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I've gotten 240v to a paw arm before taking apart a badly designed PSU
@ThatBrazilianGuy Beware, for if you throw a stick into the abyss, you can bloody well fetch it yourself...
Anyone here have a Oneplus One?
I swear every security update and or patch it gets worse.
Just break more stuff.
I feel terrible for making such a terrible joke
Jokes on you, I saw it
You should feel bad.
Take a minute.
I am
@iKlsR mods and ROs can see removed messages anyways
@arda ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@iKlsR I have a op3
@JourneymanGeek don't want to switch, no nfc, sd card
it looks good tho, I got one for my cousin
my one is still strong
will be interesting to see when they roll out nougat for it official
probably next year this time
@iKlsR has NFC, no SD card
@JourneymanGeek wut
was the 2 the one without nfc
big issue I have is the lack of nice cases
i've had a $7 case from amazon for over a year now
maybe. I currently have a cheap dx case that doubles the bulk ;p
@iKlsR if you ever need more lennys, I have some at ardao.me/lenny
I think, therefore I cat
I cat, therefore I am
@JourneymanGeek tough sob, i've dropped mine over a dozen times
best phone i've every had hands down
changed protector once
@iKlsR yeah, dropped it once.
my moto G didn't get that babied ;p
oh and dash charging is the bomb
@JourneymanGeek so I've heard, haven't had the pleasure of experiencing that yet
with 3 I think they took a step or two backwards
design etc
I rant on it sometimes so I confuse it and the 2
@iKlsR Its 'boring' but that's a good thing
Why does every damn phone manufacturer want to sell the same boring black slab?
Nokia's kinda coming back
with glossy backs?
and boring black slabs just work
How does anything glossy leave a factory or design room?
@JourneymanGeek yeah its safe I guess
oh the op3 isn't glossy
@JourneymanGeek when and how lol?
I thought soft axed that
they were getting android support
last good nokia I saw was the lumia with that huge camera
not a phone savvy person either. I hardly use mine
@JourneymanGeek meh, I'm talking the good old days of crazy phone design
ngage all that good stuff
alas, that is unlikely to ever happen again
lol we don't even have good support for wifi n here, 5.0ghz
that's crazy
I just need a web page and a video buffering in the back
my backbone is a bit crap. I really wish I'd had ethernet to my room ;p
Jul 22 at 1:52, by Bob
there's Daiso in Brazil?!?!
Jul 22 at 1:49, by Journeyman Geek
There's a local daiso for you now? ;p
ah hah!
cool no? ;p
I'm just kidding. It didn't change my life at all and, despite a really bizarre-and-pitoresque experience of suddenly feeling like I was in Japan, 99% of it was stuff I didn't have interest ofr
> suddenly feeling like I was in Japan
I mean it, the speakers played only japanese music, and all labels were in japanese
@ThatBrazilianGuy the secret of daiso is serendipity and finding wierd crap like glass misters...
or rubber hammers.
@ThatBrazilianGuy that sounds like a dream for a weeb like me
But being able to buy a foldable ear warmer at 9c degrees. That was cool warm.
All in all, it felt like a japanized first-world version of the local flea market
Slightly more peculiar, stuff with a little more quality than the generic chinese stuff, not exactly cheap at 8 BRL, but not expensive either
@arda What if I told you the entire neighborhood was like that?
With even the banks and mcdonalds in japanese, and cosplaying girls in the streets
@ThatBrazilianGuy ah, japantown?
@JourneymanGeek Yeah
Its 2 dollars here, which is pretty much "eh, pocketchange"
Ah: I watched the "Free to Play" documentary the other day and it left me confused.
So far I had never seen the face of someone from Singapore
<--- is singaporean ;p
So in my mind the image of @JourneymanGeek was that of a small dog
Probably born here too!
Unlike those immigrant dogs! ;p
Now I have the mental image of someone from Singapore. No, a specific person from Singapore
That guy that only smoked, whined about his ex and was scolded by family because of games and computers. But I digress.
So not me? ;p
So now my involuntary mental image of @JourneymanGeek is of a small dog that also looks like that Dota player >_<
the human's balding and indian ;p
@JourneymanGeek Indian? So not all Singaporeans are of asiatic ascent?
