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@doppelgreener just a reference to an old tv show that I remember existed some time ago. Don't know it is still going or what
They rebooted it recently, but I haven't seen any of it. I haven't seen a lot of the old one either, but the characters are the most adorable things ever.
@Pixie back then I was more into "for boys" shows (==super robots, see Vultus and the likes), so I can't really say much, but I do seem to recall that the actual plot wasn't much elaborate. Anyway, I would have expected you to prefer the other one, how was she called? Strawberry Shortcake?
Wait a minute, are these girls all parodied in Wreck-it Ralph?
I think that Sugar Rush may be a parody of Strawberry Shortcake, yes.
And ....Disney... is know to take "inspiration" around the world....
@SPArchaeologist I didn't watch Rainbow Bright or Strawberry Shortcake as a child, actually. (Though my greatgrandma had a Shortcake doll at her house that I loved. Still smelled like strawberries despite being from the 80s...)
@Pixie That's kinda scary, actually.
See Kimba the lion king or Fushigi Umi no Atlantis.
@doppelgreener I don't know that it's a direct parody of Rainbow Brite, but yeah, I can see inspiration from Strawberry Shortcake and Candyland in there.
@BESW A little!
@Pixie actually, a lot
Not that you could have expected otherwise, but you can safely tell that that strawberry essence was made with no actual strawberry.
Well, keep in mind that this was in the early 90s, so it wasn't that long. Now, if she still smelled like strawberries today... (I do not know what became of her.)
Actually, I took the doll still smelled like strawberries today.
Aww, I found one of my gemstone magical girls from one of my early RPs: Angel Spinel Bright. Such ooold art (that beachball face!)... and clearly from my glaive phase. Memories.
Glaive Phase would be a great name for a band.
Yes it would.
Also that clarifies this as being before Steven Universe came along with its gemstone magical women who punched the crap out of things until they exploded.
Set Phasers to Glaive... shouldn't be their album name, but I still love it.
@doppelgreener Haha, yes. Around 10 years ago probably.
@Pixie you stole Madoka sketchbook?
I had, I think, three separate gem-based canons. At least. xD
@SPArchaeologist My sketchbooks definitely looked like Madoka's at times. :P
(Not to be confused with gem-based cannons.)
Be sure to throw any strange white cat that may attempt to talk to you out of the nearest window then.
@Pixie ... I love the voice command Steven uses to actiave those. ;_;
@doppelgreener That was the cutest.
...... I'll stay loyal to the "Yay"
[mutilates 'activate']
"Actiave" is the yoghurt-based alternative sweetener of tomorrow!
Activia is a brand of yogurt owned by Groupe Danone ("The Dannon Company" in the United States) and introduced in France in 1987. As of 2013, Activia is present in more than 70 countries and on all 5 continents. Activia is classified as a functional food, designed to improve digestive health. == History == In the 1980s, Danone researchers took interest in bifidobacteria. They developed a specific strain that can survive in the acidic medium of yogurt. In addition to traditional yogurt bacteria, they decided to add a probiotic strain:Bifidus Actiregularis. Activia products thus contain Bif...
Wasn't it established it couldn't claim to be yoghurt?
Let's see... there were the Gemstone Angels, the Keystaff Angels (who are a different thing entirely despite the similar name), and a third setting whose gem people's name I currently forget. ... and then there was a species of gem-based aliens with gems embedded in their bodies that we were creating for my Homestuck RP. It sounds suspicious, but it totally predates Steven. I have proof. :P
Sadly, I think that your aliens may have got into Ben10...
In Stargate I've reached the beginning of season 4, and basically every alien race so far has evolved past ballistic weaponry (guns) and ballistic explosives (grenades) in favour of energy weapons and abandoned defences against and use of ballistics entirely in favour of just energy-based stuff. One race apparently can't even fathom using them to defeat a great enemy of theirs, and are surprised it works.
While I can appreciate renewable energy being a great source to channel, and their energy weapons being pretty effective, I think they might have lost the plot a bit if they've forgotten that absolutely anything can be absolutely obliterated if you simply hit it hard enough.
