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A question that's phrased so answers are just speculation and guesswork, or are impossible to vote on usefully so the sorting engine can work, will get closed until it's improved. This is less likely to happen with rules-focused questions (though it happens often enough with them too) because there's usually less situation-unique context that we need to know about them.
i dont think rpg.se is suited for development questions in general
It's very hard to do that, yes.
But that's a VERY different conclusion from "only about rules."
'primarily' about
i gues is better
I.e. I personally have asked questions about group dynamics that have nothing to do with any rules
sure sure
@Storyteller That comes across as a bit dismissive.
atm, Im looking a chatroom frequented by game creators and possibly playtesters
I think you accidentally a preposition.
@Miniman ..im sry, not meant to be, just trying to find my niche
@Storyteller Have you looked at gamedesign.SE?
link? I know gamedevelopment and gamemechanics
...doesn't exist, or that would have turned into a link.
My bad, I meant game mechanics. The one in Area 51 atm.
oh there
im a supporter at gamemechanics
GameDev is only for computerised games.
We've got 105 questions in the tag here.
Perhaps not all of them should have that tag, but...
Although RPG.SE's strength doesn't lie in game design, we aren't incapable or unwilling.
The trouble seems to be that you want a place to have game design discussions, and no Stack will offer that on any topic.
Google + seems to be a relatively hopping place for game designers lately.
Who else has disagreements with their dice?
But I don't pay attention to the folks who design the sorts of games you design for, so what I see could be a section of the community you aren't interested in.
@BESW well yeah, I get that part, thats kinda the trouble. Im looking for a chat room that caters to those kinds of candid discussions
@Ben I don't have disagreements with my dice. They have nothing to say that's worth my time. I tell them they're wrong, and if they give me backtalk I put them on time out.
i found a bunch of se stuff in development I supported in area51
neat place
@BESW Actually, yes. That's probably what I need to do. I always threaten to punish them but I never do. I need to toughen up and put them in their place
i just dont want to bang my head against a wall trying to use a wrench for a screwdriver
Yeah, the vast majority of A51 proposals die in the shell, but it's a nifty incubator nonetheless.
se is a great tool, but its not the best one for what im trying to do
@Storyteller Aye, SE wants you to use multiple tools in tandem.
i think if gamemechanic.se gets going, its chat would be a good place
(Weirdly, most Internet services seem to want to be the only Internet service. Go figure.)
for the kinds of discussion Im looking ofr
@Storyteller I'd be pleased to give it a shot.
give what a shot?
Gamemechanic.se and its chat.
@Storyteller just so you know (depending on which device you're on) you can edit your posts :)
oh, talking about development
I've got a handful of games I'm trying to build.
cool, links to design docs? did you read the card game I posted last night?
I'm not really up on card games.
Some of my designs I can't share freely, and others are still fairly nascent.
Also I have to get ready to go teach a class.
@BESW Quick! Tell us a funny story about your class!
well, I made a room
@Ben I have no class! [belches]
its under rpg atm, but I will move it to gamemecanics later (or kill and recreate it)
I mention two of my game concepts in my profile blurb.
@BESW Nice. 4/5
(Is "blurb" the right word for something that I keep skirting the character limit on?)
Oh, and if you do a chat search for "Heffalumps" you'll find an old abortive attempt at an action-based party game.
(I think there's a link to the Holy Werewolves draft in the chat logs somewhere too.)
Here we go.
Haven't gotten a lot further with any of them since then; they're very much back-burner projects with low priority.
The MLP one has come the furthest since then.
I've honed the concept a lot and thrown out non-essentials.
Hounds of God still uses mostly beta-test FAE rules, which shows how long it's been since I rehauled that.
And Heffalumps was a collaboration with someone who's currently too busy.
wow, a my little pony rpg...
There are at least a half-dozen, if you include hacks of existing systems like Ponyfinder.
Mine is evolving into a study of pony psychology. Working title, My Little Psyche: Friendship is a Fragile Barrier Holding Back My Seething Neuroses.
Mechanics are currently looking like a combination of Cthulhu Dark, Pilgrims of the Flying Temple, and maybe Dogs in the Vineyard.
(And Lasers & Feelings, probably.)
@BESW Megablurb.
well, my bills are paid
...that's not a euphemism, is it?
no. but now I feel dirty. carebear stare. carebear stare!!!
@doppelgreener My megablurb is probably out of date.
I gotta go for now, good night/morning/noon to you all :D
@AlexMitan Bye!
@BESW Might be a little bit, it is easy with these
I think I'm going to make a sin bin for my dice
@Ben put a shredder at the bottom of it
(Don't actually, they might not deserve it ;_;)
@doppelgreener Ooh... That might be a bit much... I only want to discipline my dice... Not destroy them
As much as we disagree... I still love my dice
(I'm actually still mourning the loss of my first set)
Oh no ;_;
I know where they are, I left them at a friend of a friend's place, but they have since lost contact with the group, so getting them back seems a bit of a stretch at this point :(
I'm just glad that I didn't leave my Companion Cube dice there too... (which I very nearly did)
Visit said friend's place one day, go on an outing with them, have fun, visit friend of friend, come in for a drink, see the dice, grab them, beat everyone up, escape, discover you are the opening sequence for a lonely island song.
that does sound like one yes
It does, doesn't it
@Ben Most people are pretty reasonable - if you ask your friend to talk to him or for some sort of contact detail I'm sure you can get them becak without much effort.

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