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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

@Polyducks There are a lot of derivatives for other genres, like Scrolls & Swords, Powers & Punches, Guns & Mojo...
I can't vouch for the quality of any of them.
Seems very rules-light
I think the games would go past incredibly quickly
I've found that rules and game duration don't really go hand in hand, except inasmuch as an overabundance of rules can artificially lengthen a game.
Well, only that a player might say "I karate chop the big bad in the neck" and that would quickly end it
That's a group agreement thing, about defining the scope of actions.
My rule of thumb for scope-variable mechanics is, the more interesting or dramatic a thing is, the more mechanics should be applied to it before it is resolved.
It would also suck if the bad guy would say "I swing my mighty greatsword and decapacitate all of those guys", so I guess...
Basically, scope-variable mechanics let you gloss over things which don't need a lot of time spent on them, and stretch out things which are more fun to dwell on.
Is this Cthulhu->5e answer a candidate for a GS/BS comment? On the one hand it's clearly untested; on the other hand the question seems to beg for speculation...? Or perhaps the comment goes on the question?
@Polyducks Complicated rules are like sneaking in Skyrim. You will take longer, but won't actually have more of the game.
@BESW @DoomedMind That's a great point! Thanks!
lol yeah, I get that @Eimyr. I was talking about action scope
It seems like a table manners objection.
If the players are prone to saying "I roll to win", they will always find some loophole to do it.
@Polyducks While a game like D&D generally says "an attack takes this many moments of table time to address no matter who's making it or who it targets," a game like L&F leaves it to us to decide if a whole band of ninjas should be taken out with one roll or if a whole session should be spent fighting one guy.
@BESW I'd estimate our full game (of Colonypunk) would have taken thirty-forty minutes. Keep in mind it was with non-gamers, so perhaps that's a workable upper bound...?
@nitsua60 Cool.
I've got a few other people who are thinking about trying it, too, so I might actually have playtest data (plural!) to analyse!
I want to play it too.
I'm pretty sure I can talk Oshgoshbe into trying it out some time.
Is he your DM?
@nitsua60 Yes/No/Maybe/Sometimes
The Stack's "good subjective" guidelines ask us to avoid providing answers that rely on untested speculation. What experience (your own or others') can you provide to back this up? — BESW 1 min ago
@nitsua60 He is my GM this Saturday (I get to play Lovecraftesque!), he's not my GM long-term, but he is likely to be my long-term GM in the future, but also GMing for me on occasion.
@eimyr I think maybe you're talking to ducks, not me?
@BESW Ah, yes. I was fiddling with how to word it so it wouldn't seem like attacking Escoce directly. Thanks.
Oh, sorry, I was.
Can't undo it @Polyducks
@BESW Okay, that one's just made up. =D
Q: Should we ask questions to "rubber duck" the solution?

Wayne WernerI don't know how many of you have experienced the Rubber Duck principle when posting questions on SO, but I know I have on a few occasions. And then I just discard my question. So here's the question: Should we go ahead and post the question? Of course if it's something stupid like forgetting a...

@nitsua60 You wish.
hi @doppelgreener
I'm famous!
@BESW And now you've hacked Amazon!
oh my god
People are looking at me for laughing
would you rather have poeple frown on you? :D
They are frowning. I'm in an office environment
Nobody is meant to laugh this much at stylesheets
Before it changes, did I show you guys the Mr Blobby I put on the home page last week?
Good :)
I really want to get home and try this gods RPG
Which one? Great Ork Gods?
If so, it's free to download AFAIK.
I came up with an idea for a universe creation game earlier
do tell
Sort of like a simple die roll game mixed with Nomic
Does the game description fit under 200 words?
Here we go
5 hours ago, by Polyducks
I'm thinking maybe even doing it as simple as this: Each player gets a turn. On their turn they can either declare a rule or an action. A rule is standard nomic fare. An action is something in the universe like - "A planet forms out of the dust of the void". Other players can contest actions, and when everyone has stated if they're for and against, they each roll a d6. The party with the highest total wins and gets points for winning that contest.
Yes it does, and yes I'm going to submit it
As a supplement to Nomic?
I'm not sure
Maybe? :)
I played a game with myself earlier and found out why Tolkien made the undying lands for his elves
And why is taht?
@Polyducks I'm also interested :)
I never thought about it...
It's better if I post the log. Hold on.
Basically I had this conversation with myself in a notepad file
What are we?

