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Note to self, it won't work when you copy the IP incorrectly
@djsmiley2k first argument of the call.
@satibel see above.
So I'm inside the 'install' subroutine
I can now test for ping, and goto :eof if it fails, right?
and that'll just go to the next item in the FOR statement?
@djsmiley2k I prefer exit /b
brilliant... this simple update text job on one page has become a mammoth fracking task
those are methods in batch.

ping %~1 | find "Reply"
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
net use \\%~1\c$ /delete
@Burgi What kind of document is it in?
@BenN html
What's making the task tough?
@djsmiley2k If the original net use succeeded, then the machine is reachable, right?
You can use pushd and then check the errorlevel after that
@BenN the old dev team pushed it live 18 months ago without the customer seeing it or approving the content. There are loads of spelling errors and inconsistant case. its all hardcoded in a masterpage so i have to republish the entire site each time i make a change
the original job was to amend a single product code but then i noticed there were 100's of product numbers
i can't find/replace because only some of the product numbers are changing
then i found places in the markup saying "TBC CONTENT HERE" so we've had to wait for the customer to approve the content there
@djsmiley2k I just checked, exit /b %errorlevel% is better than goto :eof. Because it terminates the current section immediately, and returns an customizable error code
and just now the CSA has noticed a ton of spelling mistakes and the customer has gone mental because they've just noticed that the case is inconsistant
they are going to go even more nuts when they see the cost associated with this "simple" text change
@Burgi they are costs to cheaping out.
yeah but i don't think it was the customer cheaping out this time
@Burgi then you need to absorb the costs to fix it properly
it makes my team look crap but we are the ones fixing the issues
but we end up taking the blame for the terrible decisions the old team made
@Burgi so it was your company being bad?
i think so
the old dev team literally didn't give a crap
@Burgi but what they made was still shit.
its one of the reasons my minion is leaving
he doesn't want to keep being blamed for producing shit work
i can't really blame him for that
@satibel k ty
remind me of this tomorrow when I carry on with this.
sorry for ranting
@djsmiley2k What is the end goal/function of this script?
@Burgi Heh, no problem, it happens to us all :D
@djsmiley2k this tomorrow
##afk gone to complain to CSA
Well I'm not going to download anything from a site called hack-pro.ru to try and figure it out. — DavidPostill ♦ 38 secs ago
hmm... think the bot is dead @NotDog
yesterday, by Bob
@NotDog could you stop your bot? I want to bring cavil up, but that'd clash for now. and thanks for reminding us to look at this :P
@BenN Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
##Is the bot working?
@BenN Absolutely not
"I have a macro" That's nice. Now if the question was edited to include that macro, we might be able to make suggestions on how to fix it. Do you think you could share it with us? — DavidPostill ♦ 36 secs ago
/me feeling snarky today :)
@DavidPostill come work here, snarky is what we trade in...
what do you mean today?
@jokerdino Normally I am very polite :)
@Burgi help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, 65wat, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, ahhfire, apumpkin, areyoukidding, baaaaat, bababababat, bankey, baroo, bearhello, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific, biird, boberror, brainf__k
bunny, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat, caa
@DavidPostill oh I see
Huh, I guess they got the import working
maybe the afk one doesn't work?
@BenN yeah she did it
##help afk
@BenN afk: Set an afk message: /afk <message>. Invoke /afk again to return.
##/afk hello
So which bot is official?
@Rahul2001 Currently @IAmABot has all our stuff, but I suspect the other one will resume its official position once Bob/quix get it fixed
> Set an afk message. After a few minutes of away time, if a user pings you, the bot will reply with the message.
@burgi Please be away a few minutes longer
Ah, maybe it just doesn't do a confirmation to you
Welp now I don't know whether I'm in that mode
@BenN ##afk should revert
##afk I am away.
