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The Fate More Kickstarter has an as-yet-unspecified Atomic Robo stretch goal.
hope it goes through then
It's been up for maybe 12 hours and has $8k of the $10k goal, so... yeah.
Dunno what stretch goal the ARRPG thing will kick in at, but it'll probably hit it.
oh, stretch goal doesn't mean above the goal line?
It means a specific marker above the goal line--a secondary goal.
If they hit $10k, they do the baseline stuff: Venture City and Do.
If they hit their next goal (probably $12k?) they'll also do something else. But if they just get $11k, it's still just the Venture City and Do.
ah ok
I just thought you were saying they would get it at 10K
then I was confused because I thought I might have been wrong all this time about what "stretch goal" meant
On an entirely different note: oooh, they're getting the director of Fruitvale Station to do Black Panther.
About time we hear more about that.
About which?
The Black Panther film. I've been waiting a whiiile.
Ah, yes. [bouncy]
I remember I was still working at Toys-r-us when I was flailing to coworkers about how much I wanted a Black Panther film, and it's been... 2 years since I quit now, I want to say.
And we still won't be getting it for, what, another 2 years? If it's on time. :P
I just really hope it takes most of its inspiration from the Priest run.
Giving it to Ryan Coogler indicates that might be the direction they're taking it.
I am interested in it almost only because BESW has talked to me about Black Panther XD
I left a comment inviting someone to join us in chat.
I'm just going to mention there are roleplaying games (other than D&D) in which this "story over rules" thing isn't really a problem (in part because the rules aren't getting in the way of the story to begin with), in which some of your players - such as that one - may have more fun. You have enough rep to join us in chat, if you want to learn anything about that. — doppelgreener 19 secs ago
They themselves don't seem to have a problem with the rules & the story conflicting, but one of their fellow players seems to. (I can't tell if they're the GM, I think not.)
Or, heck, just a slightly looser attitude toward "You didn't know you needed this thing to meet your character vision, but if you'd known you'd totally have it? Okay, you have it."
@doppelgreener Sounds to me like there's two interconnected challenges: D&D's system of limited slots for pre-made choices means you often can't mechanise every detail of your character's competencies; and D&D's steep learning curve for system mastery makes it difficult to recognise which choices are best within that framework.
I almost wish we could just make them look at some other systems just to see if they realize they like em better than this D&D sillyness
that being said, it is ok to like D&D,... but maybe they would skip a lot of frustration if they knew there were actually plenty of options of narrative first kind of things
It's not even a matter of D&D/not-D&D dichotomy.
or at least more narrative focused than D&D at any rate
@BESW it isn't necessarily no
There's simple playstyle shifts that a group can make to turn D&D into a gentler, more welcoming experience for people who struggle with these challenges.
but I still do wonder if more people would be playing different things if they were made aware of a few good alternative options
Though it is, in my experience, a lot easier to make those shifts if you have some experience in other, drastically different, systems.
in any case, I am glad our group has tried so many different systems
even if the majority of them are not entirely what we would want for a long form game for our group, we have liked most of them for one shots at least
it feels a lot healthier than our time playing only D&D systems
And the ones we dislike, that tells us even more.
yeah true
it isn't bad that we didn't like some of them
at least we tried them out, and probably learned why we didn't like them to some extent
I just feel like more people should be branching out the way we did
not everyone would settle on fate as their main choice like we have so far, but more people would be more aware of their many options and why they like some of them and not others
it isn't "they should quit D&D" its "they might benefit from trying something else"
I wouldn't want to say what people should do, because situations are always different, but I do think it's hard to argue with the value of independently investigating your options in order to make informed choices.
Especially having been on the other side of it and feeling like D&D 3.5 and the d20 System engine offered everything I could possibly want out of RPGs.
that is why I am saying this
At the time it seemed like an informed decision which I could argue eloquently.
