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I guess its alright a few years down the line I would think of something better, and have and even more controversial topic to write a thesis on.
so really what do you do? @IvoFlipse besides moderating here.. you really quit your job?
well part of what I do
I'm learning some programming to do more advanced data analysis
before I could only manually looking at measurements and then come up with general trends
now I'm using Python to help me a bit
but I'm learning
I used to work for the company that makes such systems, but I didn't enjoy the atmosphere, living away from my GF and the work in general
wow! sounds cool.. you could develop apps that use your analysis, is that what you intend doing?
but currently I can get some results (really interesting ones!), but you can't 'sell' a Python script alone
so I need to wrap things up in a something like an application
and then add new analysis and improve on general things in the code
so true.. user friendly is the name of the game ultimately
that way I can 'sell' my work as a consultant
well for my previous job I used to visit all our scientific users
and everyone's reinventing the wheel
nothings compatible
or start your own software enterprise..
and the whole industry stays kind of stagnant, because they're being held back by the programming part
so I'll just do that part for them and hope to increase the level of all analysis with it
hopefully in return I'll get some more financial freedom to simply expand my scope :)
orthopedic companies claim you can't have machines measure what kind of shoe/orthotic they should be making
I think they know nothing of technology :P
financial and business apps arent moving foward in anyway either its the same over the years
look at bank softwares they look like they were made in 1995
and haven't been updated ever since
if you can create a 3D images of your body from magnetic radiation, surely a pressure measurement will be easier to model
and then they wonder why nobody is able to track macro scale trends in the economy?
no wonder if there's no way to connect all those fine little dots
hi @oshirowanen
he he..
hello @oshirowanen
hi @Ivo
hi @rzlines
Ah, forgot the mod elections were announced
Grats @Sathya @Studiohack @DMA57361
Any Linux users here?
part time user..
Not a user, per se, but I have experienced it ;)
Would you know how to install Drupal on CentOS?
yea a bit but i have just dabbled wit a few firewall os's and centos.. not too much experience though
well have you installed the requirements for drupal?
@oshirowanen only using guides that google gives me... drupal.org/node/327731
@IvoFlipse i love this image on your blog sosemarketing.com/wp-content/upload/big-dog-little-dog.jpg
hehe, I actually get google hits for that one
@Mokubai Thanks, I will give that a go.
:P you must like dogs.. you have researched a way into their paws..
I don't care one bit about dogs, but I love pressure measurements
but I must admit, it's fun tinkering with the data
wish i could base my research on dogs tht way i could get a pooch
@IvoFlipse A man after my own heart... don't care about the objects being measured, it's all about the data...
damn we need smileys here... @IvoFlipse
Maybe I could work dogs into my project somehow....
@Mokubai even worse, I don't even care about the data, only the knowledge it holds
gimme one of those ivo flipse pills :P
Hi @IvoFlipse, @Mokubai, @Sathya, @Troggy, @Wil, @David. And also @rzlines and @oshirowanen which I both never saw before.
You guys have been talking a lot, took some while to read the transcript... :D
@IvoFlipse Data + Applied Intellect = Knowledge :)
hi @TomWij
Also looks like a moderator room at some points in time.
sadly a lot of people lack both :P
Hi @TomWij :)
@Mokubai well summarized
they don't know what to measure and if they did, they don't know what to do with it :P
hmm... we should quote that @IvoFlipse
I'm at the not sure how to process the data properly stage myself, and don't get much time to work on it...
hi @TomWij, I think today is the first time I have used superuser's chat...
Tired of learning, so... Exams are over for this run.
@oshirowanen: Welcome then. :-)
Tetris FTW
I'm wondering if there is an API for this chat app?
not yet, AFAIK @oshirowanen
@TomWij Got anything planned now you're done with exams?
@oshirowanen: Should be fairly easy to write AJAX style requests.
@Mokubai: A lot of things.
Aye, I have to admit I'd like a WinMo app for this chat... the browsers on my phone really suck at rendering this page...
It feels like I never have free time... :D
@IvoFlipse, @TomWij. It seems pull based using a timer, instead of push based.
Well, getting in a higher league in StarCraft II is one of them, so that should solve my free time problem. :-)
@oshirowanen: Yeah, you can't create chats like this push based.
Or well, you could, with an end-less loading page that flushes, but I would call that a bad design...
@TomWij, @Mokubai, isn't the built in chat in google mail and facebook push based. Both seem to work perfectly well.
@oshirowanen Ah, well in that case I retract my ill informed statement :)
@Mokubai: You could with an endless while loop and php.net/manual/en/function.ob-flush.php, but you're sure to trigger something incompatible sooner or later and it isn't the Web 2.0 way of doing it anyway...
@oshirowanen Haven't used them, but I would guess it would be pull based. I don't see a proper way to do it push based...
You can confirm with Fiddler 2.
we have node.js now, making push much better!
@TomWij Bookmarked, looks like a neat tool :)
you can probably combine it with apache logs to see when an entry is made using the tail command, trying to avoid the loop writing...
@Mokubai: Yeah, works for most browsers and shows some really detailed stuff. Also have support for automatic responses to requests and that kind of stuff...
@TomWij, yet, apparently websockets are the web 2.0 way.
It picks off where your browsers developer tools end and isn't as complex as stuff like Wireshark.
@oshirowanen: Let me read up into that, haven't heard of it yet... :-)
@TomWij, which bit? websockets or node.js?
both, one moment...
@TomWij, you can use node.js now. the problem with websockets is all new browsers support websockets except ... you guessed it ie8. apparently even ie9 will not support websockets...
@oshirowanen: Hmm, nice to see that HTML 5 will bring WebSockets, will indeed make it possible to go push-based.
Although it looks that it's not widely supported enough yet.
@TomWij, as far as I know, from all the new browers released or about to be released, ie9 is the only one which will not support it...
@oshirowanen: How is node.js push based? It seems to be server-side JS to create a web server, I don't see how that makes a bi-directional connection.
@TomWij, it's not push based, it just allows better scalling of push based apps, because it allows easy implementation of event based servers.
I see
> First, work on WebSockets continues today and Microsoft is part of that discussion. No one should interpret this recent news as the end of WebSockets.
Seems if the websockets do standardize and the experimental phase is over they would probably implement it.
If not now, in the next years. They got to keep up with the HTML 5 standard anyway...
@TomWiji, I hope so. Would make life a lot easier. As I find comet really complex...
@IvoFlipse, @Sathya: Don't you have the option to choose between stars and pins?
I only see moderator pins at the right side now. :D
Hmm, also...
nvm, .bashrc is synonym for bashrc, funny... :-)
@Mokubai thanks!
so, folks .. almost 10.5k again .. time for a new 500rep bounty, dont you think? :)
@TomWij :P
Q: Why does WMI Provider Host ( WmiPrvSE.exe ) keep spiking my CPU ?

