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As a method of forced planar travel, how about a shadowy birdlike creature the sizeof a dragon the feeds off of the energy generated when creatures pass from one plane to another. It swallows characters whole and transports the to another plane. Characters are usually made to sleep, but those immune to sleep have a more profound experience like seeing a vision of an angel who engulfs them in its wings before they are transported
2 hours later…
I use a form of grep . All the time
@BESW do you know anydice syntax?
@DavidWilkins Only enough to get myself into trouble.
I am trying to determine the percentage of times say, 2d20 will yield 1,1
Actually I am trying to learn anydice, I could do the actual odds in my head
I'm a graphic designer coming from the art end of things rather than the programming end, so my coding skills are minimal.
But if you type output 2d20 and hit calculate, the resulting table and graph displays show a 0.25% chance of getting the sum of "2" from that dice expression.
Are you looking for a more high-tech way of finding that result?
I guess a specific sequence is what I hope to calculate
In other words 1,1 in 3d20
Could be first two or second two. rolls of three
i have an community ad for B&CG in my mind
someone playing a board game
with their hand on a piece
I tried output [3d20 contains (1,1)] but thats no good
but the intensity is turned up to 10,000% and it's like a hurricane's worth of energy is blasting their way, blowing their hair back, and their mouth is open wide like "whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" because they totally know how intense this is.
@doppelgreener or you could use a narrow angle lens at close range on the piece with the player in the background
Budget constraints and all
@DavidWilkins that also works
did the style on the site change to highlight the querent's name differently when they comment?
@Tritium21 Not for me
Normal comment:
Querent comment:
I hadn't noticed it before, but I may have just missed it.
It's been that way for a good long time
It has been that way forever and ever
but it's faint enough it's easy to miss
I switched monitors, so just noticed it today
that'd help
check your monitor calibration
This is an excellent battery of LCD monitor calibration tests: lagom.nl/lcd-test
Gamma is a good one to pay attention to
since it often escapes notice, it's not like brightness/contrast which we have direct controls for
the monitors will never match eachother (one is matte and the other gloss, one led the other fluorescent), and they look as good as they can get
@Tritium21 that's fine, they don't have to match!
just that your monitor colour settings changing suggests their calibration might be different, and sometimes it can be quite off, so i thought i'd suggest it :P
Anybody have experience with the online sellers B&H or Adorama?
Hmmm. Procedural "mapping" seems like it would be very useful for some of my projects.
for your roguelike stuff perhaps?
its something most of those have, procedural generation
@BESW No personal experience with B and H but they are a top tier retailer - the amazon of photography and video
My dad used to use both (he was a professional photographer), but looking through recent feedback and reviews hints at a decline in service from both.
just cant order from sun down till sunup on saturday
I cant comment on declining service quality
Reports that they're increasingly ornery about compensating undelivered packages and botched orders.
They're the best options I can find for ordering my tablet (as Wacom uses only UPS for packages over a pound, and UPS wants to deliver to Guam by truck), and I'm trying to choose between them.
hope the truck is water proof
I'm trying to log into Stack Exchange on Firefox (I'm on Chrome right now) and when I click "Log in with Google" it says "Welcome back BESW" (before I have a chance to tell it my account name or password), reloads the page... and I'm still not logged in.
@BESW clear your cache
i generally don't get this but that sounds like a cache issue
or ctrl+F5 for a hard refresh?
does it work if you actually visit a question, or a page you haven't been on yet?
@BESW is it a flying truck?
@BESW this is an issue I am familiar with
if that pops up I can usually just click on the thing that pops up saying I am logged in where the chat box usually is
or I just refresh the page, that usually works
I did not consider that it was just a Firefox issue, cause I stopped using Chrome after it brought up some issues for me a while ago
@BESW A site I use has a feature that seemed like a good idea at the time but is awful. (It's a typing assistant that ends up making me do more work to counteract its effects.) The site author is aware it's dodgy and I'd like to make a request through its official channels for its removal. Any advice on how I can request that so it's not taken personally?
I'm thinking of writing a brief amusing letter to the feature itself -- Dear typing assistant: it's not working out between us. -- but it might get interpreted as snarky.
Currently it's just written as: This feature was a good idea to try out, but it's causing too much trouble. I'd like to make a request that it get removed. I'm having to juggle with it when I write. (Plus description of what's happening when I mean juggling.)
@doppelgreener I think you're right.
@doppelgreener No.
@trogdor Yeah, I'm seeing about making the switch back. Again.
@doppelgreener Hmmm.
@BESW lol
@doppelgreener Basically: "It's a great idea but it's not there yet."
It'll be taken personally if you trivialise the person's effort and intent.
@BESW that'd be it, that'd be why a funny letter wouldn't go down well
Yeah. If you actually make it personal --as in "You're a person!"-- it won't be taken personally --as in "I am offended!"
...I have Firefox addons that won't let me remove them from the system. [uninstalls and reinstalls]
Dinner tonight is tofu and potatoes baked in a molasses-ginger sauce, with pumpkin chocolate cookies after.
that's a lot better than just sausages I made myself that I had no chips or anything with
I will try not to eat all the cookies so you and Raycia can have some tomorrow night.
anyway, the reason is really just that I was stuck with whatever was already in the house
I had no actual key for the car I was supposed to use today, and I had no forewarning that the rest of the family was going somewhere else for dinner today
otherwise I might have like,... gotten something to at least go with it
though to be fair, I might have expected to be able to get something today
Somebody ping me, please. I need to test Firefox's growl.
@BESW no way why should I do that
Hmm. No growl.
Is there some option I've failed to activate?
from what?
I'm moving from Chrome to Firefox, and now I don't get the little popup desktop notification window when I'm pinged.
Try again?
@BESW ok then if you say so
I don't remember needing to activate something specifically on firefox
I get the bang but not the box.
I might have needed to when I first signed up, but that was the site
not firefox
A: Desktop notifications broken in chat

