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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

But.... well, I'm not sure how on-topic the question is.
I'm a FiM fan... but I'm squicking over the pony sex-slave thing.
It's basically "give me ideas," and I'm not sure it passes the "every answer is equally valid" smell test.
That's where I'm stumped on it... the basic question is "what slave roles could a pony be put into, the more horrible the better".
Yeah. That's.... not really bang on target for this site, I think.
Leaving aside the content/context issue, it's still "give me campaign ideas and I'll see which I like."
Welcome to rpg.se! I'm glad to see a FiM-based question here, but I'm not sure this particular one is a really good fit for the site. SE isn't a forum, it's a Q&A site, which means we can't just throw out plot ideas hoping you might like one of them. Please take a look at the about and the help center; they're a useful introduction to the site. Maybe that'll help you re-phrase the question so that every answer wouldn't be equally valid. And once you have 20+ rep, feel free to join the chat! — BESW 1 min ago
That's good.
And VTC as opinion-based.
Oh you too, eh?
I decided to answer it anyway, because half my answer is "don't do the sex slave thing"
I just realized, I'm used to Stackoverflow, Serverfault, etc. There aren't nearly as many people on rpg.se... that's why I'm surprised stuff goes unanswered for a couple of hours.
@CarlCravens Yeah, the smaller SEs are vastly different.
also, hi
been a while ;)
Also, the softer SEs have a rather different set of strengths/weaknesses.
@Tridus Hi!
What's new?
Nice response, Tridus.
Quite a lot, actually. Got a nine month old baby boy, who is just deightful but he cuts into time for stuff like RPG chat :0
got my first gold badge today
had to swap a bunch of people out of my D&D campaign due to real life, but got some new people in and things are running smoothly again
so we may actually finish it this year!
Can't remember when we last caught up.... I'm doing Fate Core twosies with @trogdor, focusing on short campaigns that last no more than three sessions apiece.
@CarlCravens Thanks. I wouldn't be surprised if it's closed given the nature of the question, but I really wanted to get a "why you shouldn't use rape as a plot device" answer in before that happened. While I was in there, I just decided to answer the rest of it
Got a new player who shows up when he can; this is his first time playing anything except 3.X, and he's loving it.
@BESW Oh cool. :)
G'day folks
His first Fate PC was a Spider Alien Detective who looks like Sam Spade, but with a spider head.
@Metamaterialgirl [wave]
@BESW That's amusing.
This looks like a fun time to have dropped in (reading backlog)
'brown spaghetti snakes'
when I finish this campaign I'm going to take a break. After that I hope to find time to run something that people don't play much around here, like Fate
@Metamaterialgirl They're a major problem, but that article did us no favours.
I wanted to play Fate, but we've been trying to get a game going with my son (13) again. He likes all the fiddly bits of a system like d20 or 4E.
@CarlCravens Depending on what he likes about the fiddly bits... hm.
I didn't want to go back to 4E (software subscription for character generation is a deterrent), so we're trying Pathfinder.
Damn it, @BESW, stop making starrable statements so much!
A system like DFRPG could provide pre-made fiddly bits.
He wants the familiarity of D&D-style hack-and-slash. I figure once we get rolling I can interest him in something else.
Also, I have one player who came from a WoW-type background and loved 4e PC gen.... but then fell in love with the idea that in Fate he could make his own crunch.
That's what pulled me away from D&D into Champions and the Hero System in the 80s.
@CarlCravens I've done some thinking about how to hack-and-slash in Fate. One easy hack is to have most of your aspects be about your gear and your fighting style.
But eventually I got bogged down in the rules burden of the Hero System, tried to write my own game, then found Fudge.
I'd love to get away from D&D, I just need to implement an alternative with a good group.
Just posted on my Tumblr about how the last Pathfinder game panned out.
So I'm a bit unclear on something. There's a VTC on the Fallout Equestria question because it's a plot idea question rather than a Q&A one. I get that.
Fudge was very "hack your own everything". But I burned out on it for a couple reasons... the community wasn't self-sustaining, and there were fundamental problems with the default dice + attribute ladder.
