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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

It's been my experience that dice are more temperamental when they're only used by one person.
I bought a friend's dice collection and used them as the communal pool for all my players, and they calmed down a lot.
(Reason #3 why I show up early when I've got a class to teach: neither table nor chairs were in the classroom.)
@Miniman In 5e, they could be cantrips, in which case he can do them endlessly
@Adeptus Yeah, but I think Tim deserves better than cantrips.
In 3.5, my mind immediately goes to the blighter.
But also warlock.
Yeah, 3.5 warlock was my first thought too.
Also... what is the effect of his explosions?
'cause they don't really go around setting things on fire or damaging folks, as I recall.
The effect of his explosions is to punctuate his statements and interrupt people.
So a spell that has an emotional/social mechanic might be more realistic, just flavoured as explosions.
Well, we never see him use them offensively.
@Ben I gave away my first set... to a friend who lost their house in the bushfires earlier this year. Honestly, they weren't my favourites (the dice, that is).
But they appear to replicate the effects of a flamethrower, an RPG, and some sort of remote incendiary device.
@doppelgreener Will It Blend?
@Adeptus You can use an action to automatically inflict 2 physical stress on a small, inanimate, unattached object. (If you do not have access to an AC current, you can only do this once per scene.)
(Is exactly what it says on the tin.)
So, Ursula Vernon has been struggling with the way succulent plants reproduce by falling apart to create entirely new plants. She's running out pots and has to get creative.
Yes, those are live plants. I cut drainage holes in the feet, stuffed coffee filters in the legs, and filled with cactus soil mix & perlite.
@Adeptus While my first set might not be my favourites... I still have a special connection to them haha. Just like (as I'm sure most others would too) I have a special connection to my first character
My first dice were given to me as a present. They look very nice, but they're thin gold numbers on a mottled blue mold of the same tone.
Almost literally impossible to read except in very bright light or very close up.
@BESW ooooh... they sound purdy :D
Mine weren't anything too special, speckled blue/white with white numbers
Oh, yes, very pretty.
But pretty doesn't cut it.
@BESW What makes a succulent plant?
It may be unreasonable, but I expect my dice to be legible.
@doppelgreener Another succulent plant.
Seriously though, succulents are plants that have thick, fleshy bits for storing water so they're drought-resistant.
(In horticulture, this excludes cacti and plants where the swollen fleshy bits are all underground; in botany it includes them.)
Actually some of my more favourite dice are actually the odd ones out. Eg. My Companion Cube dice, and a d20 that I bought on it's own cos I forgot my own set one week.
At any rate: a lot of the kinds of succulents that gardeners like to grow reproduce by just having bits detach or fall off and then the bits act like new plants.
The d20 is just a plain grey-blue colour with bronze numbers
I like my red-and-white Centurion dice.
Ha! Apparently the ones I use for Stellata are the Atomic Robo dice.
I'm slightly envious of Trogdor's Atomic Robo and Eldritch dice.
(I'd long since discarded the cardboard packaging, but I kept the plastic bit to keep them together like a little dice bowl.)
Dan uses the Eldritch dice.
I bought Centurion and Core dice, on the grounds that it looked like they'd all be the easiest to tell apart from each other.
(And that I was cheap and didn't want to pay more for branded dice.)
(And that Eldritch dice are cool, but a gimmick that wouldn't ever actually get noticed in casual use.)
Directions for the intrepid who wish to make pony planters here: http://tkingfisher.tumblr.com/post/128224243928/so-i-had-all-these-bait-ponies-lying-around-from
I guess, I like being comfortable knowing I have enough dice for anything we want to do without needing the others to bring theirs too--it's one of the things I, as someone who really likes being a GM, should be able to provide in order to do what I enjoy--but I don't want dice for their own sake. I want legible, functional dice that aren't distracting and don't get in the way of play.
(I have no idea where my student is...)
[pops open Photoshop and practices underpainting]
I need to pick up some Fate tokens today or tomorrow...
@doppelgreener Toooookeeeeensss.
WHAAAAAAA. The one store that sold them appears to no longer do so!!
Couldn't you use poker chips or similar?
Yes. But:
These are smaller, slimmer, and more manageable. And I have coins by this manufacturer - there's something wonderful about holding metal with just a bit of heft to it. :)
They are that as well.