SathyaI generally keep my laptop on 24x7, and at the end of the day it's really annoying to have my thighs burnt because over overheating. The overheating seems to be a result of WMI Provider Host ( WmiPrvSE.exe ) spiking the CPU utilization to 25% every few minutes. Any ideas why this is happening ...

@Sathya: well, you can add your own 0.5k bounty there :)
@akira oh I intend to
as long as it goes without 'whining' about how bounties are handed out @akira ;P
what a silly ui
oh my oh my
invented by belgiens, right? :)
yup, I blame @TomWij
I'm Dutch @akira :P
as if anyone would read that darn mail saying "and dont forget to yada yada .. " (the bounty-reminder) ..
all in fancy colors and what not, looked almost like spam, i barely read the subject line
@IvoFlipse: all the same, you dont even have a working government :)
says the guy who's led by a woman!
says the one with that kind of avatar :)
you look like her son-in-law :)
and the Netherlands have a perfectly functioning government
I can't tell for how long though...
does he have a good looking Prodent smile too?
and powers to kick users from chatrooms? @akira
@IvoFlipse: /op abuse is so boring
i have that all the time
as op
says he who's being abused
and I'm back again; hello all :)
welcome back :)
a combination of scheduling mishap, illness and training left only two of us in the office for an hour... had to man the phones :(
the way handing out / losing bounty reps was not my problem. "dont make me think" is the problem in this case. it does not help to point to buried or long forgotten blogs or faqs either, especially not for folks who bounty the first time. noone reads up something foggy just because he/she wants to hand out bounty. change the ui so it reminds the users about losing bounty reps if he/she didnt click the bounty-botton and all is good.
strange @DMA57361 I'm using an example from a tutorial and again
it's not drawing anything
unless I force it to show()
in which case it blocks the code until I kill the figure
do you have the right versions of each library?
well I installed the latest version of Python(x,y)
I can try reinstalling Matplotlib separately
probably not worth it
@IvoFlipse: how do you install the stuff? virtualenv, pip, easy_install, .exe?
I've a copy of the interpreter my USB stick, lemmi give that example a try
import pylab
import numpy