Bad enough to write a rant about, in other words :/
Fate has fixed most of the issues I had.
But I'm not really clear on why this one is okay, when it's also asking "give me a plot to fix this"
A: A player leaving without warning and dealing with the mess?

TridusOption 1: Retcon It Given the situation of a player basically going off the rails and sabotaging the campaign, the simplest solution would be to use a retcon. Wipe out the events of the last session entirely. They didn't happen. Write out the now missing player, and life goes on. Retcons are o...

(well, the question. not the answer. Just happened to be the link I had handy)
I think there's a lot more room for GM advice and no so much "give me a plot" in the latter.
@Tridus The good answers are generic strategies, not specific plots.
@Metamaterialgirl I can't help if we have the same problems come up so often that I've gotten pretty good at summarising them.
@CarlCravens Hmm. I'm always interested in hearing about the state of gaming before I got involved.
@BESW Heh. You're a big help to my mindset, actually. It's soothing to come here after dwelling on the last debacle.
The evolution of the medium seems very important to my understanding of where the culture and development is now, and I missed out on a lot.
@Metamaterialgirl Glad to be of help.
Anything in particular you want to hash out now?
The footprints of the past are always evident in the stumble-and-trip of the present, culturally speaking.
@BESW, The interesting thing is, I think that the hobby has evolved greatly and while portions have stayed stagnant for a very long time.
Hmm. Actually, yes.
@CarlCravens It's a curious thing, to be sure.
Say I want to start GMing instead of just participating in others' games. I'm heavily narrativist rather than mechanics-oriented, want a system in which characters' sense of accomplishment can come from their development in-story more than lucky dice rolls, and want a minimum of page flipping in the combat scenes. What's the best recommendation for a newbie GM with big aspiritions then?
@CarlCravens It has been evolving, yeah. The stagnent parts in some ways due to players themselves not wanting to change. They're comfortable and want to stay that way.
I spent ~7 years in a bubble that consisted almost exclusively of D&D 3.5, with minor forays into other d20 System games (and a brief abortive exploration of oWoD Mage) before (about two years ago) branching out into 4e, Dogs in the Vineyard, My Life with Master, DFRPG, Fate... I feel like a kid in a candy shop.
I started roleplaying in the 80s with the Basic D&D boxed set (the Erol Otis covers, not the bright red one with the dragon on the front).
It's not so much that specific players are stagnant, but that we seem to create new generations mired in the stagnation.
Even the games that I don't like are opening me up to the possibilities.
@CarlCravens D&D has massive inertia as the flagship of the medium.
It does, and hack-and-slash has a lot of appeal.
@Metamaterialgirl Fate Accelerated or Core. [grin]
(I posted a facebook picture of my baby playing with my 3.5 DMG, and the first comment was from someone complimenting on which book happened to be lying around for him to grab, because it wasn't any of "that new crap")
@Metamaterialgirl See, part of this depends on the kind of story you want to tell.
I mean, that's obviously someone who has found what he likes and isn't interested in new stuff
Princes' Kingdom fits all your criteria, but probably doesn't create the kind of stories you want.
Really, I think 4E hit the nail on the head of what D&D "wanted" to be. It is tactically rich.
@CarlCravens And yet so many D&D players hate it so much.
@CarlCravens Heh. It's definitely the purest, most honest version.
But that's why so many people dislike it: earlier versions claimed to be able to do things that the system really wasn't able to do.
And I'll say something about having played 4E (the first D&D I'd played since the 80s)... moving from a poorly-supported system to the most supported system in the world is a huge difference.
But since RPGs are fluid and moldable, many people managed to do non-D&D things in the D&D system anyway. Which is great, more power to them, I was one of them.
But then 4e comes along and only focuses on what D&D is good at. It does tactical combat very well... but it sacrifices the attempt to do much of anything else.
The best games I've been part of had room for each character to have their Big Moments, where their participation was the focus of the session for a little while, even drawing the newbies and the technical gamers into making the story.
