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@arda ardaozkal?
@Rahul2001 Hi
@arda that's what it showed me on 0ws.pw
What does it even mean?
@arda how old are you?
@Rahul2001 I tried to buy ows but it was purchased so I got 0ws. ows is ownshot, a screenshot tool developed by me
@Rahul2001 16
@arda ah
@Rahul2001 was the code any use?
@Burgi haven't gotten a chance to look at it yet... will do after school :)
@arda That tool is... pretty neat
@arda Wait... how many websites do you have??
way too much
WAAAAAAY too much
@arda do you know where I can apply for MSSP?
@Rahul2001 Let me check real quick
@Rahul2001 Try mailing [email protected] or tweeting @gavingear asking on how you can apply for MSP program in <your country>
member of the scottish parliment?
@Burgi Microsoft Student Partner
@arda Okay, thanks...
are O365 questions ontopic for SU?
So I got this PDF from my bank, which contains 4 sheets of "stuff". They want me to sign that and email it back to them. Now the PDF has the 4 sheets twice. The idea being that one copy is for the bank, the other is for me.
Who comes up with this shit?
@Burgi if its the webui maybe webapps?
A digital document that contains a copy. As if I was unable to print an additional copy. And then I need to print and scan it, so I already have an extra copy
@OliverSalzburg wouldn't be surprised if it was a legal requirement
@OliverSalzburg lol
@Rahul2001 you might not be accepted due to you being in HS though, not all microsofts allow HS MSPs.
@Rahul2001 I currently have 11 domains
O365 pushed out a code update yesterday and it managed to delete our [email protected] group mailbox. All our server alerts, invoices and the like go to it.
one of our servers is not responding this morning
turns out that we haven't paid the bill...
the warning message was sent to the above email
i can't log in to update the payment details because the password wasn't recorded anywhere. can you guess what the recovery email address is?
@Burgi If it's O365 admin work then maybe serverfault?
o365 is HUGE and may apply to SU, SF, WebApps and maybe even SO depending on question
the good news is that the job of fixing it isn't mine
@arda Not really. Unless you're explicitly dealing with a local program, O365 (in the enterprise sense) is generally off-topic on SU. Unless you're dealing specifically with the web interface, it's off-topic on webapps.
If you're dealing specifically with the admin control panels, then that's usually SF
@Bob yeah, that's what I meant
depending on question, it might be on-topic on one of them
I didn't word it that well though, sorry
And this is O365 in the "for work/business" sense, not the home "office subscription" sense.
@arda In this case, though, from what @Burgi has already said - it's not really on-topic on SU cause it's dealing with the configs on MS' side. It's only vaguely on=topic on WebApps but IMO you'd still get the best answers for this kind of thing on SF - assuming you can formulate the question well - SF won't help much if it's a general "why no worky"
And SF generally dislikes web control panels but I think O365 is a bit of an exception (vs. cpanel etc)
> Bimbo Python XGBoost 5 week Lag Python script adapted from R Adapted from code by Bohdan Pavlyshenko tinyurl.com/jd6k2kr All credits for Bohdan Pavlyshenko and all bugs to me.

Due to heavy usage of memory, this script will not run in kaggle. the script runs only with a minimum of 35GB of physical or physical+swap memory it can take a couple of hours to train depending on your machine, disk and memory I used an 8 core, 56GB of RAM Azure DS13 machine with additional 100 GB of swap

I obtained a score LB: 0.46249, with:
what's it do?
@Bob very true i got a question deleted from SF because i was asking about cpanel
Runs Gradient Boosting on 77 million row dataset
they were quite grumpy about it as well
Everything ML needs a huge load of resources
Kaggle is fun !
I get to do all kind of wild shit with huge amounts of data
Not that I am any good
@Burgi SF is typically grumpy
Speaking of, I haven't dropped into slack in a while
there's a SE slack?
Okay work machine is powerful did that in 16 mins ...
wait, it didn't complete
Okay wrong parameters
there's a few slacks that are offshoots of SE sites
ooh any for RA ?
not really
most of the interesting stuff happens here ;p
this is the kitchen of the SE party
Also, we've not had any major incidents of drama. Minor ones sure, but rarely major drama.
