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There's being an ignorant, and then there's being loudmouthed and ignorant. superuser.com/a/444203/30792
@Spiff Wow that answer is messed up enough to be flagged
hnmm tricky
superuser.com/questions/444192/… - the solution here would be to also use an office trial
but thats kinda dodgy
This is not an answer...
A: reinstall XP OS but retain Office installation key?

DudeI assume you're using something like Microsoft's "Virtual Machine 2007"? Therefore, are you aware of Virtual Box (https://www.virtualbox.org/) or VMware (http://www.vmware.com/products/player/) which don't expire - cause they're free?! Speaking of free, are you aware of the free Libre Office sui...

to be honest, there's a answer hidden there under the rant ;p
If the Product Key is encrypted in the registry, do you think calling Microsoft would help? Maybe they could have the user send over the Registry key/value and then decrypt it.
Just a thought.
@JourneymanGeek This "Dude" user never really provides an answer. He just throws alternatives at the OP. (See his profile)
How do I get rid of clippy?
@Bob, not possible
@Bob In MS Word? Or here in Chat?
I just wanted to screenshot the one in chat :P
You have to use the magic phrase: "I want to..."
I want to be just like you, Clippy!
No. There is not a tablet with a screen around 22". The biggest is around 13" or so right now, and you find those are Convertible laptops... where you rotate the screen and close it over the keyboard. Of course, you might be able to find one of the 42" Nexus S mockups that Google and Samsung made for Best Buy. They are actually running Android and have functional touchscreens. phonearena.com/news/…Bon Gart 39 secs ago
Religous books... "all buttheir touch" ... joke almost writes itself.
@BonGart Technically the Wacom Cintiq 24HD could be used as a tethered tablet. :D — iglvzx 37 secs ago
@JourneymanGeek Hehe
@TomWijsman The power of reddit :)
1 hour later…
Q: Google Chrome opens a blank page when searching from Chrome Omnixbox / address bar

SathyaWhen I enter a search criteria in the Omnibox, Chrome seems to offer me a blank page instead of completing the search & offering the results. Note that if I opt for a Google Instant/Omnibox suggestion, it works fine However, I choose to ignore the suggestion and try to do a Google search...

A: Chrome displays a page for split second then it goes blank

Justin TheBetterThe white screen issue thingy just started happening to me. I try to open up a new tab and type into the URL bar at the top of the page like i normally would, except when i hit enter to search, it goes to a google search page for a splitsecond and then it goes white. This happens with any amount ...

Windows 8 is 40$ upgrade lifehacker.com/5922982/…
@Sathya reproduced in chrome v20.0.1132.47 in Ubuntu.
Does not happen in 19 and 17 and 18, I still have not upgraded to 20 :)
i blame the cookies.
@jokerdino Then try in incoginto
yeah there is no problem in incognito
great, then post the answer :)
well, someone answered already
They spend a lot on music videos
hah, true enough.
@HackToHell happens in stable, beta & dev - it's not linked to the version
sum thing wong going on.
I need to organize all my AutoHotkey scripts and put them in a repository...
geniuses everywhere.
Rejection reason: "No, it's not better."
@iglvzx heh.
also, just another day in the life of a Super User mod:
@Sathya Fun. I removed a rant earlier today: superuser.com/posts/444201/revisions
@Sathya just a couple of weeks late :)
@iglvzx I know, saw that. That edit summary cracked me up :D
@Sathya :P
@jokerdino yeah, didn't even know that message was there.
i heard FB was hiding all the messages lately?
@jokerdino just shoving it in a folder where no one can see.
Did FB remove that intrusive "X read this message Y time ago..." feature? Or is it still around? It was really annoying and problematic. I'M NOT IGNORING YOU, I SWEAR.
@iglvzx still around..
@Sathya holy mother. I just found some couple of messages there @.@
Yes that other folder. >.>
@jokerdino Good morning sunshine. Now you know why the delayed reply.
Messages from April onwards :S
Which brilliant person comes up that? it's a f'ing blindspot
@Sathya And the whole Email disaster. FB could at least have the courtesy to notify us about big changes. Lot's of synced address books were messed up because of it.
Thanks FB for making me look like a douche bag.
@jokerdino :/ same feeling here
Stupid FB. Burn~!
How's the Google+? Maybe it's time to use it more. If only I had more friends. :( lol
G+ has been nice to me.
@iglvzx I'll circle you. Less lonely you are now .. :)
@jokerdino Sure. I think this is my profile URL: plus.google.com/113905055228264448486
@jokerdino Cool. Now to figure out how to find you. lol I haven't used G+ much
You should get a notification soon-ish.
Or just use this one: profiles.google.com/barneedhar
@iglvzx Now I have you trapped in one of my circles bwaaahaahaa
@Paul Not again!...
Oh. There's my notifications.
Found Paul..
How do you know if a page is official on G+? Is there a "verified" tag like Twitter?
I don't want to +1 no fake crap.
yeah, there is a greyish tick.
Verified Page / persons have that.
650 views on my Chrome blank page problem
and this ->
epically nice.
I've noticed that Stack Exchange questions are usually the first results in Google. :)
amazing how much priority Google gives for SE pages
@Sathya Should this Meta question be marked as completed now? meta.superuser.com/questions/5102/…
@iglvzx yep, done thanks
No problem.
hopefully this is alright to post
flags it
@WilliamHilsum Haha, how many smart people would actually reply to that??
No idea :/ I know nothing will come from it, but, I thought it was funny!
@WilliamHilsum lol
Poor guy, his parents named him "Mail Administrator". So, to spite them, he entered the profession of Spam Mail.
@iglvzx haha
heh that was funny.
@WilliamHilsum Did you send the email? I would be worried of being bombarded with more spam.
Yes I did, it was just a ymail address, not a custom domain... so, who knows if anything happens
I am most impressed by the incoming from different address, reply redirect... I know it is easy with a single header, but, I still like it!
@Sathya I don't have that problem :\
Random bug that's happening to some Chrome users o.O
@Sathya - Me neither... sort of reminds me of typing Google in to Google!
Q: Why can't I move a shirt in Chromium to another place in the window?

