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That's odd
1 hour later…
@allquixotic had any luck isolating the issue?
Cooler? :S
Oh you tried with stock
@allquixotic Could also try asking for help => reddit.com/r/buildapc (self post w/ link to the tomshardware one I guess)
Did you end up trying to hook up a speaker?
Have you tried actually connecting a real power button? :P
Huh. From the manual:
> Set the CPU host frequency in accordance with the CPU specifications. It is not recommended that the system bus frequency be set beyond hardware specifications since it does not meet the standard requirements for the peripherals. If you wish to set the frequency beyond the standard specifications, please do so according to your hardware specifications including the CPU, graphics card, memory, hard drive, etc.
One wonders how you'd set that on a non-booting system. Or why you'd even need to set it.
Weird manual.
use the reset jumper?
@JourneymanGeek He already tried, IIRC.
@allquixotic Sure it's on CPU_FAN and not CPU_OPT?
also, if I haven't mentioned already, modern systems have lights as well
> These fan headers are not configuration jumper blocks. Do not place a jumper cap on the headers.
Hm. The speaker connector is inside F_PANEL.
It's a simple +/NC/NC/-
You could always do the thing I suggested last night (buy $2 earphones, wire them up)
Ground to -, one earbud to +
@JourneymanGeek I don't see any in the manual...
Also, @allquixotic, I'm confused by your post saying "MSI Z170M-E D3" -- that appears to be an Asus board?
That Asus board has a power button on the mobo...
Have you tried that MemOK thing? :P
Looks like hte Asus board does have LEDs for diagnostics.
@Bob the z77's an asus, the others arn't
I don't see any MSI boards with that model number.
I think @allquixotic typo'd the brand.
or the model
maybe, but the model is more oddly specific? :P
reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/3ujf8k/… this seems to suggest loosing the cooler screws would help
@JourneymanGeek Yea I think he tried with just the cooler resting on top.
I'm wondering if the pins on the motherboard are bent
I had similar symptoms, but I hadn't built a box in years and I think @allquixotic has had more practice.
@JourneymanGeek Both motherboards?
@Bob yeah, that's what makes me skeptical
That does scream odd to me.
@allquixotic you can update firmware without a processor these days so its plausible
@allquixotic doublecheck which ram slots. Pretty sure you need to populate the same coloured slots, including the first slot
> With 16 GB DDR4 (1 stick - tried in all four slots)
A: Origin of movie trope where impaled character pulls/pushes blade/spear further into body?

Wad CheberTL;DR: The trope came from the facts that: - If you were impaled on a spear, the smart way to remove it is to keep pushing it through your body and out the other side.1 So people who actually fought in the era of swords and spears would have seen it done, albeit in less badass circumstances. ...