Missed out on most of everything happening here for a while
(and this is so why I'm occationally an arse about certain topics, since I'd rather be an arse now and have someone hate me for a day or two, than let things fester, and let someone else be a bigger arse, and cause people to ragequit)
sigh bad university timings
@HackToHell meh, All things have happened before, all things will happen again
i don't think anyone hates you @JourneymanGeek
(not counting seasonal humour)
@Burgi Not for long, no. ;p
Serverfault's mostly on slack for chat, partially cause people talk about work stuff more freely, and since its a closed group, people are a little more free about language.
"fracking hell" etc
"blimey charlie"
Oh, someone used a clever term based off the word consultant as a joke referring to herself. Someone outside the room felt it was offensive
My view is "try not to overdo the language"
@JourneymanGeek Offensive to dyslexics maybe?
@DavidPostill naw, just someone trying to impose his/her personal viewpoint, the occational brokenness of the chat flag system...
@OliverSalzburg I bet when you say "sign", it means on paper, not digitally. Because f#$& technology, right?
@ThatBrazilianGato print it, sign it, put it on a table and take a photograph, then embed it in a word file, then send it over IPOAC email it...
@JourneymanGeek the old english word?
thats a euphamism I need to look up
see you next tuesday?
@Burgi I was thinking anagram, hence my dyslexic comment ...
@DavidPostill Its a anagram and a play on words
@ThatBrazilianGato Sadly, yes
anyway, stuff like that makes chat moderation tricky ;p
the reason the town of scunthorpe gets filtered on the internet
vaguely, tho I like tom scott's example better
i saw that one
god my typing today is awful
there used to be a road in london called "grabc*** lane"
There's people who would flag that if it was spelled out. And then there's people who would validate that flag. And I'd be all headesk
yeah I got my accept button ready.
@OliverSalzburg The "online banking" of my Bank involves going to the bank.
Well, not really, but the security process is so backwards and convoluted and bureaucratic, Kafka himself would be proud
@Burgi funny but I mentally replaced the *** with something else :)
male chickens
@DavidPostill same
That's kinda the issue with blind censorship ;p
@DavidPostill the meaning and insinuation would be the same...
i wonder if they are going to fire me this afternoon
i keep getting "missed" out of development meetings
and my review meeting is booked in really late
@Burgi I thought you were over your probation period?
technically yes, that happened on tuesday but you never know....
And speaking of chickens ...
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken
@DavidPostill they could still just pay off your notice period and ask you to leave
@JourneymanGeek No. It's kind of a puzzle.
that's what happened to me
@ThatBrazilianGato What? :D How does that work?
@JourneymanGeek It's cat in chicken
that seems to be a ... fowl language
why isn't "terrible puns" a flaggable option? ;)
@Burgi cause I'd be sitting on several millennia of chat suspensions?
much xdgboost very train
M u s t flag that... :)
@HackToHell what the...
I don't want to go to work!
22 hours of OT finnaly got up to me
@OliverSalzburg normally the GPUs are hammered too
@HackToHell I'm assuming that a VM, how much does that cost per hour?
@OliverSalzburg It's a Softlayer baremetal server costs about 1.2k USD per month
Dual Xenons with a Grid K2 card
It's awesome <3 I get to use it when our DS guy isn't running crazy stuff on it
@djsmiley2k No
@JourneymanGeek TimeError: Could not reach 88mph
anyway, @Dog I've had multiple folk tell me its a little annoying to see the same image every time you come on. I might like to suggest a text based greeting instead?
@JourneymanGeek Aren't people sharing a blocklist anyway
Yeah, yeah, but should we need people to use a blocklist?
(and as with all things, I prefer the tougher approach of telling folks people are concerned, over blunt force trauma moderation ._.)
buuut, I've had at least one mod and 3-4 other users ask about it so...
Huh. I was expecting message too long but evidently it wasn't
@Burgi Nope, you're now offically the 'hired new guy'
i.e. bottom of the pile for everything and anything
No one cares what impression they give you anymore :D
@JourneymanGeek I actually have the bot on ignore because of this shit :P
I have porkchat, so I can just burn the images.