mpzScenario: Open cromium browswer Opem any page Open any page in other shirt Try move 2-nd shirt before 1-st shirt Expected result: 2-nd shird moved to 1-st place Actual result: 2-nd shurt do NOT moved to 1-st place (before 1 shirt). New Chromium window is appeared. Chromium version: 18.0.1025...

Forgot to share it with you.
@jokerdino "Shirt"? I have never heard a tab be called a shirt...
@jokerdino o.O
That comment really cleared things up :P
@jokerdino 9 hours and still open?
We are bemused by the question.
I don't understand how someone can consistently misspell so many words, each time using a different spelling.
@iglvzx See misspellings of the word "Ubuntu"...
@Bob ? Do you mean when people write "Ubantu", "Unbutu", etc?
They write all sorts of ways.
"Ubunut" is a favourite of mine
This one made me laugh: "ubunutu"
Canonical has ubunut.com registered.
@iglvzx Google corrects that to "Ubuntu Youtube" o.O
Hmm looks like Canonical registered a variety of misspellings. They all redirect to Ubuntu.com
@jokerdino That's good.
Remember back in the day before it was illegal to register porn sites to slightly off spellings of popular sites? My childhood was scarred when I mistyped Cartoon Network's domain.
@iglvzx Wait, since when was it illegal?
@Bob Maybe only with children-targeted sites. I remember there being a law in the US.
@iglvzx I can totally imagine that.. :?
Because I swear there's still several of these floating around
facebok.com is some crazy site.
Probably NSFW.
Found it!
Typosquatting, also called URL hijacking, is a form of cybersquatting, and possibly brandjacking which relies on mistakes such as typographical errors made by Internet users when inputting a website address into a web browser. Should a user accidentally enter an incorrect website address, they may be led to an alternative website owned by a cybersquatter. Overview The typosquatter's URL will usually be one of four kinds, all similar to the victim site address: (In the following, the intended website is "example.com") *A common misspelling, or foreign language spelling, of the intended ...
Hmm. Maybe it's not illegal. Looks like there was some motion to do something about it, though.
If you add an "s" to superuser.com, you get to play ad-roulette...
@jokerdino O_o
htorque compiled 127 funny ways of misspelling Ubuntu.
He has it listed in his profile. :=)
What is it with the "Microsoft free since..."? Seen that a couple of times on AU now :D
Is that a meme?
This guy spammed the same question twice. About dentistry. On SU. facepalm
Why the heck is it "welcome to Partha" ??!!!
@Bob he is still spamming.
@jokerdino lol
We have quite the confused spammer here :P
Totally :P
Also, seems to be targeting Word 2010 for whatever reason (about dentistry!)
total dumbtard.
what the heck. Bring on more spam. I am flagging it as spam and NAA just to boost my flag weight.
Sorry mods for abusing :p
@jokerdino marks as invalid
user destroyed and all flags are validated.
@jokerdino: thats the flag system working as it should
Yes. Nice way to get to marshal :P
Or at least deputy.
wait what?
there's a deputy badge?
@jokerdino That's a nice bounty!
You wouldn't want to know the background. The OP found the answer himself. I just got the bounty because he was generous :p
..Are we talking about the same thing or am I saying things that are better kept as a secret?
I just did this in Outlook
Sathay <ctrl+enter>
and then go noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@Sathya What does that do?
@Bob shortcut for sending an email
so I sent an email with a typo in my name :(
Wait, what's that -- for?
@jokerdino @Bob yep
That would be funny.
I get too lazy to write Thanks, best regards etc at times
If root folder is not clear to you then it means your Windows installation directory which would have two directories named Program File and second is Program Files(x86). If they both are there then its 64-bit OS and if there is only first one then its 32-bit. — avirk 18 hours ago
flagged as not constructive. Also, TIL Windows installation "directory" has "Program File" & "Program Files(x86)"
@Sathya That's the first time I've ever seen anyone use that (aside from myself, and that's only because Thunderbird automatically inserts it)
@Bob fistbump
@OliverSalzburg haha nice
@Sathya Well, technically the Windows installation directory is C:\Windows and the 32-bit Program Files is Program Files (x86) by default (with the space)... Not sure about the NC flag though o.O
@Sathya: Unless its an employer/client i don't bother...
there's a running joke that if my e mails not terse and economically worded, its probably someone pretending to be me
@JourneymanGeek well it was an email to my Finnish peer
@JourneymanGeek lol
(Then again, anyone who knows me has been told to ask me about $embarassingOperationINeverHad if i e mail them asking them for money)
Q: windows 2008 server R2 how to reduce the cache size

