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So, I realized I'm really stupid.
It was mentioned in this room that @JourneymanGeek's first name is the same of a certain politician, who shares a name with a certain musician
And it's a very Indian name, IIRC (also a name that hippie moms loved naming their sons in the 70's, in fact I have a third-cousin by the same name)
And now that I think about it, I might have seen JMG mentioning he speaks Tamil.
So, there's no friggin way he'd be Chinese-Singaporean. >_<"
Anyone have a mop handy?
So there is this game called "Surgeon Simulator" and it has a Trump DLC
This game, along with its new DLC is absolutely amazing. Have you ever felt the urge to do surgery on Trump? Well now you actually can! With a full set of tools that were loaned for a small loan of a million dollars, surgery on Trump never ceases to be fun, You get to wave around Trump's lush hair and mess around with his intestines! It is truly a great bundle to be played all in one, You even get the option to replace his heart with either a stone or golden one! Enjoy!" this is an actual review of the game :$
I blame it on my lack of sleep and random (organic) memory glitches
@Ramhound it would be a boring game, he's heartless, brainless, gutless and his head and rear end are functionally swappable....
thats new
but he is a winner :-)
(I don't normally make political jokes, and that one's about lawyers...)
@BenN why not both?
and damn, that godwinned fast
It was just an article I happened to read earlier today ;)
What Does a Cat Say In Japanese? In French? In Greek? care2.com/greenliving/…
> There are a number of reason why you might not receive the latest build of Windows 10 Insider Preview.

Let us follow the steps suggested by Vidyaranjan A V (replied on July 1, 2015) in the following thread that speaks about a possible solution for the related issue
Read: "I didn't bother reading anything you said and I might as well be replaced by a script."
Welcome to Microsoft forums!
> It is hard luck on a young fellow to have expensive tastes, great expectations, aristocratic connections, but no actual money in his pocket, and no profession by which he may earn any.
I haven't read the story.... yet. But the title caught my attention, by, ahem, some reason.
> It is hard luck on a young fellow to have expensive tastes, great expectations, aristocratic connections, but no opposable thumbs, and only store brand catfood
sooooooo I might have accidentally wiped a phone
not my primary one thankfully
actually I'm not sure what exactly I just did
@Burgi Thanks!
Why does Apple have to claim that they're first with every major technology advance?
Google Search has used AI techniques for what, a decade? more?
Also, iPhone seems to be so unreliable these days. So much for the vertical integration advantage.
Digitizer failures.
Wi-Fi issues.
iPhone has had a history of high-profile hardware issues. Bendgate, Antennagate, and now Touchgate?
> Fudzilla
Bleh. The bias is clear.
It's just as bad as BGR, only in the other direction.
Actually, it's worse than BGR.
not sure if he is joking
...not a digitizer failure but a touchscreen controller failure?
I don't even like Apple, but the only braindead people are those commenters on those 'articles'.
And I use the word 'article' very loosely.
...is this why I'm posting marginal content? I'm too gullible and this may be related to the issues I've been having here in chat...
It's more an editorial. And even for an editorial it's ridiculously biased.
Stepping out...
(learning to step out in situations like this, like JMG taking a walk)
Alright then. I should not have defended Fudzilla.
Sorry, @Bob.
Maybe I can be clearer: it's written in article format, yes. But it's not the expected neutral news article tone.
@bwDraco You didn't do anything wrong here... heck, I was probably using the term incorrectly *shrug*
Anything I say in chat is, obviously, my own opinion and doesn't really go further than that.
@bwDraco I think it's better to look at what a better news source could do when writing an article along the same subject lines as the Fudzilla article you linked... For starters, when they're bashing Apple's "gate" issues with various users having issues, they should compare problems Apple has had to, at least, its closest smartphone hardware competitors.
Well, Samsung's had its share of issues but they don't get blown up the same way Apple hardware issues are.
One problem is that it's harder to gather data on problems with less popular phones. And less popular phones may be owned by users who are less likely to report problems for whatever reason -- either resolving the problems themselves, or trading up the broken phone for a new one.
and problems arn't universal.
The only really "Apple-sized" competitor in the hardware market would be Samsung, so perhaps looking at the Galaxy S6 and S7 data, if there is any such data, might form a point of comparison.
People use their phones differently, and replace them at different intervals.
S7 active had issues with waterproofing not performing as expected.
That was a high-profile issue.
But how do you know what percentage of users are affected by a problem? When does it cease being a reactionary "-gate" Twitter meme affecting 1 in a million units, and start being an actual problem affecting a significant portion of the user base?
