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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

Some game systems have this principle: only roll dice when any outcome the dice might provide will be interesting/fun/dramatic/[whatever principle your game runs on]. Otherwise, just have the [thing which advances your game principle] happen.
NPC fails the con roll
fails the NPC
you mean, if he doesnt fail?
I messed up badly
then dont roll?
I also mean to ask if the human being at your table is an amnesiac, or if that's just the character they're playing in your game.
ah, sorry. no, it's only the character
okay, i see how that works then.
you could also determine a fail as "character doesn't remember" and otherwise as "character is convinced"
if you really want to roll.
here's a question: is it also interesting if the character catches on, and realises the other guy's trying to take advantage of them?
You dont necessarily need to drop the whole act, you can give the player a small hint if the npc fails the roll.
@doppelgreener I think the prisoner will get executed as he would if he hand't tried to convince the player
and is that interesting to the game somehow?
i mean if it is, you have a win/win.
I don't think so
if you really want to happen, there's the writing principle of "kill your darlings" and the GMing principle of "let your players tell their story" (which applies unless it's about your story and they're being railroaded through it).
but there's also the principle of keeping the game fun, which applies whether you're GM or player.
it's more about me making a complex setting akin to a simulation and my players interacting with it as they please
Just thinking. Big things and game fun coming down to the result of a single dice is something Magician's blogged about in Goblin Dice. In Fate, the solution would be: compel the character to get suckered in based on their Amnesiac aspect and that's that.
I'm not sure what the solution is without that exactly. Make the fail result more interesting? Never allow a roll / fake it as a success?
@doppelgreener You've gotta get into the mindset that the simulation is the principle of fun for his game.
@Golokopitenko No, you're not a bad GM. You're a GM, that's your job to make stuff happen.
Oh @eimyr you always know how to appease my inner demons
@doppelgreener Yes, you are right, I should make the fail more interesting if I want to roll
@BESW I'm not sure what mindset that is, combining it with the fact he doesn't want the fail result and it won't be interesting.
that's pretty much it
Yeah, fail forward.
Say, amnesiac PC fails the "recognise" roll. Interesting stuff happens. Amnesiac PC makes the roll - he sees through the disguise. From your point of view that's a "plot failure". Fail it forward. "You are now remembering that this man is just posing as your friend, exploiting you. How many more people like that are around you? Roll for recognise for the NPC that's actually helping you"
@doppelgreener That would be the dilemma, yes; general principle and specific practice are apparently colliding and he's seeking a way to resolve the latter without compromising the former.
@BESW Do you think any of the MOTW / *World GM Moves would be relevant here/
-/ +?
Could be.
1 hour later…
well, its not exactly an animal name
but most spiders do.
or do you mean "always walks backwards"? :P
@eimyr Rakshasa.
@BESW That's just what they want you to think.
@eimyr Danny Torrance.
Well, in Poland there is this opinion that a crayfish can only walk backwards. This is demonstrably untrue and everyone knows that, but proverbially "to walk a crayfish" is an idiom meaning "to walk backwards"
I need an animal that has the same connotation, if possible
I hear a lobster, but is it truly so, @Tashio?
Literally or proverbially?
@eimyr lobster/crayfish are basically the same thing. Are you looking for something that only walks backwards or something that does both?
> [Y]ourself, sir, should be old as I am, if like a crab you could go backward. (Hamlet, Act 2, Scene 2)
something that is symbolically "an animal that walks backwards"
like, you know, a crab walks sideways literally and symbolically
a fox is symbolically cunning, an owl wise etc.
okay. Nothing really comes to mind.
@eimyr not quite it, but the proverbial stubbornness of a mule comes to mind....
7 hours later…
Hokay, new draft of Colonypunk because I just can't let it go until it's perfect.
I see nothing wrong with that
Aside from having a Friday deadline on submissions.
aside from that
@BESW I'll be able to take a look in about two hours--will you be interested in feedback?
@nitsua60 Yes!
this is in fact the thing he wants
I know this thing because he put it here for us all to look at
also because he said yes but I would have known anyway I think
Wow, Pathfinder managed to make Vow of Poverty even dumber. And not just slightly dumber, whole orders of magnitude dumber.
Apr 2 '13 at 2:56, by Brian Ballsun-Stanton
@BESW I suggest an annual Don't mention Monks, Vow of Poverty, or physics... year.
Can you talk about your disagreement with Pathfinder's VoP design choices without insulting the designers and anyone who might enjoy it?
'cause that could be nice.
@Miniman I am curious about what changes they've made.
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