@ThatBrazilianGuy india is in asia
Sorry for my ignorance. We don't learn much about it in here.
there's 4 'main' races here, chinese are the majority, sure, but we also have indians, malays (who're indiginous to the region) and eurasians
@JourneymanGeek OH BOY OF COURSE YOU'RE RIGHT. +_+
How do I say chinese/japanese/korean/and similar ethnicities in a non-racist way?
You don't ;p
there's still people sore over WW2
So, basically a very long time ago, the japanese decided to take over asia.
they for some reason were complete asses to the chinese - there were a handful of massacres here, and in china, and they did pretty gruesome Chemical and Biological experiments in china, and the koreans...
Yes, I have a vague notion over this.
In many movies they are portrayed as believing in a "divine right" or something about being soberane and destined to rule, etc
Unit 731?
I have people my generation complaining about ww2 so..
also stuff like the nanjing and sook ching massacres
Also I didn't know the official language of Singapore was English (it is English, right?)
phew ok, it is.
Wait, really?
@ThatBrazilianGuy: Please do watch your language.
Its one of the 4 national languages, tho its the bridge language
@bwDraco er, that was meant humourously
(consider unsuspending him)
(sorry, @ThatBrazilianGuy)
@bwDraco I think that was kind of a ... not very nice thing to do
Yaaaay, my first ban \o/
"hey, I think that was offensive" and why is good here
My apologies. I overreacted here.
I rejected that flag
@bwDraco you do far too much
The community (elsewhere on the network) must have agreed :\
Well. If it was indeed perceived as offensive, I'm sorry.
Some people just click ok on any flag
This, my folks, is why I'm not ready to be a room owner.
shrug we're channel regulars here. We can sort these issues out like adults.
No, you're not.
It is a little weird that 10K's around the network are expected to swoop in and handle flags out of context
Dec 5 '15 at 2:56, by bwDraco
Be advised that at this time, if I were granted room owner privileges, it is likely I will simply revoke them from myself.
I meant that as a silly houmour against clippy and its perceived innapropriateness and general nuisance against its suggestions.
Things are getting better but again, not ready.
There was an MSE town hall about chat moderation a while back, but I don't think any changes came from it :/
@ThatBrazilianGuy I think it was actually funny
and the flag was disruptive to the conversation going on.
Because clippy offered help when I said
> How do I say chinese/japanese/korean/and similar ethnicities in a non-racist way?
Do I need to be suspended?
So i told clippy to die and....
@bwDraco No, you need to chill the f@$@# up man
@bwDraco I strongly suggest you just stop trying to mod for a bit.
or at least count to... I donno 20...
Will continue, but making changes.
Play some games, get a girlfriend, find some sports you like, drink beer (moderately , ofc!)
No, no. I'm just fine here.
Just a brief slip, no big deal.
I'll just check more tightly before hitting the flag button.
I'm confident enough to continue normally.
@JourneymanGeek I'm pretty confident that there's no need for me to stop moderating. I'll just be more cautious. The flag button is not a toy :)
@bwDraco See, you just got a trusted user suspended, disrupted chat, and got me actually annoyed at you.
Again, I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure this will never happen again.
Continue where we left off...
We've been hugely patient but this pattern of behaviour occationally reaches the point
11 mins ago, by That Brazilian Guy
Also I didn't know the official language of Singapore was English (it is English, right?)
You keep saying that. iIt keeps happening
While we're on the subject of the chat technology, can RO's rename rooms?
I ask for AI.SE's room, which isn't creatively named yet
@BenN yes
@BenN Yes
@BenN wait
consider making a meta post about it
@JourneymanGeek I'm not annoyed at @bwDraco, so please don't be
@ThatBrazilianGuy its not just this
IMHO he's a good contributor of the site
@ThatBrazilianGuy For more relevant background, please see this open letter. I've had a long history of disrupting chat. Despite some improvements, the issues are far from being totally resolved.
Well, it's 10 PM and I've been promising myself I'll sleep helthier. For months...
So it means good night!
