Just to follow up on this. Woke up to a massive drama fest related to this, and it really is a superuser/root access issue so...
The user in question has been told I reserve the right to switch their account back to the one on superuser. Its disruptive as hell and Its un-necessary drama. He's a...
For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure chat mods can't set your name directly; they'd have to change your name on a site and then assign your parent user as that site
hi every1 had a question regarding Open Office setting default font's,size.I have read this url here wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/FAQ/Writer/… and it says to click on OpenOffice.org Writer whereas I'm not getting that option itself so what do i do now
@Burgi not used OOo in a while, but if it's anything like MSO then Fonts probably refers to general font settings and not the font size in the default template/style
@user285oo6 Either you should ask the question on Super User, or you should browse through the available options within OOo until you find it.
When I say "browse through the options", I'm not talking about existing SU questions.
And all existing SU questions must be asked by someone.
I'm alright dealing with troubleshooting questions on chat cause it doesn't work well in Q&A, but this is really a question that should be asked on main.
Mobile Firefox (stable release) has been extremely unstable the last few days as well. It's crashing regularly with even moderately intensive browsing (10-15 tabs).
@JourneymanGeek Admittedly, I've used chat a couple times for "anyone happen to know..." questions when the first search doesn't hit anything but I'm still in the middle of searching :P
And more often for seemingly-obscure errors... yay troubleshooting... -_-
Hm. I need to make self-answered Qs for some of those actually
Hello, sorry for asking such question (i don't know if this allowed, please forgive me, if it doesn't). Can I just install Apache while having nginx running listening port 80?
I saw one of the dev response on their forum about the install fails because apache isn't installed, the dev said, it shouldn't do that, well, it does. I guess they did not realize it until now
@Annaduh I wouldn't put it that far. Essentially though, feels like the sorta thing worth outsourcing anyway. Just get a cut for time capsule compatibility
@Bob: my Tronsmart micro USB cable has now degraded to the point of no longer charging my S4 at full speed off the QC ports on my Aukey multi charger. Though it still gets pretty close (1.7-1.8A instead of 1.9).
But in any case, it seems the cable is starting to wear out atm
The Aukey cable is still fine, as is the much thinner Anker cable, though that one is kinda cheating since its only half the length
@Bob so did you ever discover if your LG IPS Led backlighted device, is brighter or darker than your AOLED samsung device, when viewing out in the sun or very bright indoors lighting?
@Bob my bank has a lucky draw thing which requires me to go to a machine (ironically this one is at another bank) and key in a code. You win vouchers for various things. I got 2 cupcake vouchers and a 5 dollar supermarket voucher....