Conversation started Jun 11, 2013 at 0:00.
Jun 11, 2013 00:00
10 hours ago, by Grace Note
4 - [okeefe](
2 - [Seven Sided Die](
2 - [tynam](
4 - [waxeagle](
4 - [Magician](
2 - [pconcepcion](
4 - [Erik Schmidt](
2 - [Extrakun](
Alright then!
huh, quotes don't get the whole text...that's odd
We could havea meta-contest and take bets on who wins.
Jun 11, 2013 00:00
So, for those who don't know, today we're rolling out the winners for the RPG Birthday Anniversary Contest!
wax eagle linked the scoreboard, the point total is 50 points across everyone. So, to do the rolling, I'll be rolling 2d10 for a hundred options, and will reference the following table:
01-08 | okeefe
09-12 | Seven Sided Die
13-16 | tynam
17-24 | wax eagle
25-32 | Magician
33-36 | pconcepcion
37-44 | ErikSchmidt
45-48 | Extrakun
49-52 | Lunin
53-56 | Dan Rasmussen
57-60 | Standback
61-64 | Thomax
65-68 | MrJinPengyou
69-88 | BESW
89-96 | Dakeyras
97-00 | Thunderforge
The middle belongs to me :D
Nicely RPG-themed. :)
You enter the forest and... lemme check for wandering monsters... you encounter a... band of Lunins!
Thanks for drawing that ip
So, we've got 2 prize sets. 3 users will get swag items like stickers or T-Shirts and the like. 2 users will get RPG sourcebooks and/or PDFs, based on the games they happened to earn their ticket here.
Jun 11, 2013 00:03
...someone should totally draw up a random-battle table based on that
Which shall I draw up first? ♪
I'm fine with that
Jun 11, 2013 00:04
We have a motion and it is seconded! Let us commence! Our first roll...
@GraceNote is the "♪" the eponymous Grace Note?
@KRyan It is a quarter note, as it were.
...I think? Or was it eighth note?
I already forgot, ahahaha
looks like an eigth
Anyway, 45 gets us @Extrakun as our first site swag winner.
Jun 11, 2013 00:05
Next roll...
Jun 11, 2013 00:06
Reroll for previous winners, or multiple wins possible?
how about that
Wow. A straight 100. Fancy. For @Thunderforge, our second site swag winner!
ahaha, awesome
Jun 11, 2013 00:06
@SevenSidedDie I'm going to go with reroll, unless people feel strongly otherwise.
I think that's fair.
@GraceNote yes to the reroll
Okay. We've got one more roll to go for site swag, so without further ado...
Jun 11, 2013 00:07
@KRyan… more this than the note.
69, dude!!!
Also an auspicious roll. v.v
Right at the tail end of his massive 20-point spread, @BESW, our third site swag winner!
Congrats @BESW!
Jun 11, 2013 00:08
You've got to ship that where? ;-)
Congrats to all three of you
furthest reaches of the earth gogogo
@C.Ross ahaha
Yay peeps
Jun 11, 2013 00:09
That concludes our drawing for the site swag. Congratulations once again to @Extrakun, @Thunderforge, and @BESW!
The phone rang, and I got swagged!
that's ok
Now then, let's go onwards - the bookening shall begin!
I will just take it for you then
(Handy hint: ship it USPS and it's likely cheaper.)
Jun 11, 2013 00:09
For our first roll...
Oh nice, Erik was one of the first to earn a ticket.
Our roll of 37 goes to @ErikSchmidt, who earns a fancy book or PDF of his domain in this contest!
Jun 11, 2013 00:11
The mods will work with him on that bit. He had 4 points so he had two posts with which to pick his domain.
Some people are going to have some exciting super-pings when they visit the site next. :)
heh, yup!
And now, our last roll of the night, at least if we don't need to reroll...
Jun 11, 2013 00:12
That. That is another 100.
Speak of the devil.
I don't think we can re roll that
Jun 11, 2013 00:12
I think we must.
I mean, I expected maybe hitting the same scope at once but, the same number? That's some roll there.
Dice Service is just being cute.
Who wrote this random algorithm anyway? :-)
Jun 11, 2013 00:13
Well, I do have a history of having crit-streak'd my PCs to death on more than once occasion...
I digress!
Dakeyras! Barely missed Thunderforge again. ;)
High roller all around.
Our second winner, rolling in at 91, is @Dakeyras, who also earns a book or PDF belonging to the domain of participation!
That's another 4-pointer, so that's also two posts again.
Jun 11, 2013 00:15
That wraps up our domain sourcebook/PF drawing. Congratulations once again to @ErikSchmidt and @Dakeyras!
Thanks to everyone! Everyone who won summat, everyone who participated to make this contest work and help RPG grow, and to everyone who could show up to make this contest drawing a super event! ♪
[wild cheering]
Jun 11, 2013 00:16
Congrats everyone
Thanks all!
Extra thanks to the moderators in helping organize these things and putting up with the delays and radio silence I admittedly produced! Give your mods a big round of applause!
And thanks @GraceNote
Thank you so much, @GraceNote
Jun 11, 2013 00:17
And a bigger round of applause for all of your winners from tonight: @Extrakun, @Thunderforge, @BESW, @ErikSchmidt, and @Dakeyras!
Hip-hip hooray!
Conversation ended Jun 11, 2013 at 0:17.