@nitsua60 yeah, trig and algebra I find are annoying because they're rules-memorization classes, there aren't neat theories underlying what's going on and condensing it to a few key theorems
@SirTechSpec did you get my invite to the not-a-bar?
> If however any mistake had been made by the attendant, and a wrong logarithm had been accidentally given to the engine, it would have discovered the mistake, and have rung a louder bell to call the attention of its guide, who on looking at the proper place, would see a plate above the logarithm he had just put in with the word "wrong" engraven upon it. [...] The Engine will always reject a wrong card by continually ringing a loud bell and stopping itself until supplied with the precise intellectual food it damands.
I'd also drop the argument whenever talking about some function generally. If we're just talking about the properties of the sine function, let's write "(sin())^2 + (cos())^2 = 1" and call it a day =)
Everything I learn about that man makes me love him more and more. Including the things I've learnt about having to actually interact with him in person, which make me love living centuries away from him =)
my problem isn't math classes per se though, it's math classes which masquerade as engineering classes (I'm looking at you, Field Theory/Signals) -- they wind up basically with lectures that have no connection to reality :/
@Shalvenay I'm sorry your reality feels divorced from abstract mathematics. Come join us over here, where we can barely even tell the difference between 2D and 3D objects =)
@Miniman I might need to translate "the one with the triangle" into Latin and make it my family motto.
@nitsua60 it's a pain in the arse specifically in those classes because they're engineering classes -- it's like "how in the world are you intended to use this stuff when you're at the workbench?"
@nitsua60 If you want me to be more specific, though, I mean the one that follows from the basic definition of sin and cos in a right-angled triangle combined with Pythagoras' theorem.
MATLAB. Loop on attack bonus, damage dice, damage modifier, ac, die roll 1, die roll 2... oh, it's only six loops =) Definitely one too many "end"s, then, and I'm ending everything at the wrong time =\
@SirTechSpec It's possible that one night I really didn't want to do dishes and, instead, trawled through transcripts grabbing every good band, great band, good song, good album, good talk show, good hoity elf... and copying htem into a spreadsheet. It's possible.
@Miniman aah. I scratched out the little squiggle at the front of my scratchpad, thinking I'd double-written the first '4'. Also, I realized I left out critical misses, so gimme a minute to fix that and they'll be on their way.
@Miniman Sorcerer Points can get you multiple level 9's between short rests by cannibalizing most of your other spells
@BESW haven't started the series yet. A friend really loves that book, mostly because he's extremely interested in interpersonal relationships, but I found it very dry to get into.
@nitsua60 Oh yeah, I saw that comment with my early morning checks, but forgot to reply. It's a solid strat - polymorph is about the lowest level thing that Big T can't afford to be hit with.
@BESW You can only polymorph things into things as powerful as themselves or less in 5e.
So you can polymorph Big T into a bunny, but you can only polymorph bunnies into other harmless creatures.
Okay, @Miniman, so sanity-check my pseudocode: `foreach (attack mod, expected damage from dice, damage mod) tuple` ` loop over AC; when you first get "regular" damage better than "-5/+10" damage, record current AC-1.` That's all it should be, right?
@nitsua60 Because loops are easier to write, since they allow you to think about the problem one step at a time, whereas arrays require you to think about the whole problem at once, even though array-based code ends up being simpler than loop-based code?
@Miniman Yup. The first little six-line block creates the list (2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 12.5, 13.5, 13, 14, 15...). It's d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 + up to 10 sneak attack dice, then also 2d6 + 10 SA dice.
@Miniman Not that I know of. But with your .edu address I'll bet you can get a full copy for something like $50 or $100. (At least, in US that's what educational copies cost.)
I mean, I'm perfectly OK with being told "No trial for you." But asking me "Do you intend to have an Internet connection at all times while using this software?" and then refusing me a trial when I say "No" seems a bit unreasonable, especially since there was no indication that this was a requirement, and even more so since I went back and answered "Yes" and got the trial.
