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!!forget orly
@JourneymanGeek Command orly forgotten.
there you go
Oh, did you want the use of the command deleted (not the command forgotten)?
You didn't want it deleted?
I thought the !!undo was intended to remove the test use
I'm not sure that !!undo undoes learning
!!learn orly <>https://i.sstatic.net/qPqZO.jpg
@JourneymanGeek Command orly learned
added back?
@BenN yup haha
hahaha thanks @JourneymanGeek i thought you'd removed it due to the amount of picture spam we get
thanks for putting it back XD
I indeed, meant to !!undo the photo
as reducing spam
@djsmiley2k I'm a firm believer in making clean up their own messes ;p
Protip: commands can be taught in the Bot Overflow room to keep the learn-test cycle out of here
(nothing wrong with doing that here, though)
@Bob: Ih ate this cold. I want your heat
@Dog s/cold/head/ s/heat/cold/
They ate this head, they want your cold?
Time to go out shopping. Lets see how dangerously frozen the outside world is.
Ok, so that is worth a lot of weather alerts... Nyet.
Strange question I know, but anyone got the teamviewer 8 installer?
yes, I trust you guys more than filehippo
@BenN Ah didn't know about thatroom - I'll likely forget by the next time too :D
Nope. I have used it in the past but apparently I did not save the installer.
Ever seen a news article and had to double check if it was a parody?
@Hennes it's cold and slightly windy still. Judging by my knee, there'll be snow or rain in 2 hours
!!s/news article/link/
@DavidPostill That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@DavidPostill Ever seen a link and had to double check if it was a parody? (source)
GRANTED the context makes it less bad
Ok. its a link
and it vaguely is a parody
Is "Ng Eng Hen" a real name?
my walls are 30 deg C
my computer case is 38
@JourneymanGeek yes, though I can't remembeer what
found my IR thermometer :P
I had to prove to my wife last night that vampire bats 'regularly' drink human blood
as the daily mail claimed it's some new thing that's causing chaos in Brazil
isn't that that scaremongering rag?
@JourneymanGeek It is the "UK Spoof News and Satire" version of the BBC :)
if someone could ship me some ice that'd be much appreciated
@DavidPostill Oh, the mail might be, bit its certainly not a version of the BBC. The site you linked. on the other hand...
@Bob its terribly warm here too
@JourneymanGeek The Mail? When did I last link to the Mail? :)
Ah. I missed @djsmiley2k's post
how fast must you be going, to clear the road so far it's no longer in the photos of your upside down car?
@JourneymanGeek heh, same temp but you have a bit higher humidity
I need to get aircon at home
@Bob I have the aircon on ;p
@JourneymanGeek I have... a puny fan on
those temps above? yea, indoor temps -_-
@Bob There's lot of ice not so far away from you. Some of it will be on the way soon.
and its a nice proper split unit
though I need to clean the filter tommorrow
@DavidPostill I'd prefer it to arrive still frozen, tyvm
@JourneymanGeek I'd take window. heck, I'd take portable at this point
@Bob You have a waterproof phone? Take a long cold shower :)
@DavidPostill lol. considered that. but cold showers aren't very sleep-friendly :P
30's not too terrible a daytime temp
it's just... not a good nighttime/sleep one
oh well
@Bob my dad has a portable in his office
We pointed the exchaust at the laundy ;p
I wonder how much they cost
So who clears merge conflicts, the reviewer or the person who initiated the merge ?
@HackToHell context? really depends on the project and scale.
@Bob I think its 4-800 sgd here
hm. seeing a bunch of 3.5kW and 4.2kW ones
I don't exactly have a bunch of spare 15A sockets lying around
I think they do normal sockets
ours are 13A for the regular ones tho
oh wait that's cooling capacity
not power consumption
@Bob Don't you have ice making attachments on your fridge in AU? Or ice cube trays you can put in your freezer?
do NOT get an evaporative cooler
@DavidPostill we only have trays. need a new fridge too :P
Most supermarkets and off-licenses in the UK sell large bags of ice cubes ... except not at this time of year ...
the ice making attachments are only common on the newer models
@Bob There's a new person who joined and will be managing the project(I was developing on it). I review the changes he makes.
I'm off it and I am working on something else
@HackToHell pawswat
@DavidPostill huh, I could head down to the servo... 5 mins walk
think it's like $5 a bag
@JourneymanGeek scratches head
meh, I'll live
I think knowing what version management (and tools) you use would be important here
And having hung out here, you should know better ;p
@JourneymanGeek yea looked at those... humidity's usually too high here for one
@JourneymanGeek gitlab !
git? anything atop of it?
