But unless it's a really small project (like, 2-3 people) generally the reviewer isn't gonna be testing the code immediately, so they'll just chuck it back and ask for a conflict-free version
Rule of thumb? Patches should be conflict-free. Person who creates the pull request is expected to make it so.
Smaller (tiny) project? Everyone is usually friends, and there's no clear separation of duties... more often everyone has main branch access anyway and just pushes straight on there.
here i am at work wanting to test a couple things in my virtual environment.. now i get to twiddle my thumbs thinking about what I was planning on doing
Works at $firm. I check their website and the first sentence on it makes me want to run away screaming and bleeding from my eyes
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Your prize is the satisfaction in recognising the synergy between all the words in a timely fashion which exceeds expectations in a regular best practice environment.
I just don't feel I can stand behind my answer any longer.
If you're of the opinion that I should be suspended from chat, then you may want to consider flagging one of my recent chat messages for mod attention to request a suspension. I'd rather not be allowed to cause further damage than to continue to improperly counterflag messages. — bwDraco51 secs ago
Might be cool to have the server return the too-long message to the input box of the client who sent it so if somebody legitimately types something really long, they can edit it down or cut it in pieces
@bwDraco And when the other person responds to your "defense" it carries on. You have to learn when to stop. If you feel you are right just stop responding. Some people will never be persuaded to change their opinions anyway so it becomes a waste of time.
@bwDraco Your answer seemed fine when I read it, sometimes people just need to talk, or just plain can't stop talking. Those people are best left talking to themselves.
Also a lot of people get worse when they see that they've got under your skin
@BenN @Burgi I think I might make some @ChatBotJohnCavil-style interactive commands up just for fun... I need more practice programming, and this is fun!
@bwDraco Flags aren't just for getting rid of spam, they're for genuinely offensive or worrying stuff. Someone stating that someone else is an idiot isn't offensive, but stating that that a person should be dragged out into the street and beaten to death for being stupid is.
> Nonetheless, it's important to flag content that you find is offensive. At the same time, it's just as important to not flag non-offensive, non-spam content that you simply disagree with.
@Mokubai "offensive" or "not" may be a subjective evaluation. What is NOT in dispute is that calling someone an idiot is indeed against "be nice" policy.
... and if you are sure it isn't, go ahead and ask on main Meta. I'd bet rep that you'll be told it is.
@DavidPostill Because the only two possible reasons I can come up with to care are both not valid reasons to care. Someone's either correct or incorrect (assuming the topic can be objectively evaluated), being a moderator or not is irrelevant to that. So what is your reasoning for keeping in mind that someone's a moderator, when disagreeing with them?
@DVK-in-Florida In the context of the original answer I saw (political discussion) I was assuming that people would be calling a third party an idiot which is not generally offensive. You can say that what they are doing is stupid (not offensive) or you can say that what they are doing merits their painful demise (definitely offensive).
Directly calling someone stupid is not okay, unless all parties involved are aware that it is meant as a joke.
@Mokubai I'm not prepared to defend the position that calling someone an idiot is indisputably offensive (personally I think it is, but "offensive" is a subjective scale). However, I am pretty certain that calling anyone (a 3rd party or not) an "idiot" is against be nice policy.
@Mokubai Actually, i'd not be surprised if calling people stupid even as a joke isn't considered kosher by CMs, but i am not certain. Probably depends on wider context.
@Mokubai Unless I'm mistaken, you're making a distinction between calling a chat user "stupid" and a 3rd party who's not a chat user "stupid". If that's indeed the case, how much rep are you willing to wager that I'm right and both are considered not nice?
@DVK-in-Florida Context is more important than just words. I wouldn't say someone is stupid outright, but if I saw a chat message saying "Look at my idiot friend" with a link to them doing something most would consider a bit daft I wouldn't immediately assume malicious intent. "Be nice" is about more than just words, actions and intent are very important.
Belittling someone for fun is not nice, but having a joke that all parties are comfortable with is not not nice.
"I just did x" "Well, that was a bit idiotic" "yeah..." is a perfectly acceptable conversation between friends and involves one person calling the other an idiot
Let's read that "be nice" policy:
Whether you've come to ask questions, or to generously share what you know, remember that we’re all here to learn, together. Be
welcoming and patient, especially with those who may not know everything you do. Oh, and bring your
sense of humor. Just in case.
@Mokubai Please note that the context of the message you were replying to was specifically the context of this meta answer, NOT of a "look at my idiot friend"
But I'm pretty sure even "look at my idiot friend" would not be guaranteed to be considered OK, although i'm less certain of that.
The rationale being, people can be made feel uncomfortable and unwelcome in chat where throwing around insults is considered OK.
Which is, at its root, the reason for "be nice" policy in the first place.
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