@doppelgreener Dragonball seem to keeping attempting to that one wrong:P
@SPArchaeologist They weren't hitting the things hard enough. (See: Beerus, who could probably punch the Androids into a fine mist.)
the problem is that each time they seem to find someone (who was until then waiting his number at the Dragonball enemy wait line) that you must hit a bit harder.
and in the meantime the rocks seem to become harder too.
I was surprised that in the last movie they actually remembered thing they claimed back at Frieza/Vegeta times.
@doppelgreener Most of those races aren't interested in that kind of destruction, though.
The Goa'uld, for example, go to war for hosts, slaves, and resources.
Orbital bombardment is a horrible strategy for achieving those goals.
As for the Asgard, well. They're a clone race that has lost the ability to innovate.
@BESW Oh, wow. That explains a few things.
@doppelgreener Seriously. In season 10 the Asgard, who are already spoiler, reach the limits of their spoiler and spoiler.
@BESW Wow.
And now you know why all Asgard look the same.
(You're not racist after all!)
so gmorning
@BESW All goa'uld look the same, but that's not because I'm racist. XD
today Im finishing out a custom class for a 3.5 session
@Storyteller Hi!
I do not lik any of the artificer classes Ive seen. Im making one loosely based on the generic Spellcaster on SRD
basically splitting its spell list into 'cast spells' and 'magic item blueprints'
so, each level, it gets a few spells/wondrous items it can make without an xp cost
its funny, Ive run it through a couple of the class generation systems, and it either is weak on paper (pts) but comes out slightly OP, or its too strong on paper, but weak in use
how is the day going for you guys?
That sounds par for the course for a d20 System item-creation-themed class.
noticed a stargate comment.. in the later season, there is a comment made about gaould blasters 'those are a weapon of fear and domination, this is a p-90, its a weapon of war'
ok, then I probably have it ok. I think I will keep it as is, maybe shave a few spells per day
it tops out at 44444333322 on lvl 20
and a similar progression for its xp free items
Thing is, the d20 System has a choice-based power curve. The more choices you have available, the more powerful you are.
Magic item creation gives a LOT of choice, because there are so many different items you can choose to make.
yes. though that isnt listed in the class creation guides
The folks who study system mastery can hold forth on the topic at length.
none of them have individual costs on feats. I did make most of his feats item creation feats, thus removing those feats
im not that much of a rules-lawyer
I notice that is a trend here on dnd.com and onthis site
System mastery is not equivalent to min/maxing or rules lawyering.
@Storyteller I just looked up that video.
It is mightily entertaining. And probably has some spoilers for anyone intending to watch that much.
the trend is towards rule mechanics, I guess thats kinda the thing though
role players, who arent that worried about strict enforcment of number systems, dont post about it
Optimisation and system mastery is about understanding the system to make it do what you want. Goals often include powerful characters, but system mastery is also about being able to make a character with the desired theme, or that fits the rest of the party, or anything else.
but people who like to talk about exploits or tricks or study those rules, do
System mastery helps role-play goals just as much as it helps any other goals.
sure I get that. Ive written most of the systems Ive played and always run a very open game
Ive gone hours without a die-roll
so, i see these very deep discussions on 'can ido this' or 'would such and such work' and my answer to that is almost always 'would it make the story better'
Well, sure, that's an important consideration.
like this question at the top of my screen here "is it possible to summon an outsider withot a spell?'
of course its possible!
But it's also important for a group to all be using the same system so they can trust the effects of their mechanics--otherwise the mechanics might as well be replaced with GM fiat entirely.
but will your GM let you
I get that, Ive played with a wide variety of gamers. Ive noticed, sometimes maybe a GM,still thinks he is playing against the players
The point of choosing a system to play in is that it supports a shared understanding of the sort of game you're in and the sort of things you can do. Different playstyles adhere to it more or less sharply, but you're talking about it like the system doesn't matter at all.
I find that curious.
