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Is there an unirony punctuation mark?
Maybe )!(, to complement the (!) usage.
@Grubermensch We need you to write answers to the semi-regular "Why can't we just accept every contribution? We're scaring away the users who don't want to meet Stack standards!" meta posts.
if you don't want to meet a standard that the rest of an established community has set up,.... don't join it?
@BESW (!) is used as an irony mark?
@doppelgreener I've always interpreted it as surprise/alarm.
Well, more like sarcasm. It's becoming a standard convention in subtitles.
@Grubermensch me too yes
I use it like, say: "Now considering that the Wizard can create wormholes of oblivion at little cost (!!) it's not much of a stretch to suggest..."
Aye, and it's clear in context.
But in captions for the hearing impaired, it's often used at the end of a sentence to indicate that the preceding content was said sarcastically.
@BESW Are these posts on meta.se? I don't recall seeing them show up often here....
@Grubermensch Yeah, they're on meta.rpg.se.
@BESW That sounds excellent.
One moment...
Q: Closing questions instead of fixing really minor issues

Jack LesnieSpecifically, this one: How should I handle the rest of my party, who believe all Necromancy must be evil? There is no other rpg system that I am aware of that uses those terms - '9th level' 'wizard' 'necromancy being automatically evil' 'Good, Evil, Neutral' 'Alignments' 'knowledge skill' 'rank...

But nooooeeess, I have to spend every waking hour writing good answers on ux.se so that I have enough rep to salt the fields with downvotes.
Q: Why people are being so rude?

Thales SarczukWe are here to help people to have fun. We are here for a hobby, not something we are being paid for. Is not our job like Stack Overflow and it is not our creed like the Religious SE. It is not about politcs, it is not about money. It's about having fun. Why are people being so rude to each othe...

I am actually really amazed and impressed that the moderation team and early community managed to create this foundation. I have no idea what lead to it, or who helped foster it, or how, or what.
And any time an issue about topic and scope comes up, there's invariably a vocal minority which insists that it's "mean" and "narrow-minded" to refuse to answer any and every question which is vaguely related to RPGs.
@BESW It amuses me that the closing sentiment in that question is "Well, this is actually really accurate to the community as I can see it."
See also: enforcing comment usage protocols; enforcing the "downvote without comment" behaviour as default.
I think that this does bring up a reason for on-hold banners to list all of the reasons for close votes.
Given Miniman's links, I would have VTCed as dupe.
Well, wait, maybe not
But the question does need some clarification on why it's different from those.
@Grubermensch I have thought about that and I am not sure that is actually going to be a good thing.
Someone on RPG Meta once brought up the suggestion that close vote banners should list who voted what: they were upset that they voted to close for one reason, but the system reported them as voting to close the question for another, majority, reason.
So on one hand, there is that you do not want to be misrepresented, and you want to get your opinion heard.
However, from the perspective of the user, which is more user friendly?

(a) Five people voted to close your question; it's Too Broad.

(b) Three people think your question is too broad. One thinks it's unclear. Another thinks it's a duplicate of a question it isn't really a duplicate of.
Considering how frustrated people already get from having their questions closed, how frustrating would (b) be!?
"Well, what the hell is it then!? What do I do?"
Giving them a single problem to take action on - the one most people seem to think is the issue - is probably the best thing we can do for them.
the rest can be sorted out in comments with people suggesting improvements.
That... sounds fairly reasonable.
And if that's not sufficient, or it's a complicated situation--that's what comments ARE for! [dances the Dance of Proper Comment Use]
I want there to be a better way to do it though.
It would be nice if VTCs could include specific issues with the post, instead of relying on (often very spotty) suggestions in the comments and the highly nebulous default message.
The only practicable solution is to leave better comments.
Is it?
My friend has recently bought a cooperative card game called Dead of Winter set in a post-apocalyptic scenario. He has just informed me that you can have on your team a ninja and a dog, and you can have a dirty old mall santa who gives you morale when you kick him out of your team.
If a VTC required a brief message, and then that message was exposed on rollover of the closer's name, perhaps that would assist.
@Grubermensch Close votes come with a message: the close notice, which is carefully crafted to try and be really clear. For other purposes, you can leave a comment explaining why you've voted to close.
