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Welcome to rpg.se! Please take a look at the tour, it's a useful introduction to the site. Stack Exchange is a Q&A site, not a traditional discussion forum, and it seems like you're asking two questions at once here. Can you please edit this question to focus on either how to model a relationship extra, or how to add it into the game when the narrative calls for it? If you have follow-up questions, we welcome them as new questions. — BESW 14 secs ago
And VTC unclear.
4 hours later…
@Zachiel Um, okay?
1 hour later…
It's fun to make characters sometimes. Threw together a 6th level death knight (necromancer/paladin) for our 13th Age game. Not that I'm planning on retiring my bard. But I want to play an undead badass paladin, too.
Wow, I've never seen this few chatrooms.
Only 4 active, that's gotta be a record.
I'm trying to catch up with a massive backload.
Giving the "personal kanban" organisation method a shot.
I'm trying to prepare for a goddamn physics exam.
I dislike physics as a subject because of my history with physics teachers.
And because it's all about memorising the formulae.
Mmm. Like math and philosophy, physics tends to be taught from the structures inward to the ideas, putting a lot of hurdles between the learner and the Good Stuff.
Unlike math and philosophy for me, actually.
I'd say the comparison applies the most to history of all things
Because history as it's taught in our country at least is mostly about specific dates, names, events and links between them.
The teacher cares more about whether you know if a certain event happened on the 30th of May or on the 29th
Than if you know about what actually led to that event
I like History, but I agree that knowing the exact date down to the day for every single event is tedious
having to do that is definitely not the fun part of history
it is important to some degree, but it isn't more important than knowing what happened, why, and how it effects things in the present, or what social issue teaching you can glean from wtv event you are studying is
2 hours later…
Siskoid is continuing his "Seasons of Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space" concept by writing up the first season of Class as an RPG campaign.
@SevenSidedDie I'm confident my crew will get there at some point – they are currently very corporate mercenary socialites, but are aware of the genre tropes.
(and it shows in the characters' backgrounds, there is room for turning out nice.)
Q: What is the option I have to choose to close a topic when the question asked is fundamentally wrong?

ChepelinkRelated, maybe even duplicated, but it really did not seem to address my question/problem. Let say that I found a question that is based on a fundamental mistake (e.g. a misunderstanding of a rule, in this case how many actions he can do with the ready action in DnD-5e). The first thing to do is...

3 hours later…
TIL a whole lot of people had their Amazon Alexa gadget attempt to purchase dollhouses from them based on overhearing someone on TV saying "Alexa ordered me a dollhouse."
A: How can I stop Alexa from ordering things if it hears a voice on TV?

HelmarInteresting, even though I have 1-Click purchasing activated my voice purchasing options have been deactivated by default. I have to actually activate them to buy stuff. Currently Alexa cannot discern between different voices. Either way there is the option to enable an optional confirmation ...

Q: How does one treat Dungeon World's Princess class move: Unicorn?

Sugar Star DancerTo give context: in a session which I am playing, a player has opted to play as The Princess class. This class has a move which deems them the owner of a Unicorn, which they must then name and describe with tags given by the character sheet. The GM has deemed that this particular move is too stro...

