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@Miniman Hmm. I started to edit my answer, then changed my mind & made it a new answer.
Yeah, I strongly support avoiding changing an answer's content in ways that invalidate peoples' voting choices. (As opposed to improving an answer's existing content.)
@Miniman That's generally what I use my "favorite" stars for--to remind me to go back and bounty. But of course that only helps me get as far as the question....
@Asteria Just out of curiosity, what makes the DM amazing? (Always have my ear open for good tips!)
@nitsua60 apart from that I have a soft spot for him, he's super expressive, both vocally and physically, when playing an NPC. He flings his arms out and walks around the room if he's NPC is in a huff, puts on voices, just gets really into it.
I think the thing that I like most is, rather than just saying "You notice Robert is constantly looking to the corner of the room" or giving verbal hints, he plays the character and just flicks his eyes to the left a lot. If we don't pick up on it, too bad, it means we're not paying attention to what the character is doing.
I.... used to do that more. Adding a Skype interface to the group means relying a lot more on verbal cues.
yeah, our group can't always afford that kind of acting
@BESW aye, we started playing on Roll20 since the rest of the group live 2 hours away, so most of them miss out on it too. I never miss out though, since I live with the DM and can just watch him :P
@Asteria Thanks for the observations. I know I do some of those things, but I also know I fall down on some of those things. (There are also location-issues: Organized Play with strangers in FLGS on Sat afternoon is very different for me than the standing adult group meeting privately.)
Hmm. Trying to come up with a good high concept for my game ranger PC.
@BESW hasn't everyone been trying to come up with a good ranger concept for twenty years?
Ba-dum... tish?
I have so dearly wanted to like playing a ranger in every edition of D&D. And every time I come away thinking "wow, that's a really excellent NPC to have along in the party."
I made a few fun rangers in 3.5, but usually under mitigating circumstances.
And 4e rangers had some of the best effort-to-DPS ratios in the game.
(As well as the potential for being sick debuffers if you actually put in the effort.)
@nitsua60 Well, the catfolk ranger who specialised in shot-on-the-run and added Wisdom and Dex to attacks, and Wisdom to damage.
His policy was "I can shoot you from further away than you can cast fireball."
is catfolk a race, or just a lifestyle? (Like "oh, you remember the Joneses... they're cat people.")
[disappointment ensues for 8yo nitsua60]
It's a 3.5 race. Small level adjustment, high Dex and decent Wis bonuses, some fun little extras like high movement speed.
I added a level of Barbarian for the extra speed boost.
@BESW No CHA hit for being, well, hated by half the world? (Not me, mind you. I know we've got plenty of cat-lovers here. And I nap with mine every day.)
If he'd been a Fate character, these would be his aspects.
But my new PC for Fate is Thulani Daswa:
> A South African anti-poaching game ranger from a Zulu township, working with Amaterasu since post-Weirdness rhinos can deal with poachers themselves now. Thulani's friendly and sincere personality is tempered by his experiences on anti-poaching patrols.
Modes are Soldier/Banter/Science.
@Asteria If you're talking about my answer to your recent "difficult player" question (or even if you're not), don't feel obliged to accept it just because it's an answer, if it's not actually helpful/useful to you.
Last time I had a thorny issue, none of the answers really solved my problem - but in reading them and disagreeing, I got ideas that did appeal to me, which I submitted in my own answer. If a few more weeks of play bears out my strategy, I'll probably go back and accept it, which sounded weird to me but is apparently encouraged around these parts.
@SirTechSpec [encourages]
^Like so. :D
I guess I think of it through the lens of "it's not about who gets what points, but about solving people's problems."
That reminds me, @BESW, do you remember that comment you made on an answer that said "couples shouldn't game together", explaining why that was both bad advice and a really toxic attitude? I came across it a while back and wanted to link to it in my answer to Asteria's question (not because I think it's totally necessary in this situation so much as for thoroughness/posterity.)
You mean this comment on the site's most downvoted answer ever to remain undeleted?
Well, I guess you've got to admire his commitment? (To the answer, that is.)
@BESW The very same! Thanks.
@nitsua60 I think it's a good thing to have sitting there with all those downvotes.
Yeah, it sure sends an unambiguous signal about what we (mostly) don't agree with.
@BESW what do you call that thing where you make a mashup of images to try and capture the feel/setting for a game/adventure?
...I need to add that to my profile's link list.
Ohhhh, that is awesome! (I was going to say "montage" so glad I didn't butt in, haha.)
