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**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Morts](http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180960/Morts--A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core "Protect humanity from the undead hordes in this Fate World of Adventure");
[ARRPG OGLified](http://spiritoftheblank.blogspot.com/2016/04/atomic-robo-ogl-rules-now-availableyes.html "Includes Majestic 12 invention and mission briefing rules!");
[Microscope Oracles online](http://www.lamemage.com/oracles/index.php?swords "randomly generate history ideas for your Microsco
(Fate fans, note the new World of Adventure in the CRPGS pin!)
> The undead are not subtle, so their skills always end with an exclamation point.
@BESW I Deny! these vitalist allegations.
@Miniman is undead, confirmed
@Asteria We prefer the term "differently-alive".
or "less necromanticly challenged"
@trogdor Maybe even "non-lifespan-limited".
well, that one works a little too broadly
I mean, Immortals of any kind would be called that
@trogdor We are happy to be grouped with our eternal brethren. Except celestials. Those guys are jerks.
well then there you go
it is a slight problem isn't it?
It's true..."animated" (as opposed to "animate", and incorporating "reanimated") would work, and includes our close kindred, the golems.
Also need to note that "self-animated" is included in this category. Liches are the last unholy beings I would want to exclude.
@Miniman ok, I hate to be a nit-picker, but the answer is solely relying on the use of magic, or magical items in this case, outside of physically forcing the Rage to end by either KO'ing the user, or avoiding conflict for a round
Actually, would a grapple work?
The requirements for a Rage to continue are for the user to make a successful Attack, or to take damage. So in a grapple, can they successfully "Attack"?
@Ben Yes. You can freely attack the grappler.
Grappled is pretty significantly nerfed in 5e compared to other editions
or at least it feels that way to me
But, I continue to get the impression I'm missing your actual question. What's the motivation? Why does it matter that I only listed spells?
I'm just trying to clarify. For example, if the opponent had no magic, or magical items at his expense, there's no way to end the Rage, other than the methods I have previously mentioned - avoiding being attacked, or attacking the user.
I mean, that's pretty much true of spellcasters, too. Everyone has to fulfill the rage-ending conditions to end the rage.
It turns out that denying a barbarian the ability to Rage makes him nothing more than a really bad fighter.
On the subject of the grapple however, (you'll have to forgive me, my memory of it is fuzzy), once grappled, you can either attempt to break free (spending an action) or attack the grappler. Correct?
You see similar problems with trying to deny a Rogue the ability to Sneak Attack: These features are a core and critical part of the classes, the 5e designers made it intentionally very difficult to deny them because of that
You can attempt to break free with an action, or do anything else that you can normally do.
The only thing you can't do is move (unless you can move with a movespeed of 0 somehow)
I'm asking in the case of facing off against these abilities. 1-on-1 a Barbarian vs say, a Fighter is actually fairly unbalanced
@Ben Ok, I'm going to come right out and say it - it seems like the question you asked is only vaguely related to what you're actually trying to find out.
Ok, is there a better way of phrasing it? The information you've provided is relevant still.
How can a character force a Barbarian to end a Rage with no spells or magic items? Is a perfectly reasonable question, but it's not what you asked.
The answer I'd give to that question would include "a mundane net will usually work".
Well, yes and no. I tried to keep it open, because using spells is a legitimate tactic, as is using a net.
A list of every tactic that could conceivably be used is miles long. If your looking for tactics you can use, ask about your specific situation.
Hm... ok. I'll try to re-think it. And I think I might ask it as a new question too.
Note that I commented straight away to ask whether you were looking for strategies, and you said you weren't.
I think maybe I didn't have a specific scope on the question to begin with.
I'll make this question a bit more specific too.
Unless you think it works ok? @Miniman
@Ben I think it's ok - maybe a little obvious (if you want to end the rage, fulfill the rage-ending conditions) but perfectly fine.
Ok. :)
@Ben Your new question is...*really* broad.
