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@Burgi Yeah, the one in the exclusion zone. If it blows up it's supposed to flood London with a tsunami or something like that.
@allquixotic also true
hense why i explained internal ip, no clue!
yeah the thames barrier will be overwhelmed and places like whitastable will be wiped off the map
SS Richard Montgomery was an American Liberty ship built during World War II, one of the 2,710 used to carry cargo during the war. The ship was wrecked off the Nore sandbank in the Thames Estuary, near Sheerness, England in 1944 with around 1,400 tonnes (1,500 short tons) of explosives on board, which continues to be a hazard to the area. == History == The ship was built by the St. Johns River Shipbuilding Company in its second year of operations, and was the seventh of the 82 such ships built by that yard. Laid down on 15 March 1943, she was launched on 15 June 1943, and completed on 29 July 1943...
thats the one
if the terrorists were smart they would target that
> According to a BBC news report in 1970,[12] it was determined that if the wreck of Richard Montgomery exploded, it would throw a 1,000-foot-wide (300 m) column of water and debris nearly 10,000 feet (3,000 m) into the air and generate a wave 16 feet (5 m) high. Almost every window in Sheerness (pop. circa 20,000) would be broken and buildings would be damaged by the blast.

However, news reports in May 2012 (including one by BBC Kent) stated that the wave could be about 4 feet (1 m) high, which although lower than previous estimates would be enough to cause flooding in some coastal settle
@DavidPostill 1.4 kt of doesn't seem like it would pose a danger if it's exploding in the water like that...
that's about 10% of Hiroshima, and since explosives radiate energy in all directions, 10% of the explosion delivers much less than 10% of the blast in any particular direction
techignite.computer.org <-- I would so love to go for this. Anyone joining me?
@Nick do you actually have the pre-existing background and experience to make the most of it instead of just looking around going "wow... wow... wow..."?
also many of those speakers talk online for free, Reddit AMAs, Second Life, etc
I "met" Grady Booch virtually and participated in a Q&A session with him during OSCC 2016
didn't have to pay a dime
@allquixotic Um, I didn't think much beyond the "wow, wow, wow" part but I am a computer engineering student and IEEE volunteer. So, yeah, I do think I can make the most of it if given the oppurtunity.
@allquixotic Mhh, i should keep an eye out for things like tht too.
IMO you don't really learn anything practical from those sorts of "fireside chats" where some guy shares his philosophy or whatever -- they're often so scatter-brained and answering so many questions that it's difficult to follow their train of thought, and they never get into a deep enough discussion about any one thing to be really useful
I liked Grady Booch's presentation at OSCC, but the chat afterwards wasn't much of anything... plus a lot of people taking up time asking him fairly boring questions that have easy answers
@allquixotic If you don't compare it with other explosions, it's still a devastating blast.
if you're an IEEE volunteer you should be able to get some kind of serious discount. one would think. they do take care of their "members" as much as they like to clean out your wallet
I'm glad not to be a member, personally; colossal waste of time for actually accomplishing anything unless you're an on-campus student looking for a job
they help students get jobs, I'll give them that... beyond that, kind of a farce of an organization that hasn't done much to advance the state of the art in 10 years
@allquixotic I do have a discount if I register in the next week but the travel expenses to san Francisco are just so massive.
they love to collect bureaucrats and directors and pay them 6 figs to sit around and build powerpoints and go to "cons" (conferences) and eat muffins and talk about the weather
it's all so pretentious and unproductive imo
they're an organization built around 20th century ways of socialization and collaboration, advocating the development of careers of professionals who build systems (computer software) that enable a completely new, revolutionary way of 21st century socialization, i.e. the Internet
kind of weird when you think about it; shouldn't the whole organization, and everything they do, be 100% virtual?
why not? do you have to shake someone's hand in person to learn from them? I don't
@allquixotic That is a very genuine point but allow me to counter. Isn't the experience of shaking hands, eating muffins and talking about the weather with Steve Wozniak a cherishable experience worth the travel and money no matter how unproductive it is.
@allquixotic They do have a webinars and interactions from time to time.
I don't think so; Woz had a heyday as a very productive engineer but he's just a man
and I say that as a recently inducted Apple fanboy
bbl meeting
@allquixotic I often find it's easier to grasp concepts when there's a face. As much as I like an anon telling me how to Tor and DDos stuff, I prefer a named face because that's often more memorable.
No offence to anons
@allquixotic he's a geek, and one who feels pretty true to himself
especially after his plane crash
@allquixotic Exactly, he is a man. A living breathing inspiring man with a finite existence that a lot of people would love to meet. If he were an installable AI that does MOOCs on the Apple API, I'd say yeah, an interaction is not as exciting but a 20th century interaction with a live human legend, it's worth an arm and a leg.
@noitsbecky Too bad auto sleep-to-hibernate transition is so unreliable :\
@noitsbecky Didn't the S7 use SDI too?
@allquixotic you ever learn lisp? :P github.com/shinh/bflisp
