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Aand now we know our names.
A pleasure.
I'd recommend picking a Domain (or Inquisition) to match what you want to do. They are pretty diverse.
I picked a Conversion Inquisition
he supposedly goes from town to town
doing his inquisitorial things
why did you pick it?
Oh, I see, you were interested in roleplay reasons
and because inquisitors are badass
I have higher roleplay skill stats than combat ones
my group needed a charismaster
so I chose to fill that role
I see.
I hope you'll have a blast in the game
I took your advice re: my prep.
I decided to separate the media from the text and against giving the text to players.
what do you mean?
I saw you made another location, and you took the pictures away
Yeah, that.
The pictures have it's own doc now
I see I see I see
I've always thought about getting good at drawing
so I can truly show my players what places and characters are in my imagination
but then again, some players prefer only descriptions and using their imagination
Yeah. I'm terrible at drawing and have no desire to practice.
My players are forever doomed to wonky narration.
well, less visual material means more descriptions
so you'll eventually git gud at that
thats what my players have to endure too :)
I noticed that
I intend to only show what's foreign to my players or might be subject to false preconceptions
@eimyr Characters, yes. Static constructions I can somewhat draw.
e.g. I'm having an image of a block of flats and it's interior to show the 70's outside, 2010's inside vibe
I can't help it, but I use too many "sound effects", like I make them myself. With my mouth.
When I gm
Like for what?
"You can hear the car go VRRRROOOOOOM" ?
like explosions, weapon clash effects
I have to say my players do like how I voice the chainsword
@Polyducks I'm definitely in if you'll have me =) UTC -0400 for me.
If I made explosion noises, I'd hand out dry wipes to each player beforehand for Health & Safety reasons.
I have thrown small spits across the table before
come to think, maybe my players were midly disgusted by that... Hm...
so your campaign is set in 2016? @eimyr
@nitsua60 [wave]
Let me check
@BESW Hola!
well I mean, in "current times"
Upper Silesia is the most industrialised part of southern Poland, full of mines and foundries, monumental blocks of flats and cities fused together into a conglomeration. Nowadays, the economic downturn has transformed the area into a grey tombstone of wasted opportunities. Complacent citizens are happily wasting their lives being fed infotainment straight from the TV, working dead end jobs and marvelling at fancy new skyscrapers where the privileged few conduct their business.

When a mysterious ziggurath is discovered deep within the ground etched by coal mine tunnels, seemingly peaceful
I'm super-excited today: day one of new-campaign prep. I've got all this background reading I have to get to do =)
^^ game description
@Golokopitenko Oh! With the “Fate” (no, Feat…) in there, and some of them reading like Stunts, and the descriptors on the first page looking like phases and the phrases looking like aspects and me being in a Frame of Mind of Fate, I thought for a moment that was a Fate character with a strange Skill system…
@nitsua60 yey!
@nitsua60 Super cool. What's the campaign about?
@eimyr Okay, so players and I decided the following... aspects last night:
Bronze Age tech level
very low magic
(5e, btw)
only playable classes: Barb, Druid, Ftr, Ranger, Rogue, Wild Magic Sorceror
Very mountainous setting. Like Himalayas.
only playable races: Human A, Human B, Svirfneblin, Goliath
love the description, @eimyr and specially the second paragraph. It sets the rules very nicely
(Human A is "regular human", Human B has racial traits of Half-Orc.)
Okay, reasonable.
filthy race traitor!
It's the more war-like bands of humans and the more-settles tribes.
hue hue hue
@eimyr Still with the typo?
Story style: spaghetti western
@BESW I just noticed and fixed it. The desc., came from Trello, not from prep sheets
@nitsua60 Bronze Age Spaghetti Western? How's that work?
@nitsua60 Bronze-Age low magic spaghetti western?
Gotta run--bell just rang for class. I'm sure I'll be soliciting ideas/feedback a lot through the next few weeks. Thanks in advance!
@Anaphory As a friend once said of Seven Samurai/A Bug's Life/The Magnificent Seven: them's my favorite movie!
Time to set it in prehistory!
@nitsua60 the only way you can make it more awesome is to have a Bronze Age Mom's Spaghetti western.
btw @eimyr I had a shameful moment with a couple of Polish tourists today
@nitsua60 Ah!
@Golokopitenko how so?
I was walking my dog and I lost sight of it, and I saw them and assumed they were Russian because of their looks and some bits I overheard... so I asked them in Russian if they had seen my dog, but they looked me kinda disappointed and said something like "polski"
oh god I felt so bad
Hah. It's better than having Russian villains speak clear Polish in 90's movies.
I wouldnt know
still, I'm going to have to learn some Polish, I'm going to Poland this September
and all I know are swear words... shame on me
Oh yeah, you mentioned.
OK, lesson one.
you know, that I actually learned
and it took some time
It's not a swearword.
only the spelling took me a few minutes
as a Spanish I'm not used to having 4 consonants in a row
OK but be careful:
"Szczecina z borsuka" = badger's bristle (as a material)
"Borsuk ze Szczecina" = Badger from Szczecin
@eimyr There's a 2011 film about the Japanese occupation of Saipan. It was filmed on Saipan, but they brought in Filipino actors to play all the Chamorros and had them speaking Filipino.
@BESW Sounds familiar.
holy crap, eimyr
@BESW and had them speaking Filipino... lol, that's unforgivable
how do they even think that's a good idea
@Golokopitenko @BESW Recently, due to acceptance of Polish immigration, Holywood stopped portraying Russians with Polish-speaking extras. Now they use Ukrainians.
eeeeh... getting closer... I guess??
but did they have them speaking in Polish too? Or only for the slavish looks?
laughs hollywood never gets anything right, do they.
They still have a couple countries to go by until they hit the jackpot.
They did.
The extras totally spoke in normal, clear Polish.
Same with Ukrainian extras now.
come ON, how hard is it to just get Russians?
well, russians are politically portrayed as "the bad guys" still
Esp very recently
but its not only the russuans.
I know that one from Lady Pank
oh it's wrong... it's marchewka
I mean, look at every non-original movie from hollywood. Somehow, even if they stay true to most parts of the original work, they deviate almost always on ethnicity.
You can survive on carrots. That's something :)
Potato! Well done.
google translate is my friend
that's bread
because... it's the same in Russian
Pronunciation is different
I'll try to avoid speaking Russian, but I can't deny it helps, since they have similar words
(OK, if you want to continue, we better go to NAB)
yeah, you're right