balphaDesktop notifications are back now. They'll only work in Chrome >= 32 according to MDN (support was incomplete before that), but current stable is 37, so that shouldn't be an issue. It also works in Firefox. Those are the two browsers I've tested; it's presumably also going to work in the next O...

@BESW i always thought of it more as a pwong!
it sounds like a bonk to me
that'd work
for me it's an arrow hitting a target
That sounds like it'd be a great frivolous meta question.
(And The Frivolous Meta Questions would be a good name for a band.)
1 hour later…
Fudge script working, good.
Q: Chaotic Good and Fleeing Thugs: Yet Another Alignment Problem

ChemicalRascalI'll try to keep this short. The Party of Five leaves The Tavern, following Quest NPC. Suddenly, they are jumped by three bugbears, which seem to have a beef with the Quest NPC. Quest NPC teleports away. Bugbears attack The Party, which turns out to be a bad idea. Two are put down, the third ru...

@JoshuaAslanSmith Is it weird that I'm slightly proud of being the first VTC on it?
not at all
I would have hoped mourdous wouldve been knowledgeable enough to not answer and vtc
but hes still fairly low rep
Besides which, the urge to answer often overrides the more appropriate VTC.
Okay, somebody ping me.
@BESW Ping!
Bah! Still nothing.
@BESW I like the fudge script
does it work the other way also? like:
that's not the fudge script, that's just our dice roller :)
Oh I though it was fudging the entry :P
this is the fudge script:
Q: RPG.SE Chat Fudge dice: a userscript for Fate & Fudge games

doppelgreenerAvailable on Greasy Fork: RPG.SE Chat Fudge Dice RPG.SE's chat rooms support dice rolls as an easter egg. This script will convert d6 rolls into Fudge dice, using the ordinary conversion rules: 1–2 = minus, 3–4 = blank, 5–6 = plus You can enable or disable these dice on a per-room basis. It wil...

