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@Burgi increased water pressure propelled it!
Also, particleboard fans.... wow, that's some thin wood :/
wood is a great material for fan blades
only traditionally its plywood
oh yeah agree
particle board tho, for fan blades o_O?!
I suppose you can mould particle board to shape...
hey @JourneymanGeek how's things?
I'm guessing no work atm as weekend?
thank god no
lucky youooo
I'd probably burn out
i'm on night shift D:
it's dead tho, because only few stores open now, aus, singapore, hk all closed I believe
 start "Copy Store" /D "%myPath%" 1.bat
ah sorted it, idiot moment
I'd commented out the actual 'work' of the script, while testing it
.... large airport company... england...? XD
2 hours later…
.... Internet is down at work. Headed there to take a look. Wearing the unlucky t shirt I never wear to work ...
Sorry for asking :(
gives lukcy stars to jmg
Should I get a 24 or 27 inch monitor for work?
get a 27 meter monitor for work
better yet, get 3
each of them 8K
If the budget allows, I'll be doing two 27" 1440p monitors.
G-SYNC and all.
What is Rob Smith's tool to handle mbr to gpt?
can't find one of his answers with a link, lol
I don't intend to do 4K, it's going to be too hard on the hardware.
@allquixotic wew
@HackToHell depends on your desk size, honestly
for work, I'd rather get 2 x 24" (or 3) than a single 27"
@bwDraco Can have only one unfortunately, laptop has a single HDMI and I don't wanna do displaylink on linux
and high pixel count isn't an issue if you aren't doing serious 3D rendering
@allquixotic ah, it will primarily be programming
to complete my Apple setup I ordered a "Developer Kit" for Metal 2: an external GPU enclosure, Thunderbolt 3, with a RX 580 inside
@HackToHell Then the extra desktop space will be worth it. You do not need a gaming monitor; there are reasonably-priced 4K monitors out there for general-purpose use.
RX 580s are insanely hard to get "normally" right now because of the Ethereum mining crunch; I'm tempted to do some Ethereum with the 580 :P
And. Everything fixed itself
2 days ago, by bwDraco
Something to note on my upcoming Astaroth desktop: Due to a severe shortage of midrange graphics cards caused by high demand for Ethereum mining, I'm forced to specify a more advanced graphics card than originally intended. This will mean a higher budget is necessary.
(see context)
@bwDraco Does it make sense to get a 27" 4k monitor ?
@JourneymanGeek lucky stars ftw
@allquixotic damn nice
@HackToHell For productivity, sure.
@bwDraco hah, the external GPU is only $499 or $599 (I think the latter) - it's a production model RX 580 with a pretty good TB3 enclosure, and they're in stock on the Apple store
@HackToHell I prefer 27 inch but those need big desks. 24 is more sensible
Tempted to stock up on some ethreum
Maybe it booms like boitcoins
order the apple metal 2 dev kit and sell the enclosure? :P
@HackToHell for certain values of sense
So you were right, you aren't working today
@JourneymanGeek I'm not yet sure how big my desk is going to be, I'll check that out and decide between a 24" and 27" I suppose, but everyone has a 2x24"
just like the internet ;D
I do not regret mine, except by absence
For non gaming stuff it's a no brainer other than cost.
For gaming stuff there's a bit more thinking needed.
@djsmiley2k when it works I don't.
I still need to travel the 10 to 20 min each way
tho at least it's semi near
my old work was 1.5 hr on the train
Waiting for a bus now.
I can maybe split the screen as two
And it would be like working with two monitors
But not sure about the individual screen space
2x24 may be better.
I tend to be better with two displays.
Sadly, given that you can only hook up one display...
@HackToHell I think @allquixotic loves his, and I am told some devs swear by em.
Yeah @bwDraco forces me to look at bigger/longer ones
I have never seen this ultra wide monitors anywhere though
Well. I do dual screens for context switching, so laptop + one screen works well there.
On an unlimited budget, I would want to specify the (not yet released) Acer Predator X27:
Apr 30 at 0:15, by bwDraco
27-inch, 4K@144Hz, AHVA with quantum dot and direct LED backlighting, 100% sRGB, 99% Adobe RGB (!), 96% DCI-P3 (!!!), 10-bit color HDR, G-SYNC, and Tobii eye-tracking.
Pricing not yet known, but expected to be around US$2,000.
wew, that's a lot of money
Lol. I love my Dell p2715q.
