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hey there @daze413
SEDE folks: is there an easy way to query my posts by post-length?
hey there @nitsua60
@Shalvenay hey hey Shalvenay
@daze413 how're things going?
meh, hiatus on all of my current games (homebrew and out of the abyss) on-going on the count of my soon-to-be-lawyer buds not being able to play anymore (they're taking a mock bar, and its only gonna get worse from there, I think?). So I'm designing a sort-of westmarches style campaign for the surviving players that's themed after Darkest Dungeon.
whats going on in your end?
schedulating with nitsua and co
also, more worldbuild-y stuff -- pondering terrain gen and mapping nowadays
(as well as the contents of thieves' tools sets :P)
@Shalvenay I draw squiggly lines that roughly resemble an island in less than 15 seconds, and repeating the process til you get a bunch of em and then sit back and pick the one you like. MY designer friend taught me that
watching a bunch of bosnianbill makes you realize just how many different flavors of locksmithing tools there are on this planet
@daze413 heheheh
I was wondering if there was something more algorithmic I could use, because I have trouble with breaking away from North American for inspiration :P
@Shalvenay There's a GM word of the week, by theangrygm, on that, if you haven't heard of it yet.
@daze413 linky?
it's nifty. he covers some dark age locks though nothing really detailed. What I took away from it is that most locks in that time was just latches to keep the door from opening with the wind (just like locks in poor countries, like mine! haha)
ah. another factor that bosnianbill's videos bring up is that he has to custom mod tools fairly frequently
bending, filing, and whatnot
@Shalvenay hm, well, there's nothing really wrong with that, I think? Try the designer method. It's quick and if you dont like any of the "maps" you made, you only wasted like, 2 minutes of your life haha
oh, and im pretty sure worldbuilding.se has a tag for map making, have you looked there?
@daze413 I've been asking around the wb.se folks
@daze413 haha, more like interior door locks :P (or a Master Lock :PPP)
@Shalvenay hmm... I believe you only need a fulcrum and a pick to pick those locks. The older tumble locks where the tumbles are flat are easy, but when you get to the more modern rounded tumblers, it gets really hard but not impossible (i forget some of the terms so if any locksmiths can correct me, that'd be great)
@daze413 tension wrench and pick or rake, yeah
yeah yeah, that's it. haha had a stupid short fad of trying to pick locks back in college. the rounded tumblers I couldnt get past.
which are 99% of locks today
it's not even rounded tumblers that are a problem so much as some of the nastiness that gets shoved inside. security pins of various flavors, pins that have to rotate, pins in pins, interactive elements on the key, you name it. of course, if you really want the party rogue to go fly a kite for a long time, hand 'em an Abloy disc detainer
I get how it's interesting to know, is there another reason you want to know the contents of thieves tools?
@daze413 part of it is being able to describe what my sneaky chars are doing when they open locks
@Shalvenay I love it when people do that. When you learn something you don't normally come across in your boring life, I think that's what fantasy is about.
@daze413 thing is, locks are things we all know well...and locksport is a reasonably-well-recognized hobby for that matter :)
but we often don't know locks well enough ;)
(see: Master Lock's continued survival)
also, re: thieves' tools -- I'd think there'd be a few other fine manipulation tools as well (small bit and brace also called a "circular pick" if you're a locksmithing type, something like a tweezers or whatnot, and maybe some sort of fine cutting tool?) and I've also heard mentioned that leather gloves would be in such a set
however -- leather gloves are not useful against electrified traps!
why leather gloves? to avoid getting self cut?
@daze413 yeah, to protect the hands when monkeying with traps and such I reckon
@nitsua60 Thanks!
Apropos of nothing: Becoming concerned?
@nitsua60 Yep, but I'm on mobile atm - give me a few minutes to haul myself out of bed.
@Miniman No worries--purely idle curiosity.
Of course @SevenSidedDie has a minecraft gold tag-badge. While I've just got a pickaxe =)
Note that the 'unknown' ones will be tag wikis.
Also, one of yours is a lot longer than the others.
@Miniman That's what... it... said....
Fellow fantasy/scifi rp enthusiasts...
Does anyone know what Tiefling blood looks like?
Ummm. In what context?
Blood, from like, red things...
Uhh, D&D?
They're completely different sorts of beings depending on setting/edition.
In 5E it's probably just red.
Oh ok. 5e
I was under the impression it had a heat to it as well...