I used to think D&D was the be all end all
I even struggled against trying something new for a little bit
but I just like the way Fate works now
I can play in a setting where wizards don't stop casting spells, but still aren't making everyone who doesn't use magic practically useless in comparison
for example
and you can make up your own "kind" of magic
I like the sheer flexibility of the system
@nitsua60 I didn't think this was appropriate as a comment on your answer, but... I disagree with you on your interrupting spellcasting answer. Have a look at the questions I linked as related, and my answers to them.
I used to think 4E was flexible, but that turns out just to be a comparison with 3.5 and the fact that I eventually became quite an expert on character creation in 4E for a while
it still doesn't hold a candle to Fate in that respect
@BESW I agree
@Adeptus I think you make some interesting points--I hope you'll post an opposition-answer. Your argument from the "step->pull lever" example is pretty solid. I am coming to the whole question colored by the long legacy of making interrupting really hard--like needing a feat, as you mentioned in your other answer =)
@Adeptus it's almost a duplicate, really. (Perhaps the flaw being "but that question doesn't have the answer I want!")
Vote to close, really really unclear. Looks like a D&D 4e question at first, but they're almost certainly completely confused. Needs closure fast, because if we go tell them what it is in D&D 4e... they're gonna get even more confused.
@trogdor one of the things on my "someday..." list has been to throw on Meta the idea of a "RPG of the [duration]" proposal. I see it was floated back in beta as a way to generate traffic, but now I wonder if it might be implemented as a way to drive questions on/awareness of non 3.x/PF/4e/5e on the site? Any thoughts, all?
(and 3.x/PF/4e/5e would specifically not be in the rotation)
@nitsua60 I personally like the idea
gotta put the kids to bed--back in 30 to workshop it a bit?
I think too many people are unaware or too scared to look for other things
I certainly don't mind trying to help there
@nitsua60 Yes, it's very similar. That's why I didn't answer immediately - it would have been either "here's a link to my other answer (and maybe a little extra clarification)" or "here's a cut & paste of my other answer (and maybe a few minor tweaks)". Neither of which is good practice on the stack.
Q: Win cool site swag with our birthday party!

AarthiHAPPY BIRTHDAY RPG! To celebrate this momentous occasion, your moderator team and I have put together a fun contest! Rules This contest will run from 29 April 2013 to 31 May 2013. At the end of the month, we will give 5 total prizes to users based on a raffle. Users gain "raffle tickets" by c...

See that tag list? If I recall correctly, that's systems with less than 50 questions.
So yeah, we've done it and it worked out pretty well.
(I got a T-shirt!)
I would be delighted with an RPG Of The Month thing. More often than that might be too fast a cycle, but we've got plenty of obscure ones to go through.
ah cool I guess
Mmm, but what would it be?
@BESW I thought you got that for just being high up in the rep listings! But cool, ok.
@BESW The RPG of the Month?
@nitsua60 In fact, I decided to VTC as duplicate

RPG 2013 Anniversary Contest Drawing

Jun 11 '13 at 0:00, 17 minutes total – 119 messages, 12 users, 44 stars

Bookmarked Jun 11 '13 at 0:20 by Grace Note

@doppelgreener The promotion. What form would it take? A meta post saying "DRYH is the RPG of the Month!" won't change site habits.
The birthday contest offered tangible rewards to citizens who increased traffic to the site, or added highly-valued content related to low-volume systems.
That was very specific in what it wanted us to do, and offered physical rewards for doing it.
Baffling Wombat would be a great name for a band.
@Adeptus seems fair enough. It is a tricky bit of timing that I think every table's going to have to navigate. "Obviously I can interrupt in some sense, as in 'pulling the lever', but can I interrupt someone's Help? Or Dodge? And do I really want to get into stack-management when Ready-dependencies pop up?"
@Adeptus actually, giving them all a 3rd read I'm VtCing, too. And I may delete my current answer--but I want to take a fourth look to see if I think anything from that needs to be added to the related questions.
@BESW A featured post would raise some awareness, but otherwise, hm... Actual question/answer activity is limited by how much there is to ask.
