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she's pretty, funny and can burp like a a trooper
Bleh. Totally unimportant, non-critical user-space service manages to become completely unstoppable
@Burgi Eww
i am astonished he hasn't married her yet
according to him she also puts out serious style
he has been in the army so i'm not sure if that is army slang
@Burgi those who have a good woman, don't realize what they have; those who have no one or a shitty partner, appreciate and long for what could be
i think he knows
i'm not sure if he is too embrassed to asked or too shy.....
Oh god no... it is bright pink
oh man, my friend's missus could end him
@Annaduh Uhh... was the picture of the definition of defenestrate a mistake?
@Annaduh bad photoshop is bad
@MichaelFrank Nah, still had that in my clipboard from earlier, Greenshot hadn't finished uploading by the time I hit psate
@Burgi Not a photoshop?
@Annaduh oh okay, I totally didn't know about that first definition though. o.O
Not edited in any way
@MichaelFrank Hah, that's the only one I knew :-P
although i'm not sure why anyone would press P, K and SPACE together....
Oh thank fuck, you can change it and turn it off
Isn't it part of the 8 changeable colour zones?
Watch the video before making nonsensical comments mkay? He's clearly just pushing on the keyboard to demonstrate its solidity
@MichaelFrank Probably, i was just worried because it's bright pink in all of Dell's marketing shots and some reviews
@Rahul2001 it not about popularity. TPTB feel it's not a good fit + it's a pain to maintain.
Oh god just watching that review has made me desperately want one again
@Annaduh i just watch that
Blargh, need to reboot to watch it properly. Laptop can't decode 4K while also having 100% CPU being hogged by a stuck process
loooks like an ok machine
@Burgi Just "OK"? :-o
For me it's got literally everything I've wanted for the past two years except a 360' hinge
still unsure on the trackpad nonsense
@Burgi Even for non-gaming 95% of the time I use a mouse with my laptop anyway
i've never been a laptop gamer
so alienware is super overpriced to me
its up against the MacBook Pro
@Annaduh Did you see the new 4k from Netflix will only work in MS Edge?
That was a quick restart
Guess that happens when you have a high-end SSD :-o
@Burgi tbh I wouldn't be a laptop gamer if I could avoid it, but being homeless limits your options when it comes to desktop setups :-P
fair point
The alienware is a bit overpriced anyway, though part of that is because it has a combination of features literally no other laptop has. You (or I am) are paying a premium for that alone.
my 2009 macbook holds its own still
If it weren't for gaming chops (or lack thereof) my current 2011 Fujitsu would still be fine. Heck, if it had a Thunderbolt port for external graphics it would still be fine for a few more years.
i slammed in an extra 2GB of RAM
No other laptop I know of is capable of holding 110Wh of battery capacity internally, with no bulging or sticking out "extended battery" parts
it probably would benefit massively from an SSD
It's not a particularly efficient processor but by sheer brute force manages a good 5-10 hours of use.
@Burgi Lol I could mail you one for free >_>
Or a less shitty one at cost
i need a legal OSX disk first ;)
I literally have a pile of spare SSDs
@Burgi Can't you just download that from Apple or something? :-o
@Annaduh Hey cool. I'm glad you enjoy our products ;)
@Burgi Yeah
@MichaelFrank Heh :-D
It's a superbly robust machine, although I've managed to break nearly every part of it >_>
yeah have to buy OSX with a legitimate laptop
But being a professional business machine it's also superbly serviceable
the upgrades from that point are "free"
@MichaelFrank you work for alienware/dell?
@Burgi Huh. I swear I reinstalled a ton of iMacs back in my last job without ever having a disk (mostly using an old OS X USB I found and/or built in internet recovery)
Yea, we don't have the latest models here in NZ. But we had a couple guys come over from Japan to train us on some of our imaging products, his laptop had this insane "palm sensor" that unlocked his computer just by waving his hand over it.
its certainly not available to d/l like win10
@Burgi No.
i'm confused....
ha, follow the breadcrumbs.
@MichaelFrank It's kinda hard to get hold of a lot of stuff in the UK too, especially accessories. Every part I've had has been imported from the US. The model with dGPU was also US only, but I couldn't get it :-(
my mum's best friend's husband used to work for fujitsu that somehow worked for xerox?
@Burgi they merged
makes sense now
Yay there's no messages of mine on the star wall
he had one of the first mobiles
Oh wait, yes there is.
the huge fucking ENORMOUS motorola rabbit things
I think I should go get my desktop PC to see how (im)practical it is before spending 2k on a new laptop that's epically fucking cool but I might not need
he was sent across the UK and europe fixing photocopiers
i used to think he was the ultimate uber nerd with tonnes of kit
then at my sisters wedding he was asking me to fix his laptop
i honestly felt like a padawan beating their master for the first time
They're completely different fields though. Fixing photocopiers, scanners, etc are mostly mechanical repairs.
@MichaelFrank and the latest gen intel chips....
i interviewed for fujitsu.... badly
@Burgi lol
@MichaelFrank :-o
@JourneymanGeek Double :-o
they asked the weirrdest questions
@JourneymanGeek Oh, didn't catch that part.
Kaby Lake has the new HEVC-10 hardware decoder, I know that much
But er... so does NVidia Pascal
So I should be good with the Alienware. Unless they specifically lock it to the Intel iGPU decoders, which would be stupid because then what about AMD users?
Holy crap, my 5-year-old Sandy Bridge i5-2520M can play Youtube 4K...
... my flatmate's new Broadwell Core M can't...
@Annaduh i'm not even joking, this guys first son was my best friend
he was a genius
leukaemia killed him at the age of 12...
their 2nd son (3rd child) is really clever, but there is something....
i don't know how to describe it
he wipes the floor with me on an intellectual level but his "older brother" would have annihilated him
not sure if that makes sense
@Burgi Fuck genetics
I should get sent around the world fixing servers
I'm far better at it than half these jokers Dell send out :-|
Actually no I'm not. They know their stuff fairly well.
the sister, the middle child was cleverer than my dumbass sister (same age) but was nowhere near as clever as her two brothers
Battlefield 1 at 80fps on ultra settings, gee even my desktop can't manage that
aww man, my sister is as thick as two extremely short planks
but anyway
she is a good nurse...
if you have cancer in the NW of england, she has probably treated you
welp i've made myself feel morose and depressed at what a shitty human being i am...
i'll see you all tomorrow for my crazy ass hsit
There's also that new mass effect game coming out next year
@Burgi -_-
@Burgi I wonder if I've paid her too
I've had a regular donation going to Macmillan Cancer Support for a while now
@Burgi Not as bad as me! I'm such a shitty human being that I pretend to be a cat
Wow, I want this, but this is such a retarded website
Not only does it constantly scroll you to some random point in the page every few seconds, if you do manage to scroll to the bottom somehow that comes up
Oh wow, nice to know there's multiple companies working on external laptop displays now
@Annaduh I'm somewhat suprised actually
@Annaduh they have
@JourneymanGeek facepalm
with edp, they pretty much have to slap on a pretty simple converter
Well I don't use Netflix so bleh
@JourneymanGeek Same
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but they could do so much better.
Slide'n'joy uses single USB-C connector for example, whereas the one in that picture requires one displayport/thunderbolt 1/2 and one USB port for each display
or USB (which would do for power anyway)
or DP + Power over USB C
@Annaduh Tbolt should do power too no?
However the slide'n'joy uses USB over USB-C as in, it's a USB display adapter not native displayport

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