@HackToHell Ok. So. In a DVCS.
The person who does the merging is the one who must clear conflicts.
Now, a "pull request" is not technically part of git, but it is part of common git workflows
In a pull request, especially on big projects, the provided patch is expected to be conflict-free (and fully tested, etc) before it can be merged
@JourneymanGeek I did there's conflicted opinion
In that case, the person who created the pull request is usually expected to clear conflicts
@HackToHell ah, at this point, whatever @Bob says is likely to be more correct ;p
@Bob haaaaaaaahahahah ;)
In a smaller project, the maintainer/reviewer mgiht sort out simple conflicts
ah alright @bob
But unless it's a really small project (like, 2-3 people) generally the reviewer isn't gonna be testing the code immediately, so they'll just chuck it back and ask for a conflict-free version
There's no hard and fast rule here.
Yes, that's the problem. Don't want a skirmish
But good luck getting a patch accepted by Linux, Microsoft (dotnet), Mozilla, etc., with conflicts in it...
People don't like to do merge conflict resolutions
Rule of thumb? Patches should be conflict-free. Person who creates the pull request is expected to make it so.
Smaller (tiny) project? Everyone is usually friends, and there's no clear separation of duties... more often everyone has main branch access anyway and just pushes straight on there.
@Bob yeah we were all pushing to master and it got messy. We follow the git workflow properly now :D
okay that does make sense for the patch to be conflict free
@DavidPostill As in, remember to turn those off when you want to cool your house?
love it when my kid shuts my server down
here i am at work wanting to test a couple things in my virtual environment.. now i get to twiddle my thumbs thinking about what I was planning on doing
Ugh. LinkedIn requuest from an unknow person.
i get them all the time
Works at $firm. I check their website and the first sentence on it makes me want to run away screaming and bleeding from my eyes
Convy Associates develops effective strategic alliance and partner loyalty programs that monetize relationships and accelerate demand for manufacturers in the security industry.
@Hennes House!
burgi whats your linked in? wanna be on my network?
@DavidPostill I was thinking buzzword bingo.
Anyway, AFK - buying ice
The eating kind.
@Hennes Exactly. Where's my prize? ;p
Your prize is the satisfaction in recognising the synergy between all the words in a timely fashion which exceeds expectations in a regular best practice environment.
anyone here stuck a larger hdd in a ps4?
@djsmiley2k I tried but it didn't fit :)
that's what I'm worried about
@djsmiley2k joking ...
ah :D
but seriously
i'm concerned as I know some don't fit in the ps3...
wtf is a firecuda?!
is that a barracuda you've set on fire?
@djsmiley2k FIRE SHARKS!
@Burgi you home yet?
its only 4pm
I made some major changes, will upload in a while
welcome to the real world @Rahul2001!
Dang you westerners! Always behind on time!
@Burgi Isn't that beer o'clock as it's Friday? :)
i'm having a non-alcoholic one
i say non-alcoholic... its 0.5%
Ah okay. I don't think messing around with code is advisable while you're drunk
github is broken :/
That timing!
its only 0.5%
you can have about 50 of them before you are anywhere close to the drink/drive limit
there is more alcohol in toothpaste
friday, but i'm working saturday, sunday and monday D:
@djsmiley2k Which days do you get off?
@Burgi Uploaded changes
@DavidPostill ???
@Burgi So oneboxed xkcds are bigger than oneboxed generic images
@DavidPostill Whaaaaaa
Looks like it's back online though ...
@DavidPostill I've been using github for the past 25 minutes or so... been working fine for me
@Rahul2001 Github online? Lucky you :)
Appears to be good here
22 mins ago, by DavidPostill
Looks like it's back online though ...
@Burgi Demo of chat room at https ://ra hul2001.com/A madChat
curse you and your spaces
Hehe, sorry, I don't want bots swarming that directory just yet
Oh, and anyone else is welcome to try it out and find faults with it...
@Burgi I'm gonna go to bed in 2 hours or so... I'll see your changes in the morning.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Under Development!
I'll upload the new content by tomorrow or so
@Rahul2001 Please make sure you reduce your font size :)
@DavidPostill Lol, okay :)
@Rahul2001 Better still don't specify the font size at all. Use appropriate heading levels to specify the font size ...
@DavidPostill I usually do that... This default theme isn't veeeery good
@Rahul2001 I noticed :)
@WHATEVERDave what is that mostrosity?
Pretty cool eh?
@Quarktaart - better yet, ban people (at least from flag reviewing) for dismissing flags that are later ruled actually offensive. — DVK 11 mins ago
Given the context... should I be suspended from chat?
@WHATEVERDave That's one word for it... not convinced it's the right word though
I'm sorry.