Anyone remember what is called the string of signal fires employed in Lord of the Rings? One of the hobbits sneaks up to start it up? (And, yes, I'm picturing them from the movie rather than remembering reading about them.)
@nitsua60 The generic term for that kind of system, or the specific name for that set of signal towers in the story?
I'm not sure it had a proper noun, though the response was The Red Arrow.
@BESW specifically that set
@BESW ty again!
File under: jobs I'm really glad I don't have - both boring and high-pressure/responsibility.
@SirTechSpec manning the beacons, you mean?
@nitsua60 Yeah.
And with that I'm off - night all!
@SirTechSpec I do mean your answer, since it actually gives advice and doesn't just say 'DM rawr'. I'm going to give your advice a shot this Sat, during our next game. Hopefully it helps out and I'll be able to accept your answer :P
@Asteria Best of luck and do let us know!
@Asteria I had a similar quandary with this AL+RP question. Lots of good advice in the answers, but very little that actually addressed the situation I raised (in my opinion). And now AL's effectively dead....
If an answer didn't actually help solve the problem, there's absolutely no pressure to accept it.
You can still upvote, or even bounty it, to show your appreciation.
...I think Thulani's high concept might be Sanguine game ranger.
@nitsua60 I had a few questions go off-topic before I could get any actionable answers...
@nitsua60 after reading through that question & answers, I have developed an appreciation for "SIR GALAHAD THE MIGHTY" and his bristling mustache
@Asteria I really appreciate the distance Galahad had to go to get Faramir's back =)
@nitsua60 Galahad rolls attack and swings his mighty sword rolls a 1 right in to Faramir's back
quick question: at an altitude where even scrub gives way to just lichen/mosses (say, 15-20K ft), what sort of fauna might we find? Anything substantial?
...what continent?
I'm picturing Himalayas, but am pretty ignorant on the subject. Both subjects, actually: altitude and Himalayas.
@nitsua60 Yeti.
[facepalm] how could I forget the yeti!?
@Adeptus "That's lame. It's totally just the same guy doing voices for a bunch of different movies."
Alpine tundra is very complex and quick to change.
Just a foot or two might totally change the environment; you're not going to find many places that just plain don't have grass and scrub at all.
The roof of the world might be a good place to start.
(I'm taking furious notes, btw.)
(That forestrynepal guy is pretty awesome for this)
If you really want no plants more advanced than lichen, you want the snow line.
True, so how about above the snow line?
Birds seem to do alright. Some hyper-adapted rodents and their predators, too.
Speaking of Kashmir, someone mentioned cashmere at lunch the other day. I started humming the beginning of "Kashmir". Except what came out was the beginning to "Back in Black." Not my finest reference-moment.
[never going to keep up... I'm still on the 22 species of thrush... it's no fair, there's four of him....]
The one that's sleeping doesn't really count.
@BESW I'm not buying anything I read there. There's not one mention of a thrush.
@nitsua60 Actually, if you look at the individual thrush articles, a lot of them top out around 11 or 13k.
Q: What exactly is the problem-player tag for?

Premier BromanovLooking through the meta, I can only seem to find posts about people dissatisfied with problem player questions. I've always understood the problem-player tag as the tag you use when someone at the table is being...well, a problem player. "That guy" or meta-gamers or what have you. While reading...

> The African elephant is found in all types of habitats ranging from the savannahs to marshes and deserts and even in mountains above the snow line. (source)
> [The common wombat] is one of the few marsupials that will venture above the snowline in some of the mountainous areas of New South Wales and Victoria. (source)
I can't put elephants up there... but the Goliaths would love them....
Maybe the Goliaths imported them.
(Any time you want to put something ridiculous and illogical into an ecosystem, just find a humanoid group to blame it on.)
Or vice-versa? The elephants wanted some big-company?
> Land snails have been found above the snow line; species of Vitrina crawl on snowbanks in Alpine meadows. (source)
Caterpillars and spiders, too.
> The Abominable Snowman is said to inhabit the mountains of the Himalayas above the snow line. [...] alleged Yeti tracks found above the snow line have also been pointed to other animals living in the Himalayas: such as goats, wolves and snow leopards. (source)
> the African wild dog [...] has been reported from deep in the Sahara, from the montane forests of Ethiopia and from over 19,000 ft (5,790 m) above the snowline on Mt. Kilimanjaro. (source)
Okay, I'm done for now.