fig = pylab.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
c = numpy.cos(2*numpy.pi*t)
print ax.lines
print 'last line color: ', ax.lines[-1].get_color()
raw_input("Any key to change last line to red ")
uhhh .exe as far as I know
lol i just got the talkative badge... seems like my first chat room badge
they need some gold chat badge :P
I'm sure I'm close to it
wish I could say I'll beat you to it but i can't @IvoFlipse , Ivo FTW
sorry, @IvoFlipse - it works for me
blue + green wave forms
hit a key and the green changes to red
(after I added a stopper at the end so it didn't quit immediately)
I think I should do a clean install of Eclipse alone
and add those libraries separately too
have you tried running the py file directly or only thought Eclipse?
this was through Eclipse
have you tried calling it directly?
yeah with IDLE it works, though it doesn't change color afterwards
all IDEs suck :)
have you tried it directly directly? as in python test.py - this is all I did after copying the code above
only problems, hiding away whats going on underneath which is sometimes really helpfull to get things going.
ah yeah it works in interactive mode
strangely enough I get a similar problem with that loop from last night
trying to make it loop through frames of a measurement
i worked once with folks who ran netbeans but couldnt tell me if their stuff was using ant as the build-system
"it just works .. *shrug*"
well @akira that's exactly the reason I went from Spyder to something where I have to know what it's doing to get it working
Hi there! :)
and Eclipse does have some options for writing code that make it usable
@IvoFlipse: but now you are trapped in eclipse? :)
Help, I can't start Safari!
> Your copy of Safari is missing important software resources. Please reinstall Safari.
well the code I write in Eclipse should work elsewhere too
I've did that, but it still says the same error.
@Nyuszika7H: you can only start a safari in africa
it wasn't the other way around
@akira :P
HA, darn .. revenge of the silly joke. chrome crashed :)
it doesn't draw anything while looping :\
and I even have a sleep delay in it @DMA57361
@IvoFlipse but in does when called directly or via IDLE?
this is just running it directly, in the vanilla interactive mode
how strange
I don't know what versions of stuff I've got on my USB, I think it was an (x,y) install thou
does anyone know LOGO there? :)
@Nyuszika7H: safari crashes while accessing gmail.com here. i ve decided to not consider safari as a real browser :)
@TomWij I get a 404 if I search for [bin] as well
hmm wonder if it tries to refer to the bin/ folder
same problem at SO
I think you may have stumbled across a tasty bug there @TomWij
Q: Minor bug: broken "bin" tag on StackOverflow

RupThis question Detect 1-time credit cards on SO is tagged 'bin', presumably for 'bank identification number', but that could easily have been used for something else. However the tag pages and searching for the tag return completely empty pages: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/bin http...

@TomWij Ahh, I was going to report that on MSO!
Q: Why can't I go to the [bin] tag? Is there a /bin folder?

TomWijAlthought there is a related question... Doesn't this need to be fixed? Example link: http://superuser.com/questions/tagged/bin

I have an addiction to tags...
well someone needs to have to keep the place tidy :)
Wait for my next meta question, I'm in need of tag slaves...
incidentally - your apps/applications/etc tag question - "app" is the only one with questions, and it only has 5?
indeed, so I was right then
@Sathya about?
11 mins ago, by Sathya
hmm wonder if it tries to refer to the bin/ folder
does anyone get this question ?
Q: Making space in Lilypond music

PodsgroveI want to make some extra space between the main body of the music and the coda. I use \break to start the coda on a new line, but a wider gap would look better and help the eye move down to find it.

Good morning, everyone.
@Sathya: I sure don't.
morning @MarkSzymanski
nope, but I don't know what Lilypond music is :)
@DMA57361 I think I messed something up there... Let me check my history.
@MarkSzymanski hi
@DMA57361: Adjusted, mixed up the tags. Should read right now.
Q: Similar to [software] and [applications], can [programs] and [app] be obliterated?

TomWijReference 1: SU Retag Request: [tag:applications] --> [tag:software] Reference 2: Can [tag:hardware] and [tag:software] be obliterated? Can we obliterate programs and app too? I already emptied desktop-applications.

(Changed applications to programs in the post)
I'd just spotted "programs" in the title but you beat me to it :)
damn i can't seem my avatar
on my profile
right, time to head home, cya all later
cya :)
Bye, @DMA57361.
and its back
Q: intrnett new vrsion?

dora.rorahi i hard sumthng stopd wrking 2day,,,but im nt sure waht it is abt sumthng 4intrnet do i hav2 buy nu compy??? download sumfin??? can i stil use my old compy? plz hlp!!!! i dnt want2 lose my facebk i realy nid it plz sum1 tel me so i can quik dwnload impront stufffz. plz help!!!!!,,......

