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> IRS decides to audit Grandpa, and summons him to the IRS office. The IRS auditor was not surprised when Grandpa showed up with his attorney.
The auditor said, 'Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling.
I'm not sure the IRS finds ...that believable.'
I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it,' says
Grandpa. 'How about a demonstration?'
The auditor thinks for a moment and said, 'Okay. Go ahead.'
Grandpa says, 'I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye.'
@studiohack That was an old one, but I couldn't remember till the punch line... So awesome
Alex Miller on March 06, 2013

Welcome Back!  Our guest today is the one and only Robert Scoble – blogger and video maker extraordinaire.  He’s joined by the usual Stack Exchange crew for a packed hour of fun.

Robert is a geek who gets around and meets startups and tech innovators. He’s calling from Flipboard‘s headquarters in Palo Alto, CA. Joel wonders if Flipboard is just kind of an echo chamber, but it certainly is not! As with much of the internet, your experience with Flipboard depends on who and what you choose to Follow and Like on your social networks. …

wow, @nhinkle makes an appearance. /me waves
I'm still kickin', just busy as all get-out.
Good to hear
@nhinkle Heh... Hinkle. I haven't heard that name in weeks
Hi :)
can someone approve this edit (by somebody else) so I can edit it and make the images stack.imgur? superuser.com/q/561887/144607
I just learned about this place.
Because of studiohack's joke :)
@Basil welcome! we're a lot more timid than SF, so hopefully you'll help to keep us rated PG-ish in here ;)
I used to only hang out here but @Tanner suggested the comms room...
@allquixotic I'll do my best. The implant in my head from sysadmin school starts to heat up sometimes, but I'm a storage admin, so it's a lot smaller and probably does a lot less damage than, for example, @mdmarra's.
@Basil haha or ewwhite's
@allquixotic Heh, yeah, either of those guys. Heck, all of them. (heck- see that? :P)
we're all as pure as snow in here. snow that's fallen on Steve Ballmer's head.
I started this job as a storage admin, but have been spending entirely too much time writing shell scripts in AIX
The Comms room scares me :(
I like it there :)
It's a nice casual break from the chaos of work
more are always welcome to come hang out. typical topics include PC/laptop building and speccing out parts (and finding good prices); desktop software; and occasionally light sysadmin stuff (usually Linux).
also, gaming. almost as much as arQade
Ok, not what I expected, but I'll take it :) I do a lot of that stuff too, but for some reason, thought this was a unix-topic room
nope, this is Super User's channel, so we tend to discuss things here that would be off topic for a SU question, like shopping for software or hardware, or sometimes we do live technical support for things like "my hard drive made a bad noise", etc
I specced out a whole system adhering to a stated budget for a guy a few weeks ago and he came back and said he loves it
Fun :)
Can someone explain to me (again) why Microsoft has to pay $500m for providing a browser with Windows?
@OliverSalzburg they had some kind of contractual agreement to provide users with notification that they could choose alternative browsers, as part of a settlement of an earlier antitrust litigation due to the Netscape browser wars in the early 2000s
@OliverSalzburg As far as I understand it from briefly reading the headline, it seems that they were given explicit instructions on how to offer their users a choice at installation and they didn't execute what was stipulated there.
What is so special about the browser? What don't they have to pay a fine for not providing an alternative text or bitmap editor?
it's a 10 to 15 year old protracted legal battle and the whole thing stems from them failing to adhere to a contractual agreement
@allquixotic Ooh, so it was a breach of contract kind of thing?
yeah, the half a billion Euro fine boils down to them explicitly agreeing, in writing, to do a specific thing, and then not doing it for 14 months
@allquixotic I try to muddy it up a bit now and then with strong language like "hell" and "damn" ;)
@OliverSalzburg the court hasn't been asked about those things yet and probably won't be unless someone tries to make an alternative and is seriously hampered by the OS
@Tanner OH MY. I'm going to flag your post.
Oh well then, I guess they should have kept their stuff in order :D
kidding ;-)
@allquixotic Have you seen everybody's favorite 55-gallon drum in the Comms Room yet?
@Tanner huh? no
Thanks @allquixotic @Basil
@allquixotic heh heh...
@OliverSalzburg if this were new litigation I'd be stunned at the price tag, but this is something that started a long time ago and MSFT signed on the bottom line to make amends and take a specific action until 2014
it's a hefty slap because they were already convicted of antitrust violations, told the court they'd do better, and then stopped short... you would expect that if you are trying to correct the behavior of a flippant and monopolistic corporation and they keep on breaking the law (and doing contrary to what you tell them to do) that you're eventually going to charge them a HUGE fine as a "come on now, really, this has to stop NOW"
Someone just has downvoted almost all of my questions for some freaking reason. Keep it up SuperUser..
as for the principle of why they don't also get accused of antitrust for things like text and image editors, I have no idea, I guess it's because nobody has complained to the EU about it
