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The problem is that you're using primitive imperial measurements, about as useful as furlongs per fortnight as a measure of speed. Get with the metric system :-) — paxdiablo 18 hours ago
@JourneymanGeek you don't use growl anymore, do you? :P
not really set up the download box properly this time
so no
Aug 2 '16 at 15:55, by bwDraco
We use imperial units when everyone else uses metric!
Aug 2 '16 at 15:58, by bwDraco
It's like everything we do is at odds with the conventions used by everyone else!
I am partial to alphabetical order. It's about as meaningful as most of the other rankings out there. — Najib Idrissi 5 hours ago
I like hugs
Just how ATCs stay calm under the most stressful conditions is beyond me.
(Yes, they hand-pick them for precisely that ability before they're even trained...)
So I just realised, my mobile phone and my high-end laptop both have the same WiFi capabilities
Back in the old days that'd be unthinkable
Well, thanks to minaturization and a drop-off in WiFi improvements (because it's already pretty good, and approaching the Nyquist Ratio for how much data you can cram into a given amount of spectrum), WiFi has had a chance to catch up on SoCs
Things that used to be crazy expensive in terms of die size, power, or cost, have been getting consumed by even the weakened form of Moore's Law... at the same time, things we like that add overhead have been getting less burdensome relative to hardware capabilities, like virtual memory, virtualization, JIT compiled languages, garbage collection, microservices...
@allquixotic I might've asked you this before, but have you ever used WiX?
@Bob fwiw I'm not too precious over American vs UK spelling in my posts. It is bad enough as is :p
@JourneymanGeek yea, didn't think you'd particularly care but on the surface that edit looked like intentional - was worried they'd go around doing it elsewhere
@Bob tried it once, it was pretty hard to learn the scripting language
@allquixotic Ah. WixSharp is nice but doesn't quite support what I need so I'm starting my dive into injecting a bit of raw WiX XML now :P
...led me to this:
> Unfortunately, the Devil 13 Dual Core R9 290X is not quiet. Registering more than 58 dB(A) in quiet mode and more than 61 dB(A) in performance mode, this graphics card is a conversation piece only in the sense that it doesn’t allow conversations to happen anywhere near it.
61 dBA? Seriously?
(though the reference R9 290X was also notorious for being extremely noisy when configured to run at 100% fan speed, hitting 65 dBA)
I seriously need an SPL meter.
@allquixotic also, the "throw more spectrum at everything" solution has made it easier to get away with being lazy on desktop/laptops (i.e. Most manufacturers including Intel only make 2-stream cards) and excessive miniaturisation on the laptop front also limit the capabilities thanks to the constrained m.2 form factor
@bwDraco you have one :p
If I understand what you mean, my phone isn't really accurate enough for this purpose :P
How accurate do you need it?
Something on the order of this:
IEC 60651 Type 2 (or IEC 61672 Class 2), like the one above.
poor @JourneymanGeek
no one ever listens to him (3 month rule and responsible buying) :P
This was already being considered for a while, but I had determined it was too niche to be worth it. Unlike a non-contact IR thermometer or even a thermal imager, there are few situations where I actually need an SPL meter.
Also, waiting three months is too long - I tend to decide whether to buy more expensive gear by trying to guess how the product would be used over several months' time.
@Bob Did you mis-spell impulse buying?
Most larger purchases are planned over a few weeks' time at most.
@FMLCat no :p
Yes, it's easy to make a biased decision because it's something you want now, but I try to filter out the emotions and focus on how the product would realistically be used farther into the future.
@Bob No one ever listens when their mom says "you must chew your food 21 times before swallowing" either
@bwDraco oh I really really do this
Between some historically strict discipline on purchasing products (though rules have eased a bit) and a budgetary crisis a few years back where I nearly ran out of money, I'm generally very good at making sure I don't overspend.