"Fudge" is the name of the kind of dice used by the Fate system.
Fudge dice are six-sided dice with two "plus" sides, two "minus" sides, and two "blank" sides.
@doppelgreener I love your response to him on the closed question
I hate when people get snippy, and I wouldn't have responded with the grace and professional demeanor you did
What question?
the one I posted a few lines up with A VTC request
@JoshuaAslanSmith believe me this was after a while of not responding like that either
Eh. He didn't seem too snippy compared to some we have seen.
I've been stuck at this rep level for far too long. I need to do something about that
I couldn't find the related meta question but there was some guy who asked a really badly formatted question and then threw a fit when it was closed.
Even went so far as to claim it was a conspirasy put together by the higher rep users like @BESW
My favourite was the user who created multiple sock puppets to alternately compliment and insult the citizens who had interacted with him, trying to get us to insult each other and fight.
@aaron I liked that guy too
as far as entertainment goes
@BESW I think I missed this one. Sounds amusing.
It was mostly in comments, so once the storm blew over there was little evidence of its passing.
One of the users involved has a tendency to need to respond when he's commented at, regardless of whether the comment is worthy of response or not. Once he stopped responding, there wasn't anything except one guy talking to himself through various sock puppets until he got banned.
I missed that little storm completely.
@EroSennin Hi!
hellow :D
yeah sounds like good theatre
@EroSennin What's on your mind?
did i scare everyone out ?
Nah. We're in that twilight as Pacific folks go to bed and Western folks go to work. It gets choppy.
What brings you to RPG.SE tonight?
Boredom mainly . Plus I'm a newcomer . So me no have friends here other than two maybe
Cool. Do you have much experience with tabletop role-playing?
Not really :/
But I wud love to learn more about it
Anything in particular you'd like to know?
basics maybe ?
This would probably be a good place to start:
Q: What is role-playing, and where do I start?

Randomman159I have been told that roleplaying is great fun. I've looked and looked and it all seems so complicated. Could anyone tell me a good place to start, and what sort of things you end up doing in roleplaying?

thanks :D . I'll run through it
Phew thats something :D
@besw read the link, think oh thats a good question, I should go upvote, lol I already upvoted
I like to think of RPGs as collaborative improvisational storytelling with a scaffolding of rules to keep everyone on the same page and moving in the same direction. Other people will have different ways of looking at the concept.
It's kinda like "What's a video game?" or "What's a novel?" RPGs span a wide range of experience.
The only RPG I loved to play was online :/
three years back
Which was that?
Well .. It wasn't exactly strategic nor was it super good
It was Arcane Legends
yeah I know . Im that bad at choosing games :p
as besw said, Pen and Paper games are a medium much like film or books or video games and as such encompass all genres of storytelling as well as genres of gameplay (in the video game sense)
[shrug] I know nothing about Arcane Legends. This site is more focused on "tabletop" RPGs--although they can be played online, they don't require a programmed intercessor or arbiter.
looks like arcane legends is a phone/mobile MMO RPG game
The people who play a tabletop RPG are the ones controlling and arbiting the nature of the setting and its responses to player-character actions, rather than those things being controlled by a digital program written by someone else.
@JoshuaAslanSmith yus
so these are very different from that
very much
we have a good foundation for all future questions
Rather. Computer RPGs are heavily inspired by tabletop RPGs, but in practice they are very different beasts.
Computer RPGs give players that ease of use
True but their RP options are a little more limited.
whereas TTRPGs are interesting and fun
Would you be interested in watching a game?
online or video ?
I'm not sure what he has in mind, but you can find play transcripts of several chat games I've run, here.
And there's a ton of play videos running around online, on YouTube, Twitch, and so forth.
Oky :)
It's a quarter to 1. I should go to bed. G'night!
@EroSennin Skype call. I run a game and we are starting up in a couple weeks. We just finished one game.
Gnight :D
Oh .
@EroSennin For video, I would recommend the Acquisitions Inc. games as a starting point. There are better, but they are good and at the least entertaining
The main benefit is that they are semi-professionally produced
@DavidWilkins thanks for the suggest :) I will surely try em out :D
@DavidWilkins BTW we are meeting tomorrow at some point for the application design ideas.
I could listen in and text chat if that is of any use
Still dunno why my headset isn't working...Oh wait I haven't tried it on linux yet
There may yet be hope
Ok. This meeting is mainly setting up meeting times and brainstorming what we want to do. I still need to ask the other two if they are ok with another person joining.
I don't know any reason they wouldn't.
I understand...What time? I could log in here in advance to make sure it's a go.
We don't have a time set yet as one of us might have to go shopping
He might be doing it tonight not sure yet.
3 hours later…
It's dead, jim
@DavidWilkins CLEAR
1 save versus death!
afternoon all. How are we today?
How goes your day?
Mine is going well. Yours?
My god those Vampire bundles are making my mouth water
@Aaron good, realized one of the comix shops i ignored in my search yesterday is like 5 miles from my son's daycare, so nearly on the way
@DavidWilkins vampire bundles?
ah yeah, not something i'm interested in I don't think
Want want want want want want want...
just got retweeted by loot crate...my twitters are esploding
I have no twitters, so I can only assume that this is a good thing
kinda good? doens't really mean much, other than that my phone is kinda blowing up.
no new followers so far
I have a twitter but only so I can follow this youtuber I like cause he has random livestreams he tweets about.
@Aaron I started twittering because there are lots of gaming folks there. I keep twitter largely to follow people I don't know in contrast to FB for people I do know
I have no facebooks either. If there were such a thing as antisocial media, I might have that
lol, I'd have precious little contact with the outside world without social media
I have FB but haven't used it for over a year.
Q: What Kinds Of Alignment Questions Are On Topic?

