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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Wolfspell, then.
Hi guys back from hs
1 hour later…
@Stizzle84 [wave]
High school is not at all hard
Have u seen tyler
Nope. So far as I know, yesterday was the first time he was in the chat.
O and i am on mobile r u
Not usually, but I am a lot right now.
Me 2 r u a boy
I am a boy
My gender isn't usually relephant to the Internet.
Dude i already know u are a boy tyler told me
Add Fifth Element to the list.
@Trajan I'd love to talk more about Duel Commander (specifically) sometime. Ping me in chat if you see me on.
Does UHT soy milk that dribbles because the plastic spout was glued on improperly count?
If you really do feel like crying, I will support you.
I wonder how many works feature someone crying over spilled milk...
A quick Google turns up two albums, two TV episodes, and a song.
Also a LOT of generic stock photos.
> As a serial killer, my name would be The Suspense so my victims would be like "oh no, The Suspense is killing me" and we would both laugh right before I killed them. -- duchster.tumblr
@Emracool That makes it sound like you are one of those Jersey Shore people. Like The Situation.
Ah, damn, my laptop charger is ticking.
It ate a clock.
You gotta be careful; once a battery charger tastes human flesh, it'll follow you for years to finish the job.
@Metool is very smart to have taken precautions so he hears it coming.
he lost a hand to it once
My wife was looking for a crash-course on political intrigue and revenge stories. Not so much play advice as the genre structure itself.
Titus Andronicus?
Anything from the Zen Aurelio novels or TV show?
In seriousness... try TV Tropes.
I can't sign in from mobile, so until I have a replacement power adapter, peace.
Good luck.
Hey, @trogdor, that Godzilla TV show is on Netflix now.
which one?
there have been a few
The one based on The Film Which Did Not Happen.
(Netflix recommended it to me because I watched Primeval.)
uh you mean the bad film?
or one that literally didn't happen
I may have seen all of that
not sure though, I may have only seen the end of season 2 or 3 or something
I dunno when it ended
Netflix has one season up.
But I suspect the quality is better than the YouTube rips.
I saw it on Netflix
there was more than one season at the time
Oh, okay.
How odd.
Netflix is kind of erratic in its posting.
Several films and series keep getting taken on and off of streaming.
the really strange thing is when they bring in a series and take it away alternately
and sometimes it has more or less seasons open than the last time
I can see them taking away a show or series, but if they post it and don't have the whole thing, that is actually kinda rude
Because you watched Skyfall: That 70s Show, The Office, The Host.
Because you watched Primeval: Leverage, Robin Hood, Highlander.
I... what, do they share catering services?
because you watched Skyfall, a newer version of James Bond,....
watch a comedy, a comedy, and a horror
I think it's looking at what other people who've watched the show/movie also watched. So it should get better the more you watch, as it matches your profile to people with similar tastes.
not even one action movie or series in that group
But Skyfall is a popular movie, and it doesn't say much about your actual preferences.
yeah, but still
they said "because you watched" which means it should at least pick the same genre
@Magician My queue currently contains My Little Pony, Kolchak the Night Stalker, In the Loop, and Ethan Hawk's Hamlet. Parse that, Netflix.
@grasshopper Hi!
well they seem to have enough trouble just deciding off of single shows or movies anyway
"Exciting movies for ages 11 to 12." Okay, I can see getting that from my viewing habits.
..."National Geographic: Lewis & Clark."
that seems less than kid friendly
Also "National Geographic: Super Carrier."
Super Carrier?
Yes. Like aircraft carriers, but from Krypton.
So, helicarrier?
so like starcraft carrier has arrived carrier?
1 hour later…
@Zachiel Rule consistency trumps fun for some GMs (even creates fun, sometimes, especially in rule-heavy games like 3.PF). I may even be one of them.
@Aaron It feels like a real rule, it must be a good sign. Stunned is a pretty big deal, though. Make sure to allow some save, with DC equalling... I dont' know... 10 + attacker's bonus strength + 1 for every extra 5 ft.
@AlexP Will do !
@BESW I thought about your list, do you happend to know Kaamelott ? It's a french TV show, hilarious and which had a great impact on french hobbyists.
@trajan I have not! Will look into it.
@trogdor Marc might be able to join us this weekend.
What do you think, Microscope to flesh out the space setting?
Or would you rather encourage him to return to the Knave Port setting?
I don't have my mind set on either thing really
@BESW Meanwhile, a 10yo girl on Netflix : "because you watched My Little Pony: Kolchak the Night Stalker, In the Loop, and Ethan Hawk's Hamlet". All because of you.
This kind of suggestion is pretty risky with all the /b/ronies out there.