A list of every spell, ability, or item that can either render someone unconscious or make them not attack or make them not move or make them follow a command is already really broad, and then we have stuff like "stay more than 30 feet away" which doesn't work if he has a ranged weapon, so "stay more than 300 feet away", or hide, or...
The reference to the original question also makes me think once again that I have no idea what that question was actually asking - non-combat tactics sounds like you're asking for answers like "talk the barbarian into ending his rage"
Wait, acratch
@Ben Wait, ignore everything I just said - I apparently completely failed reading back in kindergarten.
@Ben Ok, now that I've actually read it, how is your new question different to your original question? The new question specifies combat tactics, and says that the original specified non-combat tactics, but the original doesn't say that...so...huh?
@Miniman Yeah: grapple, net, and hide were the three that first popped into my head. Of course, a friend and I have recently been bandying about the idea that his barbarian might self-attack any time a target wasn't around just to maintain the rage... A punch in the face for 1 dmg (unarmed strike), halved due to resistance, rounded down means the barbarian can sustain the rage...
@Ben attack doesn't need to be successful to continue the rage--it just needs to be taken. You can whiff and be really frustrated by that =)
@nitsua60 Would you mind reading back a ways and seeing if you can make this make sense for me? At this point I'm not sure I actually have any idea what either question is asking.
@Miniman I have read back, and I'm not sure what @Ben is getting at either. I think this is a case where we need to help Ben dial in on what his problem, not his question, is.
The list of things that end the rage is very simple: cause the barbarian to drop of his own accord, prevent damage to him one round, prevent him attacking one round. Like you say, the list of how to achieve each of those things is rather long and (IMO) uninteresting. Feels like doing someone else's homework.
Ok I have hopefully clarified the first question.
@Miniman do you have five minutes for 5e brainstorming?
@Ben [looking]
@nitsua60 Yep, although as always I may suffer temporary existence failures.
@Miniman except: hold that thought. I wanna get back to Ben a moment.
@Ben Ok, so you know all the ways to avoid damaging the barbarian, you know all the ways to prevent him attacking, and you're wondering about other ways... is that right?
@nitsua60 Yes, if that makes sense?
@Ben Looks good to me; to be more specific, it looks like the question I answered in my answer :) so now I have to ask: what's the newer question about?
Clarifying that now. I'm adding reference to the Fighter, as we were discussing earlier. I have a bad habit of keeping questions open.
@Ben Sure. Then I think significantly tighten up your question. Something like "I really want to stop barbarians' rage without going toe-to-toe. How can I force a barbarian to end his rage, themself?" Saying "what are the ways" implies there might be a multiplicity when you already know there's only one: the barbarian has to end it via his bonus action.
hey @Ben
Quick question - I don't have the material infront of me, so I'm blanking pretty hard, but Fighters can employ "Skills" when they level up, right? Like "Sentinel", yeah?
@Ben Feats? yeah
Ok, hopefully that's a bit more specific
@Ben [looking]
@Ben what lucky dice rolls are you talking about?
also @Ben -- is this a sign we'll see you back on the weekends, too?
@Ben Also, I'm not quite sure I'm clear on one point. You say that "avoiding being attacked by them" is a way to countermand Rage. What exactly do you mean? Dodge? Having really good AC?
@nitsua60 I mean lucky as in bad dice rolls on the barbarian's part - i.e. bad attack rolls etc
@Ben That doesn't help - the Barbarian doesn't have to hit, just attack.
@Ben That's what I was afraid of. Because that doesn't matter, and I think you're fundamentally misunderstanding something. The barbarian doesn't have to hit anything to rage. Just has to attack.
@Shalvenay Hey, sorry about that! There might be soon, I have been so super busy lately!
32 mins ago, by nitsua60
@Ben attack doesn't need to be successful to continue the rage--it just needs to be taken. You can whiff and be really frustrated by that =)
Wow really?
OP haha
That's what the "Rage" description says. Ends if [among other things] you haven't attacked a hostile creature. Says nothing about hitting or damaging.