I'm not sure what we could present as prizes.
Something that comes to mind is: carrying a tag from few questions and answers to more.
The fewer it had to begin with the better.
I'm not sure what you mean. "Carrying"?
Ask questions and post answers in a tag that has very few questions or answers. Score points for doing so.
That said, we don't necessarily need to change site behaviour significantly. Nitsua mentioned driving questions on and awareness of new things. Awareness of it can produce players, if we can dare people to try it out, and then questions.
@PhiNotPi Hi!
@doppelgreener my still-nascent RPG of the [duration] idea: the whole scheme has the stated goal of increasing awareness of RPGs outside of the PF/3.5/4/5 dominant strain (as of this writing 9477 of our 14.8 Kquestions are tagged with at least one of those systems).
So we pull together a list of others, have someone conversant put together a meta post for each which briefly introduces/sells it and links to useful resources
@nitsua60 I would like this. It's what I envision we would do in a featured meta post, if we're not trying to drive direct activity as well. (We could still do that separately.)
Once per [duration] a pick is on meta, basically with the suggestion: "hey, if you're looking for something to give a try, this is one that's ~supported~ here"
I think it ends up needing two meta posts to really work well: one is the big-idea-as-post, with suggestions-as-answers (not featured), while the second is the particular [duration]'s feature which can be
maybe the big-idea post also gets a list of suggestions, with dates indicated if they've already been featured?
I'm just not sure that's going to have much effect.
Without a change in main-site activity, even a featured meta post isn't going to attract much attention on its own.
I guess even if it's just that the main page has a featured link that says "boogedy-boo is the featured RPG of the tenday", it might make a small impression that this isn't just the D&D site.
And presumably if some people try the featured RPG, they might have questions, and ask them, and then the frontpage isn't all D&D, all the time?
Only about a quarter of the main site's users have meta site accounts.
Even just being aware Meta exists is not a given for more than half our users.
I mean, I love the idea. I just don't really see it having an impact anywhere near proportional to the effort put into it.
@BESW I guess here's my question: do you think it'd hurt? (Seriously. Maybe too much noise, maybe internecine squabbles over whether Boogedy-Boo or Muckety-Muck got featured first?)
Well, first we'd have to ask if, realistically, it's a drain on site resources.
@BESW the featured post isn't attracting attention on its own, hopefully also the content will. But I think you're also setting a high bar for yourself on what constitutes it being worthwhile.
@BESW hi!
Would the effort and time spent on featured system posts be taking away from citizen activity on other parts of the site, like tag curation?
If 30 people read the post, that might count well enough, by some measure.
Post editing is bugged today I think.
@BESW This gets at the heart of why I didn't put together the proposal a month ago, too: I suppose I'd be all-but-useless in helping to administer this thing. Classic Traveller and 2e are the only systems I have any competence outside the big-4. So I'd really be proposing that other people run a "RPG of the [duration]" program. And I'm not a fan of volunteering others....
@nitsua60 That's an issue, yes.
[digs around for meta history]
@PhiNotPi What's new?
Nothing really, I just dropped in since this sounded like an interesting room.
Worldbuilding, for all its quirks, has a really neat fortnightly challenge that I enjoy lurking about.
(Learned more about millipedes' brains than I ever thought I could from that site.)
@PhiNotPi Fair enough. You're welcome to lurk or participate however you like! We're currently kinda on topic, but don't expect that to last.
Quick question: is there anything in ARRPG for AoE attacks or stunts? I remember Fate not handling those particularly well.
Hmm. There's some stunts.
> TAIL SWIPE: Before rolling for a Tooth and Claw attack, spend a fate point to apply your full attack against every target in one zone you can reach (which will probably be just about any zone).
Ah, cool.
Wait a minute, got it.
Page 162-163: Affecting Multiple Targets.
Seems to be the same as Fate Core.
For attack actions, you want the last paragraph on page 163.
@nitsua60 I think there are two obvious active challenges in making this "featured system" thing work. First is, as you've pointed out, it will require concerted sustainable effort by a variety of people.
