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> The biggest thorn in an otherwise solid laptop is probably AMD’s platform power draw. We’ve only tested two Raven Ridge laptops so far, but the idle power draw of each was remarkably consistent, falling within 40 mW of each other.
Agreed – my HP ENVY x360 has substandard battery life under light loads.
4 hours later…
@bwDraco riot?
@bwDraco heh, despite the chipset and cooling solution in a Macbook Pro being tiny and the unit having tons of space reserved for batteries, I get like an hour and a half of gaming unplugged from the battery on Vega 20 :P
at idle on the iGPU it's kinda meh, not great but at least you can get multiple hours of web browsing / word processing, but you have to be careful of programs that ordinarily ride the CPU pretty hard, like Discord (thanks, Chrom(ium) et al!)
of course, the hexa-core i9 uses more power than the quad-core i7, so the Intel side of the house is also drawing more power on this laptop than "normal" for a MBP
the combination of one or two Intel cores running with turbo boost and the Vega 20 running at max clocks under heavy utilization just destroys these batteries
I'm stuck waiting to see when ny new job will begin :\
new job? congrats!
I hadn't heard, been out of the loop a little
Well... It's been a very long waiting game.
Nov 23 at 12:57, by bwDraco
Also, I'm actually going through final budgetary approval for the job right now.
did anyone post the glitter bait bomb?
some swearing but... youtu.be/xoxhDk-hwuo this is great.
@JourneymanGeek lol it's been everywhere
2 hours later…
got my old rpi up
GPU dudes: what desktop GPU would be comparable in performance to the 1080M?
oh god. Doing anything on a old model pi is painful
apparently I can't have more than 2 ssh sessions? 0_0
oh. nvm
it just randomly died
@JourneymanGeek how old we talkin' here?
> And then there's Facebook, which has shown itself to be a wholly untrustworthy company, and one that is willing to hire political attack firm to plant anti-Semitic smears against its critics. And then lie about it.
@rahuldottech OG model B
A: Does a hard disk still work (with reduced capacity) when one platter is removed?

V. BalakrishnanThis does not provide a DIY, an easy way, to fix a Hard Drive. How very sad. A firmware provided by an industry addresses issues at a platter level and not at a sector level, discouraging self effort.