@Trajan all Because of you... a-a-all because of you [bad Bono imitation]
@Zachiel I wish I could tell I hadn't the same music in my mind typing that.
I would love to say that this was the reason I don't watch MLP on Netflix
that is hilarious
@Zachiel do your group believe that a feat name and fluff must be consistent with your character, or do they think only the mecanichal effect counts ?
If I cause just one ten-year-old girl to watch Batman vs Dracula, then it's worth it.
They really should make an animated of the killing joke
can't wait for the little girls enjoying Gordon's trip to the park
chances are a 10 year old would be watching Netflix on a parent's account
so the suggestions would be even more all over the place
Not anymore, now that there are personalized profiles in each account.
Mommy and daddy can watch Deadwood without getting Tinkerbell recs, and Cindy can watch Tinkerbell without getting CHUD suggested as a followup.
Q: Reading comments to deleted questions

ArdavionI logged on and found I had an alert about a comment on Can I use "Called Shot" with burst fire?, which I had put an answer and some comments for. This comment alert was explicitly addressed to me (first word was my username), but upon clicking the comment I find the question has been removed for...

@Trajan I'm looking more at the fluff and name, for this PC. I wanted to take Mobility just because she is mobile. XD But I also aim for cool things to do, and unusual things an adventuring group might find useful, except for killing people. For example, I'm aiming at scent with my faction bonus feats.
My group... well, I guess they like things not to be refluffed. They like Girallon's Blessing arms to look like girallon arms, and non-dragonkind not to have catlike eyes, so I guess...
I can understand that, but it always feels to me like giving the devs too much authority at the cost of respecting my own group's authority.
"No, we must adhere to this poorly-designed and internally inconsistent world inspired by what pop culture a half-dozen guys liked 40 years ago, whether or not it makes sense or we like it."
I'm not getting persistent girallon's blessing unless someone manages to convince the DM that arms with claws does not mean bulky, gorilla-like arms. Bulky arms aren't a nice sight for a juggler.
And by the time you're in 3.5, it's gone through so many iterations and editorial changes and pressure from various devs and fans that even justifying loyalty to the flavor as being true to Gygax's vision is fatuous.
Frakkin' Mordenkainen...
@BESW plus, our setting has no official support for 3.5
so trying to differentiate it from different settings has lead to "no feats from other settings, no items where there's a guy from another setting in the name".
Couldn't you just change the name of the item?
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion What accidental immortality, to have a character you made up referenced in hundreds of books, in hundreds of thousands of characters, reimagined, reinvented, reborn, over and over. Even as a footnote. To achieve all that, for a character named M(ale)elf.
@Magician I only wish that one day, decades from now, people will reference some obscure character I played.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion Very easy to do, like they changed Ebonmar Infiltrate and Nightsong Something to something else. But they sort of need the distinction to give a message: this is not your usual setting.
You know how you say "this is not your usual setting?" You make dwarves a race of mud-dwelling slaves who worship a mechanical continent. You have priests preaching anti-magic screeds in the city plazas from atop intelligent polar bears. You give orcs a proud civilization with an ancient tradition of meditation and self-effacement.
"We don't use the names you're used to" doesn't even begin to convey that there's been a setting change.
Changing the name of mechanics that characters aren't even supposed to know about anyway doesn't change the setting.
I don't know. I have no control over it. I kinda like having less resources to parse through, sometimes. I know people who play core only, because you don't really need feats or spells to roleplay properly
(I'm not on their line)
Hovever, later all racial feats were introduced again, because our webmaster liked seeing a variety of races (and even gave a +1 bonus to one ability score to the first character of any unused race) and he wanted some support to have players choose
we don't have faerunian elves, or the elves from the PHB, though. We have phantom elves. And abyssal half-orcs, and vrils instead of goblins, and many planar races (up to LA +2)
the site tries to be different from all the others, offering a place for people who are bored of the usual things
I personally got there because they let us buy grafts
(and because characters are free to curse without censoring)
Snowpocalypse may be interfering with my travel plans. :(
Aw, I hate it when that--wait, no, that's never happened to me.
It figures, my first vacation in about five years is going to be interfered with.
And finally asked my first question on another SE.
Perhaps a dumb question, but is there a penalty to escape artist rolls when you're entangled in a web? (Pathfinder)
Or does the check "escape artist"already imply you're entangled?
Hrm. From my completely inexperienced opinion, it seems like the DC of the check would be adjusted based on the entanglement, which would already cover the situation.
