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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Ahah. I want a motive aspect ("I must...") that indicates paranoia and shows what drives her to take risks.
taking risks?
why are those things linked?
Think "in the interests of National Security."
so less of a normal paranoia and more......., what you just said
makes more sense now
@trogdor was originally meant to be a response to derby I wrote mad max instead of the username because thats what we were talking about
@JoshuaAslanSmith I know, it was just an ill conceived attempt to tease you XD
I have bad ideas like that all the time
Guys... I'm having an existential problem... Did Obi wan ever come back more powerful than Darth Vader could ever imagine?
@Polyducks depends on your definition
@Polyducks I get the impression Vader had a pretty feeble imagination.
@Polyducks He didn't say he'd come back - just that he'd become more powerful than Vader could ever imagine.
My fanfic: She-Hulk & Daredevil team up on a supreme court case about how a hero can claim trademark on their brand w/o revealing their ID.
@Miniman You're right, I misquoted - but I mean, he just turns up again all glowing.
@BESW they are both lawyers as I recall
makes some sense
@Polyducks But as a source of motivation, inspiration, and direction for Luke he is more powerful than Vader could possibly imagine.
Does he literally become one with the force?
Well yeah, that too.
Force ghosts are... not explained much in non-Legend material.
yeah,.... it is an iffy thing
plus, he isn't the only person who shows up
But do notice, Vader never really seems to "get" the Force.
He may not have even imagined that Obi-Wan would stick around at all after he died.
yeah,... Vader wields the force like a cudgel
Maybe the Force gets Vader?
In Soviet Star Wars, you are with the Force.
Also, understanding may have come to him when he relinquished his Sith ways.
@eimyr Well, apparently the Force got Vader in the first place, heh hehe heh.
The joke says Soviet
@Miniman Wel... your mom!
@eimyr Yes, but the joke is called the Russian Reversal. Not confusing at all.
@BESW You just have to remember that in popular culture USSR and Russia are identical.
Yeah, Since I relocated I have learned that everyone seems to think I come from a soviet state
and the best part of it? I come from one of the very few non-soviet eastern europe countries
anyway, Vader's relationship with the Force is best described by two words: daddy issues
This seems like an appropriate time to mention the Complete History of the Soviet Union, Arranged to the Melody of Tetris.
@eimyr Wait, aren't you from Poland?
I most certainly am.
But I live in the UK now.
How could anyone get that confused?
People who don't care?
Ignorance is one thing, stupidity and arrogance another.
@Miniman I met people in the US who think Guam (a US territory) is an independent country in the Middle East, the Caribbean, and off the coast of South America. That isolationist British folks would be devastatingly ignorant of recent Eastern European history is unsurprising to me.
yeah, I am not surprised by that kind of thing either
then again, same reason here XD
These are the same folks who'd probably be unable to differentiate between Taiwan and Korea.
Or Korea and Korea.
Or China and Korea.
Or China and Asia.
@BESW There's no good way to say this, but...I can completely understand not having heard of Guam. Poland just boggles my mind.
or even China and Japan XD
Anyway, some people don't know much.
@Miniman understandable I think
(Speaking of which, a recent episode of Thunderbirds Are Go! mentioned Saipan, but pronounced it totally wrong.)
It's as if the the 99% of people only held 1% of knowledge
@BESW what is the right way to pronounce it?
at the very least, reading anything about the beginning of WWII actually brings Poland up at least briefly
@Miniman Do you mind if I ask where you are from?
@eimyr Not at all, Australia.
Your bemusement at... oh
So that's about the furthest you can be from my country
Guam is actually pretty close to Australia (geographically speaking anyway), but to be fair it basically doesn't show up on the map
@eimyr "sai-EE pan" is most correct, but the average English speaker will say "SAI-pan" and that's plenty close enough. "sai PAN" is not.
@eimyr If nothing else, your country plays a very important (and prominent!) part in world history.
@Miniman though people argue about whether it's intentional
We seem to be where a lot of history happens, regardless of our preferences.
mm not every country gets to be in world history for any reason it wants
heck, Guam's most famous parts in history are when another country colonizes it
As the Chinese curse says, may you live in interesting times
Spain, then the USA, then Japan, then the USA again
heck, a lot of countries get that
colonisation is probably the most interesting bit of the history of majority of countries, either passive or active
not that any of that made Guam particularly famous, but I said it's most famous parts
not actual famous parts XD
@eimyr this is true, it's a very wide spun idea
man, don't we just love coming to other's people lands and taking their shit
apparently that is just a thing that some people can't keep themselves from doing
When the Spanish first showed up on Guam and started taking the locals' stuff, the locals just rowed out to the ships and started taking stuff from the Spanish.
This got us our first name, The Island of Thieves.
that was so hypocritical
well, it was an island of thieves
that's pretty spot on
the ship should also be called a Ship of Thieves
the locals thought it was trade, the Spanish thought they could get free stuff
but still
but I love the idea
"Jack Wright and his Electric Deers," a story for boys from the 1890s http://buff.ly/1ZPUGeP https://t.co/sGOgAUUYXF
@BESW Which one found it?
@eimyr Without a link to the specific message you're responding to, I have no idea what you're asking.
Which of the four entities comprising of the Zordon-like BESW stumbled upon your last linked tweet?
The one that maintains my Twitter feed, obviously.
(I thought you were more likely asking which Spaniard found Guam--it was a Portuguese, actually.)
I very rarely stumble onto tweets; I curate a carefully chosen Twitter feed filled with folks who re-tweet awesome stuff.
I see
As expected of a mighty Quadriad.
In this case, it was shared by the effervescent Sydney Padua.
...also, since when am I Zordon-like? I didn't know Zordon was a quadripartite being.
I really want to know where those sudden upswings in "tripartite" came from.
This is part of it, but doesn't explain all of the upswings.
isn't that when tripartite suits became known as such because there were also ones with no vest, you know, the ones for the peasants?
Maybe? I wouldn't know. But if you separate out the tripartite lines by capitalisation, those early 1800s spikes are only visible in "Tripartite" with a capital T.
Lowercase "tripartite" actually dips a little during the same period.
Look at this shape! That's gotta mean something interesting.
it looks almost like a cultist
yum yum
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