My dad's Galaxy Ace 2 is old and runs fine. Dosen't mean all samsungs, all aces or all ace 2s are stubborn, and refuse to die.
brb, more tea
@allquicatic I find the Xgate meme overused, and a sign of somewhat populist media representation.
@JourneymanGeek "gategate"
Gate, Bill Gate
I wonder if I can run Hyper-V insider an Azure VM...
I base my purchase decisions on sentiment ("I want this, its cool"), personal history (my love of razer hardware) and statistics (my preference for HGST hard drives)
@Bob IIRC no
but I last tested it like last year
Not random women handing out swords 'journalists'
@allquicatic Command gaaaaaaaate learned
@arda Well, they're rolling out nested virtualisation support.
VMCS shadowing support is part of Haswell.
@Bob nested containers is so much better :D
Problem is it's only on preview builds...
@bwDraco Meh, I've done nested virt (via VMware) on Sandy Bridge.
Software, yes, but hardware assistance doesn't work nested unless the chip (and hypervisor) supports it.
brb, taking a bath.
In any case, my goal here is to install Windows on a VM inside a Hyper-V VM so I can use a VM while I use a VM.
vPro is required, though.
(nah, it's so I can get a VHD with a preview build properly installed so I can boot off it properly later)
@allquicatic I have a kind of hacked together sound switching thing that uses tts to announce which sound output I'm using. It reads "Audio Set to razer mehn oo war" and I tried man maan maaaaaaan .... ;p
@JourneymanGeek what kind of tts?
@allquicatic I'm just using nircmd and built in windows sapi
Heh. I've heard it before. Sounds decent.
btw, your speakers are really loud
Only a little quieter than your phone :P
Windows 10 is an operating system developed by Microsoft. Microsoft described Windows 10 as an ‘operating system as a service’ that would receive ongoing updates to its features and functionality, augmented with the ability for enterprise environments to receive non-critical updates at a slower pace, or use long-term support milestones that will only receive critical updates, such as security patches, over their five-year lifespan of mainstream support. Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft's Windows and Devices Group, argued that the goal of this model was to reduce fragmentation...
basically I use an app @Bob threw together to run a nircmd invocation to read out which audio device it is, and a second invocation for other things
@Bob I rarely use them
and I need to hear them OVER headphones when I'm using it in your context so...
try using festvox or flite?
@allquicatic It actually works pretty well
I was trying to see if dog could help me get my paws on cereproc's scottish voices
Heh. Geek has a thing for russian and apparently scottish accents :P
@Bob <3 scottish accents.
The russian accent in SR is funny
iOS 9.3.5! Two updates in as many weeks. I'd still be waiting for the fixes that were in 9.3.1 if I had Android on Slowizon where they take 3-4 months to "validate" (jerk off on? sleep on? manually carry by thumb drive to the Vatican and have blessed?) an Android build
@allquicatic they burn thumbdrives and only release if the smoke is white...
@JourneymanGeek They're great until they start talking quickly then you have no idea what they're saying :P
or was that popes.
@Bob welsh... are unintelligible at any speed.
@allquicatic That's actually changed as of this year.
At least one update (for security patches) per month.
I think the American carriers are mostly keeping up, too.
@Bob not on Verizon Wireless, with the Note 4 and the Droid Maxx... I still maintain daily contact with the users of my hand me down phones, and they still get security updates, but only about three to four times a year (and often including an Android release upgrade)
dunno about the latest... and I know Moto hasn't even committed to the monthly updates :(
@allquicatic Might only be for new phones. Dunno.
Actually I can check. One sec.
Samsung has, but not Moto, and I prefer Moto otherwise
actually, to show you how quickly I switch devices and hand down perfectly good devices to other people... my Note 4, Galaxy S5, and Droid Maxx -- my last three phones -- are still in active use
(also indicates I take fairly good care of them, or they'd be busted)
Hm. No, I can't check for America -_-
> Am I the only one who is mad that no one is following apple on the one thing they did perfectly? Apple has almost every LTE band you could need in one device.
that's what they sound like
=> looks up iPhone band support => there's two models with differing band support
@Bob the euro/asian op3 does that. The american/chinese one does not
Of course, it's always split either along Asia/Global/America or Global/America
Because America.
(And CDMA...)
@JourneymanGeek And they're both missing B28.
Actually, the OP3 band support is just plain terrible for a flagship phone.