@OliverSalzburg It dosen't bother me personally, especially I have chat as a background thing much of the time
<< bored at work not working
As you know, last 3 days of work and one of those will be spent in utter loneliness (4pm til 11:30pm shift)
@Psycogeek Are these TV scramblers? They offer double monthly savings if I would compare to what I pay for cable TV. The only requirement is existence of speedy internet connection but how much does this device utilize internet? I don't want it to eat up most of my bandwidth.
@HackToHell "Xenons"
@OliverSalzburg Did you see the Azure N-series?
$3 gets you an hour with $ridiculous GPU compute :P
No 48-core VMs though.
@JourneymanGeek They nearly did that to me once
We're on AWS, were you have the x1 instance, which is pretty insane
2.5 months notice pay because of HR incompetence
Only $13 an hour though
x1 has 2TB RAM, 128 cores
We could fit our whole stack into that several times :P
@OliverSalzburg Wouldn't it be better to put me on ignore instead?
@Bob * Xeons ^_^
@Bob Edge sucks marginally less than IE when viewing Google Maps
@Dog I'd still get the images then and there are other annoying images as well ;)
...triggered by other people
@OliverSalzburg Whoa
@OliverSalzburg That's double what the biggest machine had at my old workplace :-(
@Dog It's way beyond anything I ever worked with
The idea that you can spin up multiple of those instances with the click of a button on a website is still crazy to me :P
It's really arbitrary tbh. A few years ago 2TB was impossible. Ten years ago it'd have been unthinkable. Twenty years ago they probably didn't even have the term Terabyte yet
Ten years from now our smartphones might even have a terabyte of RAM
Probably not though
Storage is plausible tho
Well we can already get half a terabyte, in certain circumstances
I have several TB of data in my Amazon Drive, which I can access from my phone. That is crazy to me as well :P
The 95% confidence interval suggests Rexthor's dog could also be a cat, or possibly a teapot.
lol at the alt text...
@JourneymanGeek sr tonight?
@Bob good to go whenever
apparently the deleting email account issue from this morning traces back to an issue with the federated AD server
whatever that means
@JourneymanGeek Somebody has been reading our room info :)
An unmentioned system at work has a Word of the Day security system as one of several layers (the presumed purpose is to allow defense in depth, like adding a second factor of authentication, since you have to either know someone who'll give you the word of the day, or steal it)
I thought the word for yesterday (which is now useless, since it's no longer yesterday) was super fun
Reminds me of old game copy protections
@OliverSalzburg You mean the third word of the fifth paragraph on the seventh page of the user manual kind of stuff?
@DavidPostill Ours is a randomly-plucked set of English words from the dictionary that get placed onto a schedule and never "repeats" a pattern (any given word will eventually get re-used once we go through all the words, but there's no pattern to the sequencing of the words)
@DavidPostill looks like taylor swift to me.....
and we can't see too far ahead what the word of the day will be in the future, because that would be bad for security
@DavidPostill Yep
@OliverSalzburg Happy memories.
@OliverSalzburg if I were my cat, I'd probably glare at you for a second, then walk a few steps away, then look at you again, then turn around in a circle, glare at you, and meow... then treat you like you've always been here
(that's what she did with me when I was gone for a month)
either you've been gone or I haven't seen you. how's it going?
@allquicatic was she all "i'm considering editing you out of reality but its almost lunch..."?
@allquicatic Busy, very busy ;)
The company is growing, so is our product, constantly new scaling challenges
@Burgi I think her IFF (Identify Friend/Foe) algorithm malfunctioned at first; cats mostly know things from smell more than visual, so maybe she hadn't seen my face in long enough that she forgot it, but it took a second the scent to travel to her and make her realize who it was
"UNKNOWN PERSON?!" -> "I'm a cat, so if I don't know someone, I hate them automatically!" -> "ENEMY PERSON!!!" -> "... wait... I know that smell..." -> "YOU GIVE ME FOOD!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!!!! OMG I NEED SO MUCH FOOD TO MAKE UP FOR YOU BEING AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!"
@allquicatic lol

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