    project.WixSourceGenerated += (XDocument document) =>
        var allEls = document.Descendants();
        var toasterShortcutComponent = allEls.First(el => el.Attribute("Id")?.Value == ToasterShortcutId);
        var toasterShortcutEl = toasterShortcutComponent.Select("Shortcut");
            new XElement("ShortcutProperty",
                new XAttribute("Key", "System.AppUserModel.ID"),
                new XAttribute("Value", ToasterAppUserModelId)));
makes this
    <Shortcut Id="GrowlToToast.1.GrowlToToast.Shortcut.Toaster" WorkingDirectory="GrowlToToast.1.GrowlToToast.Shortcut.Toaster.WorkDir" Target="[INSTALLDIR]\Toaster\GrowlToToast.Toaster.exe" Name="Toaster.lnk">
      <ShortcutProperty Key="System.AppUserModel.ID" Value="GrowlToToast.Toaster" />
Most purchases valued at $50 or more are closely checked these days.
@allquixotic ^
@JourneymanGeek Clarify?
@bwDraco what Bob said. I basically wait at least 3 months before making a bigger non essential tech purchase
I know what the 3-month rule is, but how did you arrive at this approach?
The largest purchases (>$300-500) are typically based on several weeks to a couple of months of savings, so there is longer planning, but not necessarily three months.
@Bob iiiinteresting
@bwDraco cause I find if I want something in 3 months, I really do
@allq was constantly talking about headsets and stuff and that made me want one. aptX Low Latency is not a requirement for me (as long as I can plug in an audio cable), but his other requirements (Bluetooth Class 1, long battery life, ANC) are pretty much the same as mine.
After some deliberation, I decided that the Sennheiser PXC 550 Wireless was the best choice for my expected uses.
@allquixotic, are you on Gitter?
But I haven't allocated any funds for it and I just missed Best Buy's sale.
At $400 MSRP, it's expensive enough that I need to allocate funds for it in advance.
it's nowhere near that much
Regional differences in price? It was $300 a few days ago, and is currently selling for $380 at major vendors.
could've sworn I saw it at 250, though that could've been a christmas sale
yea even now it's available locally at the equiv of 280 usd
is something cheaper in au for once? :P
@allquixotic, are you around? I'd like to chat a bit on Gitter.
Learning LXD: Locally, or in the cloud or dedicated server?
Not in production.
Depends on what you have access to ;p
I can set up a VM on my desktop pretty easily.
that's a good place to start ;p
I was thinking about whether to create a dedicated instance on Linode with Ubuntu Server, but then I'd have to go through the trouble of setting it up and securing it properly, not to mention that I'd have to pay an extra $5 or more a month. But it would be a more realistic environment, with a static IP address to work with.
Also, I don't know Ubuntu particularly well, so it would take me longer to set up SSH keys, firewalls, etc., leaving me more vulnerable to attack for longer. This would not be an issue if I just do it locally.
which is where the home setup is a good idea
@bwDraco erm
setting up ssh pubkey auth and disabling password auth is all of 15 mins with google, even if it's the first time
Doing a color accuracy check on the main monitor, but I'm on the netbook.
there's really not much to firewall setup
(haven't run the calibration routine in ages)
as in, there's nothing you need to do with a firewall to 'secure' an empty linux server
(windows is a bit more interesting, since there's some rpc ports that are listening, especially on a DC)
Well, if I set it up locally, the VM would have access to the full resources available on Astaroth, including large amounts of RAM and storage.
(though realistically, it shouldn't need more than 4 GB of RAM or 32 GB of storage, and probably less)
@bwDraco go for it
What system resources does this require?
approximately nothing
@Bob lol
I like how you use these words.
> *cough*
> approximately nothing/zero
what's the phenomenon called, where you can see pixels on your monitor at very specific angles only? (not even looking particularly closely)
> protip
@allquixotic errr. viewing angle?
@JourneymanGeek It works! My time machine toaster works! :P
Okay... calibration report: fierydragonlord.com/displaycal/…
This Dell has held up remarkably well, though the gamma has drifted a bit.
I might recalibrate this thing later on.
falls over
What you all know about Booty Holes?
they're holes. On booties.
Yep!! : -)
Maybe a good chat shortcut alias or whatever ... !#/BootyHoles
I forget the syntax but you know what I'm saying
(the monitor was calibrated back on November 18 when I first got it)
Hmm... this is for a professional display but some points are still relevant. Of note on page 6:
> As with all LED backlit displays, there is a burn-in period where the LEDs will drift slightly until they “settle down.” Though the amount of burn-in drift will vary from display to display, we have observed a typical white point drift of approximately 1.0 Delta E 2000 after 250 hours.