The difficulty of making that work is why individual Stacks don't have blogs anymore.
Second, these aren't ideas or abstract concepts like Worldbuilding features. They're commercial products.
@BESW Am I correct in thinking that having Weapon:2 on, say, a flamethrower, will inflict extra 2 shifts of damage to everyone the attack hits in the single action?
The choice of which system to feature each month can be seen as equivalent to advertising, and that shifts the event into a very different space.
@BESW yah, sure is -- although I do need a few more details about the fumes the stuff gives off, and I'm not sure if the system/setting defines them well at all
@Magician That seems reasonable.
Which is a lot of bang for a stunt. Though usually multiple enemies are mooks anyway...
@Magician ARRPG is very generous about PC competency in the face of mass violence.
(Generally, I think this is because a primary theme in Atomic Robo is that punching things rarely solves real problems--it only delays them.)
It's very high-powered overall. Everyone has a couple of skills at +5...
@BESW True--that dimension hadn't occurred to me. (Although, I guess some I had in mind are of the free-to-download or few-bucks-on-DtRPG ilk.)
(Generally, I think this is because a primary theme in Atomic Robo is that punching things rarely solves real problems--it only delays them.)
Atomic Robo is Action Science, not Fight Things Until They Stop Moving And Also Science.
There's beating things up! But it's not a DC comic, sufficient beating up of things isn't how stories tend to end.
(mostly just thinking out loud for a minute, not putting words in anyone's mouth or anything)
Well, in our first Sunless Sea game which used ARRPG ruleset with minimal modifications, there was zero Combat rolls, and Rapport was deemed the most useful skill of all.
Violence is an acceptable answer in Sunless Sea, though, at least sometimes.
Unless we're limiting our features to genuine non-business ventures like Roll For Shoes and Cthulhu Dark, casting a spotlight on any system, regardless of its cost, quickly becomes a commercial action.
I'm not saying that has to be a deal-breaker for the proposal, just that it's something we need to be very aware of.
yeah, and it's a side of the whole industry that's completely unfamiliar to me
(i.e. who the players are, who's unsavory and who's... savory?)
And we really don't want to give any impression that the Stack is associated with (or arranged against) any particular commercial interest.
I look at ARRPG combat like an inverse of Cthulhu Dark combat, but to similar effect.
@BESW I just poked through the other [duration] challenges listed on meta.SE and none have anything like these issues associated
(unless the "overwintering" debate in gardening is really an astroturf front for Monsanto!)
ARRPG makes combat the stage for being easily and overblownly awesome, but makes brainiackery the way to solve problems.
@nitsua60 [squints suspiciously]
@BESW Yeah, the source material has a fairly specific style to it. Sunless Sea, and to a much greater extent Fallen London, while games about uncovering mysteries, feature a greater variety of approaches, through sheer volume of writing alone.
...Evil Hat is going to hit their Kickstarter goal in less than 24 hours. This is an excellent example of the power of audience.
Kickstarters that succeed have gathered an enthusiastic audience elsewhere, and then brought them to KS to fulfil a specific goal.
Evil Hat has given many people a great experience at low or free prices, so when they ask you for money you're willing to trust them. A Kickstarter without an established audience is trying to gain trust by asking for money.
night all--I'll try to draft up something and circulate it tomorrow, if only as a punching bag =)
Fizzgig is riding a flying reindeer into a forced flying charge against an ice giant named Sooper Claus. #dnd
wow. this lampyridae is making me resort to some pretty hefty chemistry to get rid of it :P
(file it under "Things That Are Less Of A Problem After You Add Chlorine Trifluoride To Them")
@BESW -- should the preview onebox wikipedia links?