(and yeah it says fast track on purpose)
Then again, so far the S7 (Exynos) is the only one I've found with decent Global support. Again excluding America and their CDMA specialness.
ZenFone 3 (TWN variant) seems like it might cover them, but I'm not sure.
LG G5 Global is alright but missing one or two.
iPhone 6s is more-or-less in the same boat as the S7.
@Bob I'm no CDMA zealot, but at least it doesn't ever do what GSM does and interfere with microphone pickups and cause nasty beeping :P
all throughout college when professors would have microphones on the lectern, peoples' phones would receive a text and we'd hear the GSM interference... each and every time I'd find out later that they were using a GSM carrier :P
@allquicatic tbh I haven't heard that in about half a decade
Coincidentally, I've also been using USB headsets for half a decade.
(seriously, though, I don't think I've ever heard that on 3G)
I've not had issues with that on anything but the cheapest crap speakers I've owned ._.
3G here is UMTS (W-CDMA) anyway. Just like in the rest of the world.
Except America and South Korea, who use CDMA2000.
yeah, come to think of it I guess they started delivering texts via 3G or LTE around 2008?
probably nobody uses the original GSM bands anymore
@allquicatic GSM is being phased out here, and the frequencies repurposed. Breaking most dual-SIM phones. But it still has a longer range than W-CDMA, iirc
And lower battery usage.
Basically it's better if you're going to be out in the middle of nowhere.
And Australia is a whole lot of middle of nowhere.
Anyway... Of course W-CDMA ("GSM 3G") is incompatible with CDMA2000.
One of the local Telcos does LTE on 800
We have LTE on 700 or 800 MHz depending on the carrier.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get out of bed earlier tomorrow. Good night.
Considering that @JourneymanGeek tries to be out of bed by 6:30, I ought to wake up earlier.
7. Cause waking up at 6.30 sucked.
I try to wake up by noon
But I'm a cat, so I have an excuse
I try to wake up. Cause not waking up might potentially suck
Different people have entirely different sleep requirements and schedules. Not much point trying to emulate someone else's.
That was unexpectedly morbid
Especially do not try to emulate the sleep schedule of someone who won't wake up.
I sleep inconsistently and weird hours
Had an hour nap at work in the evening after most people left today
Dang. I had a good week with purpose and now I'm let down that my Friday is going to be rather boring. I need to make my Friday meaningful by setting a goal to do something I have been meaning to do, and try to get it done so I can be satisfied that I did something of significance with my time
wolve :)
Non-lazy laying instead of lazy sitting
(also, we're having "missing building" level haze today :( )
this is more "lying down" ;p
Dogs don't lie, people do
Dogs lay
sleeping dogs lie. Or you should let them anyway ;p
@allquicatic Work-related or not? :P
@Bob how do I find the msg you replied to on mobile chat
@allquicatic tap arrow (was referring to the goal for Friday)
Yes, work related :P I could do something with the dedi but I already accomplished a fair bit by letting my old dedi die and using just the new one with Ubuntu 16.04 and two CPUs
Needed the cores for several game servers in parallel lol
oh, btw @HackToHell, Azure N-series are now public preview
Omfg family is using a hammer and a drill on some kind of DIY housework at 22:37 STOP IT
@Bob how much are the hourly costs?
@allquicatic 0_0
> NC24 24 224 GB 1,440 GB 4X K80 $2.8658/hr
@Bob niice
Holy crap. Four K80s cost like 12 grand total, yeah?
Plus all that RAM, those CPUs and probably fast SSD storage
It's so much better value than AWS, I think.
> A g2.2xlarge is a downclocked GK104
25-30k usd server for 2-3 bucks an hour or 2k per month
A single K80 is dual-GK210
15 month ROI if rented monthly or less if hourly :P
Preview pricing, though. Will probably go up.
@allquicatic not taking into account rental, datacentre,power people to admin it...
Power is probably going to cost $$$ too
I wonder if their DCs are solar powered
You can usually get a fair bit of roof area on a DC, and the surroundings are often open too
@allquicatic Too bad Tesla is compute-only... no gaming on these :\
@Bob not really consitant enough
@JourneymanGeek Hm?
Oh, I don't mean pure solar.
solar power?
ah even
hydro would be cool
@JourneymanGeek Hydro costs a lot more.
Gotta build a dam.
Not really feasible just for a DC.
@Bob fairly consistant, lots of power + cooling
Really, a DC might be the best place for solar (supplemented by mains): fairly contant high power usage, so no need to worry about usage peaks and storage
And setup costs are relatively cheap.
