving the murder of a random auctioneer does not align with Thor's long term goals. Please contact us again with a more worthy request."
@GreySage I mean, he might be.
@GreySage Hmm...plot twist: Thor ordered the murder in the first place.
@ACuriousMind Double plot twist: The auctioneer was Thor all along!
That'll get your PCs some attention
Wait, Thor ordered his own murder?
Crafty fellow
It's all a divine test.
Sounds like the start of a Bhaalspawn story a la Baldur's Gate
@nitsua60 👍 np, i didn't think of it as avoiding mines so much as just using correct terminology, the same way we wouldn't call a sword a goose
@Karelzarath A wasted Curious George is a terrible thing.
@doppelgreener This is the second time this year that you've gone on a sex-crazed editing rampage.
@BESW But oh so amusing.
hey there @Karelzarath
@Shalvenay Yo. Sup?
not a whole lot, as for you?
Same. Doing code review and meeting prep. Not the most exciting.
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