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weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllp. USPS went through the trouble to deliver my Hexgears X-1 as late as 7:15 pm.
@allquixotic you were since yesterday :p
Mods can push profile updates
(typing up a review on Reddit using this very keyboard)
@bwDraco color coordinated and everything! :P
Yes, it does pass battery level to the system over Bluetooth.
I have had nothing but trouble with Reddit's new rich-text Fancy Pants Editor.
Is it actually called the Fancy Pants Editor?
That quite literally is the official name for it.
Also, for whatever reason, it switches to the legacy Markdown editor when editing a text post, even if I last used the Fancy Pants Editor. This results in a loss of content when the post contains inline images.
3 hours later…
processor : 55
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 79
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v4 @ 2.40GHz
> processor : 55
28 total cores
@Bob remember how you said it was a single E5-2680 v4? welp.
it's fucking two
AWS would want like $38,000 per month for this
1 hour later…
dd if=/dev/sda bs=4M status=progress | zstd | ssh -c aes256-ctr root@newserver 'unzstd | tee >(dd of=/dev/sda) | dd of=/dev/sdb'
The authenticity of host 'newserver (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:xxx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
114152177664 bytes (114 GB, 106 GiB) copied, 2109 s, 54.1 MB/s
block level migration of my server to the MG-512 :P will then expand the zfs partition
the ideal bootup seems to be gpt but with BIOS mode
A: Trying to understand linux support for 4TB hard disk drive on legacy BIOS

Rod SmithI'm the author of the GPT fdisk partitioning software, so I know this subject pretty well. Previous answers have promoted some misconceptions that I'd like to address.... If you want a partition size greater than 2TB, you must use GPT instead of MBR. Probably. The catch is that that MBR max...

@bwDraco don't terminate the process, just disable and enable the extension. iirc that should unload and reload scripts. I'm not sure what happens if the process disappears
@allquixotic I don't remember what I said :P
but 28 skylake cores for that price is amazing
AIUI, even if frontend code has been written to the browser chrome or page DOM, it likely will not work because the backend code cannot be executed.
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek ah yes, through the three letter agency, right?
@rahuldottech I work for a TLA that's hired another TLA to run their systems ;p
@JourneymanGeek Intelligence community TLA or research TLA?
@JourneymanGeek Theatre of Living Arts? Texas Library Association?
Three Letter Acronymn
bbc.com/news/uk-46551986 I was not kidding about the great big gold mace
Brexit is a mess
It was always going to be a mess
Dec 6 at 0:51, by Journeyman Geek
https://boingboing.net/2018/12/05/last-laugh-on-zuck.html - I have this mental image of a serious english gent with a great big gold mace knocking on someone's door.
They spread misinformation and won the referendum (by a simple majority - which is ridiculous) and at this point literally no one is happy with the state of affairs, so...
2 hours later…
Maintenance mode, you say
We'll be taking Stack Overflow and the Stack Exchange Q&A sites offline for just a moment to failover our primary SQL clusters. Interruption should be minimal.
2 hours later…
> One of Robocopy's most handy features comes into play when it encounters a file that is in use. When it does, Robocopy will stop and wait for that file to be closed so that it can continue with the copy operation. It will retry to copy the file every 30 seconds. The default number of retries is 1 million (no joke!).
arugh too cold.
and windy, and rainy
/me sighs
i need some lunch
i walked to the shop
i'm drenched
it's like a monsoon out there
it should be snow, but .... warm D:
oh god the old 'my router is wearing out' type questionm
I tried to ask a question on wp.se and was flagged as a bot.
Well, not "flagged" flagged, but recaptcha-flagged.
Am I a human being? Good question, reCAPTCHA. How does oneself knows for sure?
Hehe. Back in the lead by a margin of 2 for Super User hats ;)
Hats are hard to get for someone as inactive as me stupid!
@ThatBrazilianGuy Some of them are easy. Some of them require creativity and friends in the right places :)
@rahuldottech That's why when I run a robocopy, I use the /r:0 /w:0 switches... Retry zero times, and wait 0 seconds before moving on
@Bob Haswell
@CanadianLuke Yea, same. Not sure why they have such a bizarre default.
@CanadianLuke 30 seconds, ow.
(because I was using robocopy to move files back and forth while trying to move an old, archival data partition on one of my old hard drives to the end of the drive, a process that entailed creating a correctly-sized partition at the end of the drive (using a temporary "filler" unformatted partition) and moving data from the old partition to the new one before deleting the old partition, through an intermediate drive, in order to leave the faster beginning area of the drive usable for backups)
3 hours later…
Proof that the average consumer does not need a high-end or even midrange processor: tomshardware.com/reviews/amd-athlon-200ge-gaming,5938.html
The average consumer only needs an Intel 4004.
Prove me wrong.
For certain values of "average consumer". Certain assumptions are being made here...
You just don't want to admit the superiority of the 4004! ;)
When I'm at my grandma's place, I use a PC with Win 8.1, 4GB RAM and a 2013-era Pentium. Works perfectly
FWIW, Father was using a dual-core AMD K8 for 11 years. It wasn't until a few months ago that it was replaced with an HP Ryzen (Raven Ridge) system.
@bwDraco This is really impressive tho
> 2013-era Pentium
Ivy Bridge?
I still use Sandy Bridge.
@bwDraco No idea, I'll let you know when I get back to India in a few days
(Haswell Pentium processors were introduced on December 1, 2013)
I can never remember the names in the right order
Probably because I've never tried to
1st generation Core i-series: Nehalem and Westmere
2nd generation Core: Sandy Bridge.
3rd gen: Ivy Bridge.
4th gen: Haswell.
5th gen: Broadwell.
6th gen: Skylake.
7th gen: Kaby Lake.
8th gen: Coffee Lake.
9th gen: Coffee Lake Refresh.

(Since 7th gen, a number of different codenames are being used for processors other than those intended for mainstream desktop platforms. This is due to Intel having been stuck on 14nm process technology for far longer than expected, forcing them to develop increasingly-specialized cores for different market segments. As a result, Intel processor generations
My dad runs a 2007ish era c2d with gentle upgrades
Cheap sad and windows 10. Otherwise identical to factory R61
I might get a ThinkPad as my next laptop, perhaps as a direct replacement for my current ENVY x360. But this won't happen until at least two years later, and I planned for this system to last at least three years. You won't be hearing about a Stolas II (or whatever the future system might be named) anytime soon...
Unless, of course, something unexpected happens that renders this machine unusable.
Quite practically anything that will run a modern version of Windows and a browser is good enough for the average user
My turtle is January. :D
> run [...] a browser
@bwDraco I have been less inclined towards thinkpads lately. Keyboards are not as good and Lenovo does dumb things
This is highly dependent on the websites being visited.
Father's desktop was replaced for performance reasons, with the processor being inadequate for even Amazon shopping.
Most (non-Atom-type) processors since Sandy Bridge, and even Nehalem, will clear this bar.
That sounds like a browser configuration issue.
It's very easy to do Amazon shopping on the slowest of processors.
You just have to turn off some of the more unnecessary and bloated features.
@forest IIRC I already set Firefox to two content processes.
There's more, like disabling more advanced rendering and prefetching.
Changing GC behavior helps if memory is an issue as well.
But I'm perfectly fine visiting Amazon on a <300 MHz system with 64 MiB memory.

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