@Shalvenay wikipedia articles do get oneboxed in chat
@doppelgreener I'm talking about on the Stack itself
@Shalvenay make sure you ground it in what actually happens in Anima; if you're leveraging chemistry that patently doesn't exist there [you're going to have a bad time meme.jpg]
I'm pretty sure Q&As don't onebox links automagically
@Shalvenay the stack itself doesn't have any oneboxing outside chat, so i'm confused
@doppelgreener ah, that's what I need to know
@doppelgreener patently can't exist there, or simply hasn't been stumbled upon yet?
@Shalvenay i think you should think back to aaaaaaaaaaaall the chemistry-in-D&D experiences you've had to figure that one out
this is chemistry-in-Anima; make sure that has any acceptable coherence with how Anima works first.
I would not normally advise someone even answer a question that intimately involves details of a system or setting they haven't used, even if it looks benign and simple... and this isn't benign and simple. You should be careful if you choose to.
Yeah... we're talking about something that apparently manages to outgas aggressively without reduction in mass. That right there says "Wait, what?"
@doppelgreener this looks to be one of those ugly "the setting refuses to talk about it, now what?" questions
@Shalvenay Sure, but it should be answered by someone who's knowledgeable about the setting, and can consider its principles and precedents. (Otherwise it won't really be an expert answer to an expert question.)
Does the fluid it's submerged in get used up over time?
Does the outgassing reduce its light energy efficiency?
Can the toxin itself be neutralised?
@BESW I considered the last point there -- but it looks to be infeasible due to the "infinite exponential toxin production" problem
which is why I'm considering an aggressive chemical attack on the material itself. Hopefully the OP can get back to my inquiry about what degree of chemical engineering exists in the setting...
(I'll be holding my answer until he does)
[hums Send It to the Moon]
I recognise BESW said earlier it was up your alley, but personally I'd expect that to be taken on the chance you've read about this stuff.
Yeah. You need to start from an understanding of the setting.
(Just like cracking real-world chemistry problems requires understanding our own "setting.")
Since there's more than one person doing this, I'm leaving a comment.
Gentle reminder we are an expert Q&A network. If you want to answer this question, you should be picking up the source material on the Gaia setting and doing some research so as to be able to provide an expert answer we can have confidence in. Comments aren't a substitute for conducting research. — doppelgreener 1 min ago
@BESW I don't like this "real world" setting. The GM keeps writing off my favourite NPCs.
@Shalv Your comments are getting out of hand; open the book and do some research in that first.
@doppelgreener looking for the book now -- not being a particularly easy find though
ok, got the setting book -- although it doesn't look like it speaks much to the issues at hand, just from seeing the ToC
The book is unlikely to contain a direct answer, but understanding how Anima ticks will allow someone to provide a response worthy of an Anima expert.
And if it does contain a direct answer, it's likely an Anima expert would've come across it at some point.
Frankly put, I think this question is out of the depth of non-Anima players.
@doppelgreener and I suspect it may not be answerable in general at all -- the Gaia setting is characterized by a high degree of variability in technological advancement.
@doppelgreener BTW -- the Gaia setting is not necessarily tied to the Anima:BF system
But as with the whole Cystarchy saga (which began with Brian's suggestion for a Necrotic Cyst-based surveillance state), some expert knowledge of the world goes a long way to understanding complex problems inside it, and their solutions.
@Magician You and Brian need to figure out what happens when the IDdomain and the Cystarchy collide.
@Shalvenay i don't really know the first thing about Gaia, other than what I read in that question and the couple of Anima supplements I can dig up describing it. But I understand that as a general principle, settings aren't really tied to systems at all.
@doppelgreener the supplement I'm reading actually explicitly says you can use it with any setting
Yeah, D&D 3.5 says the same thing.
@Shalvenay any system, you mean? (and is it an Anima supplement?)
@doppelgreener any system -- the book is published as an Anima supplement, but says in the foreword that it is designed to be system independent
@Shalvenay yeah, that's standard for settings. you can totally use them with any system. I could run Golarion or Eberron or even Numenera adventures in any single system I've ever used. Still, it's an Anima setting right now, and the asker's also playing Anima.
@doppelgreener Are you saying that even though an answer might be compatible with the parameters of the setting -- it might still not be compatible with the system?