Like, in 3.5 many humans have a dash of demonic blood from some ancestral liaison, and tieflings are humans whose demonic blood manifests in their phenotype. In 4e, tieflings are all the direct descendants of a specific group of human kings who made a demonic pact.
hey there @Ben
@BESW That is actually really interesting. I haven't had much interaction with D&D outside of 5e, so a lot of the lore is foreign to me
@Shalvenay [wave]
@Ben I love 4e lore so much.
@Ben how're things going?
@Shalvenay Good. Things have finally let of fa bit, so the stress is starting to ease :)
@Ben All I can see is that they have devilish heritage. I don't see anything official that indicates any difference besides their horns, tails, and skin tone.
@BESW Does any of the lore span across editions?
@Ben cool. maybe we can get back together sometime soon-ish?
@Shalvenay Yeah, maybe. I have on game that might be coming to a close fairly soon so that will free up some time on the weekends for me
@Ben which one if I may ask?
You know how Zelda games totally ignore each other and rebuild the setting every time? D&D sticks to a few, ever changing, concepts and recasts everything around them with each new edition.
Ohh ok
@Shalvenay I have one that's more RP than anything, that is actually a prelude to our regular game.
@Ben aah :)
@Ben Well, there's editions and there's settings.
4e's primary setting is pretty much unique, but it also has alternate settings like Eberron (invented for 3.5) and Dark Sun (invented in the 80s, not officially supported by 3.5).
This is true. Forgotten Realms has fairly solid continuity despite the number of editions it's been in.
And 3.5's default setting is very similar to 5e's.
@BESW They talk about the FR tiefling change from 3.X -> 4e a lot in the Brimstone Angels series, though I have no idea how much that matches sourcebook canon. A group of 13 Tieflings swore a pact with Asmodeus, and Asmodeus then claimed all Tieflings as his own, changing the nature of their manifestations to all match a similar devilish nature.
The 4e default setting is often called "points of light," and is my favourite D&D setting of all time.
I would love me some 3.5 or Pathfinder, some time. It's been too long...
@CTWind One of the lovely things about 4e PoL lore is that it's very hard to nail down specifics. They deliberately have vague and even contradicting details, though the broad strokes are commonly upheld.
This reflects the diegetic uncertainty of the PoL history and re-enforces the non-diegetic notion that the individual group, not the developers, are the ultimate arbiters of setting.
I used the PoL setting to create distrust between races and cultures specifically because of the disconnect created by settlements scattered through a hostile wilderness. It worked out pretty well!
I set my campaign in the distance past during the war between Bael Turath (tiefling-run humanist empire) and Arkhosia (egalitarian dragonborn federation).
Elves were largely hated because they managed to thrive within the very wilderness that threatened the "civilized" peoples.
@BESW Now that sounds like a history class I would actually be interested in attending
It also created a strange kind of respect and honor among the ruffians of the world because they were largely the brave ones.
@Ben The two nations destroyed each other, but Arkhosia went down in a single night when their psychopomp was assassinated, while Bael Turath suffered a long agonised economic dissolution. So Turathi propaganda (pro-human, pro-nobility, anti-dragonborn, anti-republic) survived and influenced the next great civilisation--where all races were welcome but dragonborn were second-class citizens.
It's the remnants of that civilisation which are the "points of light" in the modern 4e setting.
Dragonborn are another example of a race whose fluff has changed considerably between editions.
Even more than tieflings!
Frankly I'm glad they dropped the 3.5 approach; it was interesting, but it had some odd implications and there were a few loopholes you could exploit to make it really powerful (dragonborn warforged, for example).
I tend to think of them as the bigger brother to Kobolds (although I give Kobolds more credit than some (many?) do)
Again, PoL offers at least three contradictory origins for dragonborn and lets them be diegetically debated.
3.5 kobolds also had some crazy racial shenanigans they could pull
@Shalvenay Toby hates Kobolds. Lol
I've used kobolds as an "under the foot" race living alongside everyone else.
@JackStout my first cut at a custom setting actually had Kobolds as a prime race filling the shoes of Gnomes and Dwarves
Everyone would need to use kobolds from time to time.
as there were neither gnomes nor dwarves
Love 'em <3
I'm a fan of kobolds, lizard folk, and drakes being a common occurance.
@JackStout We actually "hired" a tribe of Kobolds to help in a siege on a town (we were defending) and they set up a large array of traps to fend off attackers.