An entangled creature moves at half speed, cannot run or charge, and takes a –2 penalty on all attack rolls and a –4 penalty to Dexterity. which lowers your Escape artist check
Hopefully work closes on thursday
@Zachiel so your webmaster likes seeing unseen races but frowns upon refluffing ?
@Trajan Wow... so Escape Artist gets penalties for the one and only thing Escape Artist is used for?
Thanks folks!
@cat [wave]
@BESW Hiya! :)
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion It appears so. But Escape Artists is also used to... hmmm... escape manacles. Which are never used.
@Trajan Actually, funny you should say that! We just used manacles in our game last week.
(Insert innuendo here)
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion did the guy use Escape Artist ?
@Trajan Nah, we were surrounding him to make sure he didn't try.
@ProfessorCaptainLokiCaprion are we still talking about PF ? (forced noticeable wink)
@Trajan Hah, that's what I was waiting for!
@Zachiel did you ever manage to actually use Escape Artist ?
I'm wondering what would happen when entangled by multiple effects.
Good mornin
@Trajan I use it in every game just to boast. And one time a DM gave me a tunnel to crawl through while my partner in crime was busy killing infinite respawning liches. (I died at the end of the corridor because of a trap, so that was pretty useless, but I had fun)
@Trajan a separate roll for each
@Aaron hello
Base: Bull RUshing into a wall deals damage equal to your unarmed attack's damage
Improved Bull Rush: Deals an extra 1d6 for every 5 feet you're pushed them. That gives it a base of (normally) 2d6 + 4 (average fighter). Weaker than a normal attack, but with the added benefit of moving them, which is powerful enough.
Greater Bull Rush: A successful bull rush into a wall stuns an opponent for 1 round (fort save dc = damage dealt)
@Zachiel Sure but can you choose which effect you escape ? Suppose you're in the AoE of an Entangle spell, with manacles !
You need to use actions to escape
So it's your choice which thing you're trying to escape from each time you roll
@Aaron You added powers on existing feats ? Improved Bull Rush is unclear, you deal extra damage even if your opponent doesn't meet a wall ?
@Trajan Deals damage for every extra five feet past the wall you would normally push them
So lets say you push them 15ft
you meet the wall at 10 feet you would deal an extra 1d6 damage.
@Aaron I get it, it wasn't clear in your first wording
It doesn't add much damage and getting the ability to stun from a 3 feet chain isn't too bad. Bull rush is under used anyway
Now... how many damage is dealt to solid object your opponent is pushed into ?
I would say if it's a door if the damage delt to the pushed is higher than the hp of the door only the hp of the door is delt and the door is broken.
So if the door hp = 10 and you deal 15 damage you only deal 10 damage but you push them through the door.
That is breaking doors works anyway right? (I will admit I have never looked at those rules.
a wood door have 10 hp / inch of thickness
and DR 5
Hmm. So if the damage dealt is 15 it would break the door but if it was 14 it would just damage it a lot but not quite break it dealing the full 14 damage.
exactly. Same for walls, really, but they have an higher DR and more HP
I guess rolling the damage dice one at a time to see if the wall breaks before they're all used up and the push can continue past the door would be cool but time consuming.
The weakest wall (Aside from paper) has 60 hp per inch. The chances of you dealing 60 damage with this bull rush is very little.
You would have to beat their CMD by 50 with them against the wall already to even have a chance.
what's the chance of keeping pushing a guy through the same section of the wall in consecutive rounds?
@Zachiel If you move on your turn you can prevent it but that is about it.
if you move on your turn you get an AoO >:D
very likely, since I wouldn't take the chance of taking an attack of opportunity from a barbarian
not without the appropriate feats
or tumble. But ok, sidestepping would be enough t prevent the same section of the wall to be hit again.
It's too bad being Large doesn't give any bonus on Bull Rush attempts, besides the +1 CMB
@Zachiel Maybe walls hp counts for a 10x10 section
@Trajan I might up the damage die if you are larger than the target.
@Trajan I have thought about that.
@Trajan So a large hitting a medium would deal 1d8 and a huge hitting a medium would deal 1d10
I still don't understand why there are not rules for this already...
Yes, there are.
a section is 5-ft large
Rules for object HP are for each 5' square.
@BESW Sorry I meant rules for slamming someone into a wall
1 Per 10-foot-by-10-foot section.
Ah.... I have think that's covered by feats, on the assumption that you need to learn how to make it really hurt.
subscript to wall hp
@Aaron it's already covered by your improved Improved Bull Rush since the attack deals damage equal to those of an unarmed attack
@Trajan I mean the bonus damage from improved bull rush.
Base bull rush deals unarmed damage.
Adding the feats adds an extra 1d6 for each extra 5 feet. if you are 1 size cat larger you deal 1 die level higher.