@noitsbecky or arson
@JourneymanGeek it's always arson. except when it isn't.
(seriously, though... how would anyone prove that?)
^ Concept for new Win10 UI by Microsoft
that looks... terriblke
(I do run the dark theme though)
@JourneymanGeek I just run standard :P
looks like something that is completely replaceable w/ classic shell ... again
@Bob looks like.... windows with windows media player?
or am i missing something here?
@djsmiley2k Look at the window "borders". The taskbar.
That's just the Groove app, but that's not the point.
getting holiday rejected because you need to swap it
@Bob concept? that looks very similar to how win10 is now
I see a theme for some icons
and no window borders
not much 'new' there tbh
What's the point of holiday if you can't book it because there isn't enough people...
@Nick The icons got smaller, and see "no window borders" ^
Anyone who wants to talk about Arduinos and robots, join this call, hangouts.google.com/call/bsrhxahdnvdole5x7avwkefg3qe
@Bob Why does it need to include a huge design for an audio player? Do people look at cover art all day? O__o
Designers seem to love to design music players
When mine is running in the background nearly 100% of the time
ok i need to find a list of all users who have this server mapped (as a shared drive) :/
do not suggest powershell :(
@OliverSalzburg amen
@djsmiley2k Shut down the system, then wait for incoming calls
give me play, stop, pause and next.
@OliverSalzburg well that's pretty much what's gonna happen
logged into said server...
the start menu has disappeared o_O
The Share and Storage Management MMC snap-in can tell you who has files on the share open at the moment, FWIW
i remember in XP itunes minimized to the tray and you could still skip/pause etc
yeah just going into that now @BenN ty tho
still, wtf?!
@djsmiley2k Exactly
now computer management is crashing xD
it can't cope with listing everyone
@Burgi even windows media play did if you enabled it
it lists 4 users then crashes and tries to relist
@djsmiley2k time for an emergency reboot?
Also, Get-SmbOpenFile | group ClientUserName
i heard they were retiring powershell in the next build of win 10... ;)
@Bob barely
the lady friend my minion met in amsterdam is visiting him this weekend...
@Bob similar colors to the default OS X, especially on that left hand side menu... hmm
getting him to focus on anything today has been a struggle
@Burgi why do you always mention this "minion"? is this a coworker who works under you?
@BenN - All they did was change the default command prompt. They have good justification for it, command prompt is way to difficult to add features to, which is the entire reason they made Powershell in the first place.
Yep :)
@allquixotic yes
its a term of affection
it was snowing :O
it snowed here at lunch
> `0AM
Wow these guys are getting really lame
@noitsbecky its how you specify time as a stardate ;)
@Burgi No, that really isn't how it works...
i know, it was a joke...
do you know how they work?
Holy crap, they finally fixed the brightness setting bug
Something like 1.5 years after they broke it and 50+ complaints...\
Intel's graphics driver decided to open and lock every file in my Steam folder
@noitsbecky looks like a Linux window decoration
Why isn;t there a badge for makign someone delete his/her negative voted question?
I thought it was only a -3 answer
"Peer Pressure" Delete own post with score of -3 or lower.
It doesn't specify answer.
"Bully" badge wanted :P Comment on a question with score -3 or lower and the OP deletes it less than an hour later
Anyone got experience booting a Windows 7 install from the network?
@allquixotic Bully should require you to make more than 2 people delete their answers
@CanadianLuke Spent years doing it, why?
I'm trying to boot a laptop that has a locked-down BIOS to the network. I use FOG normally to image it, but the image I have for that model is too big. I figured if I could boot the Windows 7 ISO, it would let me do a fresh install and I can get it running
I tried creating my own Win7 PE image, but it also stops half-way through booting up with a status code of 0xc00000e9, An unexpected I/O error has occurred
WinPE over network your mean?
We used a linux based image installer thingy.
Also what do you mean the image you have is too big? Too big for what in particular?
@noitsbecky When I try to build the ISO image using the AIK, it claims the image is too big - 700 MB. I tried "optimizing" it, but it only saved 2 MB. I also tried just the regular Win7 ISO, but that failed even earlier. When I was building the WinPE image, I tried to import the drivers for that system into it
WOW :0
Google really wants to deliver everything on its own page
@ThatBrazilianGuy also I'm pretty sure ffffff isn't equal to 0065ad
@allquixotic If Google says it is, then it is.
Who should I trust, after all? An evil technologic corporation aiming to take over the world, or an evil tchnologic cat aiming to take over the world?
*blinks innocently* Meow?
@noitsbecky I cheated... Bypassed the password :p
Crap. My desktop stopped outputting audio.
Probably yesterday evening when it acted weirdly.
Gigabyte GA-Z170X-Gaming motherboarf from 1st jan 2016 (so >1 year old)
@Hennes Doesn't Gigabyte warrant their motherboards for three years?
Probably. I shoud check. Esp. for a gaming motherboard (not used at all for gaming but for 'average' options unch as Thunderbolt3 etc
I really should boot an alternative OS to verify that it is not a software problem.
Though pluggin in an headset in an USB3 port just works
(plugging it into USB2 did not work)
@Hennes Motherbarf indeed!
@Hennes Really, USB3 works but 2 doesn't... Interesting... Do other USB devices work on that port?
usb2 usually fails, disconnects or works at max 3MB/s
@Hennes Could be a failing PCH.
posted on February 09, 2017 by Luke B