sivakirangood afternoon. I have a query regarding cache memory. When i run my application, the number of page faults are increasing drastically, and many of them are hard page faults. So in order to reduce hard page faults i want to reduce cache size. But i am unable to find how i have to the required ta...

no prices for guessing where thats from
Hi guys, I have an old Acer TravelMate 2410 and I am not sure if there is a Bluetooth in it... How can I found it out?
The specification says: Bluetooth® (manufacturing option)
@EinsteinsGrandson Could you turn it on and check?
One of my hosting providers just sent me a mail about that leap second.
Saying their power usage increased by 1MW due to that issue.
So, some 2410s had Bluetooth but some didn't
@OliverSalzburg Power usage?!
When I turn it on by clicking on a BT button, it says : NO DEVICE with green letters...
The LAUNCH MANAGER utility does it...
Very ugly green font
@OliverSalzburg How is that supposed to work?
But it's good since it shows you how much more you can increase volume etc..
@EinsteinsGrandson Windows?
@Bob The issue causes certain processes to go into infinite loops, spinning up CPU cycles :P
Yes, Windows XP
The orginal that got with the notebook
Windows XP home edition
@OliverSalzburg o.O
That's a lot of power...
@Bob Well, it's a data center
I also downloaded the driver for BT
@EinsteinsGrandson Device manager?
Bluetooth Radios if sorted by type
Those crazy people from Acer why do they put BT button when they don't put BT into the notebook
Perhaps it was cheaper at the time to use a chip without BT?
Nowadays a lot of the common WiFi chipsets come with BT anyway
I see Bluetooth Bus Enumerator
might be BT 3.0
which dosen't work without a BT 2.0 radio
the producer is WIDDCOMM
what do u mean by BT 2.0 radio?
basically bluetooth 3.0 uses the wireless card to enhance bluetooth in some way
so you'd see a bluetooth device, but it won't work with a .. bluetooth device.
what do hack
so what for is there BT that doesn't work with my BT on my cell phone?
Recently on a wide range of unconnected servers, I've been noticing byobu sessions crashing out, with the message "Error: Cannot find master process to attach to!" appearing on the console/shell. I have not yet noticed any unifying factors; this happens when logged on to the physical console as well as over ssh, while the screen is in use as well as when it has been idle for a long time. byobu 2.68-0ubuntu1.1 and screen 4.0.3-14ubuntu1 are in use in all the cases I've seen (i.e. current upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 servers) {{{ $ screen -ls There is a screen on: 4384.pts-0.leela (14/09/10 23:55:39) (Dead ???) Remove dead screens with 'screen -wipe'. 1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-jim. }}} I have never noticed this behaviour before, and I've been using vanilla screen for a long time; recently I've been switching to byobu because I find the on-screen info bars to be useful. For this reason I'm listing this bug against byobu, but I cannot prove that. Suggestions for increasing debug visib
High / Invalid
What in the...
I don't need that right now! :D
i can still try UBUNTU right?
It should work in UBUNTU
it's much newer OS than XP
At least I hope they have driver and some GUI for BT in Ubuntu by default...
i will reboot to Ubuntu now
A: How to get file/folder size with SSH on linux?

