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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

@rahuldottech Not possible.
@rahuldottech HTML is used to make the layout of your website.
@rahuldottech You would need a scripting language to create an AI.
@rahuldottech It would also probably have to be server-side
@ds_secret Seriously? I had no idea! I was under the impression that HTML is an all-purpose programming language...
@ds_secret Yes you can! Hard To Master Language can do anything! :P
@rahuldottech Look it up.
@ds_secret Oh shit, man... I was so mistaken
I'm such a newbie
@rahuldottech You would need to use JS or some other scripting language.
@ds_secret Do you know a lot of programming? Can you teach me? How did you learn?
@rahuldottech Read books. That's how most freelancers and professional programmers learn how to program.
@rahuldottech Also I am younger than you!!!
@ds_secret Seriously? In this day and age? Books?
@ds_secret How old are you, young (wo)man?
@rahuldottech Try learning some other programming language.
@rahuldottech I am 13
Do they teach you programming in school or something?
@rahuldottech Use "the New Boston" on Youtube
@ds_secret What is that?
@rahuldottech In his crib, his parents gave him wooden toy blocks for parenthesis and semicolon characters
@allquixotic I don't understand?? Is that a programming joke?
At my school, they teach typing. Some of the students type about 20 WPM.
@rahuldottech "the New Boston" is a Youtube Channel.
@ds_secret 20 WPM! Seriously? I'm at maybe 15...
@rahuldottech I type 65-70 WPM.
@ds_secret WHOAAAA
@rahuldottech no you seem to be a lot faster than that
WPM = words per minute
@allquixotic Oh. I didn't know
So much to learn!
But... so little time. Taking care of a family isn't easy
@rahuldottech You call yourself a hacker.
at 20 WPM, "So much to learn" would take you at least 10 to 15 seconds to type
So much to learn so much to learn so much to learn so much to learn so much to learn so much to learn
@ds_secret haha that was just a joke lol
that was 12 seconds
@allquixotic what???
@ds_secret So... you're a pro, huh?
@rahuldottech You are typing about 40-50 WPM. That's my guess
@ds_secret Oh. Is that good?
I can go upto 100wpm
At my school, there are 5th graders typing at 8 WPM.
@ds_secret idk, is that impressive?
To some degree or another.
I see. Well, do you have any book recommendations?
40 WPM for coding or normal spamming?
on that I got 48wpm
but.... i can write at almost the speed some people talk at
i.e. my wife dictated a lot of her disseration to me, and I typed it up for her
@djsmiley2k that's cheating
@rahuldottech What language do you want to learn?
@allquixotic youtube isn't loading for me... It says I need "flash player", but the last time I tried downloading that, I got a virus :(
@ds_secret idk. So... HTML isn't all purpose, you say? What do you recommend then?
@rahuldottech I'd say Python.
You can make websites
You can make games
@ds_secret What is that? Never heard of it.
the troll is strong with this one
time to reboot then
@jokerdino also, that's not using sentences.
@rahuldottech Go to this website. tiobe.com/tiobe-index Python is the 4th most popular programming language in the world.
@ds_secret he knows
@rahuldottech Go to python.org
@ds_secret Okay, game's up. I've been trolling you. I've been coding since I was 9. Won my first international-level robotics competition at 11. I'm the author of four webapps, and manage more than a dozen websites. I type at more than twice the speed that you predicted.
Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
@rahuldottech All of your websites are "Temporarily Down"
we have a hacker on the prowl
Q: What did the computer scientist do after learning about asymptotic notation while drinking coffee?
A: P, NP, NP, NP.
Computer science is a branch of math, right?
Not what we do.
you don't get the joke
Admittedly, no.
There was also another joke that I didn't get. Someone told a joke about mistaking asymptotic carrier with asymptomatic carrier.
@allquixotic hahahaha
wait... intel uses wordpress?
there's the Spectre fix list :)
fortunately the L5630 I just started renting looks like it's covered with a Spectre fix
@allquixotic Green is fixed?
@MichaelFrank if there's a hexadecimal number in the "New Production MCU Rev" column, it's fixed, regardless of the color of the cell
green means they're still "supporting" it, so if it turns out that version is fucked, or there's other vulns in the future, they'll probably release a new version or at least try to
yellow is just recent changes to the document
and red means they didn't fix Spectre, you're permanently fucked and they won't ever fix it (or any future CPU vulns)
"Pre-Mitigation Production MCU" means the latest release of the microcode that's out does not contain a fix for Spectre; the future prognosis for that CPU, then, depends on if the cell is red (fucked) or some other color (they're working on it still)
it's interesting to me that those with the original Nehalem architecture on the desktop, like the i7-920, are fucked, but those using a server Nehalem chip like the L5520 will get a fix
so if anyone has an almost 10 year old Core i7-920 beater still around (I heard JMG has Core 2s still, so very possible) it will always be vulnerable to Spectre
@Burgi Apparently it does. Why the surprise? Does Intel has a WP competitor?
i would have thought they'd use something more robust and enterprisey
WordPress can be robust, it's up to the implementation. wordpress.com is a single multisite wp network with millions of sites.
And after all those years I'm not sure what "enterprisey" means, in concrete terms, apart of being a buzzword.
@allquixotic Wait... Core i9?
Huh. Apparently the world has known it since mid March!
No wait, what? Core i9-7900X released Jun 2017?
Ok, I'm officially out of the loop.
I wonder if it's for sale in Brazil. And for how much.
> Intel / Core i9-7900X

Intel Core i9-7900X 3.30 GHz CPU (4.30 GHz Turbo Boost) LGA2066 13.75 MB L3 Cache 140W Deca Core (20 Threads), 14nm.
From R$ 3.500,00 in 5 stores
A single processor costs more than four months of minimum wage
> Congratulations! This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed.
@allquixotic yup
Damned thing just needs a new hard drive every decade or so
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