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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

Less than medium. And much less than large.
Slightly larger than tiny.
What is tiny?
of a size that is less than normal or usual.
"the room was small and quiet"
synonyms:	little, compact, bijou, tiny, miniature, mini; More
short, little, petite, diminutive, elfin, tiny;
puny, undersized, stunted, dwarfish, midget, pygmy, Lilliputian;
informalteeny, pint-sized
inadequate, meager, insufficient, ungenerous;
informalmeasly, stingy, mingy, pathetic
antonyms:	big, large, tall, heavily built, ample, generous
not great in amount, number, strength, or power.
Relatively speaking. May or may not be big enough to house a whole country.
I get Large. I understand Medium because there needs to be something that Large is Larger than.. But Small and Tiny? That's unnecessary.
(Keep in mind Andorra is technically a country.)
It's about the size of a very large tiny island.
A few small islands can make a medium island
"Small islands," as currency for Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Gangster Donald Trumps, are defined, vetted, and distributed by villainsource.com.
To give you a scale of how better to understand the size of a small island, if you imagine it to be a perfect circle in shape, and then take the radius, it will fit around the circumference about 3.1419 times.
And that is true for any small island. Remarkable really.
> A client requested I design a calendar. She wanted some of her favourite quotes from philosophers on each page.
> She asked me to credit the quotes she couldn’t remember the speaker for.
> Eleven of the months were all philosophy luminaries.
> March was Optimus Prime.
@InbarRose I'm stuck at "Imagine a perfect circle"
@DampeS8N Okay, can you imagine a non-perfect circle?
@InbarRose certainly.
Okay, now smooth it out and make it as round as possible
Got it?
Like the shape of a coin. You know what a coin shape is right?
Is good enough.
Remember, we are just pretending here, obviously the island is not really a perfect circle.
@InbarRose Right, nothing is.
I've always liked the 50p coin.
You and your strange currency.
Go back to the pigsty peasant.
Leave the decadence to us.
I'm French, but I like some of the Brits' creative ways.
(Yes, I'm weird.)
That is of no consequence to the pigs.
Also, Welsh Rarebit.
If you want I can promote you to chimney sweep.
I'll keep to what I know.
Strange mood in this room tonight :)
Are you not in the mood for indulgence?
I'm in the mood for discovering what I'm in the mood for.
A journey of self mood discovery.
Where are you going to start?
At the beginning of course.
And how will you progress?
By going forward!... Unless... if I'm on a spherical space body, won't that lead me back to where I started? Mh...
If you move forward, you can never be back where you started because the journey will have changed not only you, but the place from which you came.
Also - if you are on a spherical body and you move "forward" you will quite quickly find yourself off that same spherical body, unless by "forward" you mean that you stay immobile and move the sphere beneath you.
Does this mean I do not need to care for where I'm going?
That depends if getting there is important.
Or if you just want to journey.
I'm not sure it is. I'm not quite sure what "there" is, nor where it is.
It also matters deeply if you intend to stay where you are going, or return from there. There is also the option to continue on to another location, but that means you are still on the Journey. Which means, you are potentially always on a journey.
So the real question is, do you really believe you are just now starting the journey? or are you just continuing it?
I believe I'm confused :|
Well, back to the original question - what are you in the mood for?
Mithr[a|i]l waffle irons. Bloodthirsty Nouveau Riche Ganster Donald Trumps. Metaphysics.
And Philosophy.
Aren't Metaphysics kind of a subset of Philosophy? Or is it the other way around? Or have I been thinking about it wrong all the way since high school?
Do you know what the "meta" part even means?
That means "beyond" or "besides".
not exactly
Metaphysics is a traditional branch of philosophy concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being and the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions in the broadest possible terms: # What is ultimately there? # What is it like? A person who studies metaphysics is called a metaphysicist  or a metaphysician. The metaphysician attempts to clarify the fundamental notions by which people understand the world, e.g., existence, objects and their properties, space and time, cause and effe...
I linked the Etymology.
@InbarRose I think I'm in the mood for some brain rest now ~dizzy~
It indicates an abstraction. So Metaphysics is about abstract concepts of physics. Like, as above, what constitutes an "object". In other words, it is abstract concepts that describe physics. Stuff about stuff.
... k. So I was either taught wrong or didn't pay attention all that closely.
Occam's razor indicates option #2 as the more probable.