Good night.
@bwDraco you might want to, idk, write some script to hide the flag
I'm going for a quick walk and breakfast.
@arda I have no intention of doing that. I'm 100% confident this won't happen again.
@bwDraco If you're still doing the Benjamin Franklin-style journal of issues, I think you might want to follow his style exactly - he only made Boolean marks in each category, rather than cataloging his failures - I suspect that might be a critical aspect
@BenN I'm not presently doing this (it was experimental and ended up a failure).
Instead, I'm starting to learn how to think before I act.
Perfect! :)
@bwDraco I'd like to suggest not loudly telling folk you're changing
1. It raises expectations that are not always met
2. I feel a significant part of your issues is to do with attention seeking.
I mean, I can ignore you, sure, but when other users are affected, its not cool
I had hit the flag button in jest without thinking about the consequences. That's what went wrong.
and that to me makes me doubt your fitness to use that button.
@JourneymanGeek Always underpromise, always overdeliver :)
The last few days have been extraordinarily stressful due to a household emergency but that's not an excuse.
this applies to pretty much everything. deadlines, features etc etc
Again, though, even with this incident, I have absolutely no reason to believe that this will happen again.
The fix is already in place and has been deployed.
Alright. Enough drama. On to another topic...
How do I stay motivated to learn programming? I just can't seem to sit down and code...
(go away, Clippy!)
@bwDraco I can understand. I had similar feelings on the last week on school this june. I had the stress of both exams and moderator nomination, I was acting offensively against people. Taking some time off (and removing my nomination) until my stress levels stabilized helped :)
you've got to start by wanting to code
@arda usually I take a short walk if I need to do something that needs me to wield power when I'm annoyed at people
@JourneymanGeek my sleep cycles are... terrible
Not going for a walk in 3am :/
@arda I'm trying to fix mine
@bwDraco I, for one, hardly find motivation to sit down and code unless someone is pushing me or I have a fun project on hand.
@arda as a mod, I quite literally mean going off the keyboard
context is awesome
@JourneymanGeek I tend to be overconfident in my ability to control myself, that's the real issue.
@JourneymanGeek I only go off kbd to cook, eat, sleep and to go to school
and to stock doritos and mtn dew
@arda you don't have to babysit users tho
occationally ones who clearly are aiming to get on your nerves ;p
(like one pretty persistant troll.)
@arda So I try to find someone to make me message me constantly to code, or I find a good project
I always think "I'm sure I can control myself all the time" and this is the result.
@bwDraco so be aware you are weak, and fickle, and act accordingly
I make wrong decisions on the erroneous assumption that I had the ability to make the right decision.
@JourneymanGeek I should try to fix it
I'm trying to get myself back to 6.30 wakeups
I used to be like that.
Also I don't wake up on 2pm
who wakes on 2pm
and 11 11.30 sleeps but yesterday I dozed off at 10
@bwDraco Find a thing you really want to make and work on making it!
I wake up on 4-5pm
I've been trying to get to bed by 12 and wake up by 7, but that's not good enough.
Those said, I should work on my game
later folks
(I'm still here, I'm ALWAYS here)
So, going forward, I'm going to be implementing changes to ensure safer behavior by assuming that misbehavior is an open possibility at all times no matter my state of mind.
@arda only if you magically become an RO like I did ;p
@JourneymanGeek if only haha
@arda actually, that's exactly what happened to me ;p
I really admire you, @JourneymanGeek. I really do.
Thank you for helping.
Some changes have already been in the works, and I hope to deliver them over the next few days and weeks. I want to make improvements that me and the community can be proud of.
Do, don't say
Saying isn't an impediment to doing.
hm. I wonder if a reverse standing table exists
one that has a floor dog desk height and raises to normal desk height
(roomie has a bad and apparently sitting on a lap helps, but I can't use my desktop then
@bwDraco my mistake usually is thinking so too. Dropping that idea (mine was more along the lines of "I'm perfect and everything I do is perfect" - dropping wasn't easy, but getting tons of people point out my flaws in an election, was helpful and traumatic)... was kind of a bad idea because I don't feel confident about nearly anything anymore, however that allows me to think about stuff more, well, rationally. Try not to force yourself to do stuff. Try to think about what you do
I refuse to step out of the room because I think I can handle this and I fail miserably as a result.