For what?
That seems a little extreme for you
@bwDraco Dude, chill out.
@bwDraco Dude, chill out.
Feel free to ignore chat flags; I frequently just shrug and let the locals handle it unless it's clearly offensive
@bwDraco Look who's talking ;p
@bwDraco - that's why flags have an option to ignore them. For when the reviewer isn't sure and isn't willing to investigate context. — DVK 35 secs ago
One user thinks this is inexcusable.
@bwDraco Why delete it? You had a bunch of upvotes...
One person discussing doesn't mean everyone is against you
It was reinstated.
I just don't feel I can stand behind my answer any longer.
If you're of the opinion that I should be suspended from chat, then you may want to consider flagging one of my recent chat messages for mod attention to request a suspension. I'd rather not be allowed to cause further damage than to continue to improperly counterflag messages. — bwDraco 51 secs ago
@bwDraco Maybe so, but some people think all kinds of things :)
Be advised that I may be suspended from chat with little warning.
Clearly a lot of people agree with what you said
@bwDraco I don't think you're going to be suspended
Though I would suggest you disengage from that comment discussion for a moment
I agree with Duck
if(strlen($text) > 200){
$text = "<i>Message too long!</i>"
Does anyone know why this isn't working?
Define "not working"
Uh, it moves on to the else condition even if the message is longer than 200 characters
What's the assignment of $text?
@BenN It's a string
Where in the current GitHub code is it assigned its value?
@BenN post.php
$text = $_POST['text'];
I would be surprised if this is it, but does it need a semicolon?
You may want to consider outputting $text before the if / else condition.. and after.. so you can properly debug the value before and after.
my guess is $text is blank
regardless of $_POST['text'];
or you may need a semicolon
pretty sure thats the issue
	if(strlen($text) > 100){
	$text = "<i>Message too long!</i>"
if(strlen($text) > 100){
$text = "<i>Message too long!</i>";
This block of code breaks the entire chatroom
semicolon (;)
oh... uh...
I think that rather than just pleading guilty and refusing to defend my statements in any way, I should continue to try to justify my actions.
hate it when that happens
@WHATEVERDave Yeah... me too...
@BenN I was putting the semicolon after strlen($text)... Stupid me
Oh, that would definitely do it
Might be cool to have the server return the too-long message to the input box of the client who sent it so if somebody legitimately types something really long, they can edit it down or cut it in pieces
By the way, that last message was 202 characters
@BenN Which one?
"Might be cool..."
Personally I occasionally type moderately long messages and would be a little miffed if I had to retype it all to fit a length limit
Hm... I'll increase the limit to 320
Also, JS alert if message is too long
Ah, that's good
Couldnt you avoid the use of strlen($text) and just use CONTENT_LENGTH http env variable instead to validate?
its like $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] if i recall
if ($_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH'] > 100) { }
less operations imo since you're reading a variable thats already set.. and not having to perform any additional stringlength calculations etc.
may have to cast the val to an int though
@BenN You shouldn't be able to type more than 500 chars now
And 20 for the username
@bwDraco And when the other person responds to your "defense" it carries on. You have to learn when to stop. If you feel you are right just stop responding. Some people will never be persuaded to change their opinions anyway so it becomes a waste of time.
OMG, I am so proud of this!
@DavidPostill Thank you. I've rewritten my answer but will disengage from the discussion.
@bwDraco Your answer seemed fine when I read it, sometimes people just need to talk, or just plain can't stop talking. Those people are best left talking to themselves.
Also a lot of people get worse when they see that they've got under your skin
Those people are best set on fire ignored.
@Mokubai lol
@bwDraco Much better answer, and a wise decision.
@BenN @Burgi I think I might make some @ChatBotJohnCavil-style interactive commands up just for fun... I need more practice programming, and this is fun!
@bwDraco Flags aren't just for getting rid of spam, they're for genuinely offensive or worrying stuff. Someone stating that someone else is an idiot isn't offensive, but stating that that a person should be dragged out into the street and beaten to death for being stupid is.
@Mokubai Yup. Hence:
> Nonetheless, it's important to flag content that you find is offensive. At the same time, it's just as important to not flag non-offensive, non-spam content that you simply disagree with.
Your answer pretty much sums it up though
@bwDraco Personally, I'd like to squeeze the word "genuinely" in there ;)
@Mokubai Oi! If you called me stupid I would find that greatly offensive! :)
Even if sometimes I am stupid ...
@DavidPostill Uncle, I don't think anyone will ever call you that... xD
@DavidPostill The thought had never had the merest possibility of entering my mind.
Dagnabit. 3 upvotes short of rep-cap.