Besides, I'd have to be running a pair of 1080 Ti or TITAN Xp cards to drive this beast.
Wouldn't mind a second, tho the crossover I have now is oddly more useful
At that point, "unlimited budget" means I might as well build a Lucifer-class system...
(3hdmi 2.0 ports, one dp and a VGA port vs one dp, one mini dp, one dp out and a HDMI 1.4 port...)
(The H115i would probably be replaced with a custom loop liquid cooling system.)
@JourneymanGeek I have a 3440x1440@100Hz Predator X34 21:6 ultrawide, and it's awesome
awesome for gaming and dev
it's like having two monitors but completely borderless, when using two windows for dev
Astaroth as currently planned looks like this: pcpartpicker.com/user/FieryDragonLord/saved/xLdf7P
PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/c7ymzM
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/c7ymzM/by_merchant/

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 5 1600X 3.6GHz 6-Core Processor ($240.98 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Corsair - H100i v2 70.7 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler ($109.99 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Asus - CROSSHAIR VI HERO ATX AM4 Motherboard ($258.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill - Ripjaws V Series 32GB (2 x 16GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($234.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Samsung - 960 PRO 512GB M.2-2280 Solid State Drive ($292.00 @ Newegg)
Waiting on my 480p 7 inch aux display
No monitors specified.
Jun 16 at 2:24, by bwDraco
Note that if no monitor is being purchased, I'll be using my existing Acer H226HQL, a low-cost 21.5" e-IPS display currently used as a second monitor for the Dragon. I'd much prefer to have two displays, though.
7 inch display?
@allquixotic I would tend to prefer having two separate displays.
Got call into work again today, ended up being a CTRL+ALT+DEL solution, actually it ended up solving itself before I even got there.
Two monitors means two separate workspaces. When gaming, the game is on one display while monitoring programs like Task Manager and GPU-Z are on the other.
I use windowed mode when playing games I can multi-task with
or just fullscreen for games that don't multi-task well
@JourneymanGeek Dark Sarah 🎶
So I can either throw my Linux box on it, or chat or stuff.
@JourneymanGeek I'd use Bifrons for that :P
@bwDraco I have a separate Linux box sharing my secondary monitor.
I already have a general idea about how my home office will be set up in a few months' time.
I mainly need that to log in and start my torrent client and manage rss feeds into it
Much of it will depend on furniture selection. We're hoping to get solid wood rather than particleboard or MDF, but that would be very expensive.
my office room's desk, fairly new:
If we're going down this route, we might as well do a fully-custom work area.
The emphasis on high-end would extend to the chair, possibly going so far as to get the Herman Miller Aeron.
(but I seriously doubt we're willing to spend nearly $1000 on the office chair alone, or several thousand dollars on a fully-custom setup)
Aerons are ... awesome
but too damned expensive ._.
We had them at job -2
they ruined most chairs for me
Speaking of super-high-end, Tom's Hardware reviewed a $9,000 laptop
Apr 30 at 2:19, by bwDraco
The Predator 21 X laptop is a striking example of the sort of system that's possible when a computer manufacturer decides to design a product completely without regard to cost.
right now, if I was to buy a "cost is less of an object" chair, I'd go with a secret labs titan
Decent reviews + supporting vaguely local companies
(The review sample is #021 of a limited edition of 300.)
@bwDraco if I needed a bunch of quality but cheap furniture (or any thing like that) - I'd see if I can find a hotel or restaurant surplus place.
@JourneymanGeek ^
I bought a $150 chair at a local office supply store... eh, it's pretty good
@bwDraco "laptop"
more like semi-portable desktop with a built-in display
Hello, Hello, Hello! OH NO!
:O - - - - |=<
Guess what? The PHP logo is an elephant because <?php looks like an elephant!
(< Is the trunk ? Is the ear The two stems of the Ps are the legs and the last P also rounds off the elephants butt!)
Imgur got a crappy redesign that's making me very mad
@Bob the full chemical formula for fox DNA?
@Rahul2001 I'm pretty sure it's just because PHP is fat. The same way they, ah, revised the initialism :P
PHP's "fat" is nothing compared to the extreme call stacks of Java EE
I've never seen an environment that does so little for the programmer while being so complex other than EE
I mean basically pure EE, no helpers like Spring
@allquixotic Ha, PHP itself is decently low-overhead (as long as you are[?n't] using mod_php) - it's more that the standard library is ridiculous...
