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sounds like a non-PSW UPS
@allquixotic Yup.
2 hours later…
eh that's sneaky.
So, in wolfenstein: TNC, after the main campaign, there's a series of "assassination" missions set in varients of the same level. It designed in such a way that you can only really get to the last guy if you grind, and you only unlock the last guy if you finish the rest, and even if you get all the minigame you need to unlock the assasinations right... you'd be a few short
Its fun still, and I probably might go for 100% so I'll be playing through the missions anyway....
1 hour later…
Hello. Is it good place to ask about backup of rapidly disconnecting pendrive issue?
I'd go with the main site
@JourneymanGeek Oh, I meant to ask about on-topicness
oh, certainly on topic
thank you
4 hours later…
man, that last wolfenstein mission was... actually pretty intense. Even if for some odd reason they didn't use the main elements of it anywhere else.
Q: Building a vulnerable Linux is using LFS

user254530I want to create a intentionally vulnerable os as my college project.. I'm planning to build it using LFS. What things I should take care of when building the os from scratch in order to make it vulnerable... If there is any useful links please share.. Thanks in advance

Too broad?
@JourneymanGeek I'd say so
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek I watched a couple "all cutscenes" videos on YouTube for that game... It looks legitimitely INSANE.
@MichaelFrank it is
i felt like i slept well last night
until i got up
and now feel like i forgot to to sleep last night :/
Today, one of my old answer got one downvote. A few hours later, as if in retaliation, it got two upvotes.
sup bob
sup @djsmiley2k? By the way, how is your username pronounced?
dj smiley 2 kay
@djsmiley2k Since you went into the trouble of spelling out "K" into "kay", I suppose "dj" is not pronounced "dee jay". Right?
Okay... The starred messages list seems to give me a good idea as to what has been going on: There was a great deal of talk about security and the notion that it can be circumvented with drugs and a $5 wrench. (Doesn't the drug cost $500?) And Burgi has talked about two of his favorite subjects: Alcohol and sex.
@allquixotic speaking of cheap phones, boost.com.au/shop/boost-luna
@FleetCommand yeah it is but i felt that was obvious
@FleetCommand lol
> Barclays has admitted it has a “known” technical problem that is resulting in thousands of letters containing pin numbers being sent out in the post alongside new debit cards.
@FML not any more.
I fat fingered some of my music collection....
and that got replicated to the local backup before I could do anything about.
Grabbing it off the network backup but zis is why I have 3 copies...
and I probably should have the copy I use as the 'master'
@JourneymanGeek Someone I knew once used TagScanner's "Cut all Tags" on all his music collection and then "Paste all Tags" after adjusting the pasting parameters. Wrong tag went to wrong files.
He was having a fit when I urgently told him: "Don't panic! You are running Windows 7! Everything is okay".
@JourneymanGeek Writing 0_0 means you've never heard of Shadow Copy, right?
I ran Shadow Explorer, pulled up the latest Shadow Copy and told him "This is your computer as it was three hours ago. Get an external hard disk drive" (he had many!) "and start recovering things where you last had them." And he had moved things around quite a bit.
Reasons? ;p
That disk's pretty much constantly written to
So was his.
But those last set of Shadow Copies weren't overwritten.
actually bvckup dosen't actually delete files
it just renames them...
anyway the files are copied over now ;p
@JourneymanGeek Too bad. Shadow Copy is the most effective thing for recovering overwritten files. That's why I was sad when it got discontinued in Windows 8.
@FleetCommand I kinda use these as an opportunity for testing my backups ;p
@JourneymanGeek Backups are useless if replication is faster than the human :)
@DavidPostill eh, true!
But I wanted those to be instantish
since they're fast
what I should do is backup to a local external HDD, and replicate out
rather than backup to a NAS, then replicate back
Replication is not backup.
(I had reasons for the old setup)
It is merely redundancy.
@FleetCommand I do full system OS backups to a NAS, and some media files get synced around.
So, your music are now intact?