@arda I actually kinda felt the reverse. Its a mix or imposter syndrome and realising I'm only 'human' and the 'virtues' that lead people to vote for me are things that I had anyway
Other than the mighty modhammer of spam-smiting. polishes
My personality puts me at a huge disadvantage.
I really need to be humble, not haughty. This overconfidence is making me make decisions that have no basis in reality.
> Memento mori ("remember that you have to die")[2] is a Latin expression, originating from a practice common in Ancient Rome; as a general came back victorious from a battle, and during his parade ("Triumph") received compliments and honors from the crowd of citizens, he ran the risk of falling victim to haughtiness and delusions of grandeur; to avoid it, a slave stationed behind him would say "Respice post te. Hominem te memento"
@bwDraco In my experience, it sometimes is - I can pressure myself into finishing a project to awesomeness by not telling anyone about it until it's done
@BenN That response was defiant and wrong. It was just my overconfidence showing.
I shouldn't have said that.
@JourneymanGeek You're 100% correct and you just changed my life (no kidding!). I'll try to drill that into my mind.
I've long refused to accept my weaknesses (despite knowing they exist as a matter of fact). This ends here.
Do, don't say.
BRB, going to meditate on that. I'm taking this very seriously.
It's time to change.
So, after some thought, I've decided I'm going to start by making an adjustment to my decision-making process. I will stop assuming that everything I try to do will succeed as intended and start assuming that I may be wrong.
I really can't help but think that this incident has led me to break new ground and make real progress after all this time.
In any case, it's getting late here. Good night.
Thank you so much for your help.
Good night!
Usually it's baked potato on pizza
still strange, but might possibly make sense.
"potato wedges" Chips on pizza .... you monsters...
I'll still be proud—but not haughty or overconfident. Pride must be rooted in realistic abilities and actual achievements, not speculative assumptions regarding whether I can succeed on something.
Good night.
> A faulty power supply in a server caused the rack T02D14 to have an electric disjunction.
Sounds painful.
they probably have a little blue pill for that these days...
If you remember the "CEO" wake-up time experiments, I'm going to state that the experiment was made on an unrealistic assumption that I could fall asleep as early as 9 pm and wake up as early as 5 am the next day without the need to gradually adjust.
That, too, was done on overconfidence. This will no longer be allowed.
Go to bed.
Good morning!
@Burgi I'm awake now... :P
Good day! You have hurtled one day closer towards your impending doom!
Such pleasant thoughts...
You will likely die somewhere on this planet.
I'm not sure if that's something to be sad about...
Hm... chat.stackexchange.com/users/175223/burgi does anyone else see a pink gravatar instead of a green one here?
I see green
I was wondering about that
Yeah, chat has been messing gravatar designs for me for the past week...
All your memes are belong to us...
before dancing baby it was crazycow
they're missing one
crazycow was quite popular in 1995/96 , even i remember that one
it may be labeled as madcow though
i just remember that cow laugh was freeking crazy
bed time
l8r <3
Pride isn't a sin, but only as long as it's grounded in reality. There's a distinction between self-esteem and hubris. #Pride #SelfEsteem
@bwDraco do, don't say
lol, mimicking JMG
cause its true
to be blunt, its a symptom of the attention seeking behavior that's the root of your problems with other folk - you're constantly telling people you are changing, when the need to get attention is what's causing most of these issues, and telling people you will change is a way to get attention
I've actually thought about this and found a relationship between hubris and attention-seeking, and addressing the hubris issue will probably reduce the attention-seeking behavior.
So the first step is to... well, stop telling people you're going to change shit and just change.
No. Change the attention seeking behavior. You're doing it right now. LOOK.
I shouldn't even be feeding it, but I have NO idea how to deal with it otherwise.
I'm actively looking into avenues by which I can practice the changes in a visible manner without overtly seeking attention.
I'll try not to mention it too much. After all, it comes down to the ability to apply skills in practice, not mere claims.
