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Yeah, like how we enjoyed great ork gods enough we played it again, and we played Masters of Umdaar and enjoyed it so much we not only played it multiple times, we Incorporated it into our main campaign :D
of course, Great Ork Gods kinda just doesn't fit into our campaign anyway
it's all about the PC's being at the mercy of the gods
that isn't our setting at all
Yyyeeeeaaahh XD it doesn't fit very well
@trogdor well, the orks being at the mercy of the ork gods, everyone else would be fine.
but the orks are the PC's in it
its fundamentally that
Sure, but like how we adopted Umdaar, but only Umdaar went by Umdaar's rules.
we would have to make major changes to it just to get it close to working in our campaign
@doppelgreener yes, but the theme of Umdaar still fits way better for us
Oh right I see. You mean incorporating the "do the gods hate you a lot or even more than that?" system maybe, I just meant having orks whose gods hate them. But yeah the orks don't fit our theme very well and Umdaar does, like you said. ;)
yeah, it isn't so much that we couldn't bring in orks from Great Ork Gods,... but we can't bring in the way the whole game system works
and no one so far has felt the need to bring orks from it into our game
@trogdor You realise that my brain now considers this a challenge.
@BESW I veto
I will put it up on the wall if I have to
besides, my point was that you would actually have to do some kind of work to make it fit, and it honestly is not worth it
Great Ork Gods is great on it's own, we don't need to try to modify it to fit it into something else
Well... we could bring in the way the whole game system works.
but that doesn't fit with what we have
we could do it
That wasn't the challenge though, haha
doesn't mean it's a great idea XD
if I was that angry right now there would be a lot of confused people
GoG -> Fate: Each God is an approach. Character creation involves rolling 4dF per god, drop one minus - that's your approach score, yes that means they go -3 to +4. Replace spite and goblins with fate points. Orks fail hard and succeed at enormous cost. Their only aspect is their name and anything else they pick up along the way.
and a lot more property damage than a chair and a table
It had no reason to be done but it is done. ^
@BESW I could be wearing all purple and a tiara though, but you wouldn't know that :P
@doppelgreener I figure their trouble aspect is the god that hates them the most.
@BESW nice.
I actually feel flattered that you both did this just to annoy me XD
Someone said it couldn't be done. My gut told me it could. I had to know.
Don't worry, we'll leave the orks out of the story. Incidentally, I'm scheduling up a session mainly featuring orcs.
(I kid)
@trogdor ... [implements orks for real] :D
you probably think this song is about you
I don't know if you get that one or not,......
I do, but I never really understood that song
I don't entirely either
the things described in it were probably stereotypical of a vain person of the time,.. and or caricature
that being said, I have found it hilarious on occasion
@trogdor at the time it was a rare--possibly unique--example of a song that popular/mainstream being self-aware. Plus, it gets you every time. Every time!
gets you in what way?
You do probably think it's about you.
making you think it's about you?
I certainly do,.. except not XD
I have that problem with everything else, but not this song
She very effectively leverages our super-sensitivity to the sound "you" and all the preprocessing/interpreting it kicks off, I think.
I feel like one can't hear "you're so-" without starting to process that in reference to one's self.
Before consciously stepping in to think "she doesn't mean you!"
"Not this time, not ever!"
And by then she's confirmed that =)
I am so vain after all
it can't possibly be about anyone else
So "you probably think this song is about you" is just directed at the rest of us, then? Could be... =)
and if anyone says otherwise I guess I will have to flip more tables in my purple dress and golden tiara
if you could make your avatar here a gif I would totally be switching to that now
@nitsua60 well, it's also directed at me, because of course I think that
everyone else too though
@trogdor Right. And, in your (unique) case, it's true.
of course it is
I like how she made it work for both sets: you, and everyone else who's ever heard the song. =D
it is ingenious like that
Pumpkin time for me--enjoy your song @trogdor. (Btw, is "Your Song" also your song?)
I do not know which song "Your Song" is
not by the title at least
It might be yours... you could requite Sir Elton by appreciating what he did for you =)
(There's also this version, if you like that kind of thing. Jukebox musicals, and all. The cameo at the end is Placido Domingo, too!)
ah ok, I have heard this before I think
I am not the best with remembering specific titles to songs
yeah, I have definitely heard this one
@nitsua60 I can't see Sir Elton John without thinking of Paul Williams' Swan from The Phantom of the Paradise.