Testing whether @jokerdino is away, will the bot poke me?
@BenN "After a few minutes of away time ..."
@Burgi stay away!!!!
@Rahul2001 Burgi is afk: hello
@Burgi Enough minutes yet?
This is very cool. Why did I never know about this command?
i wonder if you are blocked @DavidPostill
Why am I not surprised that @IAmABot is not replying to me :)
@DavidPostill huh, maybe afk stops working if the user messages?
can someone else ping me?
Is @Burgi here?
Let's see, ping me, I'll remain offline for a while
I wish it had some way to check if a user is AFK
@Rahul2001 You haven't gone afk
##afk gtg socialise cringe
(waits several minutes)
Quick question
@MathCubes That was so quick we missed it :)
For someone that know a bit about speakers and audio.
@MathCubes never heard of the former
logitech's competant
ping @Rahul2001
ping @Burgi
@Rahul2001 who are you socialising with?
@Burgi Rahul2001 is afk: gtg socialise cringe
ping @Rahul2001
@JourneymanGeek No never heard about that about logitech, what does that mean?
Huh, @DavidPostill actually appears to be blocked
@MathCubes logitech makes decent gear
@Burgi staying with cousins for a couple of nights, mum had to go out of town suddenly
the other one looks more impressive but its an unknown quantity
ping @BenN
@Rahul2001 I like my cousins. Probably cause I saw them once every few years ;p
@jokerdino test
@Rahul2001 you no afk?
@MathCubes never heard both, but eh, 30-50$ speakers should be decent but not amazing.
@DavidPostill Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
##is DavidPostill blocked?
@jokerdino Certainly
There you go.
@JourneymanGeek a tad bit overpriced
@JourneymanGeek same here
bye guys
@DavidPostill that... Shouldn't have worked if you're blocked
Maybe banned?
I like my cousins too, last one grilled with mustard and pepper was quite tasty.
hm. I have spam for customised candy 0_0
@Avery I concur, this joke was quite tasteless.
needed more sriratcha maybe?
@satibel Saucy
Ah, Sriracha my old friend. How to make a student sandwich: put sriracha on bread.
> What you’re looking for is hugely in demand at the moment, typically candidates with this skill set don’t apply to adverts etc as they don’t need to go looking for work as roles find them.
`who, whAT
our recruitment plans are not going well
@Burgi I already told you, nobody can read the advert.
24 hours ago, by DavidPostill
:38081037 What a crap design. I can't read #a3a3a3 text on a white background.
23 hours ago, by DavidPostill
@Burgi well I had to change the text colour css.
did anyone else have that issue?
i'll add it to the list of crap to change
@Burgi That's what it look likes to me (100% zoom)
looks ok here... :(
i'll darken the text tonight
I struggle to read it.
Much better :)
on a serious note if anyone is interesting in being a frontend dev or knows someone who is looking for work, please let me know
can that get some star love?
@Burgi pinned for the moment :)
@Burgi UK though? :P
@Rahul2001 We removed afk from Cavil after it was abused.
also, buggy
@BenN "all our stuff" was publicly exported. The canonical copy is still on Cavil and will remain so AFAIK.
Anyway, Cavil is alive. He's just narcoleptic.
(i.e. he falls asleep about 2-3h after he starts up. cause unstable browser. wait ~6 weeks before it gets more stable/into release)
stuck on the resurrection ship
actually I should try beta 55 sometime
right now it's on nightly 56
@Bob don't remove it, it's cool!
it doesn't work very well @Rahul2001
@Rahul2001 It was incredibly buggy. iirc it could get stuck on and needed a bot restart
@ThatREDACTEDGuy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
##learn powershell <>https://i.sstatic.net/oF3jN.png
@bwDraco Command powershell already exists
Wait didn't I put the bot on ignore yesterday
@Avery ignore is not cross session
it is.
you need block
@Burgi Have a nice Saturday, Sunday, Other Saturday, and Other Sunday! \o/
work love me LOL
im constantly like 'Why has no one done this before?'
@Burgi hide is just session
ignore is "block"
Q: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable and PXE-MOF: Exiting PXE ROM

Gregor PerčičYesterday, my friend's laptop fell down on the floor. Because it is quite robust we though that it won't leave a mark. But we were wrong. Upon boot strange noises began to come out of the inside of the laptop. Then, the boot logo appeared as normal. But continuing onward, we were met with this me...