(In the Firefly sense as well.)
What the heck... both Good Games stores in my state, and the central distribution center, won't pick up my calls. They ring out.
They know it's you
Because they're currently in this chat
And they are enjoying watching you squirm
noooo T_T how could they do this to me
@doppelgreener Marketing told them to.
I like to imagine it is both of these at once.
@doppelgreener I mean, no one really understands why marketing people say the things they say. It may well be due to Ben's reason.
Cougar boost is an excellent concept for an energy drink
An energy drink that roars like a cougar when you open it
@BESW this is an acceptable adult use of MLP
i have spoken. revel in my decree.
@Sandwich a cougar...?
Wrong cougar
or a cougar...?
Since when does Cougar Type-A roar?
< (Australian)
My knowledge of big cats is next to nil. Lol
I just googled "Cougar"
@Sandwich Oh wait... you mean the first "cougar"?
@Sandwich Hmm... I think you might need to wait until you're older :P
@Ben Honestly, the way that cougar is looking at me, I am not sure there is any difference at all between the two images.
Shh... society doesn't need to know... ;)
I certainly hope the cougar doesn't find out.
Well, that'll probably work both ways haha
My days are counted....
Mine too... though I haven't really been keeping track...
9,668 days.
Thanks to an online calculator
Or, more accurately; Maths!
Even more accurately; Arithmetic!
[arithmetically sound 5!]
@Miniman There you go, effective solution without need for spell slots.
@Sandwich Yep, I removed my downvote when you added the magic item.
That blindfold is actually an amazing item for its cost
Blindsight is OP as hell
You could also use Bigby's Grasping hand and then fire spells at the hand
@Sandwich That's a pretty cool idea, but wouldn't hitting the hand be an issue?
That'd depend on a DM ruling
You'd have to determine whether or not you as the caster would know the location of the hand
If you did know the location of the hand despite its concealment you'd be fine
If you didn't then you couldn't
Hmmm. At 7th level, it's way out of my reach anyway, sadly.
Whats your maximum spell level, 5?
4th :(
So you're 7th level-ish?
Yep, just hit 8th level
Wizard I assume
So provided you did have the money for the blindfold you'd be set
Yeah, it's been a pretty low-gold campaign. I only just scraped together an Int +2 item.
You JUST got 4k gold?
I've bought a few scrolls along the way, but pretty much, yeah
That means you're the most powerful person in your group by a landslide
It's not so bad for me. The Artificer in our group, on the other hand...
Mundanes don't even have their power spikes without magic items at early levels
Heh, the Druid and the Cleric are doing fine.
Those are also tier 1 classes though =\
The guy/girl (long story) who started out as an archer Rogue and has meandered into a melee rogue/fighter is...well...yeah.
Who needs magic items when you can be a giant bear
That rogue is going to be screwed if he's stunted in gold
Cant afford a Ring of Blinking means he cant reliably apply sneak attack damage dice
Pretty much screwed him/herself over already, tbh.
Doesn't seem to care, though.
Well they can still be a skill-monkey
If they have a high INT that role is pretty much locked down
If they have a high CHA they can also be the face
But trying to deal damage in a party with a Wizard, Cleric, and Druid... that's just a lost cause =\
Especially if its Low-Gold
They've been a bit all over the place with skills, too. We've had players coming and going a lot, and their perceptions of what role they could/should be filling kept changing.
It's a pretty low-op game. I've curbed my urges to go ham, and the Cleric and the Druid are either unpracticed in the noble art of optimization or really good at pretending.
cough Radiant Servant of Pelor cough
Cloudkill + Solid Fog is a pretty sick combo though
Normally, yeah, but we've been fighting mostly undead
Solid fog + Evard's black tentacles is a pretty sweet way to mess up a 20-foot radius, though
I had that in my answer too
I removed it though
Yeah, I tried to limit the scope of the question as much as I could (cos, yanno, 3.5)
If you want to get really sick with it you can always drop a solid fog and then drop a Prismatic wall at the edge
Pretty nice, still a bit higher than I can manage for now though
I looked for the hovertext out of habit and was like "Huh?" First time I've seen someone onebox an xkcd that was hosted somewhere else.