@doppelgreener "which is carefully crafted to try and be really clear" -- I have seen many cases where the close message is uselessly broad.
@Grubermensch Yeah, that's gonna suffer the same problems as requiring comments when you downvote, which have been tediously explored multiple times over the years on various Stack metas.
@Grubermensch yes, in those cases comments are very much needed
In short: the best you can hope for is that the messages will usually be gibberish button-pounding to get past the hurdle, and the occasional dick joke.
@BESW I disagree. VTCs are significantly different from normal downvotes, because they are made by high rep users and are much more targeted.
but if those people were not going to provide helpful comments they are unlikely to respond well to being required to provide them. Learning from my own behaviour on other sites: when prompted to do something extraneous I don't want to do (like leave an explanation), I will simply not do the thing. Which in Stack Exchange would mean: "I can't be bothered to fill this out, someone else can deal with this crud" and not vote to close the crud.
Considering bad questions need to be closed fast, that is bad.
Downvoting is a 125-rep privilege, and I've seen five-digit users who can't be bothered to craft a coherent and useful comment to save their lives.
Especially if someone else has already left an adequate explanation.
Perhaps then a special comment section as part of the VTC?
@Grubermensch they have a special comment section, it's called the comment section
That would append more meaningful information inside the close banner
Close votes are a 3k rep privilege; you don't get to review tag wiki edits until 5k!
Oh god, my bank.
> On 7 November 2014, we're removing the daily limit that currently applies where you use your UBank Visa Debit card to make purchases in store using "Savings" in Australia. This means that, instead of being limited to spending $1,000 per card per day, you'll be able to use your Visa Debit card to access whatever available funds you have in your Ultra and - thanks to the Ultra SWEEP - the available funds in your linked USaver to make your purchases
Savings accounts need to be linked to credit cards in order to receive bonus savings interest now, right?
So I will have $thousands in an account linked to a credit card.
There is a mechanism offered by this bank (which is in fact non-optionally on) which means if I make a purchase with my credit card that exceeds that card's credit, savings gets transferred out of my savings account and onto the credit card to ensure sufficient credit is available for the purchase.
Now, this also has no purchase limit.
Someone with my credit card details can buy something for $thousands and fraudulently take all my money and I have no protection against this.
@doppelgreener s/credit/debit/g
Credit cards don't work like that.
@Grubermensch Don't work like what?
This is, in fact, the primarily benefit of credit cards.
What is what the what?
You are using pronouns and I am not sure what those pronouns are standing in for.
Credit cards always spend the bank's money, which you later pay back. Debit cards are always spending your money, which is gone immediately if somebody jacks it.
@Grubermensch Negatory, because this bank has a thing called Ultra SWEEP.
@doppelgreener It says "Debit" right there.
Oh, right. It's a credit/debit/thingy/whatever.
It's a debit card with the functionality of a credit card.
@doppelgreener By which you mean it works at merchants?
@Grubermensch By which I mean it is a credit card, except with a perpetually positive balance of credit on it, which is mandatorily kept positive by the 'Ultra SWEEP' functionality. Unless I have been mislead by the various information packets; I have not yet been able to obtain this card.
(They recently required everyone to switch over, which meant they had to print so many cards at once I still don't have mine after about a month.)
...that is like the third or fourth unique stupid thing I have heard about this bank's policy choices in under ten minutes.
Yeah I don't even know how to process this.
I think you should switch banks.
@Grubermensch Also, by which I mean the card theoretically requires a card number and security code to make purchases with, both of which are present on the card itself, thus possessing the card provides immediate access to my life savings.
@doppelgreener Switch banks.
@Grubermensch Yes, I am looking into doing exactly this.
Not at the moment though. Soon! Time to go to a play first. Tally ho!
Thanks y'all for your active concern about my financial security.
that sounds pretty bad
How is everyone?
Been better. Been worse. Mostly better.
I kind of want to read the thread where that GM was posting about how he runs his game.
Just for amusement. The one Lord_Gareth was talking about
[a quick Google later...]
I think it's this thread. Now I'm going to scrub my CPU with vinegar.
@Adeptus That'd be the one.