Time to write a canonical question.
Today is Wednesday. Tomorrow is Saturday, next day is Sunday, then Other Saturday, and Other Sunday! \o/
Unless you don't live in [REDACTED].
@ThatREDACTEDGuy wha
i have thurs, fri, sat, fathers day, 2nd sat, wifes bday
I almost brought my gaming station shitty laptop with 2 xbox 360 gamepads and two cheapo DX gamepads to work today
But then I remembered every other time we have a holiday Thursday
Google maps becomes so red it looks line bloody veins
And it takes me forever to get home
Q: Computer doesn't boot up, shows PXE error and/or "operating system not found", "no bootable device", "insert boot media" or similar error

bwDracoMy computer no longer boots Windows or the installed operating system. Instead, I may get this error: PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM. and/or one of the following messages: Operating System not found No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key ...

Time to start closing the dupes.
(once someone upvotes the answer, that is)
One question to rule them all.
3 PM and the traffic has already started turning red...
I'm outta here.
Could someone help me convert this to powershell?
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims= " %%G IN (%TEMP%\tokensonly.txt) DO cmdkey.exe /delete:%%H
@Burgi 🤔 any more specific info on requirements etc?
The for each loop in the command prompt works but when I try to the the foreach-object it just breaks it
foreach-object ? :/ hmmmmmmm
isnt the text file 1 object?
oh nmnm
i hate powershell
Q: Read file line by line in Powershell

KingamereI want to read a file line by line in Powershell. Specifically, I want to loop through the file, store each line in a variable in the loop, and do some processing on the line. I know the bash equivalent: while read line do if [[ $line =~ $regex ]]; then # work here fi done < f...

Haha, I am used to making batch files and I need to learn powershell but I just need to work on this script atm.
If there were more hours in a day I would love to learn powershell
@Ericode I'm just trying to figure out how it works atm
I don't know batch nearly well enough yet.
This is just part of a script that clears the credential manager
I am going to deploy it to 2500 machines but I want it as a power shell script and run it in the background after the computer starts
but from %%G, comes %%H
could you call it anytrhing, and have just the next sequencal one?
%%X, %%Y ?
Today at work we needed to ideally turn off windows updates on a few hundred machines
I came up with a batch script, but we aren't sure we really want to do it yet XD
We are still running windows 7 sp 1
this weekend we are deploying windows server 2012
some of these boxes are running XP...
embedded XP
If automatic windows update, fails
does it retry the next night? :/
Oh damn they gonna have fun tomorrow D:
I sense I'm going to walk into a 'This is Fine' situation.
for what's going to be the 3rd day in a row (different issue the other days)
(e10s is disabled on Bifrons due to memory constraints and issues with one of the add-ons on this system)
(...and is set to 256 processes on the Dragon because there is little reason to believe that the system will exhaust all 24 GB of physical memory during normal use; I expect to use a similar configuration for Astaroth)
@DavidPostill: Was the comment on meta.superuser.com/questions/12491/… deleted on a flag?
@bwDraco No flag. Was deleted by Random.
This total lack of transparency is not helpful.
4:23 pm and the plot trafic thickens
@bwDraco Well comments asking for downvote explanations are just noise ...
@DavidPostill I'm starting to resent him again. You can't assume every user knows all the rules.
I'm not going to let this blow up like before. If anything, it'll go through the proper channels.
@bwDraco You have been round long enough that I expect you to know the "rules".
I've deleted the Meta question since on second thought, it serves no meaningful purpose and is redundant. However, it's vital that moderators actually lead by example. Just going around modding with no explanation, even if the reason seems obvious, isn't helpful when users legitimately have no idea why the action was taken.
It's really frustrating and unfriendly.
The reason may be obvious to regulars, but a newcomer won't understand.
A: Is it now discouraged to ask for reasons for downvotes as a comment?