 Not a bar, but plays one on TV

I'm not a place to unwind after work, but I play one on TV.
Topic related to Russia again :)
Good evening!
@RollingFeles moin :P
@eimyr we should just work off GMT regardless of timezones. There should be an IST (Internet Standard Time)
@eimyr same in bulgarian
Standard Galaxy Time
@BESW exactly.
@BESW you take a penalty for mentioning the same comic twice in as many days
You're slipping, old man!
See above: we now have IST and SGT.
@Polyducks I think you have me confused with Doppelgreener‌​.
which is exactly the same as UTC?
I feel I need to relearn math at some point.
@DoomedMind Which of them do have leap seconds and which don't?
I have no idea.
How does SGT deal with “now” over galacting time scales? Is it “UTC+c*distance from London”?
@Anaphory before or after you account for relativistic time dilation?
And how will that change with FTL travel? Will there be even more standards then, because you will have “slow distance time” or “fast distance time”?
how do you even design a time format that is universial to potentially infinite variation of rotation and orbit times?
@eimyr The clock does not have to physically get there, so without, I guess?
@DoomedMind You mean, you want to align time measurements with perceived day lengths?
@Anaphory no, not really. but it is the most natural way for people to understand time.
@BESW nah, it was that specific comic! I'm sure of it!
@DoomedMind I might even doubt that, once you get past ±3000s from 86400s per day
The answer is obvious - you have earth time or work from an epoch of the sun's birth
@Anaphory I still think it is. Its not really useful for scientific purposes, but for the average person...
@BESW You'll get away with it this time, BESW! Next time!!!!
@Polyducks dont forget to laugh evilly.
is that even a word? Oo
It's a word :)
[Team Poly is blasting off agaaaaiiiiinnnn]
it looks horrible.
Evilly should be a girl's name.
omg yes XD
...Or a Habbo knockoff, eVilly.
Evilly Crossing?
I would play eVilly
@Polyducks what's that?
@Sejanus just a pun on the word evilly.
I was asking about err some game on the next Someday, I got a chat notification but can't find how do I open it again
@Sejanus I see. I dont know about that.
@DoomedMind time to next meal. (Competes with alternate standard: time to next nap.)
@Polyducks @Sejanus This one?
(There was no “next” in that one.)
@eimyr I got my brain to accept that it's a name and that it's pronounced ɛvɪliː, like a mixture of Emily with heavily.
A question for the audience: what's the correct procedure when new evidence has popped up definitively disproving an accepted answer to an older question?
I could open up a "new information available" bounty, but there are already multiple answers that have been updated to account for the new information. Is that enough?
link? ;)
The question in reference: rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/53120/…
Maybe a comment on the Question itself is called for
Well the asker has accepted the answer so they were probably satisfied with it
The contradiction between the accepted answer and the new ruling doesn't call for additional action?
That's perfectly fine by me, I'm still learning how things work around here
Just wanted to make sure
it was just my opinion so don't be sure yet ;)
I myself don't know a lot about how things work here
@lithas It probably is.
@Sejanus Well, this site is not just about the OP of a question, its goal is to be a source of true knowledge, so if something's not true any more, it should be changed. But I'm not sure how to escalate beyond commenting that the accepted answer is obsolete.
@Anaphory I've left a comment, we'll see if the OP adjusts which answer is accepted (or if they even can, I'm not sure what happens with stale questions/answers)