We are Gods.

What are Gods?

1! Gods are immortal.

2x Gods are magical.

3. Gods have infinite power to change and alter the universe

1. Gods are immortal is now immutable

2. Gods are magical is removed

What are we gods of?

I create a planet of earth, water and air from the void. It has immense seas and massive mountains and great winds, but no life.

I call this place Tora.

I make simple life. I make bacteria and plants which convert the carbon-dioxide heavy atmosphere into breathable oxygen.
Was just trying to envision the thought process of my players. Each line is a player's turn.
I look forward to your submission :)
Basically one of my imaginary players felt bad for immortal elves and made a paradise on the planet. Tolkein's is a little different - I think due to the elves not dying a natural death or having souls.
Thanks Doomed <3 :) I'll play test tonight. I've got a feeling the actual players will be way more destructive - and that's fine. They won't win until they work together.
Do tell what you find :) I'll probably try it out myself as soon as I have time for it
though that wont be until after the deadline.
@Polyducks I would give it a go.
@eimyr Awesome :) I'll play test tonight and tweak a little. It'd be good if I can oversee other players using it without being part of it myself
brb, windows tries to force me to do a restart...
Hate that. Happened to me this morning too
obviously they're updating their mind control software
Read through the patch notes. Still can't penetrate tin foil.
I'd hope the game soon turns into microscopic events, like the colour of a hero's armour, the fuel for a spaceship or the number of flowers on a plant
Then make a rule about it.
"You can interrupt another player's action to ask to explore it in more detail"
What is the benefit of doing that for either party?
"You can only establish a rule of more limited scope than previous ones"?
I mean, other than the obvious exploration
Nah, that's no fun. Nomic already has a rule that says you can't make rules which contradict existing rules
Which sort of enforces scope. I want the game to still move forward. I'm sure it'll just happen in normal play
@Polyducks If you're willing to share, I'd love to run a playtest, too. (I enjoy nomic greatly.)
@nitsua60 Thanks! I'll do a full writeup tonight :)
So long as the playtest doesn't eat all the time
and that phonecall with a client doesn't take forever -_-
If you guys were a God, what would your domain be?
I dont know... Creation?
maybe too braod though
but it sounds cool.
@Polyducks Death or Guinea Pigs.
Ohh there was an interesting point about Death and War Gods in the game rules earlier I thought you might like, @Eimyr
@Polyducks slightly condescending, overly-wrought explanations
(Someone, sometime will enjoy the history of my post above ^^ )
(but not intentionally condescending; just a side-effect)
For them to be Gods of Death/War they need to support the early debates about creation and civilisation for them to have something to Lord over
@eimyr I already do. It made me chuckle.
@nitsua60 So... Stack Overflow then?
@Polyducks =)
@Polyducks I would only take the job to ensure afterlife for all.
OH! I just found a song I'd been looking for for ages!
It seems like a good idea that should have been implemented
I love when that happens. Goldfrapp - lovely head
The opening was used in an animation sequence in 'Monkey Dust' and it stuck in my head