I can't even comprehend the list of animals you're providing as fast as you're providing them!
@BESW [whew. I've got about seventeen tabs open to catch up on.] Thanks!
'night, all.
and just to make everyone feel good about prospects for life, in general...
@BESW are "wizards" a humanoid group?
@Magician Frequently!
...at least, they often start out that way.
Work emails get way more eldritch when you read I.T. as IT. IT IS AWARE OF THE PROBLEM IT HAS ISSUED A TICKET IT IS WAITING AT YOUR DESK
@BESW Not at all octopuses in robes with ill-fitting masks, then?
@Magician Studies have shown that only one in seven wizards starts their career as an octopus in a robe with an ill-fitting mask.
I wonder who conducted those studies...
This is surprising to many people, who usually meet wizards who have advanced on their career paths.
Magic success at a major cost: you grow a tentacle. Minor cost: a small tentacle.
Wizards without tentacles are either very new, very bad, or have a very good plastic surgeon.
Okay, I think I've got my next PC ready to hit the table (lots of blanks to fill in during play, obviously).
Thank you again to @Magician for your mode-to-skill calculator.
I'm glad you find it useful :D
2 hours later…
@Magician I've used this thing several times now. We recently used it to play some very quick mix-and-match: "What does this character's skills look like if we put the modes in THIS order?" Thanks again.
Have you found any more bugs, or feature requests?
@Magician I think I may have found a bug. If you have time to repro I could describe it. Otherwise I'll repro later this evening then show you.
A few days ago it just sort of froze on "calculating." I could change anything in the blue boxes, or wait a long time, and the "calculating" bar would just sit there like it was doing something.
@doppelgreener I have to run a game in a couple hours, but happy to talk about it tomorrow.
@Magician sure thing!
@BESW I suspect that could be google spreadsheet thing, solved by reloading.
I did refresh, but didn't force a cache dump.
Incidentally, what's a good name for an Obsessed Pirate's ship, in the late 19th century weird almost-England?
What're they obsessed with?
The PC captain, as of a few games back. It was a thing.
..the Kweepod.
Their ship would have been named way before that, while they were Affluent Pirate, but if it can creepily echo the obsession, so much the better.
What's the captain's obsession?
@BESW google tells me nothing.
@Magician Captain Ahab's ship was the Pequod.
1 min ago, by Magician
The PC captain, as of a few games back. It was a thing.
@BESW Ah. One of the PCs is already a quasi-Ahab, but I'll keep this in mind.
So we have a pirate obsessed with another captain?
Other ship names we've had so far were Fallen Star (PCs), Inconstant, Unquenchable, Gotcha (pirates, eh).
Is it a big ship?
@doppelgreener They had a misfortune of drinking a very nasty love potion-like substance.
Probably, yeah.
Call it the Subtle.
Big, noisy, blunt, like the effects of a love potion too.
The Imminent Domain.
Or... hm. I have a big book of pirates. [goes and gets]
Google's great and all, but it's hard to beat A General History of the Robberies and Murders of the most notorious Pyrates.
Okay, so brilliant names of actual ships, to get the creative juices flowing.
John and Mary
Prudent Hannah
King Solomon
John and Martha
Protestant Caesar
Lots of personal names, huh.
Also a TON of place names.
More personal names...
Elizabeth and Katherine
Oh, here's a cluster of great names.
A ship called Duke whose longboat is referred to as Dutchess.
Hink, Buck, Morris, John, Princess, Royal John, Tantalus, Rover...
...if it'd make a good name for a dog, a pub, or a parody prostitute, there's been a ship with that name.
Queda Merchant, Resolution, Anne Bonny, George Gally, Triumvirate, Lewis and Joseph, Delight, (Squirrel again!), Good Fortune...
The popularity of Squirrels is confusing.
At this rate you can call your NPC ship the Bad Fortune in Love and it's totally plausible.
Swallow, Royal Fortune, Little Ranger, Porcupine, Love, Sadbury
Unlucky in Love, then. By implication, lucky at cards.
... Unfortunate Implications.
Or invent some little town it's named for, like Badlov.
I skipped the nearly half the ships which were named Suffolk or Surrey or Hardley or any other place name.
2 hours later…
> she's currently incarnating as a Warlock High-Half-Elf True Neutral Good Warlock who uses a Sword and a Shield for some bizarre reason I don't understand
What part of "half high double warlock" doesn't explain that?
What's new?
Getting carry-out because we're all very tired and have run out of veggies in the house.