And that means you can revive the "fat-fingered" ones?
the NAS copy's only replicated every day
Just out of curiosity, what software?
bvckup2 for files and replication over smb
veeam for system backups
(yeah, there's probably free things that do what bvckup does. It does give me a ton of flexibility, and is relatively reslient)
I have an archive of software installers that I need to keep in sync between my laptop and PC. Bvckup2 couldn't do it because it is uni-directional and I wanted bi-directional. So I went for WinMerge.
ah, I need unidirectional
else, btsync should be fine
@FleetCommand What? Why isn't replication (copying a file somewhere else) not a form of backup?
> Backup involves making a copy or copies of data.
@DavidPostill Backup is also a form of insurance against accidental deletion and accidental bad changes.
@FleetCommand I kinda always have one 'canonical' source of stuff. The dumb thing is me actually using it as the copy I 'work' on
@JourneymanGeek "Btsync"? Google is somehow finding a lot results for Resilio instead. I don't know why.
@FleetCommand they changed names
I don't use it that much cause I don't need what it offers me that much
I had it in one incarnation of the torrent box to transfer files, but I just grab it with cyberduck
(mountain duck seems interesting, but eh, I don't really want to spend the money on a licence yet. Which is slightly silly)
It seems Resillio works over the cloud, i.e. the files are synced over the Internet.
@FleetCommand The main difference is that a proper backup can create multiple time stamped copies of data so you can restore to a particular point in time. Replication doesn't do this, but it is still a kind of backup.
@DavidPostill in this case availability's important. I'm never deleting anything explictly
backups manage themselves, music never gets files removed, only added.
@JourneymanGeek I know, I was responding to @FleetCommand
(if it wasn't 100gb or so, I'd consider going back to optical media. I think my first backups were... 2 cds worth, grabbed off I donno kazaa)
132gb at the moment ;p
I don't do automatic backups mostly because I don't have any local data I can't live without. I do manually replicate local data I somewhat care about regularly to other storage devices which get rotated offsite.
At the moment that works for me (I've never lost any data), and when I can afford it I will implement a more robust solution.
@DavidPostill I could live without, its only I donno, 2 decades of music ;)
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I have more than 2 decades of music as well. Stored in at least 4 locations, one offsite. I don't often add to my collection ... :) And I still have the original CDs for all of the stuff I really care about so I can rip again :)
@DavidPostill ah, quite a lot of my early stuff's my brother's
I've offered to do his collection when I have time, but he seems oddly reluctant.
I mean, his collection can't be as embarassing as mine :)
Sorry to barge in but could I ask a question relevant to an issue I'm having atm? Whenever I opened file explorer, it would crash when I right clicked a file in it. I downloaded a shell thing, and now I've found that it's an iCloud context menu that was breaking it. But NOW I think the reason for that is because iCloud throws an error about a missing .dll, but installing the relevant c++ distributable hits me in the face with "can't install, already on computer".
What do?
@Phase That looks like a question for the main site ...
Yeah it's just that the nature of stuff like this is that it's likely to not be resolved by the immediate suggestions, and idk about over here but on other stackexchanges they tend to forbid comments for extended discussion
(remind me again why having a chat faq is a bad idea? ;p)
@Phase essentially - if its a question, it belongs on the site. If its someone complaining about something, its fine. Its one of those things cause... random people barging in asking questions kinda works badly cause... its never one question
Backup is a subject whose basic deciding characteristic is qualitative instead of quantitative.
Periods, numbers, chain length, size, file number, fragment number and literally everything about it is decided by a qualitative factor: What is my definition of information usefulness threshold.
@FleetCommand "I dun goofed. I undun goofed. I should adjust my workflow so I less goofed."
(cause while it wasn't a commercial success, I love this movie)
@FleetCommand "What is my definition of information usefulness threshold." The my says it all. Only you can decide that. Closed as opinion based :)
stab apple?
@DavidPostill Oh, I see. You are not aware that "qualitative" means "The my says it all. Only you can decide that. Closed as opinion based." (Or does it mean something else in British English?)