Or just realized that school/education is not infallible and not all encompassing as you originally thought.
@InbarRose Huh... that's new to me.
@SvenB. I doubt this is correct. Depending on the country you live in.
Let me ask a general question, before anyone googles or wiki's it, this is to see what kind of stuff you actually learn about... Who knows when the Wheel was invented?
I don't need an exact date
@DampeS8N France, born and raised.
A time period, a place in history, a civilization.... something
I think it's credited to the Babylonians
@InbarRose IIRC around 2000 BCE
Anyone else have an idea/
I did not recall correctly.
Well, its between 4 and 6 thousand BC. Sumerian culture. And it only reached china and northern Europe around 1200 BC.
@InbarRose Not a clue.
@InbarRose At least I had the right order of magnitude.
Which means that not a single person in the America's had ever seen a wheel. And it was not developed independently there either. The first wheels in the America's were when the vikings brought them over in the 10th century.
Yes, the vikings had colonies in America. for almost 100 years, but they were driven out by the Native Americans.
Huh. Puts some perspective on things.
@InbarRose Generally speaking, the wheel isn't that important an invention. There are plenty of other viable travel mechanisms. Boats, on the other hand, are critical for human expansion.
(And I knew about the Vikings in America... but I didn't figured they brought the whole concept of wheel with them.)
@InbarRose IIRC the bow and arrow was instrumental in their rebuttal
@SvenB. It didn't take.
Yes, the Vikings were some of the best farmers in Europe, and they searched for better farmland, They brought advanced farming tools with them, which included wheels.
They raided and pillaged while their crops were growing, and they had nothing to do, they needed to supplement their farming for the rest of the year. Which means they raided their neighbors. They eventually colonized many places, and interbred with other populations.
Much of northern france (normandy) is historically viking, which they conquered a few centuries after the fall of the roman empire
Yay history. :)
@InbarRose Yup. I'm living proof of that.
Alright. How about this: What is the world's oldest continuously practiced religion?
No looking it up.
That depends
When you say "religion" do you mean believe in a divine being? (or multiple divine beings) or spirits? or in a "code" ?
Doesn't matter.
Sun worship is the oldest form of religion
so, Zoroastrianism
Good, you are correct.
Wasn't hard.
Do you know that we get all the 10 commandments from Zoroaster?
And most of the other 603
In fact, the concept of rules/regulations/crime/court/law is from the Zoroastrian religion.
It was much more ruthless back then.
Eye for an eye kind of thing. But it was there!
It is also in grave danger right now. Which would be a terrible historical loss.
Is any of you a theology / history major, or just curious about it ?
I am a history buff? :)
It's my passion.
Just curious. I researched many religions in my path to become an Atheist.
That's great. :)
Do you know where the concept of games comes from?
of hand, no. But it is ooold
@InbarRose didn't the egyptians have dice and a chess variant?
Ancient Sumeria, there was a great drought, and there was much famine, the leaders devised a plan to keep people alive. They would rotate every other day between a "working" day and a "playing" day. The playing day would keep the people cool in the shade, and not mobile to not consume much energy, also, the games would keep their mind off the hunger.
This lasted a few years.
Many of the first games ever devised come from those ancient leaders.
And their undoubtedly wise men.
I'm not sure that is the origin of games as a concept. I'm not sure it is even uniquely human.
I meant board games, should have clarified.
Games you played sitting down, thinking games.
Those games almost assuredly require written language, which is not really all that old.
@DampeS8N heh again we go to ancient egypt :)
@DampeS8N No.
@DampeS8N Mancala, Go, Mah Jongg, Chess, Ur.....
Also, the egyptian game Senet
Dice games, Backgammon, Checkers....
There are enough games without the need to read or write. :)
I must go. I bid you all farewell.
Most of these do not predate written language. :P And the requirement is for keeping the rules.
Later. :)
Senet is the only listed game that might predate written language... and no one can agree on the rules because of that. haha
There's some pie-in-the-sky speculation that mancala predates civilization, but there's no proof of it.
slappin hoes predates civilization
@JohnCraven That seems both irrelevant and inappropriate.
@JohnCraven Who the wussy who flagged this one?
I was speaking of pre-civilization sports... honestly, beyond basic concepts I don't really know of many
Starred. My job here is done.
you would think something like soccer predates civilzation but as far as I know it originated during medieval times as "town ball"
I have starred your starring comment in protest!!!
Hi all
Q: Kingdom Logistics for a 3.5 epic campaign