Like the question about rogues recently, it's meant to be easy to use and benefit from your class features.
@Shalvenay I'll be keen to get back into some more 1v1 play :D
@Miniman Particularly your defining one.
@nitsua60 haha, barbarian attacks you with a pillow, goes into rage
@Shalvenay even better: misses you with pillow, stays enraged.
Ok, well after that, is the question better? This is asking about purely physical situations, no tricks, no magic.
So fundamentally, @Ben, you need the barbarian not to attack, not just to fail when attacking. That's where @Miniman's suggestions about Suggestion, Command, Dominate come into play.
You've got to clarify that bit about "avoid being attacked."
@nitsua60 or not to be able to attack, yeah.
@Ben That would definitely be better...but it doesn't actually state that restriction right now.
@Ben Right, so this is where we get something you haven't mentioned yet: Hide.
@Ben Also, what do you mean "no tricks"? Try to stick with game terms and you'll see us much less confused.
@Ben If the barbarian can't choose any targets, then can't attack, and doesn't sustain the rage.
@Miniman, @Shalvenay, @Ben: two-minutes' brainstorm?
@nitsua60 Sure
@nitsua60 make it quick xD
Okay, had session -1 of new IRL campaign tonight. We're rying to set in something like Earth's Bronze Age.
First quick thought, looking at equipment lists, was to excise all martial weapons and heavy armor.
not a bad start
Unforeseen consequences? Playable class list is restricted to Bb, Ftr (only Champion), Dr, Rogue (no Arcane Trickster), Wild So, and Ranger.
@Ben So, here is the edit I would suggest: Title: Mundane tactics to end a Barbarian's Rage Body: How can a character cause an enemy Barbarian's Rage to end without using spells, magic items, or class features?
@nitsua60 not sure if Druid is a good fit for the setting or not....it's really a split between Druid and Cleric -- and I suspect you'd have to tailor the class to your setting either way you went
OTOH -- why no Bards?
One setting conceit is that such gods as may or may not exist aren't (yet) known. All magic is a sort of primal earth-driven magic.
@nitsua60 You're probably eliminating Str-based builds for everyone except Barbarians.
'Cause... bards.
it seems like an obvious omission from that list if you ask me, just in terms of character concepts
@Miniman because of the heavy weapons?
@nitsua60 And the heavy armor.
@Shalvenay really it's because the idea was that arcane magic is so in its infancy that wild magic would be the highest level of "control" thus achieved.
@Miniman So maybe we pull the Maul into the weapon list...
anyhow, I'd look at tailoring a custom Druid circle to fit your setting, and look at fitting some type of Bard (Valor Bard?) in there
It's a very mountainous region. Think like Andes or Himalayas.
Playable races are Goliath, Human, Svirfneblin.
@nitsua60 It's up to you - a lot of mundane builds are effectively removed, if you're ok with that, that's fine.
@Miniman well, it's up to me and the players =) They're the ones who picked many of these restrictions.
@nitsua60 I wonder if you could build a serviceable Bard around the bardic inspiration type stuff they do (i.e. without the casting)
maybe take a page or two from the 4e Warlord in terms of class abilities to give them?
@Shalvenay I've got zero 4e experience.
understandable. it just seems to me that conceptually speaking, bards in your setting would work, just as mundane-ish leaders instead of casters
@nitsua60 [wave]
@Miniman You wouldn't fancy a STR-based druid who gets in and fights hard with a spear or maul, then fights hard as a bear?
@nitsua60 My thoughts are all from a char-op perspective, and not really applicable.
@Miniman Fair.
@Shalvenay We had a similar discussion about Monks. Some were like "well, they don't really clash..." while others were "they don't seem to make obvious sense, either."
@nitsua60 yeah, Monks make less sense because they come from a different setting tradition if you will
@nitsua60 See previous comment - if I come up with a cool character concept, I'll play it and char-op be damned, but that's not what I'm doing here :)
@Miniman I had wondered if it nerfed the Ftr too much, as you've removed half of their weapon proficiency. Would one pick Ftr over Bb?