@Mokubai I would upvote superuser.com/questions/257646/… but it has a perfect 69 score ;P
Hm... gonna go to sleep soooon
@Rahul2001 : Interesting xD
@allquixotic : Hola :x
2 hours later…
Got surgery a couple of hours ago
whole face hurts -_-
I had my filling yesterday
@djsmiley2k I had four wisdoom tooth removed
@PatoSáinz Oh dear. I was in agony for several days after having mine removed. Fortunately I had some natural pain killer to help :)
I ate a burger king the evening after mine were out
they were out around 12.
@djsmiley2k I wonder if it's less painful to have them removed before they start growing ...
@djsmiley2k Aged 12 or had them out at midday?
@DavidPostill Fortunately my surgeon was a master and he had anaesthesiologist assistin him (I was sedated through the whole operation)
But now I'm out with some painkillers but I still feel a bit... mutilated
@Mokubai "offensive" or "not" may be a subjective evaluation. What is NOT in dispute is that calling someone an idiot is indeed against "be nice" policy.
... and if you are sure it isn't, go ahead and ask on main Meta. I'd bet rep that you'll be told it is.
@DVK-in-Florida You realise you are replying to a moderator?
@DavidPostill Yes, does that mean I am automagically wrong?
@DVK-in-Florida No. But it is worth keeping in mind if you are disagreeing with someone :)
@DavidPostill Why?
To be fair, there is a range of opinions held on various things by the (many) moderators
@DVK-in-Florida Why not?
@DavidPostill Because the only two possible reasons I can come up with to care are both not valid reasons to care. Someone's either correct or incorrect (assuming the topic can be objectively evaluated), being a moderator or not is irrelevant to that. So what is your reasoning for keeping in mind that someone's a moderator, when disagreeing with them?
@DVK-in-Florida In the context of the original answer I saw (political discussion) I was assuming that people would be calling a third party an idiot which is not generally offensive. You can say that what they are doing is stupid (not offensive) or you can say that what they are doing merits their painful demise (definitely offensive).
Directly calling someone stupid is not okay, unless all parties involved are aware that it is meant as a joke.
@Mokubai I'm not prepared to defend the position that calling someone an idiot is indisputably offensive (personally I think it is, but "offensive" is a subjective scale). However, I am pretty certain that calling anyone (a 3rd party or not) an "idiot" is against be nice policy.
@Mokubai Actually, i'd not be surprised if calling people stupid even as a joke isn't considered kosher by CMs, but i am not certain. Probably depends on wider context.
@Mokubai Unless I'm mistaken, you're making a distinction between calling a chat user "stupid" and a 3rd party who's not a chat user "stupid". If that's indeed the case, how much rep are you willing to wager that I'm right and both are considered not nice?
Not great. Among other things, NAND can really use larger wafers.
@DVK-in-Florida Context is more important than just words. I wouldn't say someone is stupid outright, but if I saw a chat message saying "Look at my idiot friend" with a link to them doing something most would consider a bit daft I wouldn't immediately assume malicious intent. "Be nice" is about more than just words, actions and intent are very important.
Belittling someone for fun is not nice, but having a joke that all parties are comfortable with is not not nice.
"I just did x" "Well, that was a bit idiotic" "yeah..." is a perfectly acceptable conversation between friends and involves one person calling the other an idiot
A: Does the Be Nice policy require SE users to "be nice" to people who are not SE users (e.g. public figures)?

Shog9Let's read that "be nice" policy: Whether you've come to ask questions, or to generously share what you know, remember that we’re all here to learn, together. Be welcoming and patient, especially with those who may not know everything you do. Oh, and bring your sense of humor. Just in case. ...

@Mokubai Please note that the context of the message you were replying to was specifically the context of this meta answer, NOT of a "look at my idiot friend"
But I'm pretty sure even "look at my idiot friend" would not be guaranteed to be considered OK, although i'm less certain of that.
The rationale being, people can be made feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in chat where throwing around insults is considered OK.
Which is, at its root, the reason for "be nice" policy in the first place.
Q: How does BitLocker to Go leave an unencrypted file (BitLocker to Go Reader) that is readable by Windows XP or Windows Vista without extra software?

bwDracoBitLocker to Go volumes are fully supported on Windows 7 and later. For compatibility with systems running Windows XP or Windows Vista, a utility called BitLocker to Go Reader is provided to enable read-only access to the volume on these older systems. The BitLocker to Go Reader, bitlockertogo.e...

I am composing an answer right now.
(cc @Bob; revisiting this chat discussion)
Aug 9 '15 at 2:39, by Bob
Ohhh, fancy.

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