@Storyteller A concise explanation I've found is this: there exists a dial that controls your power level in the game. System mastery means being able to tune it how we like, which includes understanding how to create a character that's on par with the others in the party. A moderate wizard, for instance. Those with no system mastery do not have their hand on the dial at all - it's out of their control. The same person can make a totally OP wizard and a weaksauce monk and have no idea.
like, you have a guy, and he is a bit disruptive, wants to be the star, or has a cool trick he heard about and the GM, shuts him down, targets him to control him and keep the game goingforthe other players
In my experience, the dichotomy between "role-players" and folks who are interested in the rules is a false one.
so, the guy gets a chance to DM, and he feels like its him against the players.
because it was him against the dm for a bit
not so much a dichotomy, I get your point... I think that is something that comes down to what your goals are in play
some groups want a strong narrative, others are playing a very open ended board game about killingmonsters
and a large spectrum in between
In both cases, being able to trust that the mechanics on your character sheet will work the way you expect them to is important.
Id agree that choosing a gme system that supports your goals is important
as opposed to using a system you have, and trying to make it work
Whether because of lack of system mastery or GM fiat, using a mechanic and having it do something unexpected is disruptive, at best.
'things dont always work the way we want them to'
'sometimes things dont work out that way'
Systems like the d20 family are often confusingly written and contain many internal fiddly bits, so it makes sense that we see a lot of questions about them.
is there still room for the unexpected
@Storyteller In-game, that's fine. But as a player it leads to dissatisfaction because it means your choices don't matter.
if the rules are so concrete, the system so 'mastered', then the gameis over before it starts
You're misunderstanding my point entirely.
no, I get you
@Storyteller This line says you don't get what I'm saying at all.
i just am very find ofthat most important rule I read somany years ago
'if you don't like a rule, change it'
dnd 2nd I think
and that has been my guiding philosophy for years, do what helps the players have fun.
@Storyteller That's... not really relevant. You're basically invoking "if you can fix it, it's not broken," to criticise people trying to understand something before they fix it.
im not trying to criticize anyone
As I understand it, you're saying that "role-players" don't talk about the details of rules, and that your response to "can a rule work like this?" is "it doesn't matter because you can change it if you don't like it, so just do what's best for the group/story."
That sounds very critical (IE, people who are concerned with "strict enforcement of numbers" aren't "role-players").
thats my general philosophy, there are some limits. but yeah, to some extent... those are two very different and not terribly related statements though
im saying there is a trend towards more discussion of rules, by people who like discussing rules, people who plce an importance on understanding a deciphering a system... they are naturally going to post more, than those who take a more open interpretation
thats a statement of its own
I'm saying, intimate study of rules doesn't obviate a willingness to modify them or set them aside. (And it's natural for a site with a focus on objective or well-supported subjective topics to weight toward rules.)
(And it's natural for a site with a focus on objective or well-supported subjective topics to weight toward rules.)
Many of the folks who talk about rules on this site also talk about other things, here and elsewhere.
this, Im pointing out, that there is a group of people, who probably arent posting at all, with very differet answers to a lot of these questions
Oh, no, they post plenty.
is there opinion less valid? less welcome?
Who said anything about them being less valid or welcome?
the general trends on this site, the lack of answers of a more narrative type
A rules question is going to require a rules answer or justification for a challenge to the frame, by virtue of the "answer the question" focus of this site.
so its always rules as written
I find it strange that you think questions about rules should get "ignore the rules" as an answer. If the answer contains a well-expressed challenge to the frame of the question, it's well-received (and this does happen).
But otherwise you're talking about the same basic answer for every rules question, which is basically "make up something you like." That's not a useful answer to solve a problem.
@Storyteller Most questions on this site are about not understanding rules, and seeking rules clarifications. So there is a trend to answer those with rules because those are the answers people are looking for. (Most questions are not strictly RAW, because that tag has a specialised purpose.)
A question about rules will get mostly answers that talk about rules. That's... not a problem.
right, sure
It's harder to give a useful, specific, actionable answer to a rules question without talking about rules.
all Im saying, is that by nature, those who are less strict about rule mechanics, or willing/able/prone to interpreting or redefining them for themselves, aren't represented
and not just here, I see this on dnd.wotc
im not saying this is good or bad
A Wizards site is a totally different thing with different rules and a much narrower focus. It's also not a Stack Exchange site.