mxyzplkIn the various Dungeons & Dragons games, and a limited set of other RPGs, there is the concept of "alignment," which is the ethical and moral disposition of a character. We have a fair number of alignment questions on the site, but some get closed for asking if so-and-so is compatible with a gi...

antisocial media = myspace
@DavidWilkins We have a local trade in book store that always has older game manuals. If there are certain ones you want, let me know and I can look for you.
I had a social hookup from myspace once, ifyaknowwhatimean
Thanks for the offer @JohnP I will keep that in mind. For those bundles, I am more interested in the ebook format.
Although....I wouldn't shy away from a "A World of Darkness" in non-ebook form
I'll check, I might be in there tomorrow.
Awesome. Thanks in advance for looking
1 hour later…
So, I looked at the chat room for martialarts.SE - last activity 156d ago. We are a taciturn bunch.
@JohnP lol yeah, some of the martial arts folks hang out in fitness or sports chat
not in fitness chat. That's my highest rep site, and chat is hardly ever active there either.
Might have to check sports.se chat, but dangit, y'all are just such a friendly bunch here...
@JohnP sports.se chat is fun, but it's mostly about football (the real kind, not hte silly british stuff that I actually played and probably like better....)
@waxeagle Bleh. If you don't have a chance to hit someone with a large stick, it's just not a sport.
@JohnP heh you must be canadian :P
Lacrosse, hockey, field hockey, hurling.
lacrosse was just starting to get big where I lived when I moved
I suppose in a pinch you could whack someone with a curling broom...
@waxeagle Nope, full on 'Merkan.
Irish/Danish heritage though.
I suppose I'd include winter biathlon in that list, you can whack them with a ski pole or shoot them.
@JohnP now that's a real sport :)
:) Always wanted to try it. There was a grass roots movement to do a summer version with mountain bikes, I thought that would be absolutely smashing to try.
@JohnP That could be fun, though I'm not sure if I feel like that is more or less dangerous.
ok, comic book time. see y'all later
2 hours later…
Atomic Robo has just uploaded The Bit Where We Meet Dr. Dinosaur.
@doppelgreener Your fudge script breaks on https.
Had to manually add it in Greasemonkey.
@BESW ta, i should probably change that
i didn't concern myself with it because Stack Exchange in general breaks on https.
How so?

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