Dragons say that dragonborn sprang forth from drops of blood sprayed when the original dragon god Io was split in two; Dragonborn say they were created by Io after he made dragons, and he learned better how to balance the elemental with the astral so they're more reasonable and less temperamental; most everyone else says dragonborn are just the descendants of folks whose parents were a dragon and a humanoid.
(Dwarves have the same origin for dragonborn as the dragonborn, except they say Io had to borrow the dwarf template from Moradin for the job.)
@BESW The exact origin isn't super important to me as long as in the current timeframe dragonborn come from older dragonborn. In 3.5 dragonborn come from a dragon performing a special ritual on a humanoid that transforms them into a dragonborn, replacing almost all of their racial characteristics with dragonborn racial characteristics (hence the loopholes, such as having been a warforged before transformation to keep some of the living construct traits).
(my settings tend to be racially quirky -- that one had urban kobolds, wood-elves, herdsfolk orcs, desert-dwelling drowish folk, and the occasional dragonborn. kobolds in that setting were dragonborn mutts xD)
Yeah, I consider 3.5 dragonborn to be dragonborn in name only.
@Ben hahaha. Tucker's Kobolds, Inc.
@JackStout yeah -- I definitely like dragonkin and reptilians as well, although my take on the latter aligns far more closely with the Argonians of the Elder Scrolls 'verse than that of most D&D settings)
Taking a well established concept, such as elves versus orcs, and redrawing the lines can be a productive exercise and a fun play experience.
@JackStout yeah -- in my case, I tend to map orcs to herding cultures IRL (whether nomadic like the Mongols or more home-range in the style of say the American West
it provides a rational reason for them to be short-fused and warlike -- herding cultures tend to be more that way because of the pressures placed on them by the need to defend their livestock from predators and rustlers
(vs. the whole "Orcs are warlike because their god made them that way" schtick which pegs them too close to the "tribal savage" trope for my tastes)
cues a young Orc girl with a longstave on her back walking into the tavern with an injured lamb in her arms
@Shalvenay I actually like the version in The Gods Are Bastards: humans are basically Europeans, elves are analogous to Native Americans (forced into more limited areas by the humans' technology and numbers despite their superior magic), and the orcs are only still backwards because the humans used the magical equivalent of a nuclear weapon on their nation.
@Shalvenay Have you read "Elf v Orc"?
@BESW showed it to me
@Ben haven't gotten to that one yet, might give it a read tomorrow night or somesuch
@ObliviousSage hahaha, silly humans :P
@Shalvenay Highly recommend it
I find establishing irrational fears and hate serves to make a world feel more alive as well as help to establish pressures on characters and communities.
It generates adventures.
@JackStout that's the thing -- I don't sit well with fear/hatred driven conflict points myself.
@Adeptus @Miniman Ah, so many success at my last game. New player loved the gnomish daikyu.
@JackStout Good to hear!
@shalvenay The conflict is there already. By repainting it you can make it more apparent. My players tend to acknowledge it as a problem and fight against it. Even going so far as present themselves as ambassadors and neutral defenders.
@JackStout ah, so the conflict itself is a background element that the PCs can now oppose more directly
...while the other half of the group smashes barrels, drink every-damn-thing, and kills stuff.
@Shalvenay Exactly.
Whenever I get to play, I inevitably develop a survivor of some past trauma who is good-spirited but maimed in some way. Typically, this would mean social difficulties, anger problems, alcohol abuse, a lack of self worth, etc.. I then try determine how their natural makeup, combined with hard-earned strength, makes them extraordinary.
I try to keep that in mind as I help my players develop their characters and as I develop NPC and past heroes.
@JackStout I tend to play folks who are more...out of societal place if you will
Our DM has created something similar, there's a civil war happening between two kingdoms.
We aren't involved in it, or even been caught in the middle of it, but he has told us that the way the game goes, there's a whole "cause and effect/ action and reaction" type agenda.
@Ben That whole aspect of siblings and neighbors having to choose which side they're willing to fight for is pretty rich for building campaign tension and defining what your NPCs' motivations.
@BESW I really liked all these ideas honestly
(my current gnoll monk/cleric is a good example of that -- she's a big ol' Cuthbertian snuggleball, albeit with a fiercely maternal-defensive undertone to her.)
@BESW Trying to define an accurate history for a world is much hard for me than defining a character or group's perception of that history. The true history has to have no contradictions and perfect information, while differing perceptions can have all kinds of problems because they should.