@BESW This thread currently looks like a reasoned discussion
> Bob: I hate murderers.
John: Yeah, I agree. Most people dislike murder.
Bob: How am I supposed to make a living when people keep murdering the merchandise from my store?
John: ...? Please explain.
Bob: People keep walking into my store and taking stuff without paying for it. I don't know how to deal with all of these murderers.
John: You mean shoplifters?
Bob: I don't care what everyone else calls it. To me they're murderers. Everyone else should call them murderers too.
That is awesome.
Ugh. I am reminded once more that most RPG forums are terrible, terrible places.
[adds baking soda to the vinegar, continues scrubbing]
I have to say, I've played under a worse DM than Jedipotter.
Though I've seen much worse threads than that.
For exactly one session.
The problem isn't even with the OP there, despite his insistence of misunderstanding everything.
Because he cancelled the game citing "metagaming op players"
It's with the attitude that turn any disagreements into arguments.
I have run only one campaign as a GM
and my biggest problems were acidentally killing a lot of my players
Yeah, he seems like he just has a bad group of people he has played with, and has issues with being wrong... like most people on the internet :P
emphasis on accidental
My biggest problem is that I have no imagination for designing a game.
When the default assumption when someone says something wrong isn't "he made a mistake" or "he misunderstood", but "he's lying and trolling", then everything turns into a trollfest, because once someone has been branded a troll, he's fair game to everyone else.
and the second was needing to react to their power gaming response
I TPK the party twice in three sessions.
I did as well actually
my first session went well
We had the following in a party (western marches game). Level 4 cleric, level 2 cleric, level 3 wizard ("pacifist", with only enchantment and non-lethal damage spells), rogue2/scout2 with riding dogs.
then I killed everyone,....
I sent them up against a ghoul, a ghast and 5 skeletons with bows. They saw the enemies coming and had a couple of rounds to prepare.
@lisardggY You know, on a perverse and twisted level, there's a kind of honour in assuming no one in the conversation is capable of making mistakes or being misinformed.
@BESW Meh. In my mind it ties into various forms of victim-blaming.
I didn't say it was good.
It's toxic at best.
toxic is a good descriptive word for it
But I'm suddenly fascinated by a worldview where no one makes mistakes or is misinformed, and all the wrong things we do and say are done on purpose.
even if it doesn't necessarily go far enough in some cases
@BESW I don't think that is always what it is
one way to troll is literally to accuse someone else of trolling
@BESW You should totally turn that into a worldbuilding question.
but I do think I see what you are saying
@trogdor Just because the worldview isn't sincere doesn't mean it's less interesting to contemplate.
By the way, and advice on what to buy a level 13 pathfinder witch? (Using alternate spell system, so rods and pearls are useless)
@Mourdos A raincoat.
@BESW yeah, it is interesting
Considering that his new spell system is practically refined uses of control weather, this makes sense
@Mourdos It seems uselessly open-ended without a frame.
It is also apparently indistinguishable from USA politics.
Hello, conversation killer.
I have a gift.
Q: How to deal with multiple questions that have effectively the same answer?

AikenI love Dungeon World and I'm happy to answer questions about it, but there have been a lot of questions asked recently by a new user which all amount to the same problem of differentiating the rules from the fiction. (Does a shield protect the PC, even if it´s not hit?, Should the PCs know the ex...

Yay, contributed to the mata :P
And the Memphis Area Transit Authority thanks you.
Those DW questions are getting a tad wearing though
Somebody wanna invite him to chat some time?
the questioner doesn't seem to understand some of the underlying principles of the system, which is where all the questions are coming from
@BESW not me I'm afraid. I'm not going to be in a position to be able to do that for a while
I don't know SplatWorld enough to hold forth on the topic, though I went through a similar confusion phase with Fate.
Invite them into chat.
and talk with them
That would be steps one and two, yes.
with step 5 being to sacrifice them to Shub-Niggurath yes?
You appear to be in a very sarcastic mood this... evening(?) BESW
I guess I did miss you suggesting the same thing 3 posts up though.
[reflects] I suppose my Wry dial is a bit high, yes.