A function that gets a random number that always returns the number 4
And it has no semicolon
So it wouldn't compile
@Sandwich Depends on the language
Looks like C or C++
The semicolon would have to be at the end of the brackets
It's been a while since I've done C, but I'm pretty sure you're wrong
You sure?
No wait.. I think you're actually right
It's been ages since I've done any programming
Me too (not counting SQL)
Ughhh Database management stahp
...Someone has apparently come up with a GWAR roleplaying game. I must have this
Are you not aware of gwar?
Not Safe for Humans
Can't say I have
They have good costumes though it seems
Thats their thing
They 'are aliens from the planet scumdog'... the current singer gave a ted talk about them >.>
@Miniman @Sandwich Comments are ignored, empty lines are fine. All is well here. You need semicolons after statements, not after each line or chunk of text.
int foo() { return 1; } // valid
int foo() { return 1 }; // invalid
What about int foo() { return 1; }; // invalid ?
not entirely sure...
let me fire up gcc
Fate aspect for game: "I went to Juilliard for this!?"
(Playing a disillusioned accordion player.)
Emrakul you're a moderator on Puzzling?!
foo() { return 1; }; // valid but a waste of a keystroke
Mhm! (Also, sorry to interrupt!)
at least with gcc
Huh. I guess that's an empty statement; wonder if it becomes a nop or nothing.
@Sandwich @Emrakul How's that going, btw?
it would probably be totally omitted with any optimization levels
As always SO has the answer to my idle curiosity: stackoverflow.com/a/7240362
@Miniman Up and down. More down at the moment than up, but we'll get through it.
@Emrakul Sorry to hear that :(
Things should smooth out pretty soon, though.
@Sandwich I think that is a semicolon - return 4;
@Ben He meant after the function definition - } ;
(Wow, a crossed out semicolon just doesn't work)
It's actually c#, and that is a valid method
int RandomNumber()
    return 4;
@Emrakul I saw the drama about the ban - and at least one person attempting vainly to present himself as a potential martyr but sounding more like a conspiracy nut.
@Ben Just paste the code as-is, then hit CTRL+K to indent it and make it a code block.
Go it :)
Thats a valid method in a LOT of languages.
Multiline posts don't have access to markdown (so [these](http://example.com) links won't work either, but you can just paste URLs), but you can do two things: that code block, and put a > at the very beginning to make the whole thing a quote. (The exception is if you have a :4983984-type reply at the beginning: you can place the > directly after that.)
With a bit of syntax-tweaking it's viable in almost every language.
YOU'RE viable in almost every language!
@doppelgreener Yeah, that. It could've been a lot worse, though. All in all, things are good still.
@doppelgreener I need an ice pack
> I can make this lie of a quote!
@Ben YOU need an icepack!
@Miniman Jeez... at this rate I'll need to go to the hospital for 1st degree burns!
I wonder who decided
That they should measure burns based on severity
Instead of based on temperature
Well, if you get burned in a small area for a small amount of time at a high temperature, it probably won't be as bad as if you get burned for a long amount of time over a long area at a lower temperature
In terms of dealing with the burn, severity is what actually matters.
@Emrakul Funny moment - browsing boardgames.se, and I saw a weird joke about you. Turns out Emrakul is the name of a MTG card.
@Miniman for a little while, he was also Emracool (a fan-made card)
I turned into Emracool for WinterBash!
in Sugarcube Corner on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Apr 29 at 15:22, by berserk
@SPArchaeologist Do SPA means Super Pony Archaeologist? :P
in Sugarcube Corner on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Apr 29 at 15:25, by SPArchaeologist
@berserk no, it is just a common joke on SharePoint SE. Many usernames starts with SP since it is a common prefix for SharePoint related classes in the .net framework
in Sugarcube Corner on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Apr 29 at 15:26, by SPArchaeologist
(he should fall for it, secret is safe)
To be honest, it was indeed intended as a SharePoint prefix (we have also SPDoctor, SPDev, SPDeveloper, SPBeginer, SPCoder, ....)
The fact that it can be interpreted as Super Pony is an added bonus.
@SPArchaeologist Is that SPBeginer typo in your writing just then or the actual name?
we also have some more users sharing the same name without the typo.
I can't decide whether to pronounce that bejinner or beginer
Since he is the only one with the typo, I would not exclude the possibility it was done on purpose to have a different username from the others.
That said, I would have changed my whole username instead of resorting to a typing error.