Not too surprising. I suppose that if I calibrate this monitor again, I won't have to calibrate it all that often afterwards (though consumer-grade displays are less stable than pro monitors).
!!will you answer in the affirmative?
@allquixotic Yes, absolutely
Cavil enjoys cooperating with his owner
...and this is consistent with the calibration report indicating mostly luminance drifts.
Your thoughts on display color accuracy and calibration?
@ChatBotJohnCavil good mildly genocidal android....
1 hour later…
This is why using threats of violence as a first resort is never a good idea ;p
About 15 quid, looks nice for a starter ;p
@JourneymanGeek o.O
though... its odd that it has no clip
Apple. Pen. Mmh! Apple-Pen!
@allquixotic that's only my second most hated song ever ;p
what's your most hated?
The ketchup song.
Its like the earworm equivilent of glitter.
I heard it once in a supermarket, and had it stuck in my head for weeks
I'm going to find a way to make that autoplay for you at some point :D
maybe create EM radiation from rendering a pattern of dots in an image that I onebox, that then reminds you of it
That practically requires a rolled up copy of the classified
Morning o/
Will be paying an airport for the privilege of dropping someone off this morning
Which is nice
1 hour later…
@bertieb always nice
Yup! However it's alright because when I got back, friendlyneighbourcat came and said hi :)
erm, cool? :D
It's hard to turn down a friendly animal when they say hi
didn't know if that was some weird code :P
Hah, like a euphemism? :P
"So, when I got back, there was this friendly neighbour 'cat' waiting for me..." 😏
No more servers on fire today I hope?
(does Windows have an event for that? "Unexpected shutdown, flames detected")
@bertieb Dunno.... but....
lp0 on fire (also known as Printer on Fire) is a semi-obsolete error message generated on some Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems in response to certain types of printer errors. lp0 is the Unix device handle for the first line printer, but the error can be displayed for any printer attached to a Unix/Linux system. The message did not reliably indicate whether the printer in question was actually aflame. == History == The "on fire" message probably originated in the late 1950s, when high speed computerized printing was still a somewhat experimental field. The first documented fi...
Ha, nice
> Still in the kernel as of 4.0
Still in the kernel code as of now.
printk(KERN_INFO "lp%d on fire\n", minor);
shrug If someone needs the joke explained... he needs to get off my lawn ;p
In computer engineering, Halt and Catch Fire, known by the assembly mnemonic HCF, is an idiom referring to a computer machine code instruction that causes the computer's central processing unit (CPU) to cease meaningful operation, typically requiring a restart of the computer. It originally referred to a fictitious instruction in IBM System/360 computers, but later computer developers who saw the joke created real versions of this instruction for some machines. In the case of real instructions, the implication of this expression is that, whereas in most cases in which a CPU executes an unintended...
Don't forget...
Good old days...
@JourneymanGeek Sorry :\
Computers are people too
@bwDraco telling someone they need to get off the lawn in itself is a joke ._.
Well, I kinda knew that but my explaining the joke was the problem, not the "get off my lawn" part.
Not really a problem problem
you kill the joke when you explain it
This is an ongoing issue.
@Burgi I don't get it, can you explain that to me?
@bertieb MURDERER
@bertieb there is this chicken, right...
in Ask a Super User Moderator, Jan 19 at 8:32, by bwDraco
So... I have a tendency to explain jokes. Quite often, I do in fact realize that a joke is a joke but I go ahead and explain it anyway with the knowledge that doing so is potentially disruptive.
@Burgi I've never actually heard that one before ;p
Not intentional this time, but still a problem.
@JourneymanGeek :D
Depends how you explain it I guess
I miss old Simpsons
(if it was in fact intentional, it could reasonably be considered trolling)
So... this is a genuine problem because it's recurring and disruptive. It derails the discussion.
but a joke isn't a discussion ;D
So there's nothing to disrupt
and infact, you've managed to start a new convo in of itself.