technically, Adobe could raise hell with MSFT for shipping Paint and blotting out sales for Photoshop because some users are happy with Paint and don't need to look for alternatives
but Adobe is basically Microsoft Southwest, in that, the two companies have been tied together at the hip for a decade or more
@DesmondHume It's because you stopped pushing the button!
@DesmondHume if one person downvoted more than a small handful of your questions and/or answers, the system will catch it as "serial downvoting" and reverse all of it
they haven't said what the serial voting threshold is, but I'd imagine it's somewhere around 3, so if they did much more than that, you can be fairly certain that all of that rep will be refunded to you in full
@allquixotic It's not about rep, it's about sending the ugly message..
@DesmondHume Hm, I only see the mass downvotes on your "I don't feel like trying" comment that was misunderstood, and then two downvotes on other questions.
Which not everyone feels like unplugging their computer while it's in sleep mode just to test a theory...
@allquixotic Weird. I can't load it.
@Tanner it's slow, they probably got reddited or some other large news site
question: if I let this drive format before I access it, can I recover the data I format afterwards, and in theory get the Windows key back?
@allquixotic, @Tanner thoughts?
@studiohack ...huh? why would you format it before trying to access it?
@Tanner the failed drive shows up in 'Computer' after a long time, but wants me to format first
Just photorec it now
Or some kind of file recovery
@Tanner just found it, thanks! any good?
will it do a failed drive like that?
well, you won't get any files names >_< so good luck finding the relevant data...
@Tanner really?
you might have better luck with another file recovery program
all I need is the system32 folder
I forget which actual file the windows key is in...
but it probably has no file extension either =\ so you might be digging through ridiculous amounts of worthless data
@Tanner doesn't even recognize the drive
it might be actively in the process of dy*ing*
@studiohack Linux won't recognize it either?
I don't honestly know what to do in this case because anything you do might break it
@Tanner Slax wouldn't show it mounted
@allquixotic I needs to be taken out behind the building and beaten.
@studiohack: a livecd might be able to read a 'broken' NTFS drive. DO NOT FORMAT IT.
I agree. I see no advantage to formatting it...
good news is, I've had drives like that be formatted, and work afterwards
but data recovery first, try mounting in linux, grab the hive, check for key
Aw man.
My regular internet connection is crappy again, and I suddenly find an open NETGEAR network with a router that has admin/password access.
How do I let these poor people know that they should secure their network?
@JourneymanGeek already tried Slax Live CD
@slhck "secure" it for them. :P
@JourneymanGeek how would I mount it when I don't know where it is?
Yeah, you should definitely admin it for them. =D
shouldn't it mount on it's own?
I'd like to triangulate them to see where they live. Can't be more than 30m away.
@slhck 30 meters? just knock on doors :P
@slhck do like Comcast and inject a popup into their http traffic saying "your network is unsecure!"
@studiohack Not at 11 PM :P
do Six Strikes for unsecured wifi -- if after 6 attempts to tell them it's unsecure they still persist, then start throttling the connection speed... slowly
@allquixotic I'd love to do that. Or install a parental control filter that blocks the most common English and German words.
then use firesheep to sniff their credentials to some forum they use and post as them on their favorite forum saying "I'm running an unsecured wifi network!"
This chat was sponsored by your neighbor's free WiFi
or (a bit more friendly) register your own account and PM them
@studiohack: nope
I usually check the contents of /dev/ , then look up how to force mount
you can also try ntfsfix to get it mounted properly
it likes to eat data though
nom nom nom
that hurts... I hate this.
I hate NOT fixing things. Bugs me more than anything else in the world
@slhck or that script that turns everything upside down
> Cover photos just got bigger
O__o Woah :D
I'm liking this new Google+
Big surprise!
@RudáAlmeida I install Java many times in my IT environment. I'm so sick of that.
@studiohack Give them Oracle guys a break, they're so poor, they need the toolbar money!
Java needs to stay in the coffee biz.
install that stuff silently with no toolbars :P
@Tanner I forgot about that - that would be awesome for mass deploys of Flash and Java at once
How can I find the individual paid storage usage for each Google service I use?
@OliverSalzburg How long will it take for personalized URLs? It's about time!
@RudáAlmeida The Oatmeal already has one :P http://plus.google.com/blergasdf1234thimbleturdorgasm99meatpoopypoopxv9donkeypi‌​e
any Netbeans and Java programmers here?
@EinsteinsGrandson yep
Thank God
So, do I have to have JRE installed before I install NetBeans?
@EinsteinsGrandson yes; I think they used to distribute the JRE with netbeans but no more
So, 1. install JRE
2. install JDK
3. install NetBeans
@EinsteinsGrandson the JDK isn't needed anymore, I don't think
you can install the JDK instead of the JRE if you want
the JDK comes with a JRE environment
so, do I need JDK or JRE?
oh. Eclipse has their own compiler so they don't depend on the JDK, but I think Netbeans still uses your JDK's compiler, so it does need the JDK
just download the JDK, and not the JRE
it can't hurt
JDK = JRE plus development stuff
I will only download JDK
thank you
A: File manager for Windows

what a dumb questionwhat a dumb question, just use the one it came with it!!!

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