@SPArchaeologist this is hilarious
but the typing error is perfect for a beginer
As I said yesterday, SharePoint.SE is a strange community indead
Chat room is a barren wasteland of death and silence.
Some sites don't really use their chatrooms much.
and the site has ridiculous traffic and participation.
Probably because lots of people use Sharepoint, but no one really wants to talk about Sharepoint.
Especially when they could be talking about RPGs!
@Miniman This sounds perfectly reasonable.
@Miniman The first rule of Sharepoint is you do not talk about Sharepoint
@doppelgreener It also has the bizarre side effect of making it sound like we're the cool kids.
@Miniman Well, we do talk about pretty cool stuff.
Some random stats:
- No great question badge, only 21 good and 239 nice (which is strange since we have the view based one like famous, popular and so on). Situation is the same for answers badges
- 4 guru answer awarded in total
- 36 Mortarboard, no epic and no legendary
- 79 Vox Populi , 111 suffrage
- top upvoted question has 78 votes, top answer has 77. My own top answer has 28.

I have 4.6k rep. I am user 42 in the top user list. Only 20 users are over 10k. Most rep user tops at 27.8k.
@BESW Hey! How'd the class go?
@doppelgreener Well! I'm just passing by the house on my way to show off the Rashomon poster.
(dropping off some meds I picked up for my dad, and I forgot to put the most recent poster draft on my tablet.)
@SPArchaeologist Sounds like the population needs to vote more.
@Miniman sound like we need an actual population.
@BESW Oof. Good thing you swung by.
@SPArchaeologist Hold on, searching for some queries. I think you guys have more active users than you think.
@SPArchaeologist Well, you said you guys have the view badges, right?
problem with SharePoint.SE is that usually it is used like a last hope card when you can't find anything about your problem anywhere on the net.
This means we have two category of questions:
- banal, 0 research done ones who get immediately answer by the zerg lurkers and usually net 0-1 votes (may be accepted, but only if you are lucky)
- Difficulty over 9k questions who attract wild guess answers that I personally hate (the "have you tried to" answer that as far as I am concerned is not an answer but a comment on the question). No one downvote because even the -1 seem a lot when the rep ga
...Is this still in beta?
totally graduated
Graduation criteria have changed significantly lately.
I don't know when SharePoint graduated, but iirc it's been around a while.
such change? very criteria? much strict? impose.
It had enough users, questions, answers, etc.
"Questions are not a total pain in the arse for everyone involved" is not a graduation criteria.
That's true. Questions can be a pain and the site can still have high user retention and activity.
Okay, dashing out. ttfn
Hm. You might be right about users.
A shame, really. Looks like I'll be buying PDFs elsewhere until they soften their policy.
@shatterspike1 Let's not go here in this chat. You're encroaching on a serious issue about the handling of rape, with some strong feelings on both sides.
I'm opposing the policy. I don't have an opinion on the product, although I'd probably find it offensive as well.
@shatterspike1 Still, it's probably a conversation better had in the Not a Bar.
Yes. NAB it, please.
Ah, alright.
Good morning! :D
What a lovely morning to try not to succumb to the sweltering, overpowering heat!
It's gonna hit 36 degrees real soon and BOY I CANNOT WAIT
...Sorry, but I had to let it out of my system, I hate this place's weather
:)) I was half-hoping someone would make that reference
@AlexMitan I had to live with that constant pop-up the whole game, I don't think I can avoid remembering it every time...
2 hours later…
@BESW ever played Fate with "simultaneous combat" rules? As in, if I attack someone with 5, and they end up with a 7, I take 2 stress?
I haven't.
I'm wondering what effect that'd have on gameplay...
@AlexMitan Good mainsite question?
Okay, sure!
Answers should be from experience, of course.
Yep.. what tags should I give that?
Here we go.. not sure if it sounds great, but hey
Bada-bing, bada-edit.
Thank you very much!
by the way, how do you handle initiative/turn order in your games?
We use Atomic Robo/Marvellous initiative.
- If it's not obvious who goes first in a conflict, roll initiative to find out.
- When a character's turn is over, their controller (player or GM) chooses who goes next from all the characters who haven't yet had a turn that round.
- The last character to go in a round chooses anyone except themselves to start the next round.