@Polyducks Or maybe naps. I'm really good at those. And I believe in their omnipotence. 2hrs on a Sunday afernoon, 7 minutes before a dept. mtg; I'll take 'em any way I can get 'em. In a hammock, on the foredeck of a sailboat, in my cubicle with my head tucked into the knee-well....
You'll probably recognise it
@Polyducks You?
God of Naps sounds great, not that you would ever do much.
@Nitsua60 I really want to be Lord of Merchants and luxury. There was a MUD where I applied for the position and didn't get it. Ever since it's been like a thorn in my mind that was never realised.
Thieves were the enemy of my realm
Like, Birkin bags?
@Polyducks makes me sleepy. I'll fix it with youtube.com/watch?v=f5M3R2WvFQk
I quite like the idea of Lord of Naps. Would you take care of the dream world too?
Who is Birkin Bags?
@Polyducks nope--just getting there =)
@Polyducks google.com/…
When you say "luxury" and "merchant" in the same sentence, the idea that there exists a $20,000 purse pops into my head.
@Nitsua60 a...leather bag? What?
hahah ohhh
@nitsua60 I can get you one from Tesco @ 24.99
@Polyducks @eimyr youtube.com/watch?v=4O5sdS9wVyo better for me.
@eimyr Ah, but does it come with the standing, cache, and social dominance I'm assured is worth $19,980? (I'm assuming the materials, workmanship, distribution, and storage all come to about $20.)
(Note to world: I don't really care about $20K purses. I'm offended by their continued existence.)
haha I think my friend delivers those
Literally gets on a plane to Japan from England and goes to their front door
I mean, good for him, but seriously...
He has a cool life
if someone wants to buy them, you can fill that demand
So someone wants the purse, but not the trip, so they send a peasant to fetch it?
"Nightmare Dressed as a Daydream" would be a good name for a band.
(It was a colleague's description of meeting our school's picturesque cross-country course yesterday.)
@Nitsua60 isn't that a Taylor Swift lyric?
In fact, yes it is.
Yeah, I mean, its fine that if theres demand, you would provide the service, but why would you want to in the first place
@eimyr When you have enough money to spend on a £20k purse, it doesn't really matter where that money goes.
Honestly there are people who buy appartments and priceless vases because they can. There is literally nothing left to buy
@Polyducks yeah... I mean thats more i make in a year...
Well, that purse is probably "something like £30k"
I've met one or two in my life and it's sickening, but what are they meant to do?
Its just to show how much money they have I think
They're nice people, they're just so far removed that it's hard to understand if you're not making that amount of money
"look, i have so much money, I'm really awesome"
No, it's not even that
It's not even a status thing
For example, I helped fit some furniture in a house someone never lived in
@DoomedMind I don't think it's that. They don't realise it's not normal to be able to afford anything.
it was pristine and everything was white
Yes, what @Eimyr said.
mhh, I'm sure thats true for many, yeah.
If you've ever played a game where there's currency and it gets easier and easier to get that currency until it's meaningless, it's like that
I can agree on that.
you start buying the perks you don't even need.
Unlocking things because you can
Q: Without a magic item economy, what is gold for?