Sorry. I try not to let my home life affect my behaviour on the Stack.
meh, it happens sometimes for everyone I think
Tabbed out, ping if you need me.
@Lord_Gareth [wave]
You linked them to the Subject?
You cruel monster
They asked! And I'm not sure it's the right thread anyway.
I just did a Google for terms.
It's one of them. There are more.
The Subject has been quite prolific
Grood Marnin'!
[wave] Heyo! What's new?
Not a whole lot. Been stupid busy, but thought I'd pop back in
@Lord_Gareth Have you seen the Spheres of Magic supplement for Pathfinder?
@Mourdos What fresh hell is this?
@ProfessorCaprion I'm running two Dresden Files Accelerated playtest games, and next month I'll be finishing up a Doctor Who Accelerated game and then going on to Atomic Robo. I'm very excited about Atomic Robo.
@Lord_Gareth I only have access to the playtest rules and its not my access to give out. Its a full magic replacement for casting classes. Introduces CMB and CMD in magical form as well.
@BESW Oh, excellent! My Torg!Fate game is still running, and I'm actually putting the full conversion into a PDF. Slowly. Still having to work out kinks. The Magic system is being a persistent tweaking problem, and I'm unsure of how to handle power level differences between, say, a High Lord and a starting PC. But it's getting there!
Based on a spell point system
Generally, most abilities are "as long as you concentrate", but you can spend a point for them to last for a duration, or additional effect
@ProfessorCaprion I look forward to it.
Both ARRPG and DFAE have cool "power differential" tools.
I haven't really looked at FAE, still. Nor Atomic Robo; maybe I should.
DFAE adds the "weight class" mechanic to FAE, to differentiate between different power levels of supernatural being. The bigger the difference between weight classes in opponents, the less the outclassed person can succeed.
A small difference in weight class means you can't get style against the bigger guy no matter how many shifts you get.
Hmmm... but would it require switching everything over to FAE rather than Fate Core, or is it sort of "plug and play" with both Fate variants?
A bigger difference means you take stress just rolling against him, offensively or defensively.
@ProfessorCaprion It's pretty plug-and-play, a kind of overlay to drape over the top of things.
@BESW That may be a good solution to my Torg issue.
Instead of giving High Lords skill ratings of 11 or more (which is the rough equivalent in the base Torg stat difference between High Lords and PCs)
Atomic Robo has a couple different mechanics to represent different kinds of power.
Bonus stunts and extras are bought not with Refresh, but by increasing the GM's Fate point pool.
It's also got the "absolute" feature.
You apply "absolute" to a skill, and when using that skill to make Overcome actions, it's always a success unless you're opposed by someone else using an absolute skill.
Absolute always comes with a weakness or cost attached, as appropriate to the narrative.
Ohh, Brian Clevinger is associated with Atomic Robo, eh? Hmm.
(I'd never heard of it until now)
He writes the comic books which the RPG is based on.
@WyllianNeo Hi!
I see, I see. I'll still give it a look!
ARRPG is quickly becoming my favourite high-crunch iteration of Fate.
It's got point buy systems for skills.
Including making up your own!
It throws out troubles in favour of having double-edged aspects related to how the character uses groups of skills; it uses Marvellous Initiative, which makes me VERY happy; and I think its narrative gimmick may let me run long-form campaigns with my group's erratic attendance by wrapping the story around Trogdor.
@Lord_Gareth I'll take that as a no then :-)
Sorry I had to AFK for various reasons
But I haven't read it, no
@ProfessorCaprion I dunno how lethal you want High Lords to be, but--weight classes quickly become very discouraging to come up against. The catch, though, is that every creature with a weight class has some particular area in which they act at that weight class: outside that context, which might be physical combat or spellcasting or inciting emotion or whatever, they can be deal with as normal creatures.
@BESW Which sounds about like what the High Lords in Torg are. They're essentially Godlike and you're not meant to go up directly against them until the end of the entire Chronicle.
For example: don't fight a troll unless you have iron weapons. They can't use their weight class to defend against iron... but try to use ranged iron weapons, because they can still attack at their weight class!