one of the funniest answers ever
Hm... wonder if allq went to sleep.
2 hours later…
@Bob nope
@allquixotic Ah. Do you still feel like playing anything today?
With all the new computer problems :\
New PC has my only working modern PSU in it
So recap- earlier I went to microcenter and got a new mobo and a i3 6100
Tonight through some magic I got the original Gigabyte motherboard to bench successfully
same everything?
I got the custom cooler, all 64 gigs of ram and even some peripherals working in the gigabyte board
I had to replace stripped motherboard standoffs and some other retarded physical layer shit
However it seems that the first PCIe slot, and the only one that does x16, is busted
Whatever I plug into the first PCIe slot doesn't get recognized, even if it has power
Not even a single slot nv 8600GT with no external PCIe power connectors will work in the first slot, but works flawlessly in the x8 slot (x16 physical, x8 actual)
And because of the physical proximity of slots 2 and 3, a dual slot GPU completely obscures slot 3, so I can't install my RAID card in this config
Basically unless I get slot 1 working through some magic (unlikely), I'll have to RMA this motherboard and try again... Which is a REAL bummer because I have the CPU fan down nice and tight and that's very difficult to do right
If I could live just with the IGP I wouldn't even care about this but it's a deal breaker for me
So my 6700K isn't dead, my PSU is fine, my CPU cooler works well, the mobo is basically functional, all is well EXCEPT for the first PCIe slot - it's always something, isn't it?
I even booted up Ubuntu and ran lspci just to make sure the nvidia card wasn't being detected in the first slot, and sure enough it wasn't
hm. and its a modern system so it can't be doing that 'onboard video or first pci slot BS earlier motherboards cards did.
yea, that really smells of rma
@JourneymanGeek actually the mobo has a setting for that in the "BIOS" that lets you pick which slot initializes for graphics first
It's set to the first PCIe slot by default lol
@allquixotic but it'll run both. In older systems you quite literally used the same PCIe channels for both so it was one or the other
And without changing that setting I was able to get it to display the BIOS with either the 980 or the 8600GT in the x8 slot
I'd muck around with that just to be sure ._.
On the plus side I got a new battery case for my iPhone that doubles battery life ... Yeah not exactly the extent of what I was hoping to accomplish this weekend.
I said "God damn it!" numerous times in a similar voice as Francis
Except I don't destroy anything in my rage except my vocal chords
Otherwise pretty accurate
I've got nothing done but laundry and dishes all week
That Francis is actually a character (act) of a legitimately nice guy
His real name is Steven and he's pretty sane and reasonable and a gamer
He didn't actually destroy anything there either ;p
Still a big dude but he's trying to lose weight, he dropped like 60 lbs
I lost 2 kg in the time my parents are away
not sure how.
Oh I linked you to a clip of a bigger video where he throws his xbox out on the street and bashes it repeatedly with a guitar until both break
It's just an act but pretty typical of red neck white trash in America, fat or no
Usually when I get frustrated, I mop.
(or clean the toilet, scrubbing works just as well)
Picked up the habit in the army ;p
I honestly don't even remember at this point what made the difference between the shorting and the successful POSTs I got with the original Z170M mobo I bought
Might have been the process of moving it to a new location with newspaper down instead of paper, idk
@allquixotic disconnecting and reconnecting everything? ;p
Get a multimeter! Maybe the paper is conductive?
Haha maybe laser paper is meant to be a little conductive
beats me, it seems ... kiiiinda logical
I ordered a $5 pc speaker that will be here Monday so at least I'll be able to troubleshoot POST beep codes in the future
on the build I'm sitting on at now, I managed to bend pins on my motherboard
@JourneymanGeek don't you mean Sennheisers me, or Meelectronics me, or Bang&Olufsson me? Beats are anathema to RA
@allquixotic clearly beats are torture.
I prefer fischers myself ;p
Oh. The mobo I bought at Microcenter, aside from being damn DDR3 and no thunderbolt / usb 3.1, also had a bent pin(s) on the CPU slot - I don't THINK I caused it though... Possible but unlikely
that would stop it from booting alright
No bent pins on the original Gigabyte mobo though. Just a broken PCIe slot
"I can't find my little brother, Corbin"
-- Colleen, Dust: An Elysian Tail
@allquixotic What about the MSI/Asus one?
I'm going to get some sleep, night
@allquixotic 'night
I am a potato
@Bob broken CPU pins.
@allquixotic Owwwwwww
Really really bad luck there :\
"You take this, and go far away as you can. AND NEVER COME BACK!"
@ThatBrazilianGuy don't read thehackernews... That website is full of inaccuracies...
For example, the second word in that article is 'incognito', but incognito mode doesn't protect you from tracking anyways...
Some of their articles are fine, but most aren't :(
oh, btw
@DavidPostill cortana told me it is today :(
Okay, my bad
it was released on this day in 1980, but this day isn't celebrated as pacman day...
@DavidPostill 19 days ago? This is May.
Roughly 49 days ago.
@jokerdino Okay, my bad ;)
Ok, for something notable that did happen on 22 May: Birthday of Ethernet. I thinks that is worth celebrating.
May 22, 1973

Xerox Researcher Proposes "Ethernet"