Java EE ... bleh.
@Bob does anyone who knows better use mod_php? ;p
Roomie was apparently upset I left for work in a hurry, gobbled up his lunch and sat at the door waiting after that.
(I was only gone forever an hour)
@JourneymanGeek are you on call? o.O
Not the last time I checked.
bloody thing even sorted out itself.
It was on the ISP end I suspect. Boss sent me the error message, told him exactly what It was, and went to check anyway.
this all sounds... questionably legal
... damn, I should have tapped in
for shits and giggles
(the one I wore when they suddenly announced the layoffs at the studio)
I'm a little superstitious about silly things ;p
1 hour later…
I'm so fucking sick of my life
I really need some money
If anyone knows of any remote jobs (programming/scripting/webdesign) please do let me know
Now I'm getting yelled at because I pointed out that I haven't gotten any pocket money in two years
@Rahul2001 I thought your gran stole it all?
@DavidPostill That was savings from back when dad used to live with us
I managed to get it back and will be putting it into a bank account, but when I counted it was worth a total about 50 USD
Which is... not a lot
holy smokes... how many times can one PSU discharge on me?! D:
In any case... I think it's safe to say this Apple Time Capsule is no longer useful to anyone...
Money is money ;p
some money is more than no money ._.
@JourneymanGeek but it's not a lot more
Mum just told me to "leave stack exchange"
@Rahul2001 and that has what to do with your pocket money?
@JourneymanGeek no idea. Another of her crazy ideas
Apparently it is interfering with my studies
(trust me, it is not)
@DavidPostill is that @Avery that I see in the background?
@Rahul2001 LOL. Yay. I can blame @Avery
Uh. @DavidPostill, about your answer... "In any case it is better to use wmic OS get OSArchitecture to get the OS bitness. Remember you could be running Windows 32 on a 64 bit processor." => pretty sure the env var is actually the OS bitness, not the CPU?
one sec, bringing up a test environment
(and realising I don't have an x86 test images on this server)
@Bob Hmm. I think you are correct.
A: Possible values of %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%

RobertPitthttp://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384274.aspx AMD64 IA64 x86 Note that this doesn't tell you the architecture of the processor but only of the process with the environment variable. It returns "x86" for a 32 bit process running on 64 bit Windows.

@DavidPostill Never knew that, cool!
%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% is pretty useful though
@Rahul2001 Eh... IMO if you need to resort to checking that, something along the line has probably failed :P
@Bob nope
I have a super legit use.
Such as?
@Bob I have a batch file on my usb drive, which checks if 32/64 bit and automatically adds appropriate utilities to path
And that depends on bit-ness ... why?
@Bob I carry around 32 and 64 bit utils both
*shrug* most often, that case is easiest handled by just using the 32-bit version everywhere unless doing otherwise is necessary
Though admittedly it's not the worst use I've seen
@Rahul2001 wmic OS get OSArchitecture always returns what you need
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "usebackq skip=1 tokens=*" %%i in (`wmic OS get OSArchitecture ^| findstr /r /v "^$"`) do (
  set "_bits=%%i"
  rem remove spaces
  set "_bits=!_bits: =!"
if "%_bits%" EQU "64-bit" (
  rem 64bit OS
  set "prog=x64\WinRAR x64.exe"
  ) else (
  rem 32bit OS
  set "prog=x86\WinRAR x86.exe"
rem do something with %prog%
call %prog%
@DavidPostill huh. Cool.
@Bob haha
Okay someone help me out
If I am to leave this laptop running in this cupboard and shut it
Is it likely to overheat?
Or should I get holes drillied into the sides of the cupboard for ventilation?
(cc @satibel)
@Rahul2001 Having holes for ventilation will only help if you have a fan pulling in fresh cooler air from outside the cupboard
@DavidPostill planning to get one eventually
ehh. Should be mostly alright.
I managed to blow the breakers in my apartment ;p
(was trying to test power my dad's reversing camera for his car in india shorted 12v and ground to test if there's power and...boooom)
@JourneymanGeek O_O
Well trip anyway
@JourneymanGeek That's good. It means it's harder to electrocute yourself :)
I've done that once...
Not fun when your fur's all on end. People take you even less seriously than when you're a small dog.