@JackStout That's why I like not having to make a "true history."
I often find myself fleshing out the past, only because the need arose at the table. Why won't this person leave their property? What are these carved images representing? Why are there tunnels all over under this valley? There aren't any conflicts because any person can only be partially correct, at best.
The games I've played in the last several years establish broad accepted truths and then we play to establish details and revelations collaboratively.
It's one of the things I really like about Fate's worldbuilding systems.
In the rare instances that have demanded an actual recounting of an event, I felt it was best to make the truth boring, while rumor and assumption were fascinating.
Fate is great for flexing your world building muscles.
Before getting into Fate, a small group of us would play improvised games with only a single die, pencil, and blank paper.
I found parties of two or three worked best for these freeform games.
I once ran a game of for nine players.
It's a good not-quite-freeform system for groups of almost literally any size.
I'll look that up...
Check out the tag wiki for a link.
I've run it as a twosie to introduce someone to RPGs, in text chat, over voice chat, with nine players half of whom were new to RPGs, as a palette cleanser between systems with strong but very different themes...
Interesting. Immediately bookmarked under, "Tableflop".
There's a game in there called Surgadores. Don't remember which chat member wrote that.
Oh, it's you, @BESW.
Heh :)
2 hours later…
so many afk people
2 hours later…
Good morning :)
4 hours later…
@nitsua60 Doubtful.
Q: Why is someone one with no specific knowledge judging the worthiness of my question?

Mage tA Questioner I have a question about my Role-playing Games Stack Exchange post: What other benefits can the Mind Sphere 1st Dot have? Why is someone who knows nothing about the game I am asking a question about telling me that my title and body do not go together? Wouldn't it make sense for someone with ...

@SevenSidedDie @mxyzplk Have you checked if that Mage guy is our resident sock troll?
(much like a boxtroll, but with socks)
"My answer is perfect, how dare people do things to it and give me advice, I'm taking this to meta" has been their signature behaviour pattern so far.
Next up would be "you're abusing your powers!"
@doppelgreener They only have 2 questions, and the account was created today. What is the pattern you are referring to?
How can you determine if they are a sock account?
@MikeQ The mods have access to information we don't that helps them identify that sort of thing.
@MikeQ I'm referring to the pattern of a user who keeps coming back, creating new accounts, and causing trouble for people through being hostile to advice or community intervention of any form. The "sock" part of what I said refers to "sock puppet", which is the Stack Exchange term for extra accounts.
@doppelgreener Every new + oddly belligerent user gets the checks these days.
@SevenSidedDie Thanks, I was hoping that'd be the case. :) Good stuff.
@doppelgreener Sad that it's become the norm, though.
@Miniman More routine, I'd say. We don't want to witch-hunt, but we do want to be vigilant to a reasonable degree.
@TheOracle I think OP misses the real question: "why does every moderated community I join elect only its stupidest and least-capable (of recognizing my brilliance) members as moderators!?"
[removes tongue from cheek]
My current feeling is that our trollfriend has lost interest. Either that, or they're pouring remarkable amounts of effort into being very careful to cover their tracks, and avoiding doing anything against the rules otherwise… in which case, their loss of energy is our gain, and mission accomplished.
@SevenSidedDie I love the hovertext on that one.
Yeah, this one isn't nearly belligerent enough to be a resurrection of the last few/one. Unless, as you say, they're being civil... just to trick us! In which case they're sorta a "Troll of Theseus."
The ship of Theseus, also known as Theseus's paradox, is a thought experiment that raises the question of whether an object that has had all of its components replaced remains fundamentally the same object. The paradox is most notably recorded by Plutarch in Life of Theseus from the late first century. Plutarch asked whether a ship that had been restored by replacing every single wooden part remained the same ship. The paradox had been discussed by other ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus and Plato prior to Plutarch's writings, and more recently by Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. Several variants...
@nitsua60 Yeah. Then the only part left of their trollship is their private identity. I guess they can (very quietly and privately) claim a moral victory if that's what's happening, but RPG.se doesn't much care since that's not a pragmatic concern for the site's mission. :)
@Miniman I know, right? It so closely describes SE!
@UristMcDorf What's that on a reference to? :O
It implies that you angered a person by lipping off to them
And so they hit you
@doppelgreener the question's title
With their red hand
I think that's the intention anyway
It's one of those hilarious jokes about casual violence, reminiscent of millions of battered women, that we love are made uneasy by.