I feel like answers to this question are missing the main point, which is that the GM is not following the rules nor the GM's agenda
I think the fact that the GM is saying that the move is "too powerful" is a big clue that the GM doesn't quite get how DW is supposed to work.
It does sound like that.
Well. Except the Princess is a 3rd party class, and so could easily be too powerful in some regards.
In which case it turns into “Why is the Princess on the table?” and probably comes down to a communication problem.
Possibly. Or maybe it's just that one move, misunderstood or not.
@Magician Yes, but then there are advanced moves associated with the Unicorn move.
So it really should be, "Princess is off the table"
I have no idea if removing the unicorn moves cripples the class, or if those are just a subset of options.
Yep. I know I have put classes on the table that sounded interesting, but didn't read everything in detail.
If absence of unicorn is a dealbreaker - sure. But that's for the player to decide.
Absence of Unicorns is a good name for a doom metal folk band.
But at least looking roughly over it would have told me “You have a unicorn” and then I need to either look in detail or say “no, I can't deal with that, no Princess”.
It's pay-only
So I can't see what the Princess playbook actually says
I have a few pay-only Magic DW playbooks because I'm not a fan of Vancian magic, but I don't have the Princess and things like that.
I understand DW is hackable and players and GMs are encouraged to hack the game, but in essence it seems the GM of that game is concerned about "power level"
which isn't a thing in DW
And the GM has tools to deal with things he deems "too powerful," namely GM moves
Sure it is. If the GM thinks (correctly or not) that the unicorn would outshine the rest of the party combined in combat, that's a problem.
@Magician The GM's argument seems to be "Unicorns are too powerful in Dungeon World" which seems like an odd thing to say.
"... for a first level adventurer to have at their beck and call", maybe?
If there is a Unicorn creature in the "Monster Manual" section of the book, it is not the same as the Princess' Unicorn move
@LegendaryDude Which is seemingly not explained all that well in the princess playbook. Or maybe it is and the GM misunderstood it.
@UristMcDorf I dislike history as a subject because of my physics with history teachers =)
(Don't try to make sense of it. It's a koan-joke hybrid.)
@Magician Well, the quote doesn't say “beck and call”. So I was more thinking like Phoebe and Marigold, and that's definitely not beck and call.
That's more like a golden opportunity for the GM to at least ask questions.
@Magician Based on the C&P of the move in the Q, it looks like it's an NPC follower in the fiction which grants the princess limited advantages (+1d4 damage, OR the messy tag, OR additional healing when using the Princess Gentle Touch move)
@Magician you're making a strong case for "Magician":
Jan 13 '16 at 4:21, by nitsua60
"BESW" would be a good name for someone who's job was naming things =)
@nitsua60 I merely emulate the master :)
But the point is somewhat moot. A good answer would indeed go into detail about the GM's side of things and the context of the Unicorn move on the playbook, and give some experience on how that move is not overpowered and actually works with the other bits of the system – and not just draw analogies to the Ranger.
@Magician Master's been a little asleep at the naming-things-wheel, lately. (cough @BESW cough)
Is folk doom metal a genre? I listen to a LOT of doom metal. I listen, occasionally, to folk metal. Seems like there would be crossover, but I can't say that I've ever heard any.
Cathedral's Forest of Equilibrium would come very close, in my book, but is still decidedly doom metal.
Agalloch? I don't listen to doom metal all that much.
@nitsua60 I liked that.
So, any of you fans of the Dynasty Warriors series? I have an RPG-related thing I'd love to talk about (probably in a separate room to not clutter this chat though)
(also I failed the physics exam I mentioned but whatever)
Or at least familiar with them
@UristMcDorf I've played Samurai Warriors, which I understand to be basically the same thing as DW just Japanese instead of Chinese.
Well, mostly
I'm... less familiar with the SW franchise
The only things I know of the characters and lore are from Pokemon Conquest
And Warriors Orochi 3
My idea had to do with the lore, though, so I'm not sure how well knowledge of SW would apply
Ah, sorry about that
I'll still put it out here - I want to see what happens if you put DW in a fantasy setting. Demon lord Lu Bu, lich Sima Yi, that kind of stuff. In case of SW I guess an example would be Nobunaga literally being a black dragon.
Because I tried to run a game like that once in 4e but it died to unrelated reasons
I got as far as estabilishing the basic premise and the identities of some of the big important characters
And declaring that most of the time a standard monster is actually 10 to 100 monsters
The upping of the scale had the side effect of PCs normally pushing people hundreds of meters away.
2 hours later…
@UristMcDorf I couldn't imagine that you could have been exposed to the word "BLUH" in a context different than the one that would have had you understand my sentence and typing quirks (the inverted case, the extra commas). I stand corrected.
@Zachiel Ah. Don't worry, it's probably from there, yes.
It's just that I haven't been reading the thing since the second batch of trolls was introduced.
Got fed up.
But some things stayed with me, it seems.
I did get a feeling you were making a reference but at the time I was just a bit frustrated and chose to ignore it.
@UristMcDorf probably
@Zachiel “Bluh” is just a normal bit of English noise though. English onomatopoeias aren't codified, so all kinds of sound words get invented regularly and still make intuitive sense to an English speaker. English onomatopoeia is very productive, that way. I.e., it's not necessarily Homestuck; Homestuck got it from it being already a recognisable bit of onomatopoeia.
True, but I guess it made that specific one popular among people who don't speak English as their first language.
Not sure if should direct to videogames or boardgames, went with former
@Zachiel Probably, yeah.
@UristMcDorf Nice: that's one of those rare questions that is clearly enough on-topic elsewhere that it's okay to mod-migrate it directly.
@UristMcDorf Board games and video games have a lot of overlap, but essentially if it's played on a screen then it's video games even if it's just a screen-version of a traditional board game. A good example would be MTG vs MTG: Duels of the Planeswalkers.
Duels is clearly just MTG in screen form
But I'd argue strongly that questions for it should go on Arqade, not boardgames.SE.
@LegendaryDude Board & Card Games actually does accept question about digital versions of board games.
@diego o rly?
How about digital-only board and/or card games?
e.g. Hearthstone or Eternal Card Game
@LegendaryDude We have had a few rare video game questions too, when the core question is “how does this RPG rule actually work?” or the like, e.g.:
@LegendaryDude Those are not accepted, it has to have an actual physical board game version. But we don't care if you are playing chess with a person or against the computer
Q: How does Fighter Strength work in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition and Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition?