Ever forget your BIOS password? This is the definitive guide to getting back in. BIOS passwords, set for whatever reason, are bypassable. Remember, physical access means you don’t have real security (in certain aspects). You can use them to prevent children from fiddling with your BIOS settings, or to restrict access to other boot devices… Read more » The post Bypass BIOS passwords

> Wikipedia blunders aren’t just limited to individuals. The entire village of Denshaw near Greater Manchester was targeted when someone edited their Wikipedia entry and wrote that it was “the home to an obese population of sun-starved, sheep hurling yokels with a brothel for a pub and a lingering tapeworm infection,” according to the Telegraph.
@Burgi :)
sounds about right tbh
@allquixotic the problem with that is it was true , even the locals agreed.
there is your citation Burgi :-)
@Psycogeek what on earth is a histo?
antique, classic car ?
@Burgi Probably short for historic (see model on the rhs)
basically means that the traffic warden could not be arsed to look it up
@allquixotic Given the number of stars on this, we might want to actually start a proposal on Meta.
4 hours ago, by allquixotic
"Bully" badge wanted :P Comment on a question with score -3 or lower and the OP deletes it less than an hour later
@bwDraco 'tis a funny joke
@Bob Doesn't matter. Drafting a proposal...
i'll vote for it!
@bwDraco Wait until April 1st ;)
Even if it gets downvoted to oblivion.
is that a more upright floof?
it's a floff with an i
Jul 21 '16 at 3:53, by bwDraco
This is what I mean when I say my lack of a sense of humor is serious enough to potentially get me in trouble.
...I'm not sure if I want to continue.
@bwDraco Yeah, now would probably be a good time to stop :)
Q: Birth of a BYTE?

ShayHanedI know this is probably the biggest stupid question to post, and you might be probably thinking about what this guy is trying to brag about, I will try to be as straight as possible. I joined this community in order to dignify the open-minded algorithms embedded within the procedures of stackove...

hmm ^^^
@bwDraco Don't do what this guy just did ...
how did you manage to reply to yourself?
Wow, review queues are getting large... 1779 items right now
@noitsbecky how's the laptop cooling? does it throttle under load? :P
@DavidPostill Like this
@Burgi ^^^
Q: New badge proposal for commenting on a heavily downvoted question that is later deleted by the OP

bwDracoI know this is a bit of a joke, but allquixotic suggested a badge for commenting on a heavily downvoted question (-3 or below) which is subsequently deleted by the post author: "Bully" badge wanted :P Comment on a question with score -3 or lower and the OP deletes it less than an hour later ...