Shog9I flag them on sight. IMHO, they are noise at best, and potentially harmful at worst. I've seen instances where a user will write an incorrect, unhelpful, or redundant answer and whine about being down-voted while I'm writing a comment to explain the problem. But worse by far are the answers wh...

Well, I'm not trying to excuse my actions. However, I honestly was not familiar with this policy.
> When should I comment?

You should submit a comment if you want to:

Request clarification from the author;
Leave constructive criticism that guides the author in improving the post;
Add relevant but minor or transient information to a post (e.g. a link to a related question, or an alert to the author that the question has been updated).
From Help Center > Privileges > comment everywhere
@Avery job description sent on steam
@Avery u movin to manchester?
Sooooooo today
A: Is it ever appropriate to question a downvote?

casperOneVoting is anonymous That said, I don't think the right question is whether or not it is appropriate to question a downvote, but is it worth it? After all, who are you targeting the question to? It's a shout into the void, and I'd consider it lucky if you did receive a well-crafted, constructiv...

mah bosses bosses boss goes 'Oh I heard your going for job with networking, is that what you want to do?'
I say, well that or Sysadmin
she goes .... 'Well I've just taken over that department..... you might want to concider not taking the networking role if they offer it to you'
er... wtf?
is that even allowed?
you know what, i'd flag that with HR
@djsmiley2k What does that even mean? You shouldn't take the job because [insert reason here]. What reason?
Reason being a Sysadmin role is likely to come up
But I'm like... what if I don't get the sysadmin one :/
@djsmiley2k Exactly. You could just be stuck doing crap ...
super unethical
@djsmiley2k They said that as "it's hell, run and save yourself" or "don't threaten my role or I'll make it hell for you"?
if you are unsure ask on The Workplace with a sock
so many managers there are all backstabby and stuff
so i just don't get involved
fuck you moth
get your own damn keyboard to flutter against
@Burgi Moth-like typing detecfdxfg
Turn off your keyboard backlight :P
i think it is the screens reflecting of it
covfefelike typing detected
Something's wrong with your bot.
Oh yeah, I had that too a few days ago
@Burgi you should contract me for 10 minutes so I can fix those text colors.
COVFEFE Act 2017, wtf?
Hmm. Hopefully, this will bring an end to Trump's Twitter madness.
Oh gawd, an indigogo project has 50MB+ of animated GIFs on its project page...
@bwDraco Fefe, fefe. I'm a covfefe.
@Burgi Remote / international work? What stack and prog lang? Opportunity to be front and backend, or do a little backend, or full stack? How many times would I say "WTF?!" when reading the existing codebase?
@allquixotic office-based, 90% frontend with some backend
@Burgi Any extra-special / advanced software domains required to be successful, like machine learning/AI, GPU programming, HPC / perf optimization, big data, etc?
also, by "office-based" do you mean the web app is written in VB(A/Script) or is the front end actually an MS Access or Excel based app?
I think he means you'll have to move to the UK and meet him in his office.
no i mean the job is based in an office
probably can't do, then... unless the pay and job stability are amazing
international relocation is super risky for a tech job
if I work there for <2 years it'd probably end up being a colossal waste of time, and I'd spend as much on getting there and getting settled as I would make in my pay
@allquixotic Hey! Wanna hear a story of someone I know that moved to Canada for a tech based job and is doing really well?!
@MichaelFrank meh... for every success story there are 100 sad stories of failure
i wouldn't relocate for my company
right now, I have a very stable job with extremely low risk of being laid off or fired as long as I don't do anything obviously against the norms of a white-collar office job, and I live near my parents and have a good support group
stay put
I'd move for the right price and stability but most companies can neither pay a lot, nor guarantee stability
we are currently running at 5 WTFs per hour
down from about 70
i think we are actually at 20 WTF per hour its just that i am used to the craziness now
I sympathize, and to be quite honest, I thrive in chaotic environments where things are kind of a mess -- I'm messy, myself, so if I can bring slight order to the WTFness, I look like a hero
I wouldn't be scared away by bad legacy code; I'd be scared away by moving across the Atlantic for a job that by the sound of it would only be a slight upgrade in pay, or a downgrade

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