Sounds resonable.
D&D 3.5. Where do I find the statement that tell players about the attribution of primary sources?
@lisardggY Hi. I just understood your nickname.
@BESW ...and with the obligatory coincidence, how does this question fit in with your New Historicism ideas? scifi.stackexchange.com/questions/49943/…
@Trajan Glad to supply a bit of nail-biting suspense to an otherwise sedate evening at chat.rpg.se. :)
Is he a turtle? Is his name Lisa? Why is the last letter capitalized? All these little brain teasers to keep you interested.
Thank you. I'll be here all week.
The "ggY" evoked the world tree to me, but I never made the effort of reading it backwards. I would be terrible at Zatanna's magic.
@lisardgg I've run into that idea before, that sapient beings exist so the universe can consider itself.
@BESW Terry Pratchett touched on that in Moving Pictures.
@BESW any memory on my short question?
So me and my buddy just figured out how a lvl 3 character could wield a colossal + fullblade
12d8 damage per hit
I find it a little depressing, the notion that our existence is solely to allow the universe to gaze at its own navel.
@zachiel the primary sources question? I don't understand it.
you know, the bit where WotC says which rules to look at if different sources have them
where it says, look at the primary source. The primary source is the one that got printed first, except when a new source claims to be the new primary
I have no idea.
Even when I played 3.5, I had little use for Wiz's opinions about the game.
Yeah. I think that if I ever found myself in a discussion over a meta-ruling of which ruling supercedes which other ruling, I'l know I'm at the wrong table.
Past bed time for me.
G'night, y'all.
@BESW good night
(Autocorrect knows y'all but not g'night.)
@lisardggY I'm on an italian forum and someone is trying to argue against hiding during a 5ft step doesn't work because the Sage said hiding can only be done during a movement ACTION, and the step is a non-action
@Zachiel That's usually the point where my eyes glaze over. :)
And I'm all willing to prove he's wrong, because XKCD rules.
@Zachiel Yes, well, the #386 imperative.
That's usually the point where I had to be under the shower half an hour ago
I'm gonna be late for my Neverwinter raid, assuming I can reach the fish shop and come back in under 40 minutes by foot. I guess I'll go by bike. If I can't, I'm gonna be too late to even start a dungeon delve.
"Roll Perception." "Failed." "You get ambushed by crocodiles." "But we're nowhere near the water!" "They drop on you from the trees above."
I have defeated the evil link.
@Magician I'm going to have to use this, now.
@Magician There was a news story a while back about the US Navy dropping poisoned snakes (note: poison*ed* snakes) from airplanes to thin the wildcat population in Guam.
So crocs on trees suddenly doesn't seen all that bad.
Oh, I misremembered.
It was poisoned mice used to kill tree snakes
D: Poor mice. Poor snakes.
@lisardggY Until I read that I was thinking "so that's where Guam's snakes problem comes from"
1 hour later…
@ProfessorCaprion Ask @BESW about those snakes.
2 hours later…
Does anyone know who writes bankuei.wordpress.com, and how to get in touch with him or her about translating and republishing some articles?
1 hour later…
@lisardggY His name is Chris Chinn. He has an account here.
Where is @BESW when you need him
Q: My characters abandoned an npc, what shall i do with her?

Undostrescuatrofirst a brief introduction to the setting. Fallout Equestria Equestrian is the land of magical ponies, who lives under the concepts of harmony, love and friendship. but as an old fallout saying goes "War, war never changes." war brings out the worst of each of us, and in this case it took the f...

Wait... Fallout Equestria?
@ProfessorCaprion There is a lot weirder out there...
I know... I live on the internet. But I still get surprised.
@ProfessorCaprion I haven't been surprised something existed in a couple years.
I have asked WHY multiple times but actual surprise no.
As someone who spends time in SL, there is weirder out there.
@MadMAxJr Very agreed.
Someone showed me some... interesting mesh avatar attachments, the other day.
I wish I could unsee what I saw.
Ah, yes. The brown tree snakes that "hang from the trees like brown spaghetti" waiting to drop on us.
(The Wall Street Journal once published an article which made it hard to take our very real invasive species problem seriously.)
@BESW lol, y'all were the target of the recent parachuting poisoned mouse operation weren't you?
As for Weird Internet Stuff, well, I'm a fan of non-Rule-34 versions of Rule 63ed instances of Rule 85.
It's worth noting the mice were dead, and the poison was an over the counter drug which was unlikely to kill anything nonreptilian.
Why am I invoked on the Fallout Equestrian question?