I stand behind my content.
i don't even get the option
...and I just crossed the line. I guess I'll grab some popcorn and watch.
@DavidPostill ...I'm sorry. I lost my temper.
@DavidPostill ah, H4X
This hasn't happened in a long time, but I'm sorry.
@bwDraco if you delete that and i don't get my badge i'll be so upset
I posted this knowing full well it would get badly downvoted.
I'll have to pay the price.
If the price is a question ban on Meta Stack Exchange, then so be it.
max of 38 today, ow
@bwDraco Downvotes on meta.so don't count for anything.
It's insanely difficult to get quality-banned on meta
also, when did you lose your temper?
@DavidPostill This is on the global Meta.
@bwDraco you'll be fine
i upvoted you
@bwDraco Oh dear ;p
13 mins ago, by Bob
@bwDraco 'tis a funny joke
the display melted again
13 mins ago, by bwDraco
@Bob Doesn't matter. Drafting a proposal...
11 mins ago, by DavidPostill
@bwDraco Wait until April 1st ;)
stop quoting yourself!
how does this even happen
1 min ago, by bwDraco
13 mins ago, by bwDraco
@Bob Doesn't matter. Drafting a proposal...
i wonder how many times you can nest a quote....
@Burgi Yeah, that's why I removed mine ... ;p
58 secs ago, by Burgi
1 min ago, by bwDraco
13 mins ago, by bwDraco
@Bob Doesn't matter. Drafting a proposal...
@Burgi we've done this before in sandbox
20 secs ago, by Bob
58 secs ago, by Burgi
1 min ago, by bwDraco
13 mins ago, by bwDraco
@Bob Doesn't matter. Drafting a proposal...
unlimited but it eventually overflows the screen
I'm not in a good mood. I would not normally go against my conscience like this.
@bwDraco Oh let it go. Take a time out and get some fresh air or something.
In other news, using Let's Encrypt when I have no root access to the server is an enormous pain
@BenN really?
what webserver?
cPanel :|
Shared hosting?
Yep, through Namecheap, and it seems they're explicitly hostile to LE
@BenN Possible to switch providers?
so is 1 and 1
Well, it's rather unusual of me to lose my temper these days in light of recent improvements...
@CanadianLuke Technically yes, but that would involve a lot more fiddling, heh
@BenN DNS verification?
@bwDraco what did you lose your temper at?
That sucks
19 mins ago, by Bob
@bwDraco 'tis a funny joke
@Bob What's that, and how do I use it?
you lost your temper at a silly joke?
I guess my lack of a sense of humor is hurting me more than I think.
Hang on, is fullchain.pem just the public key? It just has CERTIFICATE blocks :/
Sep 21 '16 at 23:01, by bwDraco
...and this is how my lack of a sense of humor can be actively disruptive to chat. Sorry, folks.
(see context)
Blargh now I have to fire up the Ubuntu VM again and copy out the right file
Q: How to use Let's Encrypt DNS challenge validation?

Pierre PrinettiLetencrypt has announced they have Turned on support for the ACME DNS challenge How do I make ./letsencrypt-auto generate a new certificate using DNS challenge domain validation? EDIT I mean: How do I avoid http/https port binding, by using the newly announced feature (2015-01-20) that le...

