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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@DavidPostill hey, there are minorities living there
@ThatRussianGuy USSR?
Russia is also ex-USSR right?
ah, thought so
@jokerdino I'll have to ask the party leader, comrade.
Hm, I think I'm going to have a break up. An ugly one.
Ow :(
@FaheemMitha Some people actually do
@BenN Yeah, not looking forward to it
@Rahul2001 Some do, yes. I try to be one of them.
Yeah well, I do more than just try
@Rahul2001 owie
I kinda lost count.
Legends say that there's even people in Brazil who obey the law! (But they never found him)
@DavidPostill not accurate.
Turkey is at #153
that's simply incorrect
@jokerdino Don't worry, in two months there'll be a new one
@Avery shrug not my lies ;p
@jokerdino third girlfriend, but I've had a couple of near-breakups with her before (initiated by her)
That's it, I'm switching to Linux.
@Rahul2001 You think bash will be any better?
batch is great to %0|%0 don't try that
bash is not better either
you should try powershell
@DavidPostill hopefully?
@Avery like even I drink
@jokerdino NO! I abstain from using PS.
use cygwin
@Avery Wha?
or linux
@Rahul2001 What's wrong with PhotoShop?
It's not free
and he doesn't pirate, as he follows all laws
@ThatRussianGuy its prioprietry, REEEEE
@ThatRussianGuy You fool! Why do you keep breaking conversation flow!? :P
install gentoo
But since you mention it:
Resource heavy
Do you use GIMP or Inkscape? @Rahul2001
@jokerdino paint.net, actually
oh I see
Have you tried Pinta?
@jokerdino I think I did once. Is it the online thing?
Ah, no, I see
Nope, never tried it
paint.net is great but it doesn't work on wine
@jokerdino What's it like?
@Avery Saaaad.
@Rahul2001 I'm not responsive, I guess.
like MS Paint but worse
oh, lol
@Rahul2001 Bash is even more of a mess syntax-wise than batch IMO
@Avery Wine is useless unless it is red, australian and in a bottle.
@DavidPostill like this?
Bash is more painful than batch
@Avery Yep
bash is not really fun
but let the poor kid try
@Avery In other news, I have somehow managed to obtain copies of Subway Surfers and Fruit Ninja HD for a friend for Windows, and they work on wine.
they use unity
which works perfectly under wine
@SBM but on linux you can assume python is preinstalled.
@Rahul2001 Bluestacks? Genymotion? RemixOS Player?
doing a pacaur -Syu when suddenly:
@ThatRussianGuy Unity exe
@ThatRussianGuy MiMe?
@Avery python isn't that good either.
perl is better
@SBM at least it's not batshit crazy
Regex rocks
like bash or powershell or shell
@Avery Pacaur-Syu sounds like the name of some ancient wise character from Avatar
@jokerdino Perl is great, you just have to be careful not to summon eldricht abominations
@jokerdino trouble is perl is write once read never
Hello, people. Some help here.
I was planning on buying a computer this weekend, but having learned that i9s are coming out, I thought it was better to try to understand whether is it is a bad idea to buy a computer in the next few weeks or not.
Any insights?
Sorry, I live in a place where everything arrives years late and 10x more expensive.
2 hours ago, by djsmiley2k
did @Burgi ever wake up :/
@DavidPostill PERL is like the polar opposite of ROM
Damnit, someone just help me out with this batch thing
@Rahul2001 I did - I gave you working and tested code
Windows is so expensive
@DavidPostill Complete code which keeps breaking because of the exclamation point thing:
		setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
		set postText=!postText:+= !
		set postText=!postText:%%22="!
		set postText=!postText:%%21=uncledavid!
		setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
		set postText=%postText:uncledavid=!%
		echo input: %postText%
@jokerdino you what
postText is declared before this
pinta is great compared to paint
@djsmiley2k i fell asleep watch BSG
not feeling too perky today
@GitGud heh, i9s are going to be hell expensive, and are probably not for you unless you're a hardcore enthusiast with tons of money lying around
@Rahul2001 What is that code supposed to do?
@Rahul2001 What is the initial value of PostText?
@Rahul2001 I don't want an i9, sorry if I wasn't clear. I'm gunning for an i7 and I'm wondering how fast the i7s' prices will go down.
replace + with <space>
replace %22 with "
replace %21 with !
echo postText
@GitGud will not
Hang on, are you trying to URL-decode?
@BenN yes hides
@BenN In batch :)
@Rahul2001 Aight, thanks for your input.
@BenN POST data, actually
@GitGud probably, that is
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web
$decoded = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlDecode($encoded)
And done
Q: How to decode URL-encoded string in shell?

user785717I have a file with a list of user-agents which are encoded. E.g.: Mozilla%2F5.0%20%28Macintosh%3B%20U%3B%20Intel%20Mac%20OS%20X%2010.6%3B%20en I want a shell script which can read this file and write to a new file with decoded strings. Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en I ha...

Q: Decoding URL encoding (percent encoding)

DisplayNameI want to decode URL encoding, is there any built-in tool for doing this or could anyone provide me with a sed code that will do this? I did search a bit through unix.stackexchange.com and on the internet but I couldn't find any command line tool for decoding url encoding. What I want to do is...