synesthesiaPHB page 144, Equipment, Wealth, Selling Treasure Magic Items. Selling magic items is problematic. Finding someone to buy a potion or a scroll isn’t too hard, but other items are out of the realm of most but the wealthiest nobles. Likewise, aside from a few common magic items, you won’t norma...

Pretty much.
Well, In games I usually stop playing
when it comes to that.
Like giving away gold on Runescape
haha you can't stop playing real life
i know. But I would know what to do.
@Polyducks then you discover alternative currencies. Like friends or political power or number of articles you have.
Right! So you just spend whatever because you can
Yes, exactly
You don't have this faberge egg!
You find ways to make you and your money busy
but isnt that the exact thing I talked about before? @Polyducks
"Everyone can obtain more money, but it's power I really want" "Money is cheap, friends are precious" etc.
Sort of, @DoomedMind but less malicious
it sounds stupid to us, but it's literally like saying "Oh, gold in Diablo2 is useless, we use IST runes as currency"
The type of friends rich people have don't really see a 20k handbag as a status item. It's just more 'stuff'
My favorite charity takes about $1000 to build a well or protected spring-head. I try to get my students (all, collectively) to build one each year. I try not to be judgy, but the idea that one purse would provide water to twenty villages, freeing hundreds of people (almost certainly women and children) from walking with jugs of water for hours, every day....
@nitsua60 Ever heard of Peter Singer?
So far, in my career, I've facilitated the building of one half-purse's water supply. That kind of perspective kinda sucks.
For example, there was a guy I used to work with told us a story about accidentally smashing one of two priceless Britania statues gifted from America to the UK. The other one was in the V&A.
@eimyr no
@Nitsua60 you're a good human being
I don't agree with everything he says, but I admire his perspective.
@Nitsua60 but buying a purse doesn't delete that money. It goes to other people
@Polyducks just trying. Thanks. And I'm happier when I assume everyone else is, even if I don't understand it. (Like the purse.)
@Polyducks True. I likes me some trickle-down economics =D
@Nitsua60 I have very strong opinions about trickle-down economics.
(Heck, I've only got a job because many people will pay more than I did for college to send their kids to high school.)
Oh nuts. I'd better get back to work. I've just been chatting and I need this page launched by tomorrow
Keep changing the world folks <3
@eimyr Is that because there's so much percolation theory rampant in your geology-world?
@nitsua60 No, it's otherwise. I'd be happy to have a conversation about it elsewhere perhaps.
@eimyr Certainly. However, I've got a bell ringing in three minutes, so it'll have to be some other day. Toodles, all!
I'll go home now :)
see you
@JoshuaAslanSmith @KMallory @Grubermensch @Shalvenay @RobertF We are on for tonight if y'all can make it, my interwebs seem to be back up to speed and I do not have to work (woo on both counts)
1 hour later…
@waxeagle oh baby
I dont even remember how to play D&D
lol, sorry it's been so long
Im just joking I mean my character with the class re work is pretty easy to run
Q: Need a player guide for D&D 3.5

Joshua Aslan SmithThere's a fair chance I'm about to join a friend's 3.5 online campaign and I am frankly overwhelmed by the options and possibilities for characters spanning across all the books. Are there any really good websites to help guide me through character creation and/or well made character generators...

lol I just got popular question for that
So I have a bounty on a question that only has one answer: which the OP has said is wrong.
Q: Which Mongoose Traveller 1e books are compatible with 2e, if any?

MariusAre any of the books from Mongoose Traveller 1st edition compatible with 2nd edition? If yes, which books are compatible?

However, it's got 2 upvotes so it would be auto-given the bounty.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this?
I don't want to reward an answer that the OP says is wrong.
@Thunderforge not really, short of asking the OP if they can supply and alternative...
The OP doesn't seem to know the answer, so I'm not sure that supplying an alternative is an option.
@waxeagle I assume if I were to provide an answer, I wouldn't be able to award the bounty to myself?
That's correct.
@Thunderforge but if yours outscores the existing one, wont that one get a lesser bounty?
@eimyr @Polyducks @DoomedMind the thing that's been bugging me all day: for all I know the person carrying the $20K bag wrote a check that morning for $1M to my favorite charity. And has, in absolute terms, done more good that day than I'll do my entire life. So I should stop being so judgy. It's just so hard.
@Thunderforge I guess it's also a question about how much you want to privilege OP's opinion over anyone else. They're already ensuring half the bounty doesn't go by not giving it the check-mark. The other half of the bounty reflects the votes of other users who upvoted it. I, for one, am not doing to downvote an answer that I've got no expertise with just because someone else (OP) says it's wrong.
@nitsua60 just to clarify, the bounty award is up to him.
@nitsua60 Alas that person had. I honestly recommend you read Peter Singer's. Despite being apparently devoid of empathy and completely heartless (and a hypocrite by his critics, because he himself admits he does not entirely follow his own advice) he gives a fresh, utilitarian perspective on altruism.
1 hour later…
ICYMI, K&T update: cosmology unlocked, basic rules preview unveiled, writers revealed, A FAN SONG PROJECT! https://kickstarter.com/projects/ryanmacklin/katanas-and-trenchcoats-retromodern-roleplaying/posts/1547052 #YOLF
....Half the words of my answer are devoted to the conditional, how can I emphasise it more if that's not enough?
2 hours later…
@waxeagle I am late to responding, but totally down to play tonight
@BESW it's unnecessary to do so. I left a response.
@KMallory Hi!
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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