@Miniman [whoosh] again; much cleaner, and something's changed, 'cause I now get a match to your one example. I'm going to work on trying to reduce dimensionality by 1; if you get some time would you mind generating a few more thresholds to spot-check? How about (+5, 42, 11) and (+20, 2.5, 3)? First one does enough damage that I'd expect we never want to use -5/+10, second is so likely to hit but does so little damage when it does that we really want to use -5/+10.
Alright, @Miniman, I've got 8064 AC thresholds for you, any time you want them =) I've convinced myself they're right, and am nowhere near figuring out how one might present them in a neat-and-tidy table. Or, yanno, nine neat-and-tidy tables =\
@nitsua60 consider graphing an always-use line and a never-use line for each build, though 18 will get rough on one graph
for that, consider a 'good builds' and 'other stuff' with a same-line reference
@Miniman I skimmed the full casters, and I think the only bet for multiple level 9s in one day is Cleric with a 9 and then a Divine Intervention to fake another one
@JoelHarmon So, the challenge is that once advantage enters the picture there's a huge spread between some of those lines. Like, maybe 10 AC points. I think that knowing the "real" threshold for your situation lies somewhere in that large an envelope isn't very useful.
Without (dis)advantage the three inputs of attack bonus, expected damage from dice, and damage bonus algebraically reduce to one "mixed" variable, basically. With (dis)advantage, it's... ugly.
I did that! Which gave me nice, clean graphs. Because they were wrong =( The tiny errors introduced by ignoring how crits care about dice vs. modifiers was enough to, in some cases, bump an AC threshold up or down by 1.
The vertical axis is "AC at which or below you'd be better using -5/+10"
Horizontal axis is (attack bonus - expected damage/2)
(conflating damage dice and modifiers, basically)
Note that as expected damage gets high relative to attack bonus--moving to the left--we're generating vertical spread.
In other words, in those cases it matters where the expected damage's coming from: damage dice vs. damage modifiers.
But, actually, that's only when you're looking at something like a 2d6 greatsword + 8d6 from sneak-attack dice; the imbalance between dice-damage and mod-damage starts to spread the AC calculation. (Or, conversely, a STR24 character wielding a dagger+3.)
So this reduces nicely to AC = floor(attack bonus - expected damage/2)+16, which is correct except in some really extreme cases.
But look at the same chart when the attack is advantaged:
That ^^, my friends, is why I'm going to bed =)
(@Miniman: look upon what you have wrought, and tremble.)
So I've got to try to find a better dimensional reduction to get (attack, dice damage, damage modifier) down to at most 2 inputs. I'm not expecting to get to 1 this time.
@JoelHarmon I haven't seen it for a while, but I remember the reaction of most of us at the time being, "Why did they make up all this ridiculous stuff, when there's enough real ridiculous stuff they could have made fun of?"
Thinking further, I might get the player who didn't make the same mistake to co-write it with me - both because she's a better writer and because I'd draw heavily on the contrast between the two to demonstrate how it was a mistake.
Either way, I'll send it to one of you if I get it written out.
@Magician If it's easier for me to join/be added/I have no idea how WordPress works, that's cool too. I just assmed the simplest option was for one of you to post.
It's very easy to register. I'll need your email address (which you can send me via the Contribute link in the top right corner, if that's your preference), so I can invite you to be a contributor.
I could maybe write something about making "one-trick-pony" characters. Specifically, my Gnoll-hating Ranger who I retired not long ago. He was great at shooting Gnolls; not too good at much else.
@trogdor To be more specific - SE uses gravatar by default, so until you set your profile image, it's something like @kviiri 's. data.SE, however, only uses gravatar, so you can't change it. But changing it for wordpress changes it for gravatar, so now gravatar knows what I look like, and by extension, data.SE does too.
Yeah, I'm pretty good about not spending lots of money on this sort of thing. And since our FLGS's version of "lots of games" is "We have some 5e expansion books!" there's not much opportunity for impulse buys anyway.
@BESW, I've been reading Fate Core materials from the page you linked. It sounds terribly fun. I like the idea of aspects, it sounds like a better-executed version of Savage World Edges and Hindrances.