I admit the frequency and scope of such claims is disruptive and unacceptable
You are seeking attention saying that you aren't a not-so-good person as some people think and I understand that and I know that you don't have any ill intents, but maybe you should take some time before you are sure that you have changed. You keeping posting that you have changed or are changing will only take how much they believe you lower.
I care about having an audit trail to refer to once the changes make it to PROD, though, and that's part of the reason I make these kinds of posts.
The idea is that I can look back and say that I've made real progress some point in the future.
@bwDraco I was at your point too. Do, don't say.
My way to track progress was count of me getting warned by mods or the count of people who have me ignored.
Both are on zero atm. From around 3/mo and 4.
@bwDraco you're still doing it tho
@arda I've never gotten warned by mods (much) ;p
Other than maybe "hey, you can close vote now, stop flagging"
dont remember me sending that ;p
Hopefully, this will be the last of my problems here on Stack Exchange and I have every intention of moving forward.
I'm very sorry for the trouble I've caused.
It's getting really late here. Good night.
Yes. like I said, 2 hours ago. Go To Bed.
1 hour later…
Huh, chemistry test was easy...
Dumb dumb dumb
Two more "please don't create shortcuts on my desktop" filed!
"My incredible ability to type words into Google and find a solution in the first link further solidifies my place as the tech genius of my family."
@Rahul2001 there's an xkcd about that
This is favourite of mine:
Because that's what I face while installing moodle every time...
@Rahul2001 Learning platform... maybe the installation process is the first lecture!
@OliverSalzburg I haven't been able to install it in two weeks... Can I drop the subject?
@Rahul2001 "Drop" as in "bring it up" or "never mention it again"?
@OliverSalzburg As in leave that subject if given a choice
"I can drop chemistry in grade 11"
Which, unfortunately, I cannot...
Chemistry is awesome! Why would you want to drop it?
Now Art, that's a pointless subject, drop that instead.
@OliverSalzburg I haven't actually seen many programs do that recently.
Then again I never look at my desktop either.
Cause that requires minimising about 50 windows.
@Rahul2001 are you planning on running it in a VM?
@Bob Two most recent offenders are Franz and Docker
And, of course, every time I update an Adobe application...
@Mokubai because the teachers here in India are no good and although I love chem, studying it in this system is going to be tortuous
@Rahul2001 curses!
you will have wait until 1900 UK time now
@Burgi lol, no problem
its not very good
@OliverSalzburg iTunes does it as well.
@DavidPostill >_> Its apple. Arn't they the ones tried to install anything they ever wrote on windows if you had anything ever installed?
@Rahul2001 It's because of the image size
Q: Why is my profile image different?

LaurelWhen I first signed up on a Stack Exchange site and got a profile image, it was this one (see my current user card): Later, I got Area 51 and SEDE profiles, and my user image there was a different identicon. Because reasons I already know. I would have a picture of it, but that's the problem....

Q: Why did my avatar change?

barronMy network-wide gravatar identicon used to be a pleasant blue, now it's bright green. I didn't change my email. Did Stack Exchange change its email hashing algorithm or something?

"It seems a gravatar problem, not related to Stack Overflow."
So if anyone wants to have a consistent gravatar, they should manually download it and set it as their profile pic...
Or have a non random ava
@DavidPostill Gravatar is owned by Wordpress. Wordpress uses PHP. I blame PHP.
> India cows get glow-in-the-dark horns to stop crashes
Q: Moving Servers Within The Same Building

GarethHere's my scenario: I'm a developer that inherited (unbeknownst to me) three servers located within my office. I also inherited the job of being the admin of the servers with a distinct lack of server administration knowledge and google / ServerFault as a reference point. Luckily, I've never actu...

@Bob by that token we can blame computers as a whole.
all WP ideas are cool but most stories suck imo
@JourneymanGeek nah, it stops at PHP. It's always PHP.
@JourneymanGeek *blame php
i like PHP....
@Burgi so do I, but that doesn't make it not bad
its cheaper than ASP.net
its slower than ASP.net [citation-needed]
my experience is contrary to that but meh

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