As a mod elsewhere - If you can't spend the time flagging, editing, and otherwise helping make the site better now, you're not going to find the time to moderate.
One of the funny things about being a mod is, how little I actually need my mod powers. It speeds things up. I have a flag queue for ...
When we did allow outside nominations, it caused a lot of problems:
users often did not know they were nominated by someone else
users sometimes did not want to be nominated at all
it implies a lot of coordination, more than there actually is, between users
There is, I think, an important dif...
It's not the time. As much as I'd like to help, I really don't feel I can take up the mantle. My first vote would go to DavidPostill, assuming he runs.
I've come to accept that as great as having the diamond might be, there's a long road ahead of me and I need to grow up and improve my soft skills first. It doesn't mean I'll never be a good mod, just that I'm not ready.
@DavidPostill, I think I've come to accept it. It took me some two years to realize that my social soft skills need work and I should focus on improving them first rather than constantly yearn for a position of authority.
Having lots of if using_buggy_hw then do_something_special clauses that you can never get rid of because that buggy hardware is out there is fundamentally bad and can harm software performance for everyone who doesn't have the buggy hardware. Fix the damn hardware, not patch around it.
@bwDraco then the question becomes why AMD hadn't spoken to Microsoft before now, as this should have shown up during their extensive validation testing (lol)
This is the P4 all over again
The processor would have been in the pipeline for several years, and if they were testing it even vaguely then the bug has been seen and ignored. If it is really something horrifying then they should have spoken to someone at MS about it sooner. Lazy company is aiming for flashy "look at our amazing products (but ignore the flaws)"
I lost respect for AMD a long time ago. Used to love them, they've given a lot of good competition that has spurred on the market, but their recent offerings have been lackluster at best. this sounds like it is going to be yet another damp squib.
dose any one have any clue how to fix a windows 8.1 computer that has failed its upgrade and that can't be entered into safe mode that has no backups or restore points
Others have covered the Northern hemisphere. But, what about the southern hemisphere equivalent ?
Map the antipodes of the Bermuda Triangle into the Southern Hemisphere and see what you get!!! People fly there. Most come back..
BUT some of the weirdest and most mysterious things on earth inhab...
@Neil You can preserve most settings by just copying the user profile folder.
Programs... lost cause, probably.
@JourneymanGeek I swear chkdsk breaks more than it fixes.
And of course it falls under the category of "running writing tools on a broken drive", which is a giant no-no until you're sure you have a backup image and have recovered everything else you can.
¡Important, "~~~~://" means "http://"!
I have the following domain hired at ~~~~:// ~~~~://
The domain is associated with the IP of the router thanks to Dynu IP Update Client v4.43. Every time a certain time passes Dynu IP Update Client v4.43 is updatin...
@Mokubai the funniest part is, all through school my reading age was far beyond my peers, it was just the fact I had undiagnosed dylexica meant that exams were a killer
Rather than guessing I'm on a motorcycle, or in a car, etc, just based on my speed, it actually sees me following a known train track (how it knows its a known train track I'm not sure)