Hm, okay, that's what I was thinking too, but isn't it a bit imbalanced if a large chunk of players start and reduce the enemies to dust before they even act?
What's stopping someone from making a highly defensive character and all they do is defend, means they are able to turn so many attacks back on their attackers that they might not be able to do in a conventional attack defence rotation?
In Fate, @Tashio?
@Tashio Not much, I guess, but nobody in their right mind would focus the tank
One character just bunkers up? Fine, everyone gangs up on everyone else
but I can see how that might be a problem
1 hour later…
> Only Imperial storm troopers are so precise. You have +2 when using Shoot to attack inanimate objects.
good morning
Moderate evening.
hopefully I will not get a comment flagged today that brings down other site mods into our beloved chatroom
@JoshuaAslanSmith sigh, the silliness
That'd be nice. It was easy to take the wrong way, regardless of intent, especially in a conversation that was already fast and furious.
it was pretty frustrating, I just kept mum and they looked at the record and saw I was in fact not being mean/threatening but just trying to explain how the site works via a metaphor
@BESW oh you read the logs then?
...I can't resist.
@JoshuaAslanSmith What's a meta for?
haha, guess doppel mentioned it
I do generally read the backlogs.
So when I logged on that morning I gave Storyteller the rpg.meta links that were so desperately missing from the discussion. (That's what a meta's for.)
Jeez. I visited English Language Learners Beta Yesterday and answered a question about the spelling of "brute force" and got 20 upvotes on it.
Speaking of English SEs, hi @mike32!
oh hi
Good Morning
And good afternoon (yay timezones)
learning about chat profiles and their relation to SE profiles all of a sudden
Yeah, you can choose which specific Stack profile your chat profile links to.
But by default, it's your first.
Ah. At first I thought it was defaulting to highest rep.
Most of my SE time is on RPG so...
I'm pretty sure not? But don't quote me on it.
I think I changed my to be my RPG profile
Mine's RPG now. Hooray!
@mike32 Yey!
@AlexMitan [blink] Some of it I agree with, but some of it seems... very much to not "get" Fate.
@BESW I never got that... aren't imperial storm troopers completely rubbish in pretty much any scene other than that initial one? TvTropes bases an entire trope on that
@BESW How so?
@AlexMitan "It might unduly favor things like knives over axes. That can have wide implications on your economy too, nobody will want to buy large weapons but they cost the most?" makes NO SENSE in Fate.
@BESW Oh. Yeah, that one I didn't get either
And concepts like "main DPS" are equally "wait, what are you playing?"
@AlexMitan Storm troopers are actually really elite soldiers. They only seem trash because they are under orders to not succeed.
But other than that.. read my response right?
@AlexMitan Yeah.
Real-life combat, especially melee, is short, nasty and based on taking no risks
@AlexMitan To be fair, Obi-Wan was probably last in a conflict with storm troopers around the time when they were all highly-trained clones assassinating thousands of Jedi.
When I was a kid I saw this documentary, and it stuck with me forever how it mentioned that actual medieval fighting was over in seconds, and death was slow and painful
@AlexMitan There's still a fair amount of debate over that, I think (especially re: what you can and can't do in armour), but--yes, the general points stands.
Maybe that kind of thing would be better suited to something grim or more realistic... maybe a zombie apocalypse of the "grim unavoidable doom" flavour, not the "killcounts are awesome bro" one
@AlexMitan [takes notes]
One of my players wants to run a gritty zombie game in Fate.
You seriously, 110% need to see the Fate Codex with the "All Fate Must Be Eaten" article
just buy it, it's only a couple bucks, and it's completely brilliant
I've pointed him at it.
the zombies are unrelenting, and they never roll dice, they're this constant looming threat, like a fire that boils under the already volatile characters
it has elements of discovery to it, but knowledge isn't always power in that setting
Interesting.... [yawn] I need some sleep.
Crap, I totally took that in the wrong way, sorry
I've got to go for now, though
Sorry, I'm seriously exhausted. Long day.
really, look at that entry though
Good night!
And goodbye everyone else!
@BESW @Alex Goodnight, bye :)
@doppelgreener mission for the day, do not have anything I say in chat be construed as a threat
@JoshuaAslanSmith a worthy mission
Isn't that a threat to? He is basically implying he will remove any subject that may point out he is threating someone!
joshua, it was a good run
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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