Well, come to think of it...
hmmm ok, that's level1 tech news listened to :/
I need more stuff like that on youtube to listen to
But it's embarrassing and making me look like a troll.
I don't think anyone here thinks you're trolling.
I wouldn't have said so to either of those things
And something isn't embarrassing, unless you decide to treat it as so.
infact you explaining a joke, is part of what you do.
it's almost a joke, that you'll explain the joke, to the point at which you start recusing and explaining that.
One of the reasons I enjoyed Craig Ferguson's delivery style was that if a joke fell flat he'd just say "well that was bad, let's move on"
Eddie Izzard did a similar thing
And yeah, can make a joke of the meta-aspects as smiley says
One of the things I've learnt about myself as I've matured is that I'm not going to change myself overnight, or maybe at all
But I can see my personality and use it.
...back on topic. The idea that a printer could catch fire is a funny one in and of itself.
(myself, I poke fun at past-me or future-me, how badly I jury-rig things sometimes and the oddness of some of the tech issues I run into)
for example I'm very aspie, I don't do well with social situations etc
but.... I can make a joke of that, in social situations
well, don't laser printers go to like 300C?
or even hotter maybe
Right? It's about owning who you are and doing with it what you will
FWIW, I kinda think that anything is learnable.
Could be, could be
There was a chap on at the end of the Today programme this morning talking about mental wellbeing and happiness
20 minutes a day over 3 months apparently leads to detectable brain changes
(He was billed as, incidentally, "the happiest man in the world")
@bertieb As in permanent changes? I think I've heard this before...
what did @bertieb murder this time?
Jul 28 '15 at 21:22, by DragonLord
Always keep that little bit of hope in your heart that the human condition can be better.
I wasn't there, and if I was I didn't have a knife in my hand, and if I did I definitely didn't stab anyone, and if I did it wasn't the person who died, and if it was them I didn't stab them fatally, and if I did it was in self defence, and if it wasn't I plead insanity
"I need an attorney."
Ah, this is what attorneys will argue
(I want to say attourneys, Britishly)
I think I borrowed stole the above bit from someone somewhere
"My client wasn't there, but if he was..." etc
Can't find it, so I'll just go with an unrelated Carl Sandburg quote
> If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell
The 'happiest man' segment was Dr Matthieu Ricard
The man himself has a TED Talk on happiness
tl;dr from the interview this morning, he meditated in isolation for five years
i heard that
Radio 1 big weekend coming to coventry :O
He said you don't have to be in isolation for 5 years, but 20 minutes per day can make a difference
@djsmiley2k I think an ex of mine went to that once?
i liked how they had a German scientist say "we have studied how happiness in made in the brain"
@bertieb i went to two of those
i saw muse at the first one
Oh, were they good? Never seen them in person
Matt Bellamy struck me as a nervous fellow
Mind you, I'd be nervous as hell in front of a crowd in the $many_thousands
they were ok. we were miles from the stage and had to sit through a ton of boring pop acts
the 2nd one was more mini festival and waaaaaay better
we saw the white stripes and others
i think the coral were on too
Ah, cool cool!
ah yes!
Haven't been to a festival myself, not sure if it's my thing or not
I get bored/distracted/yearn for a cup of tea easily :P
BBC Radio 1's Big Weekend (previously known as One Big Weekend, for 2012 as Radio 1's Hackney Weekend, and for 2018 as Radio 1's Biggest Weekend) is a music festival run by BBC Radio 1. It is held once a year, in a different location within the United Kingdom each time. It is the biggest free ticketed music event in Europe and always includes a host of new artists. The festival is a spin-off of Radio 1's "One Big Sunday", where every Sunday during July and August, a different town would host the roadshow, usually next to a beach or in a large park. These were also free, but non-ticketed. Both the...
Yeah I'd litterally go mental.
> Sunday 4 May 2003
The White Stripes
Dirty Vegas
The Coral
Badly Drawn Boy
How are the Stereophonics live?
we left before they came on, we'd been there since 9am
(also, which part of the sine wave of cool/uncool to like them are we on at the moment?)