@JourneymanGeek lol
2 hours later…
@Rahul2001 depends on so much
ambient temps, how hot the laptop gets, direction of the air, normal cooling of the air in the cupboard.
If the cupboard gets warm inside 'normally' then you need agressive cooling right away
if it doesn't, then it's a question of how much heat it'll displace to the outside world easily
@djsmiley2k what's an appropriate CPU temperature for a laptop running as a lightweight webserver?
that I don't know, depends on the cpu, etc.
i'd expect it's not very high load at all, so near idle temps
@djsmiley2k well, what is normal operating temperature for regular laptops?
anything from 30C to 90C
depending on the laptop
@Rahul2001 grab a raspi
^^ would be better
@Avery not powerful enough for my uses
Discussed it with @bob
what? no.
what are you hosting?
raspberrypi.org runs on 4 raspi 3s.
you already have the laptop right? -- what temps does it idle at now?
@Avery i think we have different ideas of 'lightweight webserver' it seems ;D
I could host 10-15 'lightweight' sites on a raspi
all of my websites run on a glorified raspi.
@Rahul2001 hm?
Jun 19 at 9:19, by Rahul2001
An old laptop and a Raspberry Pi will be more or less at par as webservers? (Just for personal use)
See transcript
TBH it'll be a lot more than just a webserver. It'll be controlling my renderfarm and stuff too
@Avery seriously?
@Rahul2001 yuup
and raspberrypi.org has a huge userbase
Huh. Still. Can't afford one anyway
@Rahul2001 throw in 1000 and get an amazon.in/Orange-Pi-PC-Plus-Preinstalled/dp/… maybe?
@Rahul2001 just don't run apache.
@Rahul2001 I didn't say the rpi was worse than the laptop :P
@JourneymanGeek why not :(
@Rahul2001 its pretty heavy
@JourneymanGeek laptop is 5th gen i5, 4gb ram
eh. it can do apache. I'd still run lighttpd or nginx + php-fpm on it
@Rahul2001 Oh, newer laptop than the old you said earlier. Yea that'll run circles around the Pi
@Avery @Rahul2001 That's a terrible example...
> It’s real – the biggest issues are the per core clock speed for rendering pages quickly enough and having enough RAM to deal with some of the corner cases. The Pi3 launch page with 800 comments takes around 7s to render on the Pi 3 (although Supercache means we don’t do it very often, but the odd user gets a slowish experience).
And they can't run a DB on it.
> Unfortunately, the database server still looks out of scope: not enough RAM and not enough I/O.
weren't we playing with that at one point? On a pi 1 to boot? ;p
or am I confusing it with a IRC server ._.
The rpi website is a poor example because it's largely static and heavily cached :P
@Burgi I've SOLVED IT! ladbible.com/funny/…
@Bob so it's lightweight' then
as I said, we have different views of a 'lightweight' page :)
@djsmiley2k ehhhhh. not really.
It can serve a lot of people, but the latency spikes aren't nice
It works but it's not ideal :P
But it's somewhere I would not recommend spending more money when you have a not-very-old laptop you can repurpose, unless the electricity bill is your concern.
@JourneymanGeek Apache 2.4 with Event MPM isn't that bad, but incompatible with mod_php so you'd have to run fcgi anyway :P
@JourneymanGeek I think you did an IRC server.
Monkeys. Again
ah right
@JourneymanGeek ?
yeah IRC server
The sysbench scores are ... absymal
in fact, they're so bad I'm not even sure they're right
*sits here twiddling thumbs while waiting for a benchmark*
Oh shit
For reference, the single-thread sysbench run that took 477.0617 s on the rpi3 takes 46.0569s on a single C2750 (Avoton, Atom) core... and 445.1221s on a single Marvell Armada 370/XP ARMv7 core @ 1.333GHz. That's the Scaleway ARM server. Which has been superseded with a much faster ARMv8-based server now, too, and double the cores for the same price. RPi3 => pretty poor CPU perf, apparently...
Mum is very very angry
I'm in for a bad time
Goodnight folks
@Rahul2001 ... good night, and good luck.