The RPG Stack Exchange is filled with narrative answers.
im saying that by nature, the people talking about rule mechanics, are those interested in strict rule mechanics
Let's see... our site has 13,370 questions. Questions specific to various versions of D&D make up 8,577, and that isn't a complete list because I left out some tags. (I had [dnd*] generate almost all of those for me.)
i think you feel Im critcizing or being negative
So that's significantly over half our questions about D&D, and overwhelmingly our D&D questions are about "I don't understand this rule", or "I don't understand this rule in the context of another [rule / set of rules]".
sure, and that makes perfect sense,
its also what Im saying
@Storyteller That does not follow: people talking about rule mechanics are interested in rule mechanics, it doesn't necessarily follow they're interested in "strict rules mechanics" if that's a different thing.
Q: Couldn't add new tag to a question: "Too few changes"

Adriano Varoli PiazzaI was trying to add the "dnd-5e" tag to this question. The system told me that I was making too few changes to grant the edit. Immediately, someone else managed to tag the question, adding no other changes. What's going on?

And some of them may hate it, but I'm generously including that under "interested in".
i think its great to be interested in a system to the point of distraction
I write systems, because Im interested in hpw they work
Some of my highest-voted answers are about augmenting rules in favour of narrative or challenging rules questions that are trying to solve social issues with game mechanics.
i find that first answer fascinating
the depth you went to, in the game rules and setting, the analysis of the rules you used to create motivation for monster actions... its a beautiful example of what Im talking about
It's also an answer about the relationship between GM and player, and how to make choices that promote interesting story.
We don't actually get very many opportunities to provide answers like that. There's very few questions that call for anything like that.
I cannot count the times I have had a character die while my DM smiled viciously while killing my downed character
Systems like Fate and Lady Blackbird consider character death to be one of the most boring options available in almost every situation.
different groups, different goals. i also cannot recall how many times Id have taken that very obviously dead character someone else was playing, and as dm, left them on the brink of life, no matter how far gone the numbers said
Systems like Great Ork Gods and Paranoia consider character death to be an integral part of the experience (and include rules to make re-joining the session quickly a painless process).
i had a PC resurrected like 6 times in a game i was running, poor lass
player just didnt get the sense of danger
A: Dealing with players of vastly different skill levels?

BESWShort Version: Maybe P is overwhelmed by bookkeeping and it's distracting him from situational awareness. Help him make a mechanically very simple character without fiddly bits or conditionals to keep track of, so he can focus on making good choices rather than having good bookkeeping. Invite th...

My experience with that kind of player and how we worked through it.
are some people better roleplayers than others?
Of course. It's a skill, and everybody's at a different point in learning it.
do you think a good gm should compensate?
And what helps someone role-play in one situation is going to be a hinderance in another.
Good participants in a group --participants in any role in any group, not just GMs or just players and not just in RPG groups-- should strive to accompany each other to improve and advance their strengths, and to shore up each other's weaknesses.
It's just basic civilised behaviour for one person to avoid consistently putting another person in a position to fail.
^unless its really funny
If the person who's failing thinks it's genuinely funny too, sure.
Hahaha, this dialog... they're getting lovely and witty.
> O'Neill: You've got that look.
Te'alc: To which look are you referring, O'Neill?
Daniel: The one that says I have misgivings about this mission but deep down I know we're doing the right thing?
O'Neill: No, the other one.
Daniel: Oh.
(then they leave through the portal.)
you have a very analytical mind
do you playtest much?
I've given this sort of group cohesion/environment a lot of thought, and received training in it outside the RPG paradigm.
I've only participated in one or two playtests.
im working on a few things, once they are more together, I wouldnt mind your take on some balance discussion
The First Rule is "Everyone should be safe." The Second Rule is "Everyone should be happy." Only once those are pretty firm can we start worrying about playstyle, system mastery, narrative coherence, and all that stuff.
im a very free form player and gm, the rules are just guidelines and there to be excepted
if you want to be safe, dont be an adventurer
@Storyteller I'm talking about the players.
i openly scoff at your suggestion playfully
oh, ok
thats fine
i gotta run to the store, see you all in a bit
RPGs are a group of friends playing a game. There's a weird tendency to think that the "game" bit trumps the "friends" bit, and is used to justify some downright vicious and toxic behaviour.