There is also another word for it: "Subjective". (Antonym: "Objective")
Of course these words already have different use cases.
@FleetCommand I am well aware qualitative means (being a native english language speaker).
@FleetCommand See the words personal and individual in the definition? That means it's what you think, not somebody else. And that makes it opinion based.
I think we're overexamining it ;p
@DavidPostill Exactly. So, why do you seem to disagree with something here? I think I remember having greeted you with "how may I disagree with you today" but it was in a distant past.
@JourneymanGeek lol. I'm bored so I suppose I'm trolling :)
Okay, that explains it. ;p
@FleetCommand I'm not exactly sure what I'm disagreeing with any more :)
I can't find any decent question on SU to answer ...
I hit 22222 on MSE today
> It looks like we didn’t approve your item because we don’t allow the sale of adult items or services (eg sexual enhancement items or adult videos)
@DavidPostill that's a bit of a booby
I have a feeling that StarCraft creators didn't exactly know the meaning of "transcend".
Is it me, is there really something wrong with this sentence: "The Xel'Naga who forged the stars shall transcend their creation".
@FleetCommand No, if you use the definition that "transcend" means "go beyond" or "surpass"
"Transgender lessons for two-year-olds: Drag queens drafted into nursery schools to teach children about sexual diversity"
I remember in Devil May Cry 2, the antagonist wanted to transcend all creation.
Still, that's developed by the Japanese; I always assumed Blizzard employees are native English speakers.
@DavidPostill eh sounds like something in the mail.
I don't think 2 year olds have the same prejudices adults have ;p
> Most children by age 2:

Begin to understand simple time concepts, such as "now," "later," or "a few minutes." (The distant future or "forever" are too complex to conceptualize at this age.)
Follow simple requests, such as "Put the book on the table." But two-step instructions, such as "Wash your hands and come here," usually cannot be completed.
Recognize basic symbolism, such as nodding the head for yes or no.
Often want to do two incompatible things at the same time. For example, a 2-year-old may want to go out in the snow and wear his or her slippers.
And they are are expected to understand sexual diversity?
@DavidPostill no need to?
Oh, great. In the old times, there was discrimination through segregation of social roles and now there is discrimination in the form of anti-segregation efforts.
also drag queens != transgender
@JourneymanGeek It was reported there, but that doesn't mean it's not happening ...
Lots of drag queens are, well, dudes who like wearing womens clothing.
@JourneymanGeek I am well aware of that. But I expect a 2 year old wouldn't be ...
(also, the mail loves to publish these... moral outrage pieces, aimed at demonising certain parts of the population their core readership dislikes)
dragqueenstorytime.co.uk/about-us is the "company" involved
> We aim to capture the imagination and fun of the gender fluidity of childhood, while giving children a glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role model. By providing spaces in which kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions, we allow them to imagine the world in which people can present as they wish...
I pop into chat and ... I have no idea what's going on here
drag queens?
hah Bristol. <3 Stay strange bristol stay strange.
@JourneymanGeek isn't that quite literally the definition?
@Bob which isn't the same as transgender folk.
@JourneymanGeek it's not, no. but I meant that more in a s/lots of/all/ way
@JourneymanGeek Agreed. I'm 100% behind diversity and LGBT... but aiming this stuff at 2 years olds?
ah lol
@DavidPostill presumably there're some seriously liberal parents who are fine with it?
I guess so ...
or its simply a way to get visibilty
@DavidPostill Well, I am not behind anything that amounts to a more complex form of "Don't stuff beans up your nose kind of training". Every mother knows that if she tell her infant not to stuff beans up his or her nose, the child will do it the first opportunity.
(ugh, this is one of those topics. I have friends who're trans. Some of them I really like, one of whom I might sock in the face. Attempted moral outrage annoys me)
My point is that a 2 year old's brain and cogitative development is not capable of understanding such concepts ...
"Recognize basic symbolism, such as nodding the head for yes or no." does not mean they can understand the symbolism behind what kind of clothes people wear ...
No argument there.