If I were to address the underlying issue, it's that "I have been trying to keep a count of the player choices and this was the first one they made."
Also, the GM wants to punish his players for acting in a manner appropriate to the setting, and already knows exactly how he's going to do it. He's only asking for specific ideas on how to implement it.
I'm not sure that showing the players the consequences of the PCs' actions is "punishment".
But I see where he's wanting to drive home those consequences and is trying to go out of his way to make sure they're "taken seriously" so to speak.
But finding that someone you abandoned in enemy territory is now mutilated and enslaved is a rather natural consequence for such a setting.
If this is the first choice the group has made, that means they aren't getting a lot of opportunities to make choices.
Which is a concern, but I think a different matter.
So when the GM finally puts the PCs in a position where they have a choice forced upon them, it should have more repercussions than what I'm getting out of this post.
I guess the repercussions depend on how much the players/PCs actually care. With the right group of players, this could lead to a rescue scenario.
I guess I'm making some assumptions about the group's goals, but FE is usually a d20 System implementation and heroic sacrifices aren't in that system's bones.
What I'm reading into this is a mismatch between the choice of system and mission implementation, and the exploration of moral implications the GM hopes to get out of it.
I don't see what system has to do with it.
But I'll grant, there seems to be some "newb" in the GMing approach where morality and consequences in the story are concerned.
I see the abandonment of an ally as a story element, independent of system.
Though the "typical" player of d20 systems may not be into that kind of story, one can certainly tell that kind of story with d20.
d20 is a system without gradations of failure, which changes the nature of choices like the one presented, and it lacks mechanics to support the kind of story the GM seems to desire.
But it's a kind of story that heavy-handedness does not deliver well, which is where your concern seems to be primarily coming from.
A system like Princes' Kingdom, or Fate, or Cortex, would make that choice have mechanical weight--but would also allow for gradations of failure which would make the apparently-suicidal option more mechanically viable.
I'm not seeing the need for mechanics here. But then, I spent a lot of years playing nearly free-form with a set of rules that fit on a couple pages.
Mechanics are not necessary --RPGs can be bent into amazing contortions by a group with a common vision-- but they help a lot.
And d20 System actively discourages nuanced moral explorations.
So the kind of story a Friendship is Magic-inspired game wants to have must come whole cloth from the participants without system support.
So the choice we're talking about was to abandon the mission and leave the NPCs to their fates. You're talking like there wasn't actually a choice here... that the PCs were presented with a suicide mission that they clearly couldn't survive, so the only real "choice" was to turn tail and run.
If that's the case, that's more a GM mishandling of the game than a fault of the system.
The system heavily weights against choices to make heroic stands, yes, especially in settings without resurrection magic. The sunk costs of PC creation alone create a meta-level tendency to coddle your character.
But what disturbs me is that, if this is the case, then it really wasn't a choice at all.
(This is why my games take PC death off the table, except in exceptional circumstances. If PC death is not a satisfying part of the story, and fear of PC death leads to unsatisfying story, then it shouldn't play a role.)
Mhm. I'm not saying it wasn't a choice at all, but that the thing which should have influenced the choice --whether it was a moral thing to do-- is usually outweighed by the mechanical, practical, cynical meta-level "Can we take them?" elements because those are all the system provides.
So, okay... if we assume it was clearly a suicide mission, then the system is part of the problem.
@CarlCravens Fate Core (my current preferred system) has a similar ethos baked into it, whereas d20 assumes all fights are to the death unless explicitly stated otherwise.
At any rate, the choice of system isn't the only problem, maybe not even the biggest, but I think it's definitely influential.
Fate Core is a bundle of awesome.
I've had this problem back in my 3.5 days: presenting a moral choice in the framework of a fight-or-flight system where death is the default outcome for failure is... difficult, and requires the group to really all be on the same page.
I get where you're coming from now. I haven't played something like d20 for some time.
That the GM thinks this is the first choice the players have made speaks volumes to the way the game is being run.
Though, unable to get my son interested in Fate or something else, I just bought Pathfinder today. :)
My sympathies.
I can make it work.
I keep reading your name as Big Eyes, Small... [something], btw.
Heh. I get that a lot.
I thought you might.
I didn't know BESM was a thing until I joined this chat.
BESW is just my initials.
@CarlCravens I had to spent eight-ish years in the d20 System before it finally chafed me so hard that I broke out of the box and looked seriously at other systems. D&D was the default, and I bought into that.
It's interesting that the question hasn't received any answers.
It's only been up for two hours, and is atrociously written. I'm trying to see if I can edit it to be more legible.
I know the pony thing isn't a major obstacle; at least a half-dozen of us like FiM.
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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