(i.e. they reflect a different view of how combat is supposed to work vs the other martials)
but I need sleep
@Shalvenay right. Thanks, and see you 'round!
@nitsua60 Hmmm...probably? Dex fighters haven't lost much. I wouldn't play a Str fighter, but Dex is the god stat anyway.
And the various styles (and maneuvers) all still make sense, too.
The Barb is going to have to live with smaller damage dice, but then so is everyone else.
GWF mooted a little bit?
(Since you can't grab those 2d6 weapon re-rolls?)
I guess my main worry would be the Druid - every other available class has had at least some nerf, but the Druid hasn't lost anything.
@nitsua60 Good point, it's another reason Str builds are much less viable.
@Miniman I see that in one way, but not in others. For instance the So has lost a source-choice, but the WM So is exactly the same here as before.
But the Ro, Ftr, Ra, and Bb all lose weapons and (for some) armor.
Maybe we need to do a careful excision of some spells?
I was planning on bringing in the Elemental Evil Player's Guide spells; perhaps we cycle some out to keep the list the same length and provide a small knock to the casters?
@nitsua60 Yeah...but the WM sorcerer kinda sucks anyway.
Oh, no--my favorite!
@nitsua60 Sorry.
(But agreed, the Draconic Sorceror gets some good things, and the whole chaos-manipulation thing doesn't really seem to match it.)
@Miniman No worries. Some people like bards, after all =)
[j/k again, @Shalvenay]
It's 2 of my sisters' favourite, too! It's a really cool concept, just...badly executed.
@Miniman one thing that my WM player has liked is that I copied the WM table from 2e Tome of Magic and roll on that one. So he doesn't even know what's on the table, 'cause it's not sitting in the PHB.
Using the PHB one felt like a chore for him to do, he said. This way it feels "wild" for him.
Interesting...it really seems like the closer it gets to the concept, the less control the player has over their character :P
Okay, I gotta run. Thanks so much @Miniman for helping me think through some of these things.
@nitsua60 Cya!
This is my favorite time of the campaign: the few weeks' ideation leading up to session 1 =)
@BESW later.
Ok, so I've added the clarifications to the question - specifically the reference to the Fighter.
@Ben Does the answer Premier Bromanov gave answer the question?
Well, no because he's suggesting abilities that the Fighter can't use.
I also changed the title (but that was after he answered)
@Ben Ok. So the paragraph on the Fighter isn't really "for example", it is the actual question? The first paragraph is just context? (Context which confuses the heck out of me and apparently Premier Bromanov too)
@Miniman Ok, I should really try and figure out a way to get across what I'm trying to explain.
The first question has been answered. That was the answer I was looking for.
@Ben Glad to hear it!
As for the second question, I'm using the fighter as an example, because he has no special abilities, like magic, to assist in this situation.
What I'm looking for, is ways to assist a player in ending a Rage, that isn't going to give me the answer of "Keep your distance"
@Ben Yep, I think I do understand what you're trying to ask...do you mind if I do an edit to what I think you're trying to say? Revert straight away if I'm wrong, obviously.
Sure :)
An example you suggested were using a net, which is one suggestion I'm looking for.
@Ben Ok, drastic edit complete.
I'm not entirely happy with it, but I think it gets the intent of your question across, at least.
Yeah that looks good to me
But then again, I came up with the original edit, so maybe you're just speaking my language haha
@Ben That's a relief! At least now I am pretty confident I know what the question is. Hopefully it'll be obvious to everyone else too.
It is that big of a problem if I'm facing off against a Raging Barbarian though. I do apologise for the confusion of the original question, and the following multiple edits. The question I'm trying to ask is are there any feats or equipment that can be used to assist a base melee character (eg a Champion Fighter) in ending a Rage? — Ben 43 secs ago
Does that add any extra clarification in your mind?