2 hours later…
@nitsua60 I believe it was written about a particular person, who the events/behaviour in the song were accurate for. But I don't remember who. (And then she's saying they're so vain because they think the song is about them... but it is, so they aren't...?)
> In November 2015, Simon, promoting her about-to-be-published memoir, said, "I have confirmed that the second verse is Warren (Beatty)," and added that while "Warren thinks the whole thing is about him," he is the subject only of that verse, with the remainder of the song referring to two other, still-unnamed men.
(ie, anyone who thinks the song is only about him is wrong, even if he's right that the song is about him.)
I dunno what your talking about, it is obviously me
@BESW should "their people" be a foreign thing?
It probably is, but I don't see any reason to add it to the list.
Alright :)
I took a nap this afternoon and had a weird nightmare about aliens invading and everybody coming out because they thought it was a parade.
that sounds like a bad nightmare to have
My friend once had a dream that the world was ending, and our reaction in the dream was to have an apocalypse party, as one does.
The aliens had fireworks and things that looked like Bazooka Joe comic wrappers that were invading the houses. Humanity was doomed.
well, it seems like if there is nothing to do to actually stop it, a party is one of the best responses
That's true.
that being said, I am pretty sure I still wouldn't be able to manage that response
I would either be too hopeful that I could actually do something productive OR panic to all hell
one of those things is the most likely response from me XD
at least from the perspective of never having actually seen an apocalypse
the third option might just be panicking while trying to stop it
I am not the best at parties anyway
1 hour later…
plus, it's really easy to implement the "what happens at the party, stays at the party" rule when the world is destroyed before the end of it.
1 hour later…
@doppelgreener Or you could make it a Time Lord party instead.
I would go with one of those as an alternative to the other 2 or 3 options,.. I think
though an endless party might end up being equivalent to or worse than an apocalypes
@Ekn Hi!
What's new?
erm.. I'm working on this rpg-ish game. I was just browsing around for ideas
although it's 04:29am
How'bout you?
Getting over the warm glow of having entered the 200 Word RPG Challenge, and buckling down to planning this weekend's session.
cool :) good luck!
morning guys
sigh I wish not all questions were for PF and DnD so I could actually answer them
You might try using your tag filters to show only the stuff you're interested in.
only old answered questions
Won't make 'em more frequent, but it'll make it easier to find 'em and pounce on 'em.
Just because someone's answer is accepted doesn't mean you can't make a valuable contribution of your own.
well, I often feel like my answer will be inferior and redundant
hah I've seen some of these
(Also, old questions don't depreciate; unlike many traditional forums the Stack encourages giving resurrecting old stuff. There's a badger for that too.)
Morning all! :)
Hey, question
Is there a God creation-like game?
good your morning
@Golokopitenko yeah, I 99% seem to be pathfinder/D&D related.
I'm thinking like a multiplayer worldbuilding game
good mourning
I dont mourn. not yet anyway xD
Morning morning morning :)
@Polyducks there is Microscope,.. no gods in it by default though if you are looking for that
I'm thinking of combining 'everybody is whatshisface' with Nomic and making a God game
Microscope looks fun
I technically RP Tzeentch whenever I GM for a 40k game
so there's that
@Polyducks There are plenty!
@Golokopitenko nice!
@Polyducks do you mean a tabletop or videogame
@Golokopitenko What's Tzeentch?
@Golokopitenko Tabletop
Q: Are there other cooperative world building games like Dawn of Worlds?

Acedrummer_CLBI found Dawn of Worlds on the web and got the PDF of it. My group tried and loved it. I was wondering has anyone else worked with this very novel system for cooperative world building?

@Polyducks Its the Chaoes god of change.
Thanks @BESW, I knew you'd know
A and B are matrices, what is this inequality called? ||A+B||_{op} <= ||A||_{op} + ||B||_{op}
@Polyducks in the 40k lore, Tzeentch is one of the 4 gods of Chaos. He is the schemer god, the god of change, the one who pulls the threads of destiny. So it's fitting for a GM
@JesterTran haha I think you might have the wrong stack
You're right, that is very fitting!
@Polyducks woops, sorry
@JesterTran I'm too lazy to read ascii formulas :D
and its some time since I last did that.