Holy. crap.
I hate HATE stuff like that.
@TomWij Wow that's impressive.
is experiencing a tag overflow... And oh, those that want to be tag slaves, go buy a broom already... ^^
Wow 25 up votes and top ten for hot questions of the week and still no answer from Jeff. Oh well I guess I gotta be patient.
oh on the MSO question about tshirts
@ivoflipse sorry auto correct changed upvotes to jobless
By the way, another tag to look into for community FAQs: superuser.com/questions/tagged/howto
@tomwij I just look through the front page an there are like 20 of you names on there you crazy editing fool
@KronoS: Those are nothing.
Wait for it, it's going to be legen...
awesome, I found a course that describes exactly the Python stuff I need
including all their assignments, solutions and links for recommended reading
fantastic @IvoFlipse
and especially the recommended reading was useful
I stumbled on a tutorial for creating some matplotlib GUI
that directed to a book I already had, just didn't know I needed it now
hmm just ran into this
Q: Problem with links when converting to comment

Michael MrozekWhen a mod converts a post to a comment, if the post contains a link of this form: Check out this [awesome site][1] [1]: http://stackoverflow.com/ the comment will try to use the same syntax, but fail since that doesn't work in comments. Can it automatically convert to this syntax instead? C...

@IvoFlipse can you post a link to that
a link to what?
that figure?
ah that question I guess
@IvoFlipse the course & related reading, is it online ?
hang on, I can put it in Dropbox
it's in that boeken folder @Sathya
cool, that'd be nice.
cool, that'd be nice. Thanks @IvoFlipse
btw, did you check out the Geek & Poke book ? I put it in dropbox @IvoFlipse
it's called About Coders
nope, I'll copy it now
oi you deleted it?
moved it I guess :P
I should clean up that Dropbox folder
it's 2 gb
renamed it :P
Q: The Microsoft Office tags are duplicate.

TomWijmicrosoft-access <--> access microsoft-excel <--> excel excel-2002 excel-2003 excel-2007 excel-2010 microsoft-expression <--> expression expression-studio-3 expression-web microsoft-office <--> office office-2002 office-2003 office-2007 ms-office-2007 office-2008 microsoft-office-2010...

One more very big meta post coming up once I'm done...
added some new ones in Dropbox @Sathya
yep, Dropbox is sync'ing them - thanks ! @IvoFlipse
@TomWij are you wanting the specific "excel-version" tags migrated to "microsoft excel" or vice versa?
I had brought up excel -> Microsoft-excel quite some time ago
@Mokubai: Double arrow means I haven't made up my mind, so it's open for discussion.
@DMA57361 @Sathya and @studiohack have you guys been able to post an intro on the blog?
Q: Tag rename request: [excel] -> [microsoft-excel] & [powerpoint] -> [microsoft-powerpoint]

SathyaAt the time of writing this, there are 722 questions tagged as [excel] & 161 questions tagged as [powerpoint] I propose that the tag [excel] be renamed to [microsoft-excel] and [powerpoint] to [microsoft-powerpoint] considering the questions on Microsoft Word & Microsoft Access are tagge...

If I really have to choose, I would vote for microsoft- as the rest does here.
@KronoS oops, sorry slipped from my mind
that's what I'm here for :)
I could see killing either the "microsoft-excel" or "excel", but the other versions should either stay as is or be renamed to "microsoft-excel-version"
At least that's how I'd see it
@Mokubai: Yeah, I added several versions, but they indeed need to be split.
But as I'm doing way more work than that post I thought it would be trivial. :-)
I would vote on "microsoft-excel", "microsoft-excel-version" and so on as it leaves open the possibility of "sun-office" and other office suites without the ambiguous "office" tag which admittedly most people will associate with Microsoft Office, but could be used if someone had never actually used Office...
mornin @studiohack
Though it does mean you end up with very long tags
Most of that is a batch retag isn't it?
@Mokubai: Most are. But watch out for [office].
Urgh, looks like a nightmare on a stick...
morning @KronoS
Tags like multiple are like meh...
no, I haven't been able to do much yet @KronoS, so may not reach the blog for a bit...can you clarify what/how you want us to introduce ourselves?
@studiohack that's really up to you and what you want to put into there.

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