Particularly this bit: "The question I'm trying to ask is are there any feats or equipment that can be used to assist a base melee character (eg a Champion Fighter) in ending a Rage?"
morning o/
@Ben I'd already gathered that clarification along the way. Thinking about it, if you find yourself in that situation you might be better off just trying for the kill :)
@Sejanus Afternoon!
@Miniman Well tbh I have tried that once. However in the situation there was nothing I could do against the rage. I just did no damage at all!
@Ben That's hyperbole, right? You mean you did half damage?
Blegh. I feel so bad about that question. It's confused everyone and taken so much effort to try and get the question right!
@Miniman This is true
@Ben Sometimes that just happens - you shouldn't feel bad. Considering how often someone isn't willing to even attempt to clarify, you're way ahead of the curve.
@BESW There's a kickstarter for a Dresden Files co-op card game: kickstarter.com/projects/evilhat/… It uses Fate dice!
@Miniman I've been around long enough to see a few of those. I know what you mean.
@doppelgreener It hasn't started yet, has it?
@doppelgreener Incidentally, in case it's not clear from Premier Bromanov's comment: The restrained condition does not prevent someone who has it from attacking.
[edits with actual kickstarter link]
That's better.
Oops, just saw your comment. Ignore that.
Have you seen Mort yet?
@BESW I have!
**Cool RPG stuff:** [Bundle of Holding](http://bundleofholding.com "buy RPGs cheap in bulk, support charities & indie designers!");
[Morts](http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/180960/Morts--A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core "Protect humanity from the undead hordes in this Fate World of Adventure");
[Unbound RPG](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gshowitt/unbound-rpg "Limitless adventures in worlds of your own creation.");
[Unknown Armies 3e](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/atlasgames/unknown-armies-third-edition-roleplaying-game "A new edition of the occult tabletop game about brok
@doppelgreener I think it may be very close to what Ben wants to run some day.
Uhh what? A different Ben I'm assuming
Yes, sorry. One of our players who doesn't come to chat much.
He's been sitting on a zombie campaign for years but hasn't found the right system yet.
@BESW I had a friend that made up his own. You need a lot of d12s to play though haha
Though it is cool. It's all based around the number 12
@BESW I'd love to participate.
I almost forgot that that Ben even had an account here
but yeah, not the same person XD
he's just some guy, you know?
He's some guy we know.
@doppelgreener you have met him, over Skype anyway
but yeah, we have both known him for a while
he was part of an earlier group we used to hang out with, some of whom used to be part of our Saturday game nights sometimes
pretty much everyone but him has completely moved on to other things
Ben and Colin are the only current group members who date back to my 3.5 days.
Although Guada's brother played in our 3.5 group sometimes.
huh, when was that?
Back when we played at UOG and Matt was the DM sometimes? CJ played in that group.
ah ok
she is his sister? XD
that is pretty neat
ok, that clears everything up then
I was wondering if you meant someone I didn't remember
3 hours later…
Dear Chatizens.
How does one ask "I have this stunt, dunno if good, wat do?" question?
(For Fate Core, ofc)
Ask in chat?
Ask as a mainsite Q
@eimyr I don't know anything about Fate, but to hopefully make it easier for those who do: Do you mean you've come up with a stunt but you're not sure if it's a good thing to add to the game, or do you mean that your character has a stunt and you're not sure if it's worth having?
I want to know what impact does it have, but I'm not sure if it won't get closed as unclear/opinion-based etc.
@eimyr That was a suggestion masquerading as a question.
I have come up with a stunt and I like what it tries to model, but I don't know if a) power is appropriate b) there are any game-breaking qualities of it. I fail to estimate how will it impact the game.
@eimyr That seems like a pretty reasonable question.
Otherwise... "Here's my stunt. Our game is about such and such, using this version of Fate. Would this stunt be on par with other stunts, would it break the game, etc?"
@Magician That's precisely it.
It's a bit tricky because Fate is full of dials and sub-versions.
I have vanilla Core with standard skill list + modes from Toolkit
The stunt is for the player to add a Special trapping to one of his skills that would allow him to have huge stress track
as if he had two separate Physique skills
Anyway, maybe I'll jsut ask and see if it gets closed
If it replaced Physique, that'd be more easily acceptable. Huge stress track has issues.