So, Poly, you as a GM will be the god and the players be the mortals?
There's also a game called Kingdom which I've heard called a "sister" to Microscope? But that's all I know.
@DoomedMind $A$ and $B$ are matrices, what is this inequality called? $||A+B||_{op} <= ||A||_{op} + ||B||_{op}$ I can type code but it doesn't show up in LaTeX
@Golokopitenko No, I want to shift responsibility onto the players. It's part of a long-term campaign to turn my players into DMs
@BESW I think I'll try Microscope and combine it with Nomic
Nomic is good for setting up base rules of the universe, like, 'All Gods are immortal' / 'You can't destroy cities without an artefact'
@JesterTran its fine, I used an online editor to see.
Share the hack if it works!
Nothing changes much anyway
@BESW do you mean me? Or are you talking to Jester?
@Polyducks You; I've no idea what that conversation is about.
Hey maybe Fate would serve that purpose?
that is, turning the players into GMs
I'm thinking maybe even doing it as simple as this: Each player gets a turn. On their turn they can either declare a rule or an action. A rule is standard nomic fare. An action is something in the universe like - "A planet forms out of the dust of the void". Other players can contest actions, and when everyone has stated if they're for and against, they each roll a d6. The party with the highest total wins and gets points for winning that contest.
There are several Fate-based iterations of collaborative world-building processes, but they tend to be less gamified than Dawn of Worlds or Microscope or the like.
You can then use those points to modify your dice roll later
@Golokopitenko Fate is definitely on my list, but I still need to learn it
I'll try this little homebrew - maybe as soon as tonight - and I'll let you guys know how it went
Poly, that could go horribly wrong in the best sense of ways! Imagine a player trying to redefine the speed of light, or the mass of protons
omg yes it'll be so good haha
or players could be building their own civs, to make them space faring and try to annihilate each other's civs
It could devolve into a bunch of physics calculations
I would love that.
or going to the point where their civs are so advanced that they go full Nietzsche and kill God
I'm really interested to see what my players bring to the game. I think when we start off I'll get them to define their realms as Gods to give it a bit more structure
For example, if you were the God of War you'd start off really pushing for a wide variety of civilisations
If you write it up quick, you might be able to enter it in the 200 Word RPG Challenge!
Woah is that a thing?
Linkage please!
brb a sec, got some serious work stuff to do
Poly, would you take relativity in consideration?
Thanks so much guys. I'm really excited
faster moving objects travel slower in time
a god moving at the speed of light experiences no time
Thanks @DoomedMind
likewise, slower moving objects experience faster time
@Golokopitenko I think anything like that would need deep explanation and definition to the other players.
@Polyducks nah, BESW posted it before :)
Thanks @BESW
its pinned right of the chat :)
yeah it'd probably add too much clutter
will the god abide to the laws of physics or will they be more omnipotent?
what is a god?
@Golokopitenk I think that's something that should be defined in the rules that the players make!
very good question, Doomed
A miserable pile of secrets!
haha imagine if the game started off with the players saying "What are we?"
I'll take that into consideration for the first game
@Polyducks that would be... awesome. I think. I might try that sometime
I'll give you guys a full writeup when I submit it to the 200 word rpg
as soon as I have a location I can do those things xD
@Polyducks cool :)
@Polyducks No problem! I entered in the RPG design and supplement categories.
It was a very cool way to get my feet wet in game design and interact with the wider dev community a little.
Small enough to not be a scary commitment.
@BESW Game Design can be quite... consuming :)
I find myself thinking about lore/mechanics even when I'm not actually trying to work on it.
Or them.
I do my best campaign prep thinking while running/walking.
But game design needs writey wordy looky tools.
And other people should be able to understand what you wanted to say
I can never put myself into work, I have to get randomly inspired... it's so annoying
that is, for campaign prepping or game prep
My book currently has 37 pages...
What are you writing?
As a graphic designer, I had to learn how to force myself to be creatively productive even when it doesn't flow.
I'm constructing a universe with a rule-system for a high sci-fi near-transhumanism setting.
the latter for a tabletop game, but if this goes well, I might try to do more with it.
I'd say shadowrun is near transhumanism, if not well into it
@Golokopitenko true enough
I've also been listening to a lot of game dev panels, and many of them give the same advice as most professional writers: write every day. Set word count goals rather than content or quality goals.