2 hours later…
@Bob yasss
Lemme try them out
@JourneymanGeek Did you thank Indonesia for 11 months of clean air?
@jokerdino eh, most of the companies that are doing the deforesting probably have singaporean links. Also, I'm bitching about the occurance not the source ;p
lol lots of posts in my FB feed are sarcastically thanking Indo.
I seem to recall one of their ministers saying this the last time
ah, that makes more sense now.
Still can't seem them, can you create new one @bob
I'm bored
Also, if I just try to create one (must be South Central US): i.imgur.com/BJeWXUZ.png
(i.e. I'd have to request a core limit increase :P)
Aha, so I have to signup there
My sub also has a 20 core limit :/
Work sub too has a 20 core limit
Hmm weird
Lemme email them for a raise
How long before you get access after signing up on their site @bob
@HackToHell I don't know... I don't need it so I didn't sign up.
Those options were just there for me when I tried creating a (Win10) VM in SC US.
Oh but you can see it while creating it a VM right o0
Oh wait is it windows only
I only told you cause I noticed it in their announcement email
I don't really know much more about it :P
@HackToHell One sec, i'll try a linux image
any specific template you want?
Just the normal Ubuntu 14.04 one
@HackToHell Works here: i.imgur.com/wLDCJzA.png
You're using South Central US, right?
Yeah, I tried with both Classic and RM
Lemme write to them, they randomly added people perhaps
Wait I can see it !
I had the HDD type as SSD
okay now I need to raise my core limit
> If you want to raise the limit above the Default Limit, you can open an online customer support request at no charge. The limits cannot be raised above the Maximum Limit value in the tables below. If there is no Maximum Limit column, then the specified resource does not have adjustable limits.
@JourneymanGeek Do you need to wear a facemask when it's gets that bad?
@DavidPostill It helps, but well, we don't typically keep stocks of em around
> Cores per subscription 20 (default) 10,000 (max)
And you want n95 masks, not simple facemasks
@JourneymanGeek :/
and well...
there's no dog sized masks, and your eyes get affected too
aha cool lemme @bob
I'll post some bechmarks once I get the node up and running
evil smile
@HackToHell Remember these are Tesla GPUs. Compute-only. So no video output, etc..
Dunno what benchmarks are available for GPU compute.
@JourneymanGeek I can imagine. I was once on holiday on Crete and somebody set their room on fire in the middle of the night. I helped evacuate the building and got said person out of burning room. I inhaled a lot of smoke :/
Will run some Tensorflow and Caffe computes
@DavidPostill this is a pretty strong woodsmoke smell when its bad
Wanna see how it compares against the grid k2, work machine has
I think the annoying this year is there's no ramp up
we went from clear skies to "damn it, the neighbours set their country on fire again" in less than 24 hours
most years it gets steadily worse so at least you can prepare for it
pray for rains
you could attach thousands of wind turbines to the southern edge of the country and put them reverse
I might be a big fan of this
then when the country has sung around 180 you will stop and the smog will be down wind of you....
"Publisher's Note: The Right to Arm Bears has previously appeared in parts as Spacial Delivery, Spacepaw, and "The Law-Twister Shorty." This is the first unitary edition, and those are the bear facts."
Free flags! blog spammer > superuser.com/a/1117538/337631
lets try that again now i've fixed my keyboard
that guy was a hoax!
@Burgi Yup
Q: What to do with the "rm -rf" hoax question

SvenIt turns out the the recent question regarding the misuse of rm -rf in Ansible was actually just a hoax (English) in some kind of viral marketing effort. It become quite famous on various media and gathered a large number of views. Since I don't think we should allow ServerFault to be abused in...

so have you kept your rep on SF?
Okay stupid question time, does the mean load thingy in top depict multiple cores ?
So if there's 48 cores the max load is 48 or is it mapped onto 1
@Burgi yeah, I kinda think that was actually one of the reasons they merged it.
@HackToHell on linux, yeah
max load would be 48
and its for the system as a whole
@JourneymanGeek aha, I didn't know that
mesa stupid
I thought it was 1 and I was wondering what was blocking my laptop :/
Its one per thread I think. Maybe core.
Yes. Load average is based on the number of threads in the running or runnable state. Hence, if you're trying to saturate a 24C/48T server, you need a load average of 48.
(I know it's a weird time for me to be up, but can't seem to fall asleep :)
hm. These guys. I remember these guys
Not sure if some of the flags are valid...

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