I am just adding that there is no suitable age.
The DSBUYN training is wrong.
Tell someone: "Don't think about elephants". What do you think comes to his mind? Elephants, naturally. Because you just gave a message about it.
Politicians use this tactic a lot: "I told you a hundred times, Person X is not a bad person!" And by doing so, the actually give the impression that Person X is a bad person. "There is no smoke without fire."
@FleetCommand lol
> Many materials will smoke before reaching their ignition temperature. If oxygen is low or absent, fuels will smoke heavily without igniting. The smoke that results can be extremely combustible and will burn violently when oxygen is introduced. This is what causes backdrafts in structure fires.
Yeah, making fun of proverbs was once one of my favorite pastimes.
Making fun Sherlock Holmes-like arguments in the films too.
Oh, wait! You are a Brit, actually. Do you worship (adore greatly) Sherlock Holmes too?
Not really.
@DavidPostill You know the TV series called Sherlock? It is an adaptation of Sherlock Holmes but happens in our time. Once I pointed out one of the mistakes in one of Sherlock's conclusion. There was a British fan in auditory range. He wanted to cut my head off.
The others, on the other hand, found my findings funny and contributed their own, which were funnier.
I still remember the funniest one. And my own.
I guess you'd never have been a mod here if you were a cut-the-head kind of person.
I'm more of a "plausible deniability" sort myself
Well, that was something no dog jokes can be made for.
@FleetCommand I only cut the heads off spammers ;)
@FleetCommand well, dogs know where the corpses are buried.
gender != sexuality
2 yr olds have a gender, they don't have a sexuality
that's my voice as a parent/.
@djsmiley2k They may have a gender but at that age they are probably not aware what that actually means.
Education doesn't have to be "aware" or "understood" in order to have effect. If someone warns me about something, but I don't understand what that person is trying to make me aware of, I can still end up remembering the warning when I'm more aware and the time is right or perhaps too late for it to be understood.
People cannot be "aware" or "understand" something if they are never introduced to it. So, at some point you will have to introduce them. At such young age, there will be a small effect but it's probably so minimal that the event alone isn't going to change the awareness or understanding of the child. Repetition however could have an effect, even if it's just opening up the child to the existence of it. Not necessarily to what it means or understanding it.
@TomWijsman The topic under discussion seems to have nothing to do with "warnings" about gender unless I am very mistaken.
A warning is a more violent form of information, just to give a clear example.
@JourneymanGeek would this count as blatant under-13? :P (cc @DavidPostill)
Most children are already unconsciously introduced to gender at home and at school. A father and a mother, brothers and sisters, (girl)friends, teachers and so on. They however aren't unconsciously introduced to people from the rest of the gender spectrum (or the lack thereof) or LGBTQI+ or other folks. And that's what a company like that is trying to change, even if they don't have enough resources to do it with enough effect.
To be honest if someone in drag had come to read me fairy tales stories at the age of 2 I suspect I would just have been very confused as to what was happening. Having said that at the age of 58 I would still be confused as to what point exactly they were trying to make if it happened to me today.
Confusion is all that is needed to pave a way to change your mind.
@TomWijsman Yes, but where does a drag queen fit in the the LGBTQI+ spectrum? That is reinforcing yet another stereotype.
@TomWijsman That's part of the problem. Does a 2 year old need to change their mind about their gender?
If a child were born in a LGBTQI+ world where cross-dressing is the norm, that child would just as well be confused if an individual would ask him to dress as M or F alone unlike the (girl)friends.
3 hours ago, by DavidPostill
"Transgender lessons for two-year-olds: Drag queens drafted into nursery schools to teach children about sexual diversity"
@TomWijsman That was a headline in a newspaper. I'm trying to make the point that that doesn't teach anybody anything about diversity especially 2 year olds.
@DavidPostill They are a part of transgenders (T) and/or queers (Q), the rest depends on what they decide to associate with.
@DavidPostill I don't think this is about changing mind about gender, but I think it's about starting off a person's life with a broader mind about gender.