That's the point - replacing Physique is A-Ok, but the stunt is "your character adds physical slots with Athletics AND Physique"
What's the story that it's trying to model?
(include that in the mainsite Q)
The "using this version of Fate" bit is key to it being Stack-worthy.
Not all Fates are stunted equal.
SO I've heard with variations on Mega-Stunts etc.
@doppelgreener We had done character creation in advance, some of the group together, some individually, with some gaps left to tie the group together properly. So we could just fill in some gaps and stunts and leave some gaps, and then jump straight into a classic prison planet escape.
The basic fate point economy works, actually better than in games I gm'ed myself (players are quite well into doing self-compels already)
We still need to get our grips with the mechanics of Create Advantage in particular, and Compels to some extent.
The Force as a separate skill is something I'm not convinced of yet.
But I think it will work, because the two characters that have force powers have very specific ideas of what they can do with it (Force Throw and “What's the history of this object”)
VTC, needs 1 more vote, recommendation question & overvague.
[Why is VTC so high up the rep scale?]
And we apparently have a mechanic that gives FP for cool gung-ho action scenes (going right, so it's not an implicit game aspect compel)
That all sounds pretty cool. :)
Next step is probably looking for the best way to do space combat and represent the space ship
So far it's got an aspect, a stress track and one consequence taken
@AncientSwordRage I've never said it before, but I really like your avatar.
@eimyr thanks
Mind sharing where it's from?
@eimyr I was just trying to find it
It's not on that website, but I did ask him to draw it for me
@eimyr I like your too
@Asteria Were the answers to your yesterday's question useful?
@Anaphory Often that stuff's handled via Vehicles and Shoot, unless you have specialised desires. Also, you may want to borrow a notion from Atomic Robo's Factions: your own ship has a small set of key skills, such as Flight, Lasers, and Shielding. You might give them +2's and +3's. When your people are doing something with the ship, they roll their dice, add their skill, and then also add a relevant Ship skill.
@AncientSwordRage Thanks. I just randomly found it and can't really give credit, as the image is quite popular on the internet.
So a ship with an awful cannon (+1) can do a lot of damage with a great gunner (+4 in Shoot), while a ship with an amazing seeking missile system (+4) can do quite a lot even in the hands of someone who's average (+1).
There's quite a few options out there, cf. also rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/35433/….
I have also had a look at Kriegszeppelin Valkyrie, and I think it's not the mode we need to follow – the focus is on individuals in their fighters, not on a Millenium Falcon doing stunts and escape maneuvers, and defensive shooting, which is what I think we'll mostly do.
Hey gang <3
So I'm thinking of generating loot values from random strings (i.e. names of clothing on a clothing website)
Anyone have any good loot generation charts that rarely makes something awesome?
@Polyducks how's your gods game going?
Great! We haven't played since last session, but it's feeling good. I need to think of more incomprehensible things to do as Goddess of the incomprehensible
I think my best creation so far was shadows that not even the Gods can see into
The best part so far was removing the point system
It's made it much more colaborative
Did you get your group to play it with you?
Oh yes, twice! Sorry, I didn't know how much you knew
The first time was with the point system and we had a Loki-like character mess things up with relations between the fish people and the gods
and we took away his ability to make rules
so he sired a demi-god with the fish people to get around this to live through his child
It was really devious
@Polyducks The problem with trying to figure out what to do as a Goddess of the Incomprehensible is that you'll usually be trying to comprehend something about it.
@doppelgreener It only needs to be comprehensible to myself
Most of her existence is spent being jealous of the other gods
Wael, god of life is the only one that can make life, and mortem is the only one that may gather their souls
(hehehehe. so they're post-mortem after that.)
I think next session I'll get one of the hundred elements and throw it into the four-dimensional shape she made at the start of the game
That way life can evolve from the shape, and she won't be the one creating life.