I don't know what might be true or wrong about that answer, but if it's possible to do, you can also edit the accepted answer to be true (only practical if it's a minor difference.)
Yeah, it's a total contradiction, so that wouldn't be called for.
Oh, have you also downvoted that answer? That might also be called for if it's definitely not true.
To be fair, the highest-voted answer has the correct interpretation, making this kind of a small point
It's still nice to clean a thing like that up.
as far as I know, there's nothing that actually calls for an Accepted answer to be of any measure of quality
@Anaphory Yup, thanks
Thought so :)
1 hour later…
Work emails get way more eldritch when you read I.T. as IT. IT IS AWARE OF THE PROBLEM IT HAS ISSUED A TICKET IT IS WAITING AT YOUR DESK
...bah, typos. That'll teach me to chat before fully waking up.
(No, it really won't.)
1 hour later…
@lithas If you want to reward a correct answer, you can open a bounty specifically for that purpose (instead of using a bounty to encourage new answers).
The bounty amount appears next to the answer's score, so others will see that you valued it [thiiiiiis] much.
@eimyr yeah some helped a bit. Was a tad disappointed that most of the answers were 'nothing, DM's job', since I was looking for things I could do to help, so I'm most likely going to choose the top answer
if you don't think an answer actually helped you enough you might not actually want to accept one
but if the top one has been helpful nothing is wrong with accepting it
my point is just that you shouldn't simply accept an answer if the only reason is that it got the most upvotes
as I understand it, accepting an answer is only supposed to show that it was specifically helpful to you yourself
as the one who asked the question I mean
@trogdor ah, the top answer is the only one that gives advice. The other (three?) are just 'talk to your DM', which is why I'm most likely going to choose it. Not simply because it's the first one :P
@Asteria I took a look at your question history and I have to say you have asked some of the most on point questions on this site. I sorta feel bad that you had to come here and ask them, but at the same time they are invaluable.
I just wanted to make sure you didn't somehow feel pressured to accept a less helpful answer just because it was well upvoted
I agree, sometimes people upvote a preachy answer that doesn't really help.
@eimyr haha yeah, I have some pretty bad table luck. But the DM is amazing, so I stick with it
Good to hear. I'm off, ttfn. Hope we have an opportunity to talk more soon
@lithas Bounty placed!
Annoying thing: I left a comment on an answer to remind me to give it a bounty. A mod has cleaned up said comment, and I have no idea which answer it was or even which question it was on.
@eimyr There are a few world-time meeting planners, like this, that help work this out. Set the date & time locally, and it will tell you when it is in other zones.
I want to change my answer on this question to reflect the recent Sage Advice. But it greatly changes the core of the answer (IMO). So... do I edit, or post a new answer?
@Miniman before I could even get to it myself!
@lithas I'd feel pretty bad if you'd spent 5% of your rep on a public service that I have a personal interest in.
One of the nice things about having lots of rep is being able to freely bounty.
Q: Do I edit or create a new answer when my view on my current answer changes significantly?

GamerJoshResearching my answer to this question: Can the arcane/druidic focus staff double as quarterstaff? has lead me to re-evaluate my answer to this question: Can an Elven Wizard use a bow for an arcane focus? Basically, my view in has gone from, "No, it's not possible per RAW, but you could house-r...

@Adeptus I'm not sure whether I endorse that advice, but that appears to be the only meta on the issue.
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