That's where 4E becomes problematic... if you don't want to do it their way, it's really hard (or just a lot of work) to hack the system.
Me too. In fact we're doing that next week. One of the players managed to set up a peace treaty negotiation between two rival city-states. The other PCs are playing roles in that negotiation to help me out...
But I mean, I'm not using any 3.5 rules or systems at that point. It'll be players sitting around the table RPing for 2 hours
@Tridus sighs wistfully
Sounds beautiful.
@Metamaterialgirl Princes' Kingdom is about a small group of people with authority traveling from place to place trying to solve knotty moral and social problems.
@Metamaterialgirl Every now and then my players do something to infuriate me. Then they create a situation like that, and I remember why I love them. :D
Having played Fudge for many years, where there aren't really rules for much of anything... just a die mechanic with graded results... I'm totally comfortable with "just roleplaying".
But I also learned that sometimes, I really like a rules framework to fall back on... making decisions all the time can be draining.
It's kind of a funny thing though, because that's happening in a D&D 3.5 campaign, so they're happy with the system. Yet to make that happen, I'm not really using the system at all. It's coming from them, and me setting things up to enable them.
@CarlCravens That's an interesting point--the brief GMing forays I've made in the past tell me that I am subject to decision-fatigue sometimes, and having a system to deal with that could be pretty helpful.
When I left playing Champions, it was partially because combats took hours... we'd have a few minutes of roleplaying in between hours of combat.
In effect the system gets credit for something it didn't do in this case.
@CarlCravens Oh gods, yes.
(If you're familiar with the Forge game Dogs in the Vineyard, Princes' Kingdom is a hack of that system placed in a setting less fraught with Unfortunate Implications.)
But I swung the other way... hours of roleplay with combats resolved quickly, or dramatic combats that involved a lot of roleplaying.
I found myself struggling to fill a four-hour session because I couldn't plan that far ahead, etc.
@CarlCravens Snack breaks are my friend.
DitV was a cool concept, but in practice I found the dice mechanic got in the way.
@CarlCravens PK simplifies it a bit, but I haven't had the opportunity to play it yet.
I'm thinking that it might be a good start for my Friendship is Magic system, though.
I've been thinking about doing DitV's premise in Fate.
Go here if you'd like my take on one of Pathfinder's worst tendencies in that regard (though it's also liberally interspersed with my more personal take on my experiences with rpg groups and is looooong)
@CarlCravens It's helpful if the players are ambitious and creating their own content by trying to do things in the world. Anytime you can react to what they're doing, you don't have to come up with stuff on your own.
(I have a long-term goal of designing a simple FiM system. Working title, My Little Psyche: Friendship is a Fragile Barrier Holding Back My Seething Neuroses.)
So I've found I like a system with some meat to it, where combat can be mechanical enough to fill some of the time without dominating the game.
@BESW lol! Sign me up!
@BESW I think you're describing Rarity there.
@CarlCravens I'm describing everyone.
(to signing up, not to Rarity's analysis, though...yeah, okay, that too)
@CarlCravens It certainly didn't hold her back in last weeks episode.
Pinkie cracks when people don't come to her parties. Twilight cracks when she can't do her homework...
It's rough because I've given myself some very strict design requirements.
@CarlCravens So is there a system that showcases that ideal for you?
(And because I've never designed an RPG from scratch before.)
49 mins ago, by Carl Cravens
Fate Core is a bundle of awesome.
Fun fact: I'm in training this week. The first day of the four day training course, the very first thing we did was take a test. I kind of giggled in delight at that. And at the moment I was relating to Twilight so very closely, we both love tests
@Metamaterialgirl Well, not really. Fate Core is probably close, but I haven't played with it directly. Did play SotC.
One of Fate's strengths is that you can zoom in and out of the action as needed.
A conflict can be a blow-by-blow fight with turns and rounds, or a simple contest of opposed rolls, or a single roll against a flat difficulty, depending on how narratively important the outcome is.
@Metamaterialgirl Still reading. Looks like it's goign to be a depressing read. And long. Very long.