@Storyteller You don't want me for d20 System balance. I'm four+ years out of that system mastery rabbit hole and have no desire to return.
Welcome to the magic world of online rpg counseling/questing. Enjoy the fun of creating quests and events for players that don't see each others as friend at all.
@SPArchaeologist ...have you read Old Man Henderson?
Old Man Henderson is the story of an RPG among loose acquaintances which is utterly derailed by one player's vicious revenge on an overly controlling GM.
@BESW nope, I just looked now at the TV-Troopes page.
but.... nope not talking about that.
I was talking of the "pleasure" of trying to manage a crow of random folks that never really "meet" before and probably never will meet again after, where some of them are animated by the only purpose to ruin the experience of other players.
yes, it is similar to that story you quoted, but in a different way.
MMORPG players never would go against staff directly.
Their pleasure is all in making other players feel bad
they know they have no "power" on the staff
Mmm. Luckily I've very rarely had that kind of situation, and if I were I'd make sure beforehand that I had the power to boot miserymongers.
Quick example: ever heared of lotro? the online LOTR mmorpg?
I'm aware of it.
well, the game had a REALLY BAD feature.
achieve level 20 without dying and you get a title on you character name
I bet you can imagine the results
players actively trying to kill other players by pulling all the mobs during quests and so on.
[blink] Basic social engineering fail.
this is just a pretty bad case, where the game was actually crafted in a way that "promoted" bad behavior.
In terms of Obvious Internet Truths, that's right up there with The Reason LEGO Won't Make An MMO.
but even without that... you see such play style constantly.
Aye. It's one reason the Stack Exchange charges 1 rep for downvotes.
@BESW oh, are you talking about Minecraft servers and people that love to destroy other players homes?
@SPArchaeologist No, LEGO could get around that.
Internet genitals, man.
All the lego severs, full of them, forever, to the horizon.
@BESW so can Minecraft with mods, but those mods shouldn't be needed firsthand.
@doppelgreener I got it dopple. I was around when they had to fix Spore and other such games.
Yeah. The LEGO brand is deeply invested in its kid-friendly reputation and they won't risk an MMO until they can be absolutely sure that won't happen.
Oh, don't worry. Bad users will always find a way.
'cause Minecraft and Spore and all of them, they aren't sitting on an 80-year legacy that can get canned in a heartbeat if they get that sort of reputation.
And thus, so long as the Internet is filled with dongs, LEGO will not have an MMO.
@doppelgreener "Internet Genitals" is a great horrible inevitable name for a band.
@BESW Definitely an inevitable song name.
@BESW oh, but I never meant the opposite. I was just commenting on the fact that usually online "rpg" (and by extensions all online games) do have more issues with controlling their player base because, as you said, they aren't "friend" like you would expect in a tabletop experience.
And LEGO knows this, but has more to lose.
(LEGO really wants to make an MMO. They think it'd be awesome. But they can't, because losing their squeaky-clean reputation would be tragic and an MMO doesn't risk that happening--it makes it an inevitability.)
old man henderson is epic
thats great
"So what's your impression of Alar?" "He is concealing something." "Like what?" "I am unsure. He is concealing it."
@doppelgreener The only thing better than Teal'c being droll is Teal'c in a hat.
What is Teal'c in a hat?
@doppelgreener thehatsoftealc.tumblr.com and tealcinhats.tumblr.com should give you a good range.
(I was pleased to learn that I'm not alone in my love of Teal'c in hats.)
.... I prefer the "Shy in a bag"
I can't pick a favourite!
Oh my gosh this hat is in season 4.
So is Te'alc playing golf.
... playing golf through the stargate. That's perfect.