@JourneymanGeek ow
I actually have better hardware
to quote spencer...
That's not right
ok. the pi hole installer just broke dns resolution locally on that.
(I'll flash back the known good image ._.)
> Statement period: 17 Nov 2018 to 17 Dec 2018
Argh! Is this November or December?!!
Silly bank. :|
@Bob I just went all HULK SMASH on my Sony cans' carrying case :D
insert in the middle that is supposed to hold your USB cable / adapter? BLEEP it. I used brute force to rip it out by the stitches because it was keeping the headphones from fitting properly and I didn't have the patience to figure it out at 4:47 AM when I need to get on the road
LinkedIn just suggested my neighbour as a contact... o.O
@allquixotic :(
I like that insert, the headphones fit nicely around it
2 hours later…
@MichaelFrank neither, time is meaningless.
@MichaelFrank Pretty sure facebook is doing this to me
1 hour later…
@bwDraco this might amuse you meta.stackexchange.com/questions/320495/…
apparently someone copied your latest post
I don't have 10k there.
2 hours later…
you know when you change someones password on AD, and tick the box 'must change password on next login'
oh wait no ignore me
> A 43-second loss of connectivity on the US East Coast helped trigger GitHub's 24-hour TITSUP (Total Inability To Support User Pulls) earlier this month.
Uh... Ok then
> SpaceXs Crew Dragon Spacecraft and Falcon 9 Rocket
I knew there are ex-Apple employees that work at SpaceX, but geez, do you have to name your company after the Apple iPhone XS? :P
SpaceXS Max
@xkcd erm, what?
86% of the DNS queries are SPAM!
That surely depends on what you're blocking for
2 hours later…
Hmm.... my Home folder on my Ubuntu desktop is now a file called Home.desktop.
errr weird
i put the electric grill on
i put bacon in it
i smell gas
Mmmm... Bacon Gas
The pig must've been holding in a fart.
Doesn't bacon sometimes give off a slightly sulphur-y smell?
> Other 24 Hour Courier - £199.99
I think not, eBay
Buy it from AliExpress, shipping will be free and you'll probably get it in the next year.
Yeah, I should do that to be fair
> Time Spent: 00:15:00
Uhh... is that 15 minutes or 15 hours? D:
There is one, out of all the sellers I've seen so far, which says estimated delivery between 21-24 Dec
I have my doubts tho
@MichaelFrank HH:MM:ss surely?
wat u buying
> Due to the current weather conditions,parcels to most areas in the UK will be delayed for some days .The courier is working hard to return service to normal as quickly as possible.We appreciate your understanding and patience!
particularly as the listing includes the above
getting excuses in early and all that
@djsmiley2k a set of coat hooks
I could probably get them at a brick 'n mortar store but they'd want £6 for 2 rather than 4-6 quid for 10
Judging by the quick glance I cast at the ones in B&Q
I don't need them, like, now
metal ones?
The trendy hipster 'antique' style one
I kinda like the shape (and the fact that they have 2 hooks, albeit one is supposed to be for hats
fedora intensifies
lrn casting, build a forge, make ur own?
Probably would take longer than shipping from China
by foot
Did you try a second hand store??
yah but true hipster
also, picy?
@djsmiley2k Fair point! ;-P
@MichaelFrank Also a fair point
There's a hardware store down the road I might try tomorrow
i Made bacon noodles, with real bacon.
The kinda place that whatever you're looking for, they probably sell
And while you're in there they're also selling half a dozen other things you didn't realise you were looking for
I love/hate going in there...
Cheapish prices, in their defence
But like any true Scot I object to spending money unnecessarily...
@djsmiley2k Bacon sounds good, lose the noodles and we'll talk :D
Money not spent on booze is money wasted?
Not quite
But something like that
something something something, penny saved penny earned
Question is do I buy these almost-certainly-coming-from-China, posts from "London" hooks
Or spend some hours tomorrow trying to find them locally
Decisions decisions
@bertieb If you get lucky, there might be a store named "Knobs and Knockers" locally like we have!
@MichaelFrank But I don't need a knob!
Or a knocker!
Knobs, Knockers, and Hookers!
There's probably something along those linesnearby tbfair
@MichaelFrank Better xD
Throw in the blackjack, and we got ourselves a party
Now, about those coat hooks...
2 hours later…
tee hee, if you resize the window the hats jump
...I have to find this function which is located at some project on our gitlab instance. But unlike github you can't search by code, just project title and other metadata...
bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla bla bla
bla bla bla
bla bla
@ThatBrazilianGuy git clone repo | grep functionname ???
Jul 17 '16 at 21:00, by Ben N
Oh hey, it's time for some Windows Updates! <game show music>
> A game where the patch notes are made up (of nothing) and your files don't matter (or exist anymore)!
@MichaelFrank Yeah. Thankfully there are only six active projects and the function I need is on a current commit of a master branch.
@MichaelFrank Wait, a new .desktop file showed up, and your home folder is gone?!
And you say that so nonchalantly?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Well... hang on.
So that's what I mean.
Used to be a folder (shortcut, I guess) to Home
Now it's just... that.
But your home folder is still intact, right?
Yea, seems to be.
@MichaelFrank Yeah, replacing a shortcut with a broken shortcut is "meh" whereas replacing home with a shortcut is "I'll never use this OS / distro ever again".
@MichaelFrank Hey, I like WLIIA too!
Haven't seen the relaunch with Aisha Tyler yet tho
I haven't seen any for ages.
Except some random stuff when YT recommends me videos which73 million other people have already seen
Good clean fun

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