@DavidPostill Something along the lines of hi+%22+%21bye
Q: How can I encode and decode percent-encoded strings on the command line?

ændrükHow can I encode and decode percent-encoded (URL encoded) strings on the command line? I'm looking for a solution that can do this: $ percent-encode "ændrük" %C3%A6ndr%C3%BCk $ percent-decode "%C3%A6ndr%C3%BCk" ændrük

@ThatRussianGuy I'm on windows
@Rahul2001 Nobody's perfect, but we still love you all the same
I'll give 50 rep to anyone who can build an exe for me which decodes POST data. Plenty of code available on SO.
Does PowerShell with arguments count?
@BenN I guess
Actually wait, wait, wait
I'll get back to you guys in a minute about that offer
You could probably build your own EXE pretty quick with csc, which ships with the .NET Framework
@echo off
set postText=hi+%%22+%%21bye
echo %postText%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set postText=!postText:+= !
set postText=!postText:%%22="!
set postText=!postText:%%21=uncledavid!
setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
set postText=%postText:uncledavid=!%
echo %postText%

> test
hi " !bye
That works. @Rahul's code is clearly broken
@DavidPostill lemme check
@DavidPostill man, this is messing with my head
@DavidPostill Okay, this makes no sense whatsoever, but that code refused to work as part of the batch file
So I had to save it as david.cmd and call it instead
Your name shall remain in my program forever as a tribute to all your help :P
@Rahul2001 lol
This level of hackery is killing me
@Avery ehehe
@DavidPostill Uh... in postText=!postText:%%23=<! is there an easy way to escape the <?
@jokerdino pinta is like a lightweight paint.net, not even comparable to mspaint
I know
@Rahul2001 ^
@JourneymanGeek Harvey Norman? Singapore¿!
@DavidPostill For some reason, only set postText=!postText:%%3C=^^^<! works
@Rahul2001 consider getting an .im domain for your chat script
@Avery Will do!
@Avery online on telegram?
@Rahul2001 cmd vs start quote fun
@djsmiley2k hm?
@ThatRussianGuy Despacito! Must be a hit in your country?
@Rahul2001 You like this one ^ ?
> The term you entered did not bring up any results. You may have mistyped your term or your Search setting could be protecting you from some potentially sensitive content.
Shame lol
@Rahul2001 set postText=!postText:%%C3=^<! works for me
@echo off
set postText=hi+%%22+%%21+%%C3bye
echo %postText%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set postText=!postText:+= !
set postText=!postText:%%C3=^<!
set postText=!postText:%%22="!
set postText=!postText:%%21=uncledavid!
setlocal disabledelayedexpansion
set postText=%postText:uncledavid=!%
echo %postText%

> test
hi " ! <bye
> [T]he Asus Zenith board for Threadripper includes two 8-pin EPS12V power connections. [...] On the Asus Zenith, dual EPS12V sockets means potentially four 12V rails for Threadripper. That doesn't mean the CPU has to use all of that power, but Asus's X299 board has a single EPS12V plus a second 4-pin ATX12V for the CPU, so it seems Asus expects maximum load plus overclocking to push CPU power draw into new territories. Crazy.
Can't you guys take it to github? cc @DavidPostill @Rahul2001
@ThatRussianGuy lol
What happens on Github stays on Github.
@Mokubai But the universe knows all about it :D
@GypsySpellweaver Yeah, but we can pretend we don't see it over there...
stays on Github ends up in dozens of forks and thousands of production servers.
Uncle David will be famous! ;p
I'm thirsty again ;P Vodka anyone?
@GypsySpellweaver wine.
I need something tasty
Someone brought a bottle with them :D
What do the pictures tells us?
The fox animal stole the eggs, then the bald dude got drunk and pushed someone from the edge. The end.
Moral of the story: don't drink and chat.
@ThatRussianGuy Surely he didn't push someone over the edge, the sign says not to.
@Mokubai They had to put a sign, after what he did!
Fair enough, can't argue with that
Damn government who fails to solve an issue before it happens!
government is reactionary the only vision they have is tunnel vision
me looks in
@ThatRussianGuy do you have any proof?
Do you have proof of the things they didn't stop happening?
@djsmiley2k can I call you dad?
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
@djsmiley2k There's an INFINITE FINITE number of things they didn't stop happening!
There's also an infinite number of things they may of stopped happening.
@djsmiley2k Did your eyes and mouth grew bigger, or did your head got smaller?
@ThatRussianGuy @djsmiley2k has lost his nose :)
@DavidPostill Nose? I thought his glasses just hovered in front of his face!
@ThatRussianGuy Exactly!
van hits 20 people on london bridge
> A cab driver told LBC that three men jumped out of the van.

He said: 'They just had these long blades, about 12 inches long. They just went randomly along Borough High Street stabbing people.
From Met Police:

> Officers have then responded to reports of stabbings in #BoroughMarket. Armed officers responded and shots have been fired
> Officers are now responding to an incident in the #Vauxhall area
isn't london bridge right outside MI6?
@Burgi MI6 is Vauxhall
is the bridge there not london bridge?
@Burgi Vauxhall Bridge?
fair enough
Yea, MI6 is quite a bit further down the river.
Or up... I guess?
i did tower bridge and Westminster when i went to london
Hm. That is odd. Linkedin sent me an email with a single specific job ad
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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