Why necessarily women?
@doppelgreener "Red right hand" is from the classic Paradise Lost, and refers to the vengeance of God.
(I've waffled a few times on flagging it. It's a good turn of a phrase, though.)
@ObliviousSage Oh, thanks.
It's not a turn of phrase I've run into before.
@UristMcDorf In my culture, when one thinks of someone getting hit once in the face once for something they said... well, the image isn't of a man receiving that treatment, usually.
(And yes, everyone, I know that domestic abuse heaped upon men is tragically under-reported. That's not the point.)
@doppelgreener It was re-popularized by this song from the 90s.
If you say so.
I was considering getting into an argument here but decided it's not worth the hassle.
It'd also be hard, as a bell just rang so I have to run =)
Maybe I'm hypersensitive to it, but "getting hit in response to 'lipping off'" --> domestic abuse doesn't strike me as a huge stretch. I think it's the phrase "lipping off" that pushes me in that direction.
@nitsua60 Agreed.
Gotta run--later, 'gators.
hey there @CTWind and @ObliviousSage
@BESW and even recursively ;)
hey there @Zachiel
how're things going?
Good. On crappy train wifi so chat's constantly warning me about something going wrong.
working on worldbuilding notes here :)
@Shalvenay Too many people want to play with me. On the other hand, I'm dangerously near to a Fourthcore TPK
@Zachiel hahaha. your fourthcore dungeon is getting the better of the party eh?
@Shalvenay Poor rolling on their part, good rolls for monster team.
@Zachiel fickle dice :P
I don't know how much you know of D&D 4e and its lingo but... the controller never hit once in the whole combat. The only time the defender hit, there was a reaction that killed the leader, and the striker missed the opportunity to survive a second blow because of our PbF "if you say nothing for an entire day, you lose your turn" rule.
@Zachiel sounds like a bad day
Fourthcore is pretty brutal from what I know of it.
Also that's why I dislike roll-to-hit
@UristMcDorf Not as brutal as one would think (unless you choose to have your character do stupid things), but we couldn't find a fifth player so it's slightly more brutal than usual.
@Zachiel -- will the 4thcore game wrap up if it TPKs?
@Shalvenay No, but sure having people fight a battle that might very well be lost for no other reason than to see how many resources they can keep (provided they somehow make it) is not fun on a PbF
howdy folks
what are you folks up to
Doing nothing useful
Deciding if I want to add moar armors to my armor page...
In other words, nothing usefu.
Use-fu, the most generic of martial arts.
I am in a bit of a crunch
I have a 5e campaign with ALOT of people
half live close the other half out of state
and today Im trying to decide on an event to split the two parties on two different storylines
FF4-style earthquake? Massive Covert Operation with two decidedly different objectives that must be completed in tandem? Half the group gets a really bad case of the bends?
Time travel
The answer is always time travel
@UristMcDorf ...to the present
Ooh, that gives me an idea
Due to [accident] one party ends up in Shadowfell and another in Feywild
Or whatever the 5e equivalents are
And they operate in the same places, just mirrored differently
One group gets sucked back to the time of troubles, and is subject to 2e rules.
Where one party explores an overgrown castle filled with dire plants and stuff
The other explores the same castle except decrepit and dead
@UristMcDorf you are far more helpful than I am.
Thank you.
@BlackVegetable He probably mastered Use-fu.
Also, there's a lot of cool stuff to be done like that. One fights a volcanic catasrophic dragon, the other a lich red
Stuff like that
Now I want to run a game or a few sessions like that
But I won't
@ObliviousSage That's got to be one of the most valuable people to have in any setting. Man, my dishwasher is broken -- No Problem! Dang, I have an advanced Calculus problem to solve -- I'm here to help! Whoa, I'm being mugged by six guys armed with red crayola markers -- I've got your back!
@BlackVegetable "Whoa, I'm being mugged by six guys armed with red crayola markers!" Sounds like a job for Aquaman.
Sounds like a bard
He'll wash those stains right out.
The party has a summonses from a duchess who will give the online group a story
I meet with mostly the in person group today, but we have 1 person whos out of state but is in town for the day
The in town group also has this bat shit crazy pint sized sorcerer
@ObliviousSage Poor sod.
Meanwhile, my problems with my party are more like "And please be good or nonaligned at wors-" "I think I'll be chaotic evil".
