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Q: I need a link to download Ghost 11.exe

Tidiane TRAORECan someone give me a link to download version 11 of Ghost.exe , I tried previous version of Ghost but it doesn't work, Help me please. Thanks

Fairly certain Ghost is a commercial thing
That said, it comes with a certain semi-popular, freely-available Windows-related tool pack :)
Ghost (an acronym for general hardware-oriented system transfer) is a disk cloning and backup tool originally developed by Murray Haszard in 1995 for Binary Research. The technology was acquired in 1998 by Symantec. The backup and recovery functionality has been replaced by Symantec System Recovery (SSR), although the Ghost imaging technology is still actively developed and is available as part of Symantec Ghost Solution Suite. == History == Binary Research developed Ghost in Auckland, New Zealand. After the Symantec acquisition, a few functions (such as translation into other languages) were moved...
its just a terrible question and one that could certainly be solved by 5 minutes with a search engine
@Burgi Not if you are looking for a cracked copy ;)
But then any smart person would not use pirate software to backup ...
Q: Electronics Board Debugging

Amin GhasemiI have a board with 2 input voltages; one of them is 5V and another is 12V. I set 12V adapter to 5V absolutely in a wrong way. so I've found myself in a big problem. hope you guys help me to fix it so: how can I find out which element has burned? I don't wanna to demount it please please ... I pu...

Hmm, it seems like it could conceivably be on-topic (computer hardware), but might be too broad
<haven't VtC'd>
i like how it has "Do not touch!" printed on the board
it doesn't look like computing hardware
@Burgi Ah, true
Q: command doens't stop when finds a hit?

Muntean Cosmin ManimI use ncrack and this is the code i use inside a bat file and this are all my 6 pass lists: Ncrack running 1 pass then 2'nd pass then 3'rd pass etc....but.. ncrack --user Admin -P pass1.txt -oN good.txt -f && ncrack --user Admin -P pass2.txt -oN good.txt -f &&... belongs to United States Concord Contra Costa Water District. Port 3389 is Microsoft Terminal Server (RDP).
What is this hacker up to?
@Mokubai @JourneymanGeek @Sathya should we delete this question?
Vtc, will get auto deleted
@Sathya As off-topic?
I guess Unclear works :)
Man is an imaninary IP ....ufff i am not inteersted about fishy IPPPP — Muntean Cosmin Manim 21 secs ago
Pen testers (in my experience) usually speak better english...
not necessarily but when David's asked multiple times what he's done & you dont get anything, well
ooh one deleted q
claiming it is a randomly chosen IP....
@RahulBasu He's Romanian ;)
@DavidPostill how did you figure that?
i can neither confirm nor deny :p
Muntean Cosmin Manim, Mühlbach, Alba, Romania
@Sathya ;p
I absolutely hate it when I spend like half an hour on an answer and then don't get any rep :(
2 mins ago, by DavidPostill
Check the photo http://creator.wonderhowto.com/munteancosminmanim/
@Burgi Do keep up ;)
@DavidPostill i was talking to @RahulBasu
does gravatar strip out EXIF information?
@Burgi I was just talking in general, looking back on my old posts...
you could get his co-ordinates from the selfie image and let the romanian police turn up on his doorstep
would this question get better coverage on android.se?
Q: Open Androidx86 system.img to edit init.sh

user1928108I have been trying to open the system.img on my Androidx86 installation to add rmmod i2c-hid and modprobe i2c-hid to it because the touch on my Tablet doesn't seem to work in Android x86. I have already tried to open it with EXT4 Unpacker, but it says Unknown file format when I try to open the sy...

It's not strictly off-topic here, but it probably would go better over there
thats what i was thinking
It's the poster's choice to migrate in such situations
There should totally be a way for users to unilaterally migrate their questions if they're unanswered and there's a note from a highish-rep user about the other site
not even a rep limit on the migration?
Hmm, maybe the 250 to view close votes might be an appropriate limit
Currently, flagging for mod attention (15 rep) is how it's done, and I think those flags are always accepted
@BenN Hmm. I think any mod would refuse to migrate if it wasn't a good fit at the other end.
Right, it has to be on-topic at the target
I should have clarified that, sorry
"The golden rule of migration has always been "don't migrate crap" but lately the bar has been raised a little higher. I usually try not to migrate questions unless I think the community on the other site would actively want the question on their site, as opposed to just not minding it being there."
A: Flag to migrate: bad practice, bad timing, or bad call?

Bill the LizardMigration to other sites can be a thorny issue. I can see two reasons for not migrating that question to the Unix & Linux site. While it's not a terrible question, it's not the highest quality either. The author didn't use complete sentences and didn't show a lot of research effort. The gold...