Robert Metcalfe, a researcher at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center in California, writes his original memo proposing an "Ethernet," a means of connecting computers together. Metcalfe described the document, typed out on an IBM Selectric typewriter, as follows: "Ether Acquisition" ... heavy with handwritten annotations -- one of which was "ETHER!" -- and with hand-drawn diagrams -- one of which showed `boosters' interconnecting branched cable, telephone, and radio ethers in what we now call an internet.... If Ethernet was invented in any
How do you find this info?
wikipedia doesn't even have this listed :(
That should mention the release on pacman though...
OOh. Tomorrow is Java Day.
My birthday is 2-button mouse day!!
@jokerdino Don't mind @DavidPostill, he got teleported through a wormhole a while back and is having trouble adjusting :P
@Bob lol
@Bob lol
@JourneymanGeek what I didn't know is 2020 Olympics is happening in Tokyo.
@jokerdino totally part of the plan. Yanno, akira references the games...
@RahulBasu is it sad that I know he's talking about the decss key, and that its really old? ;p
@JourneymanGeek heh
@JourneymanGeek New user superuser.com/users/458647/mike has posted two similar answers promoting a 3rd party screen saver. Although they could answer the questions it looks spammish to me. What do you think? I flagged both as spam.
@DavidPostill user seems clean on SO. Website has affliate links, which he hasn't used, so rules out affliate link
Answers are crap,
(If you ever wondered why your spam flag gets rejected, these are some of the steps I go through, + a few special mod things I can't talk about)
Well that or growl flag NUKE USER
@JourneymanGeek Ah. I missed that. I will dig more next time ;)
@DavidPostill entirely valid flags, I'd have saved some time if I noticed that first ;)
I missed the link in his profile, was only looking at his answers :/
LOL what
Q: What is "OpenGL" and why did a player get banned for it?

DeMizeToday, while playing Counter Strike 1.6 on a server, I saw a message at the left corner saying: Player Name - x. Permanent Ban. Reason - "OpenGL" detected So what is this OpenGL thing in Counter Strike?

@Bob clearly he should have used directx
in batch can you call a function, which, in turn, calls another function?
nevermind, you can
does anyone even use that now?
@RahulBasu banks
@RahulBasu seems more like a cause I can thing
Like a x86 emulator in js.
@djsmiley2k the web dev one for the marketing agency
@RahulBasu seems more like a cause I can thing
I wanted to say that too cause I can thing.
@jokerdino glitch!
1 hour later…
Q: Is it possible to connect an external GPU via ethernet

Suici DogaI have laptop which has working Ethernet port but I always use WiFi . I am wondering if it is possible to run a graphics card (with external power supply) connected to the Ethernet port and use (with some kind of PCI emulation to emulate the Ethernet GPU as a PCI one). A Cat6 cable has 10 GBs wh...

I am tempted to use grumpy cat for the answer I posted for this
@JourneymanGeek to be fair, most modern GPUs don't take much of a hit on x8 or even x4
@Bob yeah, but latency + translating protocols...
And I felt a little hyperbole was handy here ;p
@JourneymanGeek latency wouldn't really factor into the 1Gbit vs 10Gbit argument though
plus the whole 'i can put this cable into this port, therefore it must do the max theortical speed of a port of that shape'
@Bob unrelated points ? ;p
latency for PCIe vs ethernet
I wonder if that really would be significant if it's point to point
rj45 vs cat6e
We can do decent video streaming over the internet now, and there's already a lot of work to minimise large transfers to the gpu
Which is what I suggested
Though dx12 might be worse...
but video streaming is a different problem
you're converting a video stream to a more efficient format
@djsmiley2k s/rj45/8P8C/
as opposed to translating from ethernet to pci-e
@JourneymanGeek I'm talking from a latency perspective there
Considering nvidia and steam are doing game streaming
@Bob well I never D:
so wtf is rj45 then
Wrong Bob
D: also that
> The registered jack specifications define the wiring patterns of the jacks, not the physical dimensions or geometry of the connectors of either gender.
so it's only rj45 once it's wired up?
and it might not be the same wiring order as ethernet....
@JourneymanGeek déja vu
@djsmiley2k I don't think so... Ethernet wire order is defined elsewhere afaik
@jokerdino something something CAT something something SAME CAT!
i have a brother and sister cat
from behind, same cat.
@djsmiley2k ._.
Usually its obvious which one's a tom cat.
what about bob cat?
he's a big wus
he's JUST moved back in tho, so hop[ing he doesn't tryt and spray everywhere
Most of the local strays are female, and pretty aloof
he hasn't fought with his sister yet, so that's a good sign
there's a ginger tom who's a big ham
I've seen people sit down on a curb so he can sit on their lap and get stroked ;p
and the previous ginger tom was a one eyed grizzled creature who would roll over if he recognised you for belly rubs.
Last week I updated Fedora 22 to 23. The slowest part was downloading 4.5 GB if data. Now I am upgrading Win 8 to win 8.1... Since yesterday evening.
So after discussing how javascript basically runs anywhere...
you can now run cobol in js D:
The thing has been "preparing" for almost an hour now
Do you happen to have any USB devices plugged in?
Windows takes longer to get prepared than my wife!
I remember my Win8 machine wedged itself in that phase until I unplugged my pen&touch USB thing
@djsmiley2k You can run Linux in JS. From there you can install PhantomJS. And run Linux in that JS.
i wonder if my star thing can hit double digits
what star thing?
May 18 at 18:24, by Burgi
got the job
there you go
@ThatBrazilianGuy JSception.
@Burgi i'm also looking for a jorb now
this one i have can suck it
I want to be back on the linux side of the world
Windows just causes too much trouble.
It looks like you're trying to be back on the linux side of the world.