Taking the headline literally, yeah, that isn't going to work; it would've been better if it read "from the age of 2", or something that doesn't make it a "one lesson and they know it" event.
And drag queens don't represent transgenders, that's like having a nurse teach something that only a doctor would teach...
@TomWijsman My point exactly. Anyway time to change the subject ;)
@DavidPostill My 3 yr old daughter knows she's female, like mummy, and has the same body parts as mummy
her brother is male, and has the same body parts as daddy, which she doesn't have
so yeah, they can be aware
@djsmiley2k Yeah, but that's different from LGBTQI+ awareness ;)
As a parent how do you feel about "We aim to capture the imagination and fun of the gender fluidity of childhood, while giving children a glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role model. By providing spaces in which kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions, we allow them to imagine the world in which people can present as they wish..." aimed at young children?
People in burqas scare my daughter as she thinks they are masks, so no idea
@DavidPostill cept in society, we have 'norms' that everyone is expected to stick to
and that seems to ignore that fact, for a start.
i'm just..... annoyed at the world lol
I try to teach my daughter to accept everyone as they are
Good morning
sup @jokerdino
Good $timeofday
no internet for 2 days. The ISP folks fixed it today. :)
It's been a monthly occurrence lately.
How did it feel? Did you have withdrawal symptoms?
Yeah, lost my pennies.
over here that's going to be come something they have to pay for
tho the amount is pitiful
I don't need no money. Just give me my internetz.
well yeah
Didn't help that it was the weekend.
i think that any isp failing to deliver, consistantly, should have to provide local 4G usage, to the same speeds as they are meant to provide ;D
haha. But they only do isp and no mobile network.
just fibre optic broadband isp
oh so that meta post about scamming people was from this chat room?
/me goes to look at meta
I erm, need to get a copy of win7 to install, to do the upgrade to 10, via the accessability thing
but i have no idea where to get one that isn't utterly virus infested mess D:
@djsmiley2k meta.SE 303097
@djsmiley2k D:
pagen ot found
Q: How to respond to people in chat who claim to do illegal work?

Yvette ColombThis is referring specifically to chat, as opposed to posting, as we have guidelines over scope and each site can determine if a topic is right for that site. Chat is amorphous to some extent, although the Be Nice policy does extend into all areas of the site. There's a recent experience, I don'...

I'm struggling to find the conversation in RA though ...
@jokerdino Yeah, that could be it. But doesn't quite fit with "The user announced that they did something illegal for a living"
Then it probably wasn't this room.
how can I have it so that you need a password to print from my wifi printer
@CoderCat Erm, you already need a password to connect to your wireless network hopefully ...
good :)
how can I screenshot windows that are running as a different user but still appear in my use profile
hitting print screen or alt+print screen does not capture the window
some background processes/services are running as a different user
hmm I have just connected the printer to the wifi network but cannot see any option to add a apssword for the printer
is 'wifi direct password' of any relevence
im in the printer settings web page but cannot see any settings regarding a print password
ah done it nm
hmm now mspaint can see the printer but nothing comes out of the printer tray
@CoderCat snipping tool?
lol. I missed this when it was posted :) gemsfromstackexchange.tumblr.com/post/166112826468/…
A copy of win7 is easy. It even was downloadable from a legal site.
At least, most win7 variants
But why upgrade it to win 10? Why not start clean with win10?
@Hennes they have vista
sorry, I guess I should start at the begining
Vista on a laptop, it seems to be infected with something, and anyway needs a hdd swap
but they have no install media because 'yey sony'
I only just dropped into the room. Alsso vistr. I kind of heard about tht. Like ME it is supposed to exist, but never spotted in the wild
yup, it was a time a few days ago i spoke about it
or yesterday, my brain hurts ;D
@DavidPostill but don't you need a key to install it?