i do think they should have all the sites in the "off-topic" bit and have a little search box to select the correct site
Bill the Lizard was a mod IIRC but he resigned
And fair enough, it would be good to check for dupes at the target
(Good reason to have a rep limit on this fictional ability)
As an aside, why are so many Excel questions really bad? 90% of them are "gimme the codez" along with absolutely no effort and no images or tables of their data. Of the other 10% most of them are incomprehensible.
Excel is a super common program and I guess a lot of not-super-technical people want to do interesting things with it
Without thinking of what it would take to adequately answer the question
@BenN figures (pun intended) :p
Clearly we should create a Psychics SE site and migrate the questions there
I think SO could use that migration path too
@BenN Yeah, if I'm feeling grumpy I include "Do you think we are mind readers" as part of a comment ;)
Raymond Chen's posts about psychic debugging are great
@BenN lol
Today I'm feeling grumpy because I can't find any decent questions I can answer. I haven't gained any rep for 2 days and I'm getting withdrawal symptoms ;)
Heh, I've been on sabbatical for a few weeks, first for real life stuff (yay exams!) and then to launch the Deep Web SE site
Speaking of the Deep Web private beta, want to join?
@BenN Exams? Did they appear to go OK?
Yep, all good
@BenN Anybody can join (and I have). We had this discussion a day or so ago.
Oh, did I mention it already? Cool
May 17 at 19:52, by DavidPostill
@Nick Click https://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/87978/deep-web/visit then go to the bottom and click "Visit the site now!"
Right, the Area 51 page link is publicly usable; it's still called "private beta" though, I guess there's not a concise name that describes the stage
You don't need an invite ;)
I think the private beta means it's not indexed by Gargle?
Ah, that makes sense; you need to register first
You might even say it's part of the deep web in this stage!
Those requirements were relaxed some time ago - if someone is interested enough in a site that they would click a link in the area51 proposal, then why shouldn't they participate? — Oded ♦ May 18 at 13:24
Indeed, and that's a good thing
what is deep web about?
Parts of the Internet not accessible to standard search engines
Stuff like Freenet and Tor hidden services
does it include sites blocked with robots.txt?
I'm not sure, we're still hammering out the details of our scope
hope i haven't put the kaibosch on it with that question...
does it also cover intranets?
I don't think so, it has to be part of the Internet, as in accessible from basically anywhere
has anyone invented a tor search engine?
Like one that searches Tor hidden services for links to other hidden services? I'm not aware of one
You might ask that!
i was kind of thinking of a google-esque site on the TOR network to index and catalogue the content
based on my limited knowledge of the system probably a yahoo directory type thing would be better
@Burgi deepweb.se answers all your questions 😉
heya! can i ask question about "internet connection" or this is off topic?
What do you mean?
@ramsay you sure can! Please provide us the link
In my home me and my sister uses internet but my sister uses on iphone i don't know why but, when she browses my internet speed goes down
so is there a way to increase my speed and decrease her speed(*me is using computer*)
i think this is off topic, isn't it?
Well, networking is on-topic, but I'm not sure we'll be able to provide any useful answers from just that
"any useful answers from just that" this means this site needs more information(i am ready to give)
Right, we'll need more details
like what?
You should write a question on the main site. It will be seen by more people than just us here now
i was asking whether this question is eligible for this site or not?
@ramsay The topic is on topic, but you'll need to provide more details, or it will probably be downvoted
Elaborate a little
include diagnostics data in the question
what is "diagnostics data"?
pings, traceroutes, speedtests, etc
oh ok
Also the network layout: both devices use Wi-Fi? One uses wired and other 3G? Have you tested if the issue persists on wifi and wired? Etc etc
ya both uses wifi
Or a reallllly bad question. Either way...
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@MichaelFrank Sure looks like spam to me
i flagged as spam
@BenN the dyslexics would have a hard time asking questions on Physics.SE instead...
Hmm, that user has some rep, but had 40 points removed due to a user being deleted
@BenN Yea, that's what I was a little confused about.
why was this question migrated to us?
Q: Web app refuses to be in a normal tab, how to force it?

FiksdalWhen I log into my online banking, it insists on opening as a separate window. I get no tabs, no icons for extensions, no reload or back buttons, nothing. I've tried to make it open as a normal tab. I've tried to merge it with a normal Chrome window. I think it's annoying that I can't have i...

@Burgi Probably because it needs a software solution.
its a javascript dialog window
@MichaelFrank And it's gone
@BenN I wonder if it was a breached account?
Well, if so, the spam destruction penalty can be undone by a mod
(It can for offensive posts, at least, not 100% sure about spam)
yeah looks like a compromised account, the guy answer a question 2 years ago
i don't know why they bother with spam links, SE puts rel=nofollow on everything external
Hi all
I returned my ASUS Z170M to the store and bought a new low end (but DDR4 :D) Gigabyte GA-Z170M-D3H which has just enough PCIe for my 980 and 81605ZQ (GPU and RAID) and it POSTs with the 980 as the primary video device !!!!!
It doesn't have thunderbolt or USB 3.1 but it has very good USB 3.0 support and is still a Sunrise Point-H chipset at its core
Literally the only thing I have left to do is install the storage hardware and wire it up and close up the case
@allquixotic Huh why?
maybe i'm stupid but sometimes the network diagrams people create here are totally messed up and i really struggle to understand wtf is going on
Q: Cannot connect to second router wireless

MikeI am trying to set up two routers on my network (secondary to be VPN router). I have the secondary router at and the primary at I've disabled DHCP from the secondary router and am running it in 'wireless router' mode. My wired computer connected to the secondary router...

You're stupid
However the person who askd
ed that question is stupider
I understand perfectly what's going on. I have no idea what the hell he was thinking though
IOW, I know what he wants to do and what he has actually done, I just can't figure out any sort of relationship between the two :-P
you don't pull your punches do you @qwertyuiop? ;)
There's a pot noodle in my nose
I think it may be trying to take over my brain
If it hasn't already
Maybe it's sending some weird voodoo EM telepathic control waves through my skull
Yes, that must be it
I am a noodle
I have a noodle for a brain
This noodle will take ovALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO NOODLE
mars is really bright tonight
its about 4 or 5 arm-length fists to the right of the moon
@Burgi I can't see it... the sun is too bright.
its to the right of the moon so it will be on the otherside of the planet
i suggest you glare really hard at your floor until a hole burns through
2 hours later…
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
@Bob @JourneymanGeek See below. Image taken of current running system. Also, first post from my Skylake build :D
lol @ activation - I rebooted the PC and it activated. Apparently Microsoft was like ">_>..." --> "...mmh, okay, same video card at least, whatever"
new mobo, new ram, new cpu, new everything except PSU, GPU, and the SSDs, and a block-level copy of Windows onto new HDDs
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