> The United States Supreme Court in Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989), and reaffirmed in U.S. v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990), has ruled that due to the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, it is unconstitutional for a government (whether federal, state, or municipality) to prohibit the desecration of a flag, due to its status as "symbolic speech."
We're entirely unfamiliar with that over here, so I guess the mistake is forgivable :P
whenever we see a "thick powder that you eat" we usually think of putting it on the stove with hot water and making some kind of: oatmeal, cream of rice, cream of wheat, etc
I can't find the source now, but once I read someone claiming (in English) that manioc was a shitty food that only poor people would eat because there would be no alternatives left and it would be the last option and basically terrible
And I was like "OH NO HE DIDN'T"
@allquixotic Are you sure you want to not only translate Youtube comments, but HUEHUE Youtube comments?
The nightmare-based script (iirc rlemon wrote it?) doesn't work last I tried, and the webdriver-io one I wrote does kinda work with pjs but isn't stable long-term.
Chrome headless can't inject the script without some reworking.
Firefox headless was still too unstable last I tried. Might try again next month.
@Avery eh, that's not really the point... running even on xvfb is that less efficient because it needs to render to an external 'display' vs an in-process buffer
if you didn't care about that at all, then you technically don't need to be running headlessly at all
(which keeps things simpler)
but yea from the browser's perspective xvfb is not headless
@Avery if you just want to experiment with xvfb... set up firefox & ghostdriver, and use run-headless-webdriver with the firefox sample config (remove the last bit of the config extension)
Help I have put my headphones and played an album and now I can't stop singing along and dancing in my chair and my coworkers are starting to think I'm crazy
Well, he have one guy that starts frothing if he hears the word "banana", other that dresses like a Sons of Anarchy character, other that tries to sell you male underwear in a bag, so I think I'm relatively safe
> Install-Package : Could not install package 'GoogleMapsApi 0.66.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework.
i need to change our current solution to send an API key but there is no documentation on how to do that and the new version of the solution is no longer free
@Burgi If you look at the request/response examples - very easy to do manually. You don't even need auth headers. Just HttpWebRequest + a JSON parser for the response.
@Burgi For an API this simple (literally 5 lines of code could do it) I'd not bother with a lib
especially with the nice stateless requests
stateful requests (including auth headers, cookies) are where I'd worry more about finding an external lib - but even then RestSharp takes care of it nicely
its days like this i wish that: a) i was a better developer, b) i didn't have to maintain crazy websites, c) had customers that would pay for me to experiment a bit more
The Google Maps Geocoding API may only be used in conjunction with displaying results on a Google map. It is prohibited to use Google Maps Geocoding API data without displaying a Google map.
> No mass downloading. You will not use the Service in a manner that gives you or a third party access to mass downloads or bulk feeds of any Content. For example, you are not permitted to offer a batch geocoding service that uses Content contained in the Maps API(s).
we geocode the imported postcode then store the co-ords in the DB. when an end user searches their postcode on the map page we use the results in the DB to plot the locations on a map
twitter.com/CrashPlanSlow liked some of my complain tweets (I have only complain tweets). Maybe I need to move to something else, after reading all the other retweets in that account