Then arrives walking backwards through the stargate with a mattress taped to their back to complain.
so, Ive got an answer to a question that got a lot of downvotes, should I just leave it as is, or update and edit it?
what is preferred
Did the answer or question get a lot of downvotes?
And which one is the "it"?
If you've got a badly downvoted answer those votes and the rep penalty exist as peer pressure to delete it. (Some users situationally choose to ignore this completely.) If you have a substantially different and improved answer, the community tends to be OK with you deleting the old answer and posting the new - but it should be something that addresses the previous problems or you'll cop more downvotes and some flak.
You can update it but sometimes a very good answer is worth not submitting to the weight of downvotes laid upon an unrelated predecessor.
It's up to you whether you'd rather edit or delete. (Editing is also a good way to respond to the peer pressure of down voting, I should have said, and something it creates pressure to do. Deleting is the last resort behind that.)
yeah, Im more likely to improve an answer than delete it
not a 'succumb to peer pressure' kind of guy
Improve it then.
but I do not mind improving things and making them better
(The improving it is peer pressure, that's the mechanism in motion. Strong signals!)
If it is super great and very different, someone may suggest in comments that you post it as a new answer.
@doppelgreener if you look at badges, peer pressure requires deletion
Haha. Well, the social form of peer pressure. Deletion or good edits can remove the negative rep and one may earn you lots of rep.
Now I'll sleep, goodnight.
well, edited, not sure its the answer everyone wants, but its more clear and I have qualified it asbeing a thematic or narrative based answer
2 hours later…
Hello everyone, how are you guys doing?
Watching NALCS
doing ok
Guys, for someone that likes Magic: The Gathering almost unhealthily, what could a group buy as a present?
Are there...gaming...implements for that?
@waxeagle so is your group meeting thursday again?
@Alex A box of the newest set packs
@AlexMitan beyond cards there are playmats, card sleeves, and various collectibles
Hm, alright.. thank you :)
@AlexMitan mtgmerch.com
find out the players favorite color
buy them the corresponding shirt
So...when reviewing suggested edits... if you believe the edit is superfluous... do you reject it?
@Tritium21 how so?
A question about rules asked if...you can do 'something'. The original answer answered clearly in a general sense. the suggested edit apparently went through every spell in the book to find every instance of the question and quoted the book. That...seams superfluous to me
edit by the user or someone else?
suggested edit, so NOT by the author of the post
if its someone else that just added a lot of possibly non-relevant info to the question that was also not asked for then yeah Id reject
as what?
but it also depends on how familiar I am with the source material
4e or dungeon world or 5e (D&D that is for those editions) I can state with 100 percent clarity whether a rule or quote is needed but for PF? I have zero idea
Q: Should there be race-specific tags?

nitsua60I think I created the [Half-Orc] tag today when asking Does the half orc's Savage Attack work when wild shaped? It made sense to me to tag it, as it's a feature unique to the Half Orc+Druid combination. 'If I'm going to tag it Druid, why wouldn't I tag it Half-Orc?' I thought. A few moments late...

Q: Taking Larp sword in plane cabin

LitalIs it possible to take a LARP sword on a plane without checking in the suitcase?

>.> VTCed off topic
but there is a good chance that it is on topic...
@JoshuaAslanSmith not sure, I'll try to have an answer by tomorrow to that question. Our player who moved away is going to try to join by telepresence, so I'm not sure if he's settled enough to game this week...and I'm not sure what day if we do have game.
@DavidReeve My group does the opposite. It took our Exalted GM some time to adjust.
Jun 30 at 7:59, by Pixie
@BESW In Exalted, we befriended giant spiders, came up with an intricate, multi-part scheme to free a bunch of slaves without slaughtering the slavers involved (which probably would have been the simpler route), and let a captured enemy ninja go. He was kinda cool, that one. We also usually try to get people to join us before anything else.
Jan 18 at 2:56, by Pixie
Our Exalted GM just had to take a 10 minute break because we keep insisting on not killing things. In fact, we are asking the person we could have reasonably killed to have a jam session with us.
2 hours later…
@Pixie I am in awe of your group. XD
That actually sounds like it would be fun :)
Of course! What part of having jam sessions isn't fun?