@Rahul2001 oh dear.
so this must be what the "compatibility modes" for Windows do, among other things, and I feel sorry for Wine now
> Changes to the KUSER_SHARED_DATA have come mostly from growing at the end. But there have been changes within the structure, including to move members from one offset to another between builds, no matter that a comment in NTDDK.H says “The layout itself cannot change since this structure has been exported in ntddk, ntifs.h, and nthal.h for some time.” Presenting the structure over a range of versions is certainly not simple! The following sizes are known (with caveats that follow the table):
An awful lot of windows horrors come from backwards compatibility.
this was a mistake; I shouldn't have asked winetricks to install allcodecs
I'm using CrashPlan right now. I hate it now and I hate the people who made it and everyone who likes those people or their products. What should I use instead?
@OliverSalzburg Flagged to close as primarily opinion-based :)
@OliverSalzburg I've been happy with bup but the "offsite" part of that is roll-your-own
As in encryption
*as is
@ToxicFrog I need something I can easily install on Windows machine of non tech-savvy folks
Something like CrashPlan, but not CrashPlan
Deeeefinitly not bup, then.
(it runs fine on windows! If you have cygwin, and build it from source.)
The idea of CrashPlan is cool, but that specific product is unable to deliver
@ToxicFrog For myself, anything could work, but I need something I can deploy on every machine in the company preferably
Doesn't have to be free
encode all your files into PNGs
then store them in google photos' unlimited storage (/s)
@OliverSalzburg can't help you there, sorry.
@Avery that's such an awful idea. I love it.
I'll try bringing it up again tomorrow ;D
I should stop being a terrible person and set up backups on my server.
@Avery give it a try
i feel like google might change your images some what.
it stores them losslessly I think
@OliverSalzburg backblaze?
wait, does crashplan have a monthly/yearly cost, or do you host your own?
@ToxicFrog link plz? Right now I use synctoy to push my wifes laptop to my samba server
then rclone to push that onto google drive, and scp it to my server...
@djsmiley2k It's a subscriptment
then backblaze is a valid suggestion (tho I've not used it as they've never come through with a linux client)
What do you use?
hm, weird
my pc doesn't see my external drive
and I don't mean "mount"
lsing /dev doesn't show it either
tried with another pc and it seems fine.
gotta turn off and on again.
As in it doesn't show anything in dmesg or var/log/messages when you attach it?
@djsmiley2k I use syncthing.net for inter-machine synchronization, github.com/bup/bup for incremental backups and github.com/google/skicka for uploading stuff to Google Drive
@ToxicFrog ahhhhh it's go
i hate Go D:
I didn't know about rclone, though, that might be nicer than skicka
@djsmiley2k bup specifically is python. skicka and syncthing are Go.
(and syncthing is pretty great)
@Avery and that obviously worked.
@OliverSalzburg rsync.net
@OliverSalzburg nevermind; rsync.net isn't an easy to install Windows program
rsync.net's backups are immune to cryptomalware even if you have your rsync.net backups mounted as a local drive or something that would make it very easy for cryptomalware to find and try to encrypt it
because you can't destroy zfs snapshots from your terminal with them
oh god why is rsync.net's website so hateful
@allquixotic rsnapshot!
@ToxicFrog the problem is gdrives limitations on transfers
@ToxicFrog because they're rightly cynical about the level of knowledge of CEOs who don't understand what rsync.net's benefits are
@allquixotic I'm not even referring to the content, I'm referring to the way it keeps taking over the scrolling and scrolling to where it wants to be on the page rather than where I left it
wtf thats annoying
Is running a command ` REG Delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\WordWheelQuery /VA /F` on Windows safe?
I ask because the answer was posted by a new user: https://superuser.com/a/1228267/598527
@user598527 deleting a random registry key is only safe if you know what the meaning of that registry key is and whether it can be regenerated/recovered in the case of an issue
@allquixotic Yes, but I'm not sure if the command deletes a registry key and nothing more.
that's all it does, but the /F probably deletes any subkeys too
@user598527 It appears to be OK according to Windows 10: Clear Search History in Windows 10 File Explorer
/f : Force an update without prompting "Value exists, overwrite Y/N"
REG DELETE [ROOT\]RegKey /va [/f] -- Delete all values under this key
@allquixotic It's the /va that deletes the subkeys.
Works and no immediate issues.
Q: Chat moderation tools are insufficient for combatting star spam

MegoLately in The Nineteenth Byte (I know, it's always us), we've been dealing with an issue where one or more users have decided that spamming stars on every recent message is funny. While moderators and room owners can cancel stars on messages, there is no effective way to deal with a determined st...

That user, of course, should have provided a source for the code.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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