Or well, more like Hindrances in particular, since they're the ones that are more about roleplaying while edges tend to be more focused on mechanical benefits.
I'm not very familiar with Savage World, but I've seen a number of different systems that use "phrasal truth" mechanics and they tend to succeed in proportion to the freedom given the group in adjudicating them.
Well, basically characters can buy, at character creation, extra skill points or edges in exchange of hindrances. Hindrances range from largely mechanical to largely narrative ones, and players are simply expected to roleplay them. They do get "bennies" from the GM for good roleplaying, though.
My character in Deadlands:Reloaded, for example, was once attacked by a huge cat monster. This left my character a Minor Hindrance of Phobia pertaining to cats. It gives me a small roll penalty whenever there's cats nearby.
But aspects sound more fun because they're more closely tied to the narrative.
And also because one can define them themselves, of course, instead of picking from a list.
Also, compelling sounds like a good way to formalize the idea that people should strive to roleplay their characters' weaknesses too.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinning_Dancer kinda like the spinning dancer, who some people see as going clockwise, others as going counterclockwise, and yet others as going in different directions at different times.
@trogdor Yeah, that's about it. But some people were further confused by seeing it differently at different times.
@BESW going through all the necessary processes has been a bit time-consuming. preparing to usurp kviiri's entire life and identity and become a doppelganger of them is not simple.
I've got scars from pencils, doors, a split bamboo fence... my life is not adventurous, but rather accident-prone. Luckily only the bamboo fence needed stitches.
The scar on my head (which was harder than the car it hit) has almost faded with time, but the one on my arm (from breaking it) is quite prominent, though also quite recent.
Let's asume that a new party member, alredy possessed by an intellect devourer, is true polymorphed into a dog by the wizard as part of his initiation ritual (and a big message that said "don't mess with me").
What would happen to the intellect devourer and/or the possessed member? Keep in mind ...
@doppelgreener Twilight being a case in point, actually; Meyer claims to have known nothing about vampires except what she'd absorbed through pop cultural osmosis.
(Which makes it so fascinating that the more you know about the history of vampires in pop culture, the more her vampires make sense.)
(Her lack of research on Native Americans, on the other hand...)
@Adeptus That seems like a reasonable reaction to a show that's fundamentally parody, but I'm certainly not expert enough to say how well it was done in the case of Australia. On the other hand, I don't recall a single mention of anything poisonous. :P
@eimyr Everybody talks about how Australia is so dangerous and such, and the Aussies say "Oh, it's not that bad!" and I'm just "Swooping season" and they have to go "well, okay."
@doppelgreener Yeah, see, when the Wall Street Journal said that Guam's snakes "hang from trees like fat brown strands of cooked spaghetti," we could say "No. No, they do not." We didn't have to say "Well, only sometimes."
Swooping season to me is this: each year, there's a chance that for a few weeks, somewhere along a walking and/or cycling route I use, there might be a magpie with a nest set up guarding a 10-20m stretch. It will swoop by and clack its beak near my ear. It's kinda scary. I don't get hurt. It is enough for me to want to change my route slightly if I can.
Like are there 2 paths I can use to get to the place? ok, I'll use the other one for now.
In general, while most of the world has very large carnivores who might hunt you, or very large herbivores who might kick your ribcage in, Australia just has a whole lot of moderate-to-small marsupials happy to mind their own business but with decent defence mechanisms if they're not able to. You don't see these unless you're out in the bush.
Spiders are harmless and the dangerous ones make themselves obvious.
(The huntsman people freak out about is awesome for pest control.)
When I was in Tanzania, I kept two spiders in my room safe from the cleaning lady. They occasionally caught mosquitoes in their webs, which I appreciated.
While I generally appreciate spiders for what they do, I am unable to coexist with them peacefully. That's why I probably shouldn't move to countries like yours.
@BESW It's pretty much like that here. Like, people can point at all the deadly fauna and flora here, but they're not all in the one place, right? And they're not in the cities.