> St. Francis. You can use Rapport on any self-aware being. If the being has a language you can speak, you get +2 to create advantages with Rapport when talking to it.
@BESW If a character had this, one day there will be a creature whose language is Dance.
That just makes me want to read Dancing Steps again :( Dammit doppel :\
> And my little friends. You can use Contacts for connections with animals as well as with people.
That one almost reminds me of scarface? I think it is... Say hello to my little friend?
> My Little Friend. You get +2 to create advantages with Shoot in a social situation.
> Dancing Queen. You get +2 to Rapport when using dance instead of speech to communicate.
@BESW There's an oglaf comic for that one.
I want to make a Fate party based on a band now, and have the stunts named after song names..
You get what, 1-3 stunts per character?
Typically three.
fancy roleplaying session excerpts here?

 The Campfire

Well, bard, get barding. Regale us with tales of your old RP e...
> We didn't start the fire. You get +2 to defend with Deceive when lying about your innocence.
Just want to make a big shout out/thank you to KRyan for getting me to rethink a reply about Solars.
> Cover of the Rolling Stone. Once per session when there are cameras nearby, you can automatically succeed with style on an excessively decadent, self-indulgent action.
@BESW I think that's the best one yet :)
I'm pretty sure Narcissa Malfoy DeVries has that stunt in Lust Over Pendle.
(Upon learning that Draco is being framed for several high-profile murders and is on the run trying to prove his innocence, she immediately dresses up as her son and is photographed "doing something which will make an unmistakeable impression" in a succession of famous gay bars leading away from his location.)
> "[...]in Narcissa's family alibis were, apparently, to be treated as the equivalent of socks: provided they fitted one could never, really, ever be given too many of them."
@mxyzplk Quoting from Stealth:
> Being Observed- If your observers are momentarily distracted (such as by a Bluff check), you can attempt to use Stealth. While the others turn their attention from you, you can attempt a Stealth check if you can get to an unobserved place of some kind. This check, however, is made at a –10 penalty because you have to move fast.
> Take me to Church. If a spiritual guide or mentor is helping you remove a mental consequence, they get +2 to their roll.
@BESW What is this from?
@doppelgreener Lust Over Pendle, a novel-length Harry Potter fanfic, written between books 4 and 5 but set in the Post-War era.
It's written in the style of "golden age" detective novels, and is in my opinion at least as good as the actual Harry Potter books (although the editing is obviously sub-par).
This is a splendid premise.
@Nyoze Oh, I see, not in the sniping subsection, just right after it
@mxyzplk That's the one :)
reopened. it was incoherent out of the gate so I was putting the burden on teh guy to get his act together
Yeah, I didn't see the question till after the first couple of edits. I'll pop an answer up now.
@EvilColeMacgrath Hi!
Question: Can a necromancer resurrect a PC, and if they can, who's in charge of them?
@mxyzplk I've linked Paizo's PRD on the question, since it includes that paragraph outside the sniping section, while d20pfsrd skips it.
@Ben Depends what you mean by "resurrect".
(D&D, and if you need a version, 3.5 or 5e)
@Ben Show me a spell and I'll show you who's in charge.
@doppelgreener Exactly.
The class may also be important.
Uhhhmmm... PC died, (like outright - re-roll your character type dead) and the Necromancer used his Necromancy to raise him from the dead?
Resurrection is a Conjuration (healing) spell, and accessible only to clerics, for instance.
@Ben If "Necromancy" is a class feature, it's one I'm unfamiliar with.
@Ben In D&D, one does not say "I am a Necromancer! Shazam! You're alive now!" and raise someone from the dead. One uses Raise Dead, or Resurrection, or some other spell.
My knowledge of the necromancy side of things is vague, so I might reword it to say: Is it possible to resurrect a (dead dead) PC, and if so, which spell might you use, and depending on the spell, who's in charge?
It's definitely possible.
There are probably at least a dozen different spells and class features one might use, and which one is used will change the answer to your final question.
@BESW I'm assuming Resurrection puts the control back in the hands of the original Player?
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