kleinschmidtI have been writing a campaign over the last month. We have six PC's and they each have partnered up with one other person to run a kingdom. There is the 3 PC kingdoms, as well as all a few other NPC kingdoms that I am running. I already have the base stuff each kingdom starts (depending upon loc...

Q: Realm Management Rules That Work

gomadI have been searching for years for a good realm-management rule set for RPGs. By "realm management," I mean a system that tracks the fortunes of large areas and / or groups in the way that most RPGs track the fortunes of individuals. For example - A fighter grows rich enough to build himself a...

Is the former a duplicate of the latter?
@C.Ross I dunno, is the 3.5 qualifier vs system agnostic significant?
realm management isn't really a part of 3.5 anyway, so I would say not
I'm going VTC as dupe, and asking him to tell us why it's not a dupe.
That generally seems like the thing to do: close as a dupe until they've clarified what they're looking for that the previous question isn't helping with.
effectively teh answers are the same (in fact mxy's answer is basically to look at the answer to the other question...)...in that case they are duplicates under "this question is answered over yonder"
Ayuh. Usually they don't clarify.
Close it because it sounds like a board game anyway!!! Tell them to play Lords of Waterdeep
@InbarRose Going viking is a weird mix of raiding and trading. Kinda like being a player character in D&D, in a sense.
@Aaron more ignorance: so if its post when you like, does that mean there are sessions which don't require insta responses, and can be "played" by someone with little time to spare -eg. A pm once every 2-3hrs??
@ReaperOscuro The PM are one on one and some people don't mind posting whenever. I was in a rp where I was never online at the same time as the other except when we first started.
@ReaperOscuro Room rps are different and need your attention more often as there are no logs kept so when you log off and on you wont see what other's post.
Ah thanks @Aaron! I think ill need to check this pming business :) what was the site again, rphaven? Any particular subgroup within it, or just search for pm sessions?
Also, is the text games you mentioned of a similar ilk?
@ReaperOscuro Enter the chat from the top part and explore. Join one of the larger room and you could get some help I am sure.
@ReaperOscuro Which text games?
.....lol im not sure @Aaron, i thought you mentioned it sometime yesterday, but i may be confused...
@Zachiel si! Well, technically im a hybrid, but whos counting, born and bred in the MotherLand after all! Although Zachiel: what is the commitment needs for this chat forum rping? In terms of posting frequency required
@JohnCraven lol dont worry about the lack of academic retention, i recall nothing! Did i even go to school? Who knows!
1 hour later…
@InbarRose btw you are tots wrong on all counts.
All originated with the onyx pillar and the primordians. All know such.
And thank you all for the wonderful knowledge, ultimate capitalist food, and ultimate mithril item
Personally though i prefer orichalcum, go atlantis!
@Zachiel ah forgot to say: yea sunless citadel, spot on :D
@BrianBallsun-Stanton am i pinging you correctly? Was hoping for clarification why my post on the change dc from wis to cha wrong, ta
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 22:00

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