Ah kk
a friend of a friend has a farm and hosts a mini-festival in the summer which is invite only
@bertieb i think when you hit 30 it doesn't matter which bands you like unless you are john peel
John Peel seems like a familiar name, but my mental index cards aren't being helpful
("Avengers? No, John Steed... Uhh John Wick, no... Bobby Peel? Uhhh")
the guy who launched the careers of almost every major band of the 20th century
he used to be on radio 1 in the evenings
@bertieb i watched At World's End last night
my god its bad
Oh, really? :S
It's the last one in the Cornetto trilogy?
I'm a fan of Simon Pegg / Edgar Wright but haven't seen it yet
it just feels forced and lackluster
Jokes fall flat? Pacing?
its like everyone involved had better places to be
That's a shame as the first two were gold
i think edgar wright was busy with ant man and simon pegg was busy with either MI or start trek
@bertieb they arn't dead yet....
Forgot that one :P
the copying dialog box in win 10 is terrible
especially when you have multiple files with the same name
its just confusing
Wait, whaaaaaat
> Please note that the .EU registry requires a valid EU address.
Unexpected Brexit developments
Forgive the language, but
S*** just got personal
well register it now for 10 years
we'll be back in by then
Was just thinking that
I wonder tho if there might be restrictions on maximum length duration
Ah, 1-10 years
I'm sure I came across some tld or other that had a weird max duration
I think my .UK is registered under my address as a student in the UK :p
.uk domains have no geographic restrictions... for now
[consumes tea Britishly]
aren't you a tartan wearing irn bru drinker?
a fair and valid point
I'm not entirely sure what nationality I identify as
Attack helicopter probably
Somewhere mid-Atlantic somewhat east of the halfway point, in reality
(er, the helicopter bit was a joke; the next bit was unrelated)
@Burgi them bastids ruined it :(
(they're making a low sugar version cause of sugar taxes)
i have an image in my head that TOWMN is a kilt wearing cat
@JourneymanGeek A can has 35g of sugar in it! That's... that's... a lot of grams
@bertieb ... One does not alter perfection
Alcohol is bad for you. I don't see them messing with whisky. Presumably cause there will be angry, drunk men with claymores at the door.
I prefer the diet version anyway
Welllll actually
Minimum alcohol pricing
There's a special place for people like that. Birmingham!
Albeit that mostly affects trong cider, not whisky
Ooh, burn :P
when we went to edinburgh we were surprised when all the pubs shut early
For all the jokes, memes, stereotypes and swagger; Scotland has a real alcohol problem </soapbox>
@Burgi I thought basically everything but the garages shut early in UK
@bertieb and other things, sure.
in england and wales pubs and bars a can open 24 hours a day
I don't drink booze.
@JourneymanGeek I'm not sure which of the alcohol or diet is overall worse
Smoking was an issue, but it's been falling a fair bit
@bertieb I apparently lost my taste for junk food when I hit my 30s...
Over here in the West, shipbuilding and related stuff is still throwing up lung problems due to asbestos
Despite the decline of the shipyards happening long ago
Hah, aye
Give me a pizza maybe once a month and I'm happy
Though I fry more stuff than I should, probably
Hey ho
Time for a cuppa
Is there a quite way to browse installed font samples in Linux?
Can never quite remember which one I want
probably some applet in your DE
Ah yeah good point
Will see what openbox has
omg... i just realised i've lived my life mostly in the 21st century
So, that means you are 18ish?
XKCD's guide to making someone feel old, Burgi Edition
1983 to 2000 = 17 years, 2000 to 2018 = 18 years
wait, ur older than me :OP
i thought you knew this?
Whoa. This rejected edit request is actually hilarious: superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/726143
Don't people ever think about the consequences of their own actions?
I don't understand the latest xkcd
nobody does
But the #1945 is priceless... :)
!!xkcd 1945
is he saying that Office 2007 fixed the hideous graphs?
Good question. I think I did, actually. SmartArt and themes were serious improvements.
no, most of the hipster scientists started using Latex instead
Oh! You mean LaTeX! I didn't know it drew charts.
@FleetCommand Lyrca ;)
that was funny, you shouldn't have deleted it
@JourneymanGeek +1 for LaTeX
Not that I'm currently using it or anything coughs
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