(Then they proceed to do nothing that chaotic evil for months except sometimes mumbling "I could burn them, I'm a chaotic evil pyromaniac after all")
@Zachiel I disallowed chaotic evil and said I need to talk to any player about their character if they are going to do evil
first time as DM, you know
and I wanted to not rely on alignments and allow realistic characters, so even evil characters care about self preservation, etc
im a bit more worried about neutral characters PCs at this point but that I can adapt to
Being part of a game where the PCs are meant to be able to win, most of the time with ease, makes them the ideal bullies
It's always being a problem in my D&D campaigns, part because murderhobo operations work and part because I'm very lenient.
But a pair of weeks ago I started to feel it really hard when someone in the party decided to attack a wizard on sight after two other party members managed to sneak into his house, got detected and convinced him to open the front gate.
@Zachiel Basically I let the party play around a lot but I'm trying to make encounters really painful and they know that a peaceful solution can be just as rewarding
@Skyler now they intimidated the wizard into giving them informations about the current battles in the war-torn city, they use his house as a base of operations and I'm not sure there's anyone good in the party, but I have no idea (and I'm the DM!)
My first dungeon world session involving breaking into a mansion filled with poorly paid, brutish guards ended up being completely non-violent. It was like a 6 hour session too.
@UristMcDorf I like! (I love the Shadowfell and Feywild, though.)
@Zachiel heh
so my first session had the people wake up in wooden cages on a sinking ship
i really butchered what I was saying there the first time around...
@nitsua60 Thanks :) I love them too, though as I mentioned a day or two ago, the Elemental Chaos is even more dear to me.
But I've always loved "same thing but with a different paradigm" kind of stuff.
@Skyler Same for my first session ever. It was a flying ship, tho'.
basically all the people who make up the in town group were there for that day, so i want to get them investigating how they were abducted
the duchess was also abducted, and I want to get the other people investigating a different lead
Since I was in a campaign that was getting a tad boring due to rotating DMs I played around with my character doing a multiclass dip
For the record, the favored soul sorcerer subclass erata is most broken 1 level dip ever in 5e
hey there @Skyler and hey again @Zachiel
howdy Shal
how you doin
alright here
I need to come up with a creative way to split a large party along managable lines
taking stab #3 at a worldbuilding exercise -- I actually have what looks to be something resembling politics this time, which is good
ideally 2 parties 2 storylines
with some crosstalk
@Shalvenay are these exercises enumerated somewhere?
@Skyler nah, more like trying to build a campaign world to have on hand
hey again @Zachiel
how're things going?
life returns
hey guys, anybody got a compelling collisuem/tournament structure for level 1/2 players
i was thinking first a free for all elimination round with monsters, people who are not knocked out that round enter the tournament,
then they compete in duels, goal is to take a talisman off of your foe by any means, maybe short of killing (aka quick 1-2 round combat engagements), and have the players also fight each other in some of these as they work up the bracket
maybe a final round with a reigning champ?
@Shalvenay As usual.
Except for issues with characters doing the murderhobo life XD
hrm...I'm looking for a conquest-focused war deity (preferably from the Faerunian pantheon) that'd be logical to pair with elves xD
Corellon is almost right -- but the way I see him is as someone who would be rather...displeased by Elves-turned-conquistadors
@Shalvenay Shervarash is more about killing drows than conquering
lol, i was just about to post sort of but not Shevarash
And Solonor Thelanidra is the other one that had the war domain in 3e
@Zachiel yeah -- I'm pairing Shevarash with the shady internal-affairs elves :P
@Shalvenay Well isn't Fenmarel or how is he called the one that deals with shady things?
@Zachiel my understanding of Fenmarel is that he's more about wild elves and such
@Shalvenay Erevan
Or there's that one that's associated with history... (I keep putting the book back to the shelf and forgetting the names...)
actually, Erevan might be an OK choice for the internal-affairs elves
...although on second thought, he doesn't sound quite...serious enough :P
Remember that all races can use the general pantheon
that is true
perhaps Garagos or Siamorphe?
hey guys, whats your favorite dice rolling thing that lets you remotely see players rolls
For conquest I'd be tempted to suggest Bane. But he's at the exact opposite of the alignment spectrum.
@Skyler Currently, Discord
@Zachiel discord has dice rolling
@Zachiel not only that, Banites are highly authoritarian re: internal affairs too
@Skyler with the proper bot, yes.

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