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@Rob Jimmy John's > Subway :)
@slhck Great edit on the PS6 answer :D
@OliverSalzburg I just posted my own
I had no clue what he was talking about :D
Me neither :P
@slhck Sweet
Always amazed by Photoshop's features.
@soandos I guess the OP of that Windows question wants a "fresh" copy instead of their usual backup.
Q: How to back up entire Windows 7 as if it were a new installation

SamHow can I back up the entire Windows 7 installation to be used on another drive as if it were a new operating system? For example, I'd like to use both Ubuntu and Windows 7, yet have an entire Ubuntu partition on the computer and Windows on a separate drive. But the OS backup would absolutely n...

No idea why, but …
Also, Windows people, for that question, is this one the right dupe?
@slhck We have multiple of those...
@OliverSalzburg Thought so after the first "USE TEH UNLOCKER" answer.
@AnyOfTheDiamonds Can you merge a user? superuser.com/questions/458742/…
Q: Tool to determine what has locked a file

jerryjvlEvery once in a while when I try to remove a file I have been working with, Windows tells me I cannot remove it, because some application is still using it. Sometimes it's just my own stupidity, and closing the app I was working with releases the file, but sometimes I cannot for the life of me i...

@slhck I know I edited a Process Explorer answer to such a question :D But I can't find it anymore
@Mokubai Probably not because the parent user doesn't even exist. I believe the accounts should be linked automatically. But I might be wrong and in fact it could be possible. Just flag the post and I'll leave the flag in the queue.
@OliverSalzburg That guy who kept complaining about his question being closed.
Now that I think about it... The question I'm thinking about was different. Just the same answers
Q: Which programs are using my USB flash drive?

user712092Sometimes when I follow the process to safely remove a USB flash drive, I get told that I can't remove the drive because some programs are using it. However I'm unable to tell which programs these are, so I end up having to close programs - sometimes even randomly. How do I find out which progr...

Oh well
Q: How can I identify what application is using a given file?

John Isaiah CarmonaI'm trying to delete some folder but this error is preventing from doing it: Cannot delete [FileName]: It is being used by another person or program. Close any programs that might be using the file and try again. How can I identify what application is using the file? I want to end th...

That :P
Right! :D
How did you find that so quickly? :D
Looked into the … users we had problems with list
Oh well. That came across negatively :P
@slhck Oh wow, where is that list? Am I on it?
please say I'm a problem user
@Mokubai No, haha. But you know that mods can contact users privately, that's what I'm referring to :)
Is Kronos still working on the blog?
In which sense?
Writing for it?
Running it. I'm kinda trying to write a post and wondered if it's worth carrying on.
Sure, I think he's currently taking care of it :)
Always worth carrying on
okay, time to actually get lunch and head home
It's a valid question, but a great example of how to get a valid question closed as quickly as possible. Read the question from the perspective of an average computer user (which is whom Super User is trying to appeal to), and you'll see very quickly that the question was asked in a way to try and sway your opinion before the OP even asked what he/she wanted to. We take security questions seriously here on Super User, and I feel that any question that prompts you to prove why you need an antivirus software is of bad form. Start with the most security, and reduce it where needed. — Breakthrough 16 mins ago
The average computer user doesn't even understand the first paragraph of the about section...
@DanielBeck Well that paragraph, I've never read it but it sure is a load of crap :P
> Free to ask questions, free to answer questions, free to read, free to index, built with plain old HTML, no fake rot13 text on the home page, no scammy google-cloaking tactics, no salespeople, no JavaScript windows dropping down in front of the answer asking for $12.95 to go away. You can register if you want to collect karma and win valuable flair that will appear next to your name, but otherwise, it’s just free. And fast. Very, very fast.
What, there's "rot" text on websites?
google-cloaking? rot13? JavaScript windows? close window! [x]
@slhck Fake rot13. Applied twice, in other words.
rot26, twice as secure
What's the public analytics site for SU again?
Does anyone else find the new /review-beta makes firefox chug like a dog?
@Mokubai Nope
I find with /review-beta open firefox memory usage fluctuates +-100MB and the CPU usage goes haywire for 1 core...
did someone break chat?
I even tried using it with a fresh profile (no addons or extensions)
I can't scroll anymore
apparently after you start the Safari 6 web inspector, the whole process goes bad.
Woah, major respect to Ward! :D
Ward, Vancouver, BC, Canada
6k 2 14 28
Close to 20k votes, nice :D
@OliverSalzburg Oh, I thought because he had Derpy Hooves as his avatar.
Sounds a bit pointless obsessively voting on everything, how can you distinguish quality (or have a real job) when all you're doing is refreshing SF and voting on everything you can find?
So instead of doing as Evan does (as he linked on his profile) and actually giving good answers and getting rep he's boasting that he votes on everything...
@Mokubai Well, if someone can always make the decision if they like or don't like it, why not?
Sorry but while voting is an important part of the ecosystem and rep is the currency he's doling out once you are obsessively voting on everything that currency is severely diluted
I can't, so I don't always vote. But every vote that is given is appreciated. Hopefully they aren't given out at random
I choose to say "Hey, that's a good answer/question." With 20k votes there's no way you can hold a real job and be discriminating enough to pick the weeds from the flowers
@Mokubai Indeed. Time is limited
You have a point, but I give him the benefit of the doubt. I hope he judges well
Hmmm, 3 years and 2 months = 1156 days. 20K/1156 = 17.3 votes per day.
It's do-able that he's choosing well
Well played sir, well played
So, when's the big prize give-away for being in the top users for SU?
@Mokubai Every day, when you bath yourself in all the rep :D
@slhck Hey, I'm actually on that page :D
@Mokubai About time I guess! ;)
Or you could write three blog posts and get a free shirt, if you haven't already
(That offer still counts @IvoFlipse, right?)
I have a t-shirt, but I have no waffle or pancake house nearby to prove it...
Anyway, goodnight fine people
Night @Mokubai!
1 hour later…
Google is being frustrating. Good news: Pseudonym approved. Bad news: no idea how to use it
anyone have a recommendation for Blu Ray playing software for windows 7? Don't mind paying. Have tried PowerDVD, felt like I was installing spyware (register to download then register just to run the bloody thing) then it crashed. Tried the hack with VLC (vlc-aacs.whoknowsmy.name) but I think the disk I have is protected with BD+ and not AACS
or the VLC keys are a bit behind
@Luke doesn't do bluray
Thought it did... Damn... Sorry
Q: Question of the Week #40

KronoSNow we're into post #39 of the "Top Question" of Super User in the Super User blog. Please post and vote for your favorite question for this week. Please post any questions that you feel is of worth and the reason why. Try not to promote your own questions or answers for publicity's sake. We ar...

@soandos How did you go about getting it? Doesn't it just appear next to your real name in google+?
@Paul, one min finding the link
only took a day or so
may as well answer my own question now
Q: I have a suggestion on what to do with the Software Rec Tag

KronoSWith the upcoming release of Windows 8 we expect an influx of users and questions. I feel that we need to prep for their coming. With that in mind, the software-rec is a nuisance in mine and others opinions. I believe that the general consensus of this tag is that anything that is of a recomme...

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