Would you like help? << haha
put your CV on www.cv-library.co.uk or cwjobs.co.uk
my phone went mental
no job to a job in under a week
omg... old people!
my mother was trying to charge her tablet using a mini USB and trying to plug it into the micro HDMI port...
sounds like a natural mistake to make
at least she didn't think it was wireless
@Burgi yeah I hit up monster on friday night
I'll likely do those ones tonight
I still get about 1-2 calls a week from previous searching
your phone will literally melt tomorrow morning
i got phone calls at 8am!
I don't think I ever got a job phonecall. .___.
most first contact here's over email, other than the dodgy recruitment agencies like the one that wanted a tech support guy for 1K a month or the microfilm one.
1k/month here is a great salary. 1K USD, not 1k BRL.
i'm always on cwjobs but I think I'm set as 'no, don't talk to me'
tho i can't tell if the website isn't working or this laptop is just being lame
Haha my windows comment got star'd
Maybe by someone who's having troubles with Windows right now.
I wonder who could it be...Who? Hmm...
we went to the pub last night after it had been raining hard all day and everywhere was flooded. then midway through the night the transformer substation must have got flooded and the lights in the village went out
oooo that's a proper village
I hadn't thought about that, I'm in a 'village' now
tho we aren't really that far away
wonder what teh power is like here D:
the bar staff refused to serve me because "we can't put it through the till"
because making money is bad
people have been serving beer for hundreds of years before electricity
we had to explain to them what cash was
and how to use their table service waitering pads with a pen
they wanted to take my CC details and would have charged me the next day when the power came back on
they then tried to say the pumps wouldn't work...
the ales were fine, as were the bottles and the spirits
just the yukky lagers with their electric pumps weren't working
it really annoyed me that they were just going to give up because they had no power
@Burgi You can't open the electric till with the change in it without electricity ;)
@DavidPostill easily fixed
you can only order £10 of drinks at a time
And you can't count the cash in the dark ;)
@DavidPostill you can if you have the key
they had candles and mobile phones
that meta question sounds like a whinge
@Burgi I read it bunch of times & I still cant figure out what it's about
i'm glad i'm not the only one confused by it
I think this meta question pretty much sums up why you don't get any positive feedback. There's a lot of verbosity, lot of ranting and I can't figure out what you're trying to ask — Sathya ♦ 11 secs ago
I think he's cheesed of because superuser.com/questions/1079586/… has hit HNQ
It is a bizarre question to be fair.
@DavidPostill I quite agree, never thought of using an external GPU with an Ethernet cable.
i think i've gone back in time 15 years.... i'm burning flash EXEs to CD for my mother to use in lessons...
@DavidPostill yeah but it comes to the category of questions people love to get an answer nomatter how silly it sounds
@DavidPostill i meant to mention this the other day but got swamped
@Burgi If the file has just been Autosaved and no further changes made prior to saving and closing then the current version of the file can be recovered using data recovery tools. — DavidPostill May 17 at 8:22
the fact it is on a USB drive means it could be edited elsewhere and be out of sync with the versions on the original PC
it wasn't worth a comment on the question but thats what i envisioned in my head when i commented originally
@Burgi Ah. That's a strange corner case. My guess is the OP has confidential data in the file he doesn't want accessible.
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