useful if you don't have easy access to the server or if it's not a standard webserver at all
Let's be honest here. I've always had a problem with humor. At times, this problem has proven serious enough to cause disruption.
i hate how system shock 2 respawns zombie things when you reenter an area
Ah yes, that looks nicer; I can finagle DNS as much as I want
Still need to get the cert into the web server though
@Burgi i hate endless repetition, but (at least) with zombies , you would expect a little comming back to life :-)
I posted this because I don't have a good sense of humor and took it seriously. I lost my temper and wound up posting this proposal, despite having been advised by chat room owners not to do this. I'm sorry. — bwDraco 1 min ago
@Psycogeek its sucking up my extremely rare ammo
Oy vey. This blew up.
@Burgi and that is doubble wrong, to have all the baddies come back, but none of the goodies. Devs So Mean.
Folks, this is what I mean when I say my lack of a sense of humor is a serious enough issue to cause disruption.
@bwDraco stop labouring the point, we understand
@Burgi, this was initially not meant to be a joke. It was intended to be a serious Meta proposal.
@bwDraco Just delete the damn thing and let it go.
edit your question to turn it around and follow @DavidPostill's suggestion as making it a one-off april fools joke
I'll let it stand.
I'm honestly on the fence here. Should I delete it, or do I deserve to suffer more for going against the advice of the community?
just leave it
I would delete it and hope that everybody forgets it ever happened ;p
Your choice - what you "deserve" doesn't really apply
For whatever reason, I want to see this get downvoted to the point where I'm question-banned.
It would take a lot more than this to get quality-banned
Little question of JavaScript...
var validate = isNaN(limit) || limit <= 0 ? false : true;
^^^ How can this become better / more elegant?
Because I just decided to purposely abuse Meta to post a joke proposal as if it was serious with the knowledge that it was not appropriate, against the advice of other community members here.
@PaulVargas var validate = !(isNaN(limit) || limit <= 0)
@bwDraco I would delete it, if instead of showing "SE can have fun", it became an irritation to others and a herassment to you.
@bwDraco I did not have my <mod> hat on ...
@BenN Is possible to remove the parenthesis?
you want to NOT the whole statement
@Burgi No? Why not?
limit > 0 && !isNaN(limit)
removing them would only NOT the isNaN or you could that
NaN > 0
^^^ From Chrome Console.
NaN is Not a Number
Yep, so the and-not-NaN should take care of it
Hmm ..................
@BenN I think that var validate = !(isNaN(limit) || limit <= 0) is more readable.
Trying to de-escalate...
...post deleted.
I should never have done this in the first place.
If I keep doing this, posting joke proposals as if they were serious, I could wind up getting suspended for abusing Meta.
@allquixotic, I'm very sorry for ruining your joke.
Everyone's moved on :)
...and I'm sorry to everyone at Meta Stack Exchange for any disruption.
@FleetCommand You can talk how my answer is incorrect here. Just be respectful
@Burgi Here you go ;p
can someone please take bwDraco out to a bar and get him thoroughly drunk?
@Burgi I'm pretty sure I can address this issue on my own time, thanks. Besides, these kinds of incidents are now very rare thanks to significant improvements in the way I behave.
and you are turning down free alcohol from a friend?
I will take @bwDraco drink if he doesn't want his
after 12 hours at work I need it
As much as you insist that I must go out to fix these issues, I honestly think otherwise.
stupid ESXi datastore...
This was an isolated incident. It's fine. Let's move on.
@Bob I'm pretty sure there's an alternative.
I'm a lot better behaved than I used to be, so these sorts of incidents are now rare. I'm totally convinced this can be done without having to go out.
Your thoughts?
...or am I just believing in a falsehood?
If you don't go out you will end like me. A cynical person who is closer to a donkey's rear then a cute lovable puppy :-)
Or am I like a cute lovable puppy's rear I forget
the latter part of you is certainly a dog....
Was going to say only I am allowed to call myself a donkey :$
But seriously you should go out staying in is boring and you do end up being cynical
going out can make you cynical too
staying in makes you naive
A summary of the lessons learned after today's incident:
1) I need to have a sense of humor. There already have been several incidents in the past due to my taking things too seriously, and not having a good laugh once in a while creates stress which adversely impacts my temper. If I learn to laugh, I can prevent this sort of disruption from happening in the future.
2) I need to follow (or at least seriously consider) other community members' advice. This means I need to stay in control of myself so that I don't wind up doing the wrong thing.
Let's move on.
Laughter yoga (Hasyayoga) is a practice involving prolonged voluntary laughter. Laughter yoga is based on the belief that voluntary laughter provides the same physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter. Laughter yoga is done in groups, with eye contact and playfulness between participants. Forced laughter soon turns into real and contagious laughter. In the mid-1990s, laughter yoga was practiced in the early mornings in open parks, primarily by groups of older people. Laughter yoga was made popular as an exercise routine developed by Indian physician Madan Kataria, who writes...
^^^ @bwDraco
There are classes in NY ;p
You just missed some drama :)
Fortunately, it's been resolved.
But I did finally get that certificate installed, so there is a bright side :)
@allquixotic back when I was a regular user, I once posted a comment on a spammer's question that made him self delete ;p
Something about how their employer should fire their SEO team
@bwDraco I read the transcript, and figured "its done"
Feb 2 at 13:42, by bwDraco
In a way, this is making me envious. Until now, I have not been allowed to leave the house without good cause, and I haven't been allowed to socialize much.
@bwDraco you need to deal with the underlying issue
In light of this incident, I've told my mom that I may sometimes go out to take a walk around the local area with little to no prior notice.
Least here, you're clearly demanding attention
@JourneymanGeek I was wondering why. I did realize at one point that I wanted attention, but the reason isn't obvious.
It's time for me to grow up.
I'm going to see if I can leverage this and dedicate more time each week to going out and socializing so I can improve my soft skills.
While I'm apparently the third chattiest person on the chat server (after a three headed dog and a bot), I talk to people.
You're basically going on a pretty long tangent on self improvement a lot of the time...
that never really seems to have results
Tip: when people suddenly start talking about something else, try talking about that instead
Thanks, folks. I'll bear that in mind in the future. Going out a bit more should help, too.
@JourneymanGeek I'll catch up eventually! :P
"This is not an attempt to promote the website" Saying that doesn't make it not spam. — DavidPostill 1 min ago
@JourneymanGeek a bot? a three headed dog? lol
I'm #3 with 123k messages in RA
you're 186k and Bob's 202k (impressive)
where are the chat stats?
@allquixotic smokey is number 2. Cerebrus is apparently number 1
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