@Golokopitenko I'm aiming for something more akin to what Asher, Banks and Hamilton created.
never heard of them
tell me about those
pretty famous in the area of sci-fi novels
...and for those who now know that they're ignorant about science fiction novels, who are Asher, Banks and Hamilton?
I'm trying to find a fitting description ;D
I would assume Banks is Ian M. Banks?
not at all sure who the other two are
@trogdor yes
Peter F. Hamilton
Neal Asher
I only know because of the Culture series, which was good for the first couple of books and then just,.... kept doing the same thing and doing excessive chronological jumps
so I dropped reading the rest of it
cause that isn't my thing
My angle is not the quality of the books, rather the complexity of their universes
he certainly did make a complex universe
but,... then he kept doing the same things with it
I have some issues with it
yeah well, I have my difficulties as well
and to be fair, I really really loved the first book
the second and maybe even third were ok
I only read 3 I think.
Hamilton and Asher keep writing new novels ;D
but when I started the fourth one I was burnt out on it a little and he started having the main character have some kind of personal time crisis that may or may not have been simple flashbacks
but he did it too many times for me so I couldn't finish it
I am ok with characters having flashbacks in books, to be clear
but I have a limit
@trogdor you should try Hamiltons "Nights Dawn" Trilogy.
and he hit (and most likely exceeded seeing as I didn't get quite halfway through) it
@DoomedMind I will take that into consideration
yeah, sometimes his writing style is painful, I admit
loooooved the first book
somehow he nailed that for me
the series got less good as it went along though XD
Banks that is.
I'll probably get to that too
but I read other stuff before Banks
I like sci fi
though for reading I think I prefer fantasy over it
but neither will satisfy me if I don't like the characters or if,... the author decides to do the kinds of things I have mentioned from the Culture series
I used to like fantasy more than sci-fi, but I kinda got fed up with the kind of stories, but mostly universes, used.
I still like both,... but most sci fi, or at least authors of it,.. don't seem to focus on the kinds of characters I like
plus, sci fi has fewer dragons in it
I really like hard sci-fi. I'm not sure if there is such a thing as a hard fantasy though.
I've been much more engaged by both sorts of speculative fiction since I started actively seeking out more diverse authors. Ann Leckie and Nnedi Okorafor have seriously impressed me.
@BESW Time to try Jacek Dukaj
@eimyr Okorafor's Lagoon MIGHT qualify.
@eimyr Good translations?
@BESW Absolutely no idea, but these books are nigh-untranslatable so if there are any (and I think there are), the translations must be superb.
ahoy, eimyr
how's your campaign going
@golokopitenko No idea! I've missed the last session, which was also the last in the campaign. I got a short recap from my friend, but that's it. The game is over.
awww no way, what a bummer
good end?
I guess it was alright.
Didn't end with a satisfying bang.
@BESW dukaj.pl/en/books take a look at King of Pain, find the littlest ever "more" button, there are some passages from some stories (it's a short story anthology)
anyway, earlier I was referring to that campaign you were prepping, with different factions and stuff
I had no idea you were also playing one!
Yeah, I joined an RPG club early this year. We have games that last for 12 weeks, then some break, another 4-weeker, break, 12weeks one, rinse repeat
There's about 12 people in the club, and I'd say about 8-9 GMs among them
how do GMs manage to fit campaign narratives into an established number of sessions?
It's how we prep.
My current GM had a very slow paced game, which sort of fell into 12 week run.
Some other deliberately prep only so much stuff, so that the group manages to reach endgame in 10 sessions (first for character creation, last for, well, the endgame itself)
I used to have campaigns that ran exactly one semester each.
I don't know how would I manage to do that... like, bending the story to make it end? uggh
The one I'm writing has 8 "progress" marks, the players can reasonably reach one every session on average and I have some stretch room.
@BESW how did that work?
I see
it's more a written story they can advance through... whereas I prep "world simulators" that have a lot of entropy
@Golokopitenko Hey, are you a fast clicker?
well... I have my technique
@trogdor First third or half of the semester was "wander the world, make relationships and learn how things work." Then the NPCs whose plans they'd blundered into and messed up would come back with new plans that took the PCs into account, either manipulating them or attempting to eliminate them.
blows smoke coming out his finger
I see I see
may I comment it or should I keep it hush hush
Erm, my players are unlikely to come here
so go ahead
are the pictures for you or do you use them to show the players how you envision the world?