@Tridus Hee.
@BESW You're right, they're all flawed. But I find Rarity to be a prime example... for the spirit of generosity, she can be so selfish. Even when she makes dresses for the other fillies, she does it out of fulfilling her own need.
@Tridus Yeah. Don't feel obligated. But I feel better now that it's all on paper, so to speak.
@CarlCravens I'm glad they're visiting her a bit more; she just felt dissonant at first.
@Metamaterialgirl :)
I do enjoy the central conceit that the Bearers of each Element are not actually shining paragons of their virtue--their virtue is what they value, rather than what they're good at.
A game system that doesn't require massive discussion to gain agreement on how combat should go would be such a huge improvement that I could overlook a lot of failings otherwise.
Hey, it's been fun but I've got to split. Got home duties to attend to.
@CarlCravens ttfn! See you around.
Nice meeting you all.
@CarlCravens later
@CarlCravens Indeed!
Take care!
@Metamaterialgirl I do suggest you look at Fate Core/Accelerated.
Being free to download is also a plus.
I've got the tab open and bookmarked.
And YES.
And then there's always Roll For Shoes, but it may be too simple for your purposes.
@BESW Most of them actually are good at it though. Rarity is kind of the exception in that she has trouble with living up to it more often than most. Rainbow Dash faces that too, somewhat.
@Tridus Applejack lies quite often, Pinkie is often oblivious to whether those around her actually are happy, Fluttershy loses control of her temper...
@BESW but Fluttershy is so kind that Discord couldn't turn her through trickery, he had to just flat out use brute force. Twilight is such a good spellcaster that she accidentally race changed herself. Pinkie does (season 4 spoilers)
then again, maye an accidental race change isn't skill :)
@Tridus In a fanfic I read coughs embarrassedly Spike put it well, that Rarity is innately greedy but works to overcome it, like he does.
Not denying they aren't often good at embodying their elements, but they all struggle with them a lot.
@BESW Yeah, for sure. They do. If everything was easy it wouldn't be an interesting show. :)
Also, Twilight's element is Magic, but in terms of the Elements of Harmony that doesn't mean her casting ability.
Remember, Friendship is Magic.
@Metamaterialgirl Nothing to be embarassed about, you're among bronies. :)
She's the by-your-powers-combined pony.
brohoofs all around
Twilight is the Wondertwins!
@Metamaterialgirl I was thinking Captain Planet.
Except when she was dealing with Trixie, in which case it was just her raw talent. It's been established that not many unicorns can use magic anywhere on her level.
She just goes from gifted unicorn to Equestrian super weapon when her friends are there.
@Tridus Yeah, but Rainbow Dash's speed isn't related to her Element either.
@BESW Skin Horse is also awesome.
One nice/interesting thing about the show, but which makes it difficult to abstract into simple game concepts, is that it's hard to find commonalities shared by all of the Mane Six.
And since I don't want my game to be about just the Elements of Harmony, there's even less I can take away from the primary show characters.
Biggest challenge: I want to defy the binary pass/fail outcome common to most RPGs.
@BESW Enough failure to learn from but not enough to have to roll another character.
More than that.
I want a Mendelian plot of outcomes.
I got a little tingle when I read that.
Instead of having one pony win and another lose in a given conflict, I want both to be able to win AND both to be able to lose.
I saw an idea for a FiM game once that was based around cutie marks. You can pick a couple of things you're good at, and then one thing that's related to your cutie mark that you're really good at. When doing those things, you have an easier time of it
I'm thinking of it in terms of help/hinder.
Ponies can help each other, hinder each other, or one helps while the other hinders.
...or attempt to help while unintentionally hindering, or vice-versa, etc. etc. Right, so a system that allows for on-the-fly combinations of the (sometimes GM-unanticipated) outcomes of player interactions.
And here's one of the big kickers: the system can only use d6s, and never need more than 5d6 on the table at once.
(I want it to be accessible to non-RPG groups like the show's main audience, so I'm setting the dice limit at "Do you have a couple board games or a Yahtzee set?")
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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