Age has made me worse with insects. I used to be quite fine with horseflies and mosquitoes when I went out to country. Nowadays I'm just so offended in principle that an annoying parasite could lay eggs made of MY hard-earned proteins that I simply can't tolerate bites.
@eimyr We hardly have any mountains (just fells in the Lapland), but bears are quite common everywhere except urban centers. They tend to avoid humans though. There's been like one recorded fatal bear attack during the past 20 years.
Bear alerts happen once or twice per Summer, when young bears get lost when foraging and wind up in urban areas.
@kviiri honestly given modern medicine's abilities, when someone mentions a statistic about fatal attacks I'm given to wonder how many attacks there were involving grievous bodily harm.
Well, kids in school are taught how to handle bears. Make a decent amount of racket when walking in the woods --> bears be like "o shit, not humans again" and vanish.
@kviiri I had to teach a bunch of kids to do that last time we went hiking in the early morning; wild boars are generally not a problem unless you startle them or fall asleep looking particularly tasty.
@kviiri i'm told the primary advantages of bipeds over quadrupeds in terms of running is sheer acceleration. quadruped movement is more complex to get going, so we can get going a bit quicker. once we're going though, quadrupeds can move much faster.
@doppelgreener True, but lower mass gives humans an advantage in sudden turns (less momentum to undo) and also humans are among the best endurance runners in the animal kingdom.
@doppelgreener I've heard that advice apply to elephants, at least. Not 100% sure if it's enough against bears, but definitely better than straight line.
@doppelgreener if it's brown, lie down. If it's black, fight back. If it's white you don't need to remember this little poem because there's nothing you can do.
Brown bears do not eat carrion, not even a very fresh one. Try to fart or soil yourself while palying dead.
Of course the canonical advice they give is not to run at all unless totally out of other options. They taught my generation to lie down and play dead, but nowadays they tell one to back off, making calm but loud sounds, without making eye contact. Maintaining that one's a threat without being aggressive, sort of.
@doppelgreener I think this is falling out of favor, which makes sense because brown bears forage on carrion, too.
@kviiri i've read that wolves need to be responded to by moving away, neither particularly facing toward or away from them. (so like, sideways-ish.) if you run, you're telling them you're viable prey. if you walk toward them you might threaten them. if you walk away you're taking your eyes off them, which isn't a wise move.
In Gerry Anderson's 'Thunderbirds'(1965-66), the Tracy brothers (Scott, John, Virgil, Gordon and Alan) would respond on the radio
meaning 'affirmative' or 'understood'.
There are many theories as to the meaning to this acronym. While watching 'The Right Stuff', I noted that V...
@doppelgreener If you're attacked by wolves it means that you are in the mountains, it's winter, you're in the woods and they are truly desperate. That means you are a local aware of their presence and you take your gun with you or you're stupid tourist and you'll die of exposure without their involvement anyway.
This seems like it might hint at a significant difference in cultural paradigm.
**[Timely RPGery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nKltjD1HJ954pS3QZZL-E_ckNaKEeedxMKn7XwdFiio/edit?usp=sharing "Click for full source doc; please suggest items to pin!"):** [BoH](https://bundleofholding.com "Buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!"); [Fate module](http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/191782/Good-Neighbors--A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core "In Good Neighbors, players take on two roles: a human who must deal with the politics of this new industry, and a fairy who feels the full spiritual damage of the Industry.");
I found that Russian stories much more often portray a hero as only superficially empowered and his struggles are more often thwarted by lack of knowledge or imperfect understanding of the situation. In Polish stories if the hero loses, it's usually because of overwhelming odds and sheer power of the enemy.
@SirTechSpec The idea that many of us consider our lives as forms of story.
It uses various forms of Russian literature and philosophy as examples of different kinds of story (or rejection of story) on the level of cultural identity, and its impact on personal and societal choices.
(The concept of "narrative time" is particularly interesting to me because it touches on issues of identity related to my faith, but I think it's generally an interesting read. I don't agree with all of it, but often disagreement sparks more thoughtful attitudes in me.)