@Bob true but I want to show them how it's possible to run a new binary on an old system
currently stymied by a segfault after successfully loading every dynamic library from the current dir (from 16.04) on a centos 6 container... I'm worried I might be wrong but it could be hack-around-able
@Bob yeah... I'm mostly a Ubuntu 16.04 on Ubuntu 16.04 shop as far as my LXD config right now, but CentOS 6 is working well
I've even got heterogeneous network topology going: most every container gets a macvlan pipe to have a public IP, but CentOS gets a NAT'ed pipe and no public IP of its own
@allquixotic Yea... the AU one opened for preorders last year with a promise of Oct (Nov?) delivery, but it's been delayed. They're supposedly still trying to get DDoS protection up, and they really want that first because of the recent bigger attacks.
But I'm not cancelling the order just yet, because I honestly want them here.
well my current box is a low-end Ivy (low clock), so if my guild starts barking for me to set up a dedicated server for some CPU-intensive game, I'll just start a gofundme or something and give them a bill and say "pay up or it isn't happening"