Two weeks ago we had a fight where a wizard (weight class 3) dominated a herd of wild boars (weight class 0) to attack the party (weight class 1). The physical fighters chopped the boars up good, as the boars couldn't bring their teamwork bonuses to bear effectively because they couldn't get style against the party.
But the telepath PC tried to mind-control the boars, and instead came up against a weight class 3 wizard's mind. Even succeeding against the wizard dealt him stress each time.
@JoshuaAslanSmith Hiya!
@BESW Oh, I'll definitely have to look into this, because that SPECIFIC situation is something I'm using for a group of mind-controlled, would-be heroes that the PCs think are villains.
@ProfessorCaprion Unfortunately, the specific mechanics of weight class are still protected behind the alpha playtest agreement I signed.
man this zolt guys dungeon world questions
he needs to reread the manual
I'm encouraged to talk about it, but I can't reproduce the text.
Oh, Weight Class is in DFAE, not ARRPG. I got confused.
@BESW it is a very exciting system
Sorry, yeah. I'm babbling.
ARRPG has "absolute" skills and the idea of increasing the GM's Fate point pool instead of decreasing the PC's to pay for bonus PC abilities.
DFAE has weight classes.
@BESW It sounds almost like you're shifting "levels of success" up or down a notch based on weight class difference.
@ProfessorCaprion Pretty much!
The ceiling of possible success lowers the more you're outclassed, to the point where even the greatest victory comes with a significant cost attached.
I think I can work with that core concept already! I hadn't thought of it. Putting the PCs in class 2 to begin with and putting the high lords at... probably 5 or 6, depending...
In DFAE, outclassed by 4+ means you can't even try to attack: you can only defend and overcome, and that comes with a price every time.
So it becomes a matter of gaining more power (to increase your weight class--which usually comes at high narrative costs for your character), or figuring out how to confront the enemy in a way they can't bring their weight class to bear but you can use yours.
How did rpg get room number 11?
@Mourdos not sure when the chat feature was established, but RPG is one of the older SE 2.0 sites
6 and 7 are wordpress and webapps
5 and 8 are private rooms
the first 4 are abandoned stack exchange rooms
@Mourdos 4 is also a private room
9 is webapps, 10 is rpg.se campaign room
1-3 may be staff rooms
no activity for over a year and a half in all cases
ah well, I'm just that bored at work
1 is the sandbox
Ah yes, true
2 is the se tavern
Some of the guys behind Bioshock Infinite are making a surrealist game about artists. This is my everything: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/theblackglove/the-black-glove
I did not like the end of Bioshock Infinite.
I wish I could play BioShock. :(
Why can't you play BioShock?
First-person games make me motion sick
I had a differnt problem. My graphic card overheated after about 10-15 minutes of play.
@BESW This looks amazing.
@Mourdos I thought you have a really good computer
I thought I had a really good computer, until I learned it can't play Shadow of Mordor. :(
I can play skyrim on the settings just below ultra if I remember right.
My graphics card was a Nvidia 560Ti
Now I have a 770, but I'm still building my computer
stopped at half past mightnight last night / this morning
need to go double check the connections when I get home
but I have completed it now. Used the new card in my old machine while waiting for the rest of my new pc to arrive
Ah. I can't remember the exact stats of my card but I plan on buying another and using crossfire(Or whatever it's called) to use both.
Okay, it's sleepytime for me. River Bend DFAE game tomorrow morning! I expect a showdown: the town's hellfire-wielding sheriff and supernaturally devout rabbi, against a rabble of treasure-seeking outlaws possessed by spirits of rage!
They don't stand a chance. (Pronoun subject left deliberately vague.)
3 hours later…
People answer Dungeon World questions with no knowledge of the system makes Phil a sad puppy :(
downvote, flag vtd
also link in chat so we can do same
answer's been selected as best
wow, yeah.....not ok
Q: Should the PCs know the exact stats of monsters they fight?

ZsoltWhen the party encounters a solitary and strong monster, should the GM state the monster's HP and armor? Or are all the calculations made by the GM secretly and represented only in the fiction ("He starts to tumble, maybe due to blood loss?" etc.). In other words: Do the player know how many HP...

which I believe limits what can be done
Leave a comment as to why it's a bad answer and what can be corrected.