Carry out?
Mm. Call up Arashi Bowl, order food, by the time I drive over it's ready.
is that a fancy way of saying it's takeaway?
Carryout, takeaway, to-go...
seems like carry-out is more like ordering for collection
while takeaway for some reason often delivers
Regional variances.
There aren't a lot of delivery services here.
yeah, most of them are really cheap pizza places
not the best
Back later.
One would think delivery over the island would be a huge competitive advantage
well for whatever reason, practically no one delivers here
probably no good roi
I am inclined to think the pizza places only do it because it's basically traditional
cost of fuel vs profit on delviery
well, it isn't a huge island
that being said, someone from too far away for delivery could still order stuff
How about drone-based delivery?
we aren't that hip, plus I would think there are still plenty of people who wouldn't be too ok with that
and not just here
@Sejanus basically a world creation game that I wrote. Sorry for late response, and it'll be delayed while I'm holidayyying
Morning all!
A number of places in Hagatna or Dededo deliver in their immediate local area, but island-wide delivery can mean drives of an hour or more (just one way!), and a lot of very confusing addresses.
And, well, I wouldn't want to be the guy who gets lost in the middle of the night trying to make a delivery in rural Agat.
neither would I
What's wrong with Agat?
Or with teh night?
Or is it the rural part?
Agat, especially rural Agat, is one of the more aggressively territorial villages.
I don't really now how to parse that
is it like various gang turfs?
That's probably the easiest, though not the most accurate, comparison, yes.
Village rivalries, especially in the south, can get physical.
yeah, people can get sorta violent here, but it generally isn't a gang thing
it's more about where you are from or who your family or friends are
So, if village A & B don't like each other and I try to deliver something coming from village C, how is that going to complciate my work?
I get that delivering something from B to A (or vice versa) is a no go
But C should be okay(ish)
Well, if you're white in Agat after dark, there'll be folks who don't care where you're from or why you're there.
But in, say, Agana Heights, there wouldn't be much problem.
Some groups are laid-back, some will escalate in response to overt offences, and some are looking for excuses.
Agat, Umatac, Malesso, Yona, those are the kinds of places where you're liable to run into someone looking for an excuse.
But again, mostly at night unless you're really sticking your nose where you don't belong.
And in that case, well, even Haganta has families that'll shoot you if you trespass.
@BESW which I do not tend to do anyway, hooray,... I guess
So if you're poking around at night trying to deliver Thai food to somebody's unmarked ranch, that's kinda setting yourself up for staring down a shotgun.
I see.
That sounds pretty awful.
technically I wasn't being shot at,.. but once when I was really young and not quite as bright as I am now I was taking a shortcut to a freinds house,.. someone or other shot into the air
I still don't know if that was some kind of warning or if someone was just really drunk or something
but I never took that shortcut again
that is for sure
this WAS during the day though
I don't think I would have been doing that at night for any reason whatsoever
If you go in announced, though, the same people will be as hospitable as can be.
If I was in Agat with an Agat boy, I'd be pretty safe.
yeah, it shouldn't sound like you will get shot just for being there, a majority of the people who live here are known for being generous and hospitable
...so long as I don't mention Malafunkshun or anything like that.
you guys talking about Guam?
turns out that way yeah
I would have never thought that it has this sort of problem
Feel free to change the subject.
A lot of people who move here remain largely unaware of it too, just by virtue of not going to the south much.
Trogdor and I, despite being non-Chamorro, grew up in the mid-to-deep south.
(In particular, I lived south of the ex-pat community which Troggy's family lived near/among.)
There are a lot of settled American families in Ipan and Talofofo, but a white family south of the Talofofo River raises eyebrows.
you did live pretty far that way
7% of whites on Guam
@Golkopitenko Hello.
ey sup my man
4 hours later…
(in my headcanon, @Golokopitenko is still sitting there happily twiddling thumbs waiting calmly for a reply from @eimyr)
heheh we talked on the Bar channel
but I do twiddle my thumbs from time to time
I should avoid sullying the sanctity of this cannel's category
either way :) as long as off topic chat is able to give way to on topic chat
I'm off, good night!
sweet dreams, my prince
aw shucks.
And a good day to you :)
hey everybody
ey0 wassup my man
and now we wait...
The advantage of being a player is that I don't have to worry about prepping
the disadvantage of being a player is that I have to worry about prepping my character
Why worry?
Prep or prep not but worrying is a path to the Dark Side.
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