@Shalvenay I am suggesting that an answer that suits the setting had also better be useful for someone playing Anima. In an issue focusing almost entirely on the setting, that's very close to guaranteed, but it's always something worth bearing in mind.
Indeed. A good answer should keep both narrative and rules in mind.
@BESW boop.
so in the end, I decided to posit both an arcane and a chemical approach to the lampyridae problem. It does make for a rather long post -- but I think that both are valuable, given the variability of the Gaia setting -- do we really want a mage whose sole job is to refresh the Aura of Destruction that deals with the waste lampyridae?
@Shalvenay ...how much is he getting paid?
@BESW probably not cheap.
(it might be cheaper to keep a reaction system oxygen clean and fluoride passivated)
...that question was closed by two purple people.
@BESW Also closed before it even wound up in the ticker, which is usually satisfying.
@Shalvenay is it really any worse than getting people to follow the regular procedure? :)
@BESW I'm... beginning to wonder if this person is actually trying to do real life spells...
@doppelgreener Ayuh.
I would get a kick out of seeing this thing getting answered by witch doctor spam, if it were still open.
@doppelgreener depends on how well you can manage a safety critical system ;) ClF3 is handled safely in today's semiconductor industry on a routine basis
In medieval Japan, there was an individual whose sole responsibility was to travel around the city and toll the hours on the bells spread throughout it. Edo developed a society that was actually based on the clock, and so the bell tolling became critical.
Every citizen paid a tiny modest bell tax to that individual, who by the power of numbers made an absurd amount of money.
When the family lineage of bell tollers eventually ended, the bells were entrusted to monasteries and the monks living in them.
Behold, the campaign hook for a game of Great Ork Gods:
Tiny Orange Kitten is so cute that it makes me angry. GAAAAAH.
@Shalvenay in conclusion: we could totally want that and there may be a mage who'd jump at the opportunity.
@BESW this one might end fast
well maybe it grows in size to a huge tiger and has to kill 50 Orks
@doppelgreener "GAAAAAH. squish Tiny Orange Kitten not so cute now, makes me sad."
Ork anger does not fade immediately once the trigger is gone. Also, the chances that Ork anger is directed at the trigger? not too high.
"Tiny Orange Kitten is too cute!" [punches Fronk in the gut]
(Tiny Orange Kitten is cute! Ork would not punch cute Kitten. But cute Kitten makes Ork angry! Ork must punch something! Fronk is nearby.)
I get it.
"[places ork-sized helmet on kitten, to protect from other, even angrier orks] ... TOO BIG HAT? TINY ORANGE KITTEN IS CUTER. THAN. BEFORE. [throws Fronk out a window]"
[Fronk cringes]
Fronk sees where this is going and punches the first Ork he sees with anything resembling goggles.
Such begins a brawl which wipes out the entire tribe. Tiny orange kitten saunters off with their loot, having been a shapeshifter the entire time.
Tiny Orange Kitten is now an honorary Ork with much Oog. The Great Ork Gods frown upon it mightily.
how has this thing happened while I was gone?
I must keep closer eye on you misfits
@trogdor it is because you were gone, we got out of control
heaven help us (and Fronk) the next time you depart
mm yes I must find a way to be in two places at once so I can continue important business and still keep an eye on you troublemakers
yes and conduct trouble with us
@trog (i wish @troggy worked) you might be able to answer this
what? a new 4E question?
I'm pretty sure I remember us studying that one back in the day.
I imagine your character building could have taken you down this route
It seems I came to the right person after all 8)
I'm pretty sure the answer is "yes, it's as awesome as it looks."
I will answer this one XD
looks like I had an answer ready before the question was ever asked
this is weird, answering another 4E question after all this time
posted the answer
wouldn't mind anyone looking at it to see if it needs work
I left a commenty
ok, fixed that thing
I certainly did not mean to use that word there XD
good catch
Is the tiefling build you're mentioning the same one as in the question?