Heroic edit is not out of line if you can do it without disturbing much. But from the looks of the other answers, you can't here
As a note, I'm afraid I strongly disagree with this answer simply because it takes no account of the specific mechanics unique to Dungeon World and the way they interact with the narrative. @Aiken's answer is far superior, as it considers these things and works within the framework that the game system provides
Fair comment?
cool, thx for the advice
3 hours later…
Has anyone played Riddle of Steel? Thoughts?
1 hour later…
@Grubermensch just confirming you're availability for game tomorrow night
@waxeagle yep
awesome :)
@waxeagle a-HA!
Are you going to do NaNo this year? Are you? Are you? Huh?
I'm considering
we travel at Thanksgiving every year, so that complicates things
looks hopeful
tongue lolls
Achievement unlocked: EPIC
@waxeagle ?
@Miniman I just earned the Epic badge
Wow, I assumed you were talking about a videogame
those achievements are WAY easier than SE ones
yeah, Epic has taken me 3 years, and most of my progress on it has come since 5e dropped
(check that, nearly 4)
@waxeagle I think I've mortarboarded (in the SE sense) twice, so mathematically it should take me about 12.5 years to reach epic
@Miniman heh, I didn't get my first one until I'd been here like 2 years. And 43 of my 50 have come this year.
@waxeagle Don't try to argue with maths, you statistical anomaly!
@JoshuaAslanSmith [poke]
@ProfessorCaprion I have that problem sometimes, but usually only if I play for a long time. Or if the movement is too jerky. Or (especially) if I'm watching someone else play.
@Adeptus A friend of mine saw me playing FPS's once. He challenged me to a game he'd never played before that I'm a fanatic about, whipped my ass 25-0 and then threw up. And then he's like 'I was a professional level CS player until I started getting sick every time I played.'
On a tangent... Portal 2 co-op is awesome fun. My daughter & I played through it last week.
@Adeptus It is! \o/
...I don't think I ever finished it?
@Adeptus I've been meaning to try that for years now, I'll get around to it one of these days :P
(and so is single player, and so is Portal 1... but co-op is extra fun)
@BESW you finished it with me didn't you?
Maybe? I can't remember.
I remember even seeing the ending
and you were my co-op partner
Then I guess I did!
I even remember my brother had been playing it with one of his friends, so he didn't have as much time or inclination to play it with me at the time
plus the fact that you needed someone to play it with anyway
I don't remember beating Metroid Prime, but my brother actually insists he remembers seeing me kill the last boss
I think I blocked it out because it was frustrating
I DO remember playing most of it
I wasn't entirely keen, at least at the time, with backtracking in a game
@Miniman I finished single-player years ago, and kept trying to arrange a time to play with a friend, but it kept falling through. But now my daughter is old enough to play it! We've also been playing Neverwinter Nights. We're partway through Chapter 2 of the main campaign. Then there's the expansions, and NWN2, if we're not sick of it by then :P
@Adeptus As someone who has played through NWN so many times I don't even know how many, I strongly advise skipping Shadows of Undrentide.
Shadows starts at level 1, so Hordes of the Underdark is effectively the continuation of the main campaign OR the continuation of Shadows. And Shadows sucks compared to the main campaign.
Also, NWN2 has its good points, but it is the buggiest game I've ever played. And it's expansions are worse in that respect.
(Sorry, this topic is one of the few in which I would consider myself an expert.)
is the chat having problems for anyone else? it's taking forever to load when I switch rooms, and now I've lost the Star Bar
@Adeptus Works fine for me
Hmm. Nope, I'm good.
I'm fine too
I seem fine as well
Must be just me then...
@trogdor I have had most of my Metroid Prime exposure through watching speedruns of it 8)
yes, well
rest assured my run of it was practically the opposite
I murdered the enemies pretty well, but my navigation and sense of direction were both horrible
also, the last boss was a pain
I do remember fighting it once and just getting owned
don't get me wrong, I actually loved the game, but I think it was a little harder for me in some ways than it might have been for other people who bothered to beat it
and that one time I do remember fighting the last boss was not even my save file
it was before I started my own save file and (apparently) beat the game
I believe the reason I played it was because a friend of mine wanted to show me just how hard the game could get XD
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