Windows support for vista has ended though
Assuming you have the time I would just spent Eur 30 and buy a clean win10 install
With DVD
where can you get Win 10 for 30 euros?: /
@djsmiley2k Yes
It takes some searching to find a known legal source of it for that price: but yes
still, at todates rates that's still more than they'd happily spend
they are like 'oh we can get win7 for £15 if that's what we need' and I'm just like 'facepalm'
Win7 for #15 now and win10 next year (as in, in a few months)?
Not worth the time
yeah exactly
but at the same time they won't buy win10 atm I don't think
I paid € 31,00
/me sighs
So, not Eur 30, but very close
And for win10 pro
yeah that's twice the price they could get win 7 for
Ok, windows 7 should work till 2020.
14-1-2020 though, and 2017 is all but over
I coudl tell em to pick that up along with a hybrid drive
So if win7 is installed it will need to be replaced in about a year.
bear iun mind right now they have vista.
iit's not like they follow the current news in tech :P
Qua drive: How much data do they store?
I dumped my old 80GiB SSD in my sisters laptop. 2 years later it is still 80% free.
I'm just kinda stuck helping them out, because in laws.
@djsmiley2k /r/microsoftsoftwareswap
You can upgrade for free by claiming you can't see or something... It's a loophole to get a free copy of Windows 10.
Being current is not needed. Getting OS and app updates is.
Right now, 138Gb used of 320Gb drive
but taking lotssssssss of photos
@MichaelFrank you can't, because there's no upgrade path from vista
@djsmiley2k Didn't you say Windows 7?
If you get a new disk, why upgrade? Even when I did the win7-> 10 upgrade it was:
1) win7
2) win7 -> win10 for the key/reg
3) Wipe all and do a clean win10 install
No, i said they can buy windows 7 appently cheap
(I have no clue who they getting it off)
so I'm like.... it's prob pirated anyway
@Hennes That's my plan, except right now we don't have win 7 :/
You just need a legal key.
As for isos. Ask someone here to SHA256 their images
@Hennes yeah, so unless I can find a key for like £1, I can't afford to help em,,
/me goes to glare at random win7 systems he has incase any have a non-oem key on them
Anyway, just get a slightly dodgy key from microsoftsoftwareswap and forget about it. ;)
I got iso of win7 and win7 SP1.
Not much upload though
@MichaelFrank that site appears thyat no one is just 'giving' them away?
wow I have a XP key XD
And a dell ISO which auto activates in dells with factory shipped vista
I raise you a win98SE key
@djsmiley2k No, you need to buy the keys. But they're all very cheap.
Seriously though, after OAM systems shipped with a CoA and a OEM install/firmware activated windows. Those CoA often work.
@MichaelFrank please see note that I have £1
Hey, a folder Vista Ultimate x32 SP1
x32... sjees. 20 years old or so?
Might I suggest... Linux then?
a windows 8 latptop
@MichaelFrank hmmm no
If you want I can upload a vista, win7, win8 or win10 iso. But you will have to come up with a clean key
I'll just tell em 'you can buy windows 7 and try and upgrade it <Shrug>' and they'll be sad and maybe hate me for not caring enough
@djsmiley2k I hope it's not one of the round ones ... ;)
I can't use the key i got from my old laptop when i upgraded that to 10, right? XD
Wait... didn't you say you had 30 euros?
No, i said they'd buy win7, and told me it's a 'real retail copy'
but.... i'm doubtful
So I could tell them to get a hybrid ssd + win7
Whwen in doubt either:
1) Dump the DVD and use your own.
2) CRC/SHA256/... it
oh yah agreed
I mean the key might be dodgy :P
Does it happen to be Dell/HP/any_other_well_knowns_OEM laptop?
Because in that case the right vistra reinstall without a key might work fine. (And legal).

Just glue shut the ethernet and USB ports to help virus proof it.
@Hennes And remove the wireless card ... ;)
@Hennes that only works if you use the oem disc or install the oem cert manually
(granted you can usually find the certs online)
On the topic of starred messages... If you're going to hit someone with a wrench to get a password, what are the drugs for?
So that you have to hit them less.
Bleh. Just had to throw a bunch of money on a new Xbox One Controller after dropping it and smashing the sync button.
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