NzallI'm currently playing Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, which uses a modified version of AD&D 2nd edition. Please note that even though it's a modified version, most of the modifications were made to allow for the pausable real-time combat, and AFAIK, Strength wasn't changed. So I'm a Fighter (dw...

@LegendaryDude Heathstone is off-topic, but Magic: Duels of the Planeswalkers is on topic since it has an actual physical game it is based on
@diego That makes sense. But I think in cases where expertise/knowledge specifically of the video game function is required to answer, it'd be off-topic on B&C games, right?
Like if I had a question about the Duels of the Planeswalkers menu interface (e.g., "where can I find option X?") it'd be strictly off-topic?
@LegendaryDude I'm don't remember ever seeing that kind of question. I looked on meta and main quickly and didn't see anything like that.
@diego Just asking hypothetically. I mean, there must be a distinction between a question that is about the game itself and a question which only applies to the video game version, right?
@LegendaryDude Since I don't think anyone has tried asking that type of question it hasn't come up. All the help center says about it is "Questions about computer implementations of board games are fine."
@LegendaryDude Actually it looks like we do allow question that could only apply to digital versions: boardgames.stackexchange.com/questions/14985/…
I'd personally use the boardgame SE for stuff like that
But that's just personal preference.
Boardgame rules are usually better documented within the game, interestingly enough
So an answer would be more likely to be expert.
As in taking all info into consideration.
@BESW That's a good point. Then as the RO, do you want to give the final blessing to the idea of inviting SmokeDetector to the room to see how it goes?
Fate peeps: anyone want to either rescue Fred Hicks' comment-answer from oblivion, or give him a poke on Twitter to come back and resubmit? (I really wish I could convert comments to answers…)
@SevenSidedDie [swings thurible about]
@BESW Cool, I'll ask the maintainers then.
I'm enthusiastic about it, but I'm nerdy about this kind of thing. I may have been erring on the side of caution. :)
@SevenSidedDie Give it a day to see if he acts on his own?
@doppelgreener Sounds reasonable.
Alright, I'm told Smokey will post a message here if it suspects spam in the Stack.
@SevenSidedDie I have a concern about this question.
The title says forgotten realms. That's factual lore information, with some subjective interpretation of what "rich" means, which is doable. The body says something quite different.
@quartata Hi!
@SevenSidedDie I don't think it's actually in here right now
@quartata It is definitely not in the user list.
@quartata @doppelgreener Apparently Smokey only listens in Carcoal HQ, not anywhere else.
@doppelgreener I have similar concerns, yeah…
@doppelgreener Anything specific you're thinking needs doing though? I'm okay with letting it sink or swim with the voters or commentors as-is.
I suspect it won't get sorted out until someone gives a bad answer and the querent responds.
@SevenSidedDie mmm, realising i can just edit the title to not mislead someone into thinking it's actually specific is gonna do it for me for now.
@doppelgreener question closed, changed to be on topic, reopened.
The system, she works!
@BESW what! i had no idea
@mxyzplk yay

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