there is no technical means whatsoever to only download a partial file, especially the "bottom" part of it (you might be able to hack something to download the first N bytes, maybe not in JS though, by terminating the connection early)
unless you have the server only serve what you want to see (this is the sane way of doing it)
although yeah, if you're OK with the server serving up the entire page and the layout engine rendering the entire page, you can process the element structure and set everything to invisible except what you want to see
you can use document.evaluate() to run xpath and use this condition at the end: [position() > last() - 20]
or, if you want to select the ones that you want to target to hide, invert the > to <
then you'll get a node set which you can iterate and make them invisible
that's all clientside though, and the total performance cost will be the cost of loading the whole page (all elements), plus the cost of running the xpath and hiding the elements
and the total bandwidth cost will be the cost of the entire log3.html
@Bob there is certainly a performance difference installing big packages through apt on the SSD-less dedi :P but with all the caching ZFS does, I doubt short little bursty writes like DBs, etc. would matter with 128 GiB of RAM
aptitude has the best search; apt-get has the (only!) build-dep; aptitude has the best show; apt's update doesn't work with repos without a gpg key so aptitude update; and whenever doing anything that might break something, always use aptitude so you get options and can pick the best solution
also aptitude full-upgrade is the best distro upgrade after you s/prior-release-name/current-release-name in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d
basically I don't think they can (yet) fully deprecate / remove / replace any of the tools because each has their niche
and apt has the fastest performance for simple package installs, as well as an awesome progress bar
> While we review your project application you cannot view defects. It takes about 1-2 business day to review your association with the project and to make sure project meets open source guidelines.
oh well, looking forward to seeing where it found my "resource leaks"
@djsmiley2k i don't worry..i just know that you can't be traced or hacked just by visiting a potentially dangerous onion's a priciple tor is based on. Those facts were contradicting my knowledge about tor