Or a different one
it's the same one
do you mean in my answer or in the conversation linked above?
@doppelgreener oh, you commented, yeah you just caught a typo
More commenting!
Good answer though
If you have some insight into how strong or effective it is, that may be worth adding at the end,since readers may be wondering.
there is no tiefling feat to ignore fire damage (at least that I recall), but there is one to get even more fire resistance tacked onto your normal racial fire resistance
@doppelgreener I have not actually used it myself
@trogdor oh, so is that a different build that is about ignoring fire damage?
@doppelgreener sorta
it's more like a single feat that is broken enough by itself
What I'm getting at is, are you saying "yep that tiefling build you are asking about is broken and nutso", or are you saying " that build is broken and nutso, and so is this other tiefling build"?
In that answer
but it's not too bad because your DM would be crazy to only throw fire damage at you all the time
I'm asking for the purpose of clarifying things one way or the other
@doppelgreener oh it's the one he is talking about
Cool, phew
@trogdor and then the DM specifically chooses to make a big archnemesis a fire user so you can look like a total badass :)
@doppelgreener yeah that is fine
nothing wrong with that
but the DM can choose to sometimes not have fire damage come up
it's definitely powerful, but also easy to regulate just how often it comes up
@doppelgreener Unless the DM is a troll called Oda, in which case you, a guy made out of fire may die after a punch from someone made of magma :P
@doppelgreener so there isn't something I still need to clarify?
it was just that?
@trogdor that was it
ok cool
1 hour later…
@eimyr Hey Eimyr :) Long time no speak. How are your adventures in DnD going?
@Polyducks Hi!
They are not going at all.
I'm not playing D&D at the moment and it doesn't seem like I will.
Are you playing anything else?
It's hard to say. I played a one shot on the weekend, of freeform roleplay. My players still keep hassling me about restarting the Courtly Intrigue (Fate) after Xmas, but I can't be bothered to commute to them.
At the same time I'm tentatively looking for a game nearer to me, but nothing clear has come of it yet.
So, it depends on your definition really.
"Limited indeterminate."
I hope you find some good gaming opportunities soon! I know what it's like to have the desire but not the means.
I have the means, but not the desire.
Meaning that I'm working full time an hour's drive away from where I live.
The session that is so eagerly waiting for me is about 30 mins from my work, again about 1.20 from where I live.
I could do it. I could drive there, spend some time playing and get back home before my sleepytime
However, Courtly Intrigue did not prove everything I wanted it to be and I would be much happier if I could find something else, perhaps as a player this time, closer to home.
That's fair.
I've had a much better attendance rate since I moved the game location from the south end of the island to the middle.
Are you playing anything completely in person, @BESW?
I thought it's, as you said, "two living rooms connected by skype"
I've got three regularly attending IRL players on Guam.
We connect to Greener's living room most sessions, which makes our games more reliable as two of the three IRL players aren't always able to make it, and Trogdor and I don't really do twosies well.
Without Greener's attendance my games would be more irregular, but they would continue, just as they did for the three or four years before he and his friend joined us.
(Except for one rather fallow year during which Troggy and I desperately tried to find a way to sustain twosies.)
After Christmas I had two new IRL players come over for the first time, and we played Great Ork Gods without Greener and his friend Skyping in, to make the new people more comfortable before shoving them up against Internet Strangers.
@BESW this is unfortunately true
I blame myself, I think I need someone else to take the spotlight away from me once in a while
not that there is a problem with that, I just don't think I can take that kind of singular attention in a game for a whole session
we haven't tried much with you as the PC though
Yes, well, the GM has at least as much spotlight as a single player.
yeah that is true
and I would need to handle it while playing several different characters
@trogdor that's what you get for begin a Twilyshy hybrid. All the "main character" attentions with all the associated uneasiness of begin under the spotlight :P
so theoretically at least that would be worse XD
@Derpy the comparison is more accurate than I would like for some reasons yeah, if in a very generalized way
@Pantalaimon [wave]
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