It's so good for roleplay too. We spend a great deal of time using our in-universe actions to swim around the base of the universal flower
universal flower?
Oh, Wael planted a seed in the void and we nurtured it into a flower
From the pores of a leaf came the first life - living columns of water
Everyone did little things to make the life come to be
I introduced hurricanes to give them something to do :p
That's when Mortem harvested the first souls
Ohh. So these gods are you the players?
Sorry, I'm being really bad at explaining today
Well I presume there's been discourse in here I have't seen :)
This is a game I wrote as an expansion to nomic
And I'm used to the gods being not the players - except in Great Ork Gods, where you're the gods and the orks.
(they're also great)
I'd really like to host a game with you guys. The ruleset is called 'Gods of this universe' and you basically collaborate on building a universe together
@Polyducks I'd like to try it at some point, I like nomicsen and world building.
@Anaphory Which timezone are you in?
I'm sure we could organise something!
@doppelgreener @eimyr @sejanus Would you guys want to play if I hosted a game of 'Gods of this universe' at the weekend?
Anyone else is welcome to join if they're reading this
@Anaphory oh, that's really close to mine!
@doppelgreener @eimyr @sejanus @Anaphory That said, I'm going to NY this weekend. So maybe the week after?
Looks Good To Me (As Far As I Know)
My weekends are various levels of busy and we're in different timezones, I believe, so we'll see c(:
I'm in GMT :)
Not that I don't believe we're in different time zones
Oh right!
i am 10 hours ahead xD
Maybe we could play a game slowly over the period of a day in another chat
@Polyducks Can't say: in principle I'm cool with it, but I might be a nightmare to schedule.
@Polyducks Actually, you're in BST (UTC+1)
@eimyr It was understandable from context ;)
:) <- my face usually
:| <- my face when timezones are mentioned
:{ <- my face when summer time is mentioned
:C <- my face when I have to work out both at the same time
@eimyr what's the deal with timezones and summer?
Don't you have summer time in Spain?
yeah, but it has never bothered me
In the UK and Poland as well we set clocks an hour forward for the summer.
That makes us join a different timezone
so the sun sets "later"?
Some countries have different dates for doing so.
@eimyr I think most (all?) of Europe is uniform, though.
Trying to schedule stuff when there's a summer time change is a nightmare.
I think so too, but some areas of the Pacific has different dates
I remember lat year trying to Doodle a Stack RPG game durin wintertime change season.
Pure madness.
We tried to get Guam, AUS, SA, Ameri and Europeople on board and I remember I couldn't work out who-has-what-time-when-and-for-how-long
aaaah of course
but coordinating people from different timezones has always been a mess
I'm still in favour of there being precisely two time zones: UTC and UTC+12, so you don't get a date change in the middle of the day.
I'd just use +0 time and let everyone figure out their time
I think if you google a time in a certain time zone it tells you which time is/will be at yours
Means that some people work 9–5 and others 5–1, but so what.
for instance 5PM EMT
or... whatever's called
@Golokopitenko But what about "5PM XYT in three weeks when they still have summer time and we are just switching and I can't remember in which direction”?
ohhh well....!!!
then brace thyself
Because I think that's what @eimyr means.
@Anaphory Precisely this.
It was "Oh, me and Tashio are on the same timezone, but not these two weeks and BESW is +10 first week, +11 the other. Now, to include Greener..."
I lucky have never had to deal with such qualms
How's your game going?
my campaign or the new game I'm joining as a player?
any you desire to speak of :)
well, my campaign is "paused" while we play this new PF campaign
as for my new character, I almost done with the build and the description
wanna check it?
Check is not a good word, but I'd like to take a look!
wanna Chezch it?
I've never actually played PF, you know.
oh haven't you??
I haven't.
How can you even call yourself an RPG player?? /s
Well, have you played it?
yeah, this would be my second game
and I'm just now beginning to grasp the character building
here's the description, in the second page
it's in the first page, the other stuff are possible traits/feats I might take
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 00:00

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