Davidto know the size of folder from ssh you need to do this command if you folder name for example is " ordervps" du -h ordervps

new kind of spam
@Sathya Also not too obvious :P
@OliverSalzburg 1MW O_o
@Bob not sure if.. serious or sarcastic.
Hmm so I have 10k on AU. Not enough unicorns there.
there is no BT on TravelMate 2413WLMi
neither Ubuntu found it
What's with the "can you suggest me"?
I am not seeing anything...
Oddly common grammatical quirk :\
@Bob Indianism
Microsoft Support Squad? WTF
fake and fake.
@Sathya I call fake. It's blogspot, and look at that Windows 7 restart button. That's either a weird theme or a pirate/alternative version of Windows.
@tombull89 aye, it's fake, found in answer of a spammer. Just amazed at the address
@tombull89 Chances are it's a pirated version? :P
There was that guy with a "Gamerz' Pro" edition or something
@Bob Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
heading home, ciao folks
(the link was still on Google)
whh WTK?
@Sathya It did not happen for me :) :)
A: Why does Outlook 2010 give the message "Creating a new item from the selected items could take some time...are you sure you create a new item...?

superuserMy name is N. Sreedharan is a victorious leader in All International & India Women's organisation. because if it is trusted, believed, beloved & much more.

Spam from Outlook appearing in answers for Outlook questions?
now my brains fried
What to do with answers like these ?
Can I flag them @Sathya ?
I just did as spam ;)
someone closed the spammy talent contest chick's post before i could post a snarky comment
oh noes.
@HackToHell yeah, flag away as spam.
Now i want to try my DIII guest pass in wine ;p
@TomWijsman it is for d3 or for wow?
@Diogo Look in the URL. :D
@TomWijsman hm... nice
@Sathya Is a new moderator election comming? I just saw two new badges on SU...
@Diogo which new badges?
@Diogo it was rolled out network-wide during Stack Overflow elections recently, if you're talking about the Caucus and Constituent
caucus and constituent
didn't they happen a while ago?
yes @jokerdino
just on feb 2011 as I know
@Diogo that was last year's - superuser.com/election/1
What is ICS rom ?
@HackToHell ROM with Android 4.0
@Sathya yes, but it will not happend on 2012?
Oh, it's Ice Cream Sandwich :) lol
no comments :P
Is there an ICS rom for Xperia P, my friend wants one ...
@HackToHell I doubt
Official upgrade to be announced soon, blogs.sonymobile.com/products/2012/05/25/… and he's impatient
the Alienware comes with a plugin for WMP - allows the AlienFX lighting system to be used as a visualizer
For some reason, wired took this down :/ wired.com/threatlevel/2012/06/ff_anonymous
took what down?
@Sathya Alienware is awesome, their laptops are a bit bulky but cool neverthless
Advantages of being a tech blogger in Bangalore :/
I was in a gaming pub in Hyderabad once and they had rows of Alienwares ...
Each with it's own light, it was simply awesome !! (The entire place of dimmed out, enough for it to be dramatic enough)
@HackToHell tech-bloggers in Delhi have it better
You closed my question but in fact you answered it a bit by redirecting me to some useful resource-Thanks! — Wesley Khan 5 mins ago
so, yay me?
@Sathya How come, bglore is the IT capital or does polluted Delhi attract more companies
@HackToHell IT capital in terms of IT services, not product releases
@Sathya cool..
@Sathya Guess being a national capital is significant ...
webcache.googleusercontent.com/… This really tells a lot about Anonymous
@HackToHell yep.
@HackToHell too bad can't go beyond first page
The entire article is an page
why is the dear article down?
Why the hell did they pull it down ?
Something fishy :P
@HackToHell sweet
Why could have wired taken it down ??
@HackToHell contractual obligations?
meaning ?
they were forced to take it down.
What contract with whom ?
Bad FBI :P
In fact, Aiplex had been hired by Bollywood, a distinction that seemed to get lost in the fracas
Did not know that
Anonymous helped Tunisia revolution
This gets more and more interesting ..
@HackToHell no clue. Just a guess.
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