For myself.
it is very fancy
These are secret notes, but e.g. the Locations are OK to be shown, mostly
I see how to prepped the bare minimum
for the first level, that is
bear necessities
description, clues and how to find them
and that's all
but in my imagination that'd go like: ok you see this and that, what do you do? "I roll/do X" ok you found a clue you may proceed; and that's like 5 minutes of gameplay
in reality it probably goes different, with RP and players not finding the clues right away but still...
how do games prepped as such go in your experience?
The players enter, see this and that and say "I do this thing you never prepped for"
And that's where improv comes in
I have that problem too XD
I actually prepped one session too much,.. and then the PC's stampeded over it XD
I see. The philosophy, I must be reminded, is to prep as low as possible because you can't prep for everything, instead prep the framework in which to act
The players are also NOT Sherlock Holmes, so before they check the dust, the carvings and go ask for help they spend 10 minutes guessing and discussing possible answers
Q: I've changed game systems, can I reask my favourite questions?

StuperUserI got into RPing while D&D 4e was waning in popularity, so on the advice from my FLGS, picked up the Pathfinder Beginner Box. Had fun with it for a few years and got some great answers and help on RPG.SE. Being the impressionable and fickle creature that I am, I've moved to D&D 5e, so I can play ...

my favorite GM moment was seeing my players discuss how to do a heist for about an hour
and then they executed it flawlessly, even when I made unexpected things happen
I am still pretty new to GMing stuff
and all of it has been pretty railroaded to at least some extent
what system?
it's OK to railroad, so long the players like it
first 4E now fate
or as long as they do not notice it... heheheHEHEHEHE
the thing is, in fate it has not been 100 % railroad
when the PC's touch what I have made, they can change it drastically
but fate has not a ... fixed GM does it?
it has a GM still,... but the PC's have about the same power to change the world out of character as the GM
and I don't mind that
just to be clear
I just need to learn how to work with it as a GM
and as clarification, I am not the main GM in the group
I just have done it a couple times and plan to do it every once in a while when BESW isn't doing it on a given day
because I have ideas, I find GMing fun at least on occasion, and as a bonus it lets him be a PC sometimes XD
Speaking of which, I'm planning to try out the M12 mission briefing mechanic this weekend.
M12 mission briefing mechanic?
The RPG's expansion Majestic 12 has a Mission Briefing mechanic released as part of the ARRPG OGL.
> Mission briefings, like brainstorms, give players a concrete way to collectively steer the narrative. However, instead of answering the question “What’s going on here?”, a mission briefing asks the players “What stands between you and your objective?”
During a mission briefing, the players take turns inventing expected obstacles and resistance they expect their characters to face in the course of achieving their goal. They also indirectly tell the GM what sorts of things they’d like to do during the mission by choosing what skills will be especially relevant. This also generates a supply
are we using the same characters for it?
Yeah, I'm just incorporating this mechanic into the ongoing Amaterasu game to see how it works.
ah ok
ahh, that's a Fate thing
Hence bringing it up in the context of Fate's relationship between GM and players.
2 hours later…
@JorgeBarata Hi!
In light of your question yesterday, have you seen Lasers & Feelings?
There are also several Worlds of Adventure for Fate which might qualify, like Knights of Invasion, Deep Dark Blue, or The Three Rocketeers, depending on the kind of sci-fi you're after.
A Penny For My Thoughts and Lady Blackbird are technically sci-fi suitable for one-shots, but probably aren't what you're looking for.
Great Ork Gods could totally be sci-fi, you could easily refluff it to be about aliens
Green Orionid Gods?
"Any sufficiently annoyed alien is indistinguishable from an Ork God."
Kinda sorta
Kryptonians Ate My Baby!
Grods in the vineyard?
Hey guys :)
Technologically Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, 2nd edition.
Mage: The Decompression
@BESW this lasers and feelings thing is amazing. I really like how simple it is
You may recognise it as the foundation for Colonypunk's dice mechanic.
Although the coin mechanism is